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杨与肖 《经营者》2013,(2):22-23
郑显聪调离,柏恩翰(John Burton)接任,蔓延汽车圈的高管更迭依然在继续。1月25日,菲亚特-克莱斯勒亚太区宣布,原广汽菲亚特总经理郑显聪被任命为菲亚特股份公司旗下零部件公司马涅蒂·马瑞利中国区总裁,2013年3月1日起,其总经理职位由柏恩翰(JohnBurton)担任,任期三年。从2010年出任广汽菲亚特总经理,郑显聪代表菲亚特方面承担了与合资伙伴广汽的沟通协调工作,其带领的团队  相似文献   

郑显聪调离,柏恩翰(John Burton)接任,蔓延汽车圈的高管更迭依然在继续。1月25日,菲亚特.克莱斯勒亚太区宣布,原广汽菲亚特总经理郑显聪被任命为菲亚特股份公司旗下零部件公司马涅蒂·马瑞利中国区总裁,2013年3月1日起,其总经理职位由柏恩翰(John Burton)担任,任期三年。  相似文献   

一个现实的难题是,作为全球联盟的一份子,克莱斯勒中国是否还具备为马尔乔内的计划提供帮助的能力4月21日,在菲亚特汽车位于都灵的总部,菲亚特-克莱斯勒联盟的CEO马尔乔内(Sergio Marchionne)做了超过5个小时的漫长演讲,内容关于菲亚特未来5年的详细规划,包括具体车型的生产地点和数量,以及与克莱斯勒品牌的融合。克莱斯勒车型会在欧洲以蓝旗亚品牌销  相似文献   

孟为 《经营者》2011,(9):76-77
马尔乔内又一次缺席中国车展。 4月初,他所领导的菲亚特计划斥资12.7亿美元再次购人克莱斯勒16%股权,从而使其在克莱斯勒的持股比例增至46%,离控制51%股权的计划更进一步。  相似文献   

"我们有可能寻求第二家合作伙伴在中国发展Jeep品牌。"—菲亚特-克莱斯勒首席执行官马尔乔内(Sergio Marchionne)尽管马尔乔内希望完全收编克莱斯勒的计划还没有最终落定,但意大利人已经计划在中国寻找新的合作伙伴。他称:"已经有多家(中国)企  相似文献   

张嫣 《经营者》2014,(1):34-35,13
菲亚特终于"啃"下了克莱斯勒,由此双方能够进一步在资源上互相支持和促进,真正平衡全球业务菲亚特完全持股克莱斯勒的深谋远虑,终于在2014年伊始得偿所愿。2014年元旦,菲亚特发布声明称,已同克莱斯勒另一大股东——美国汽车工人联合会(UAW)下的信托机构——美国自愿员工受益协会(VoluntaryEmployeesBeneficiary Association,VEBA)就克莱斯勒股权价格达成一致,菲亚特将100%持有克莱斯勒的股份,成为世界第七大  相似文献   

诺基亚发布今年一季度财报,净营收76.5亿美元,同比降20.4%;净亏损1.96亿美元,同比大幅收窄78.4%。对诺基亚CEO史蒂芬·埃洛普而言,现在面临着两难的境地,是保功能手机还是放弃该业务发展智能手机?菲亚特CEO马尔乔内正在推动菲亚特与克莱斯勒集团进行完全合并,从而扩大公司规模和获取更多资源。目前菲亚特持有克莱斯勒58.5%的股份,美国联合汽车工会下属的自愿员工受益协会持有克莱斯勒余下41.5%的股份。  相似文献   

马吉英 《中国企业家》2009,339(10):28-28
如果一切都顺利,菲亚特和克莱斯勒或许会重演雷诺日产的那一段传奇。美国总统奥巴马5月1日宣布克莱斯勒破产的同时,菲亚特正式启动了重组计划:双方计划在60天内成立一家新公司,菲亚特将首先获得克莱斯勒20%的股权,未来还有可能增持至51%。  相似文献   

克莱斯勒现已破产,即将并入菲亚特。在我撰写此文之际.通用汽车公司似乎也要步入这种结局。对于全球汽车业和中国汽车业来说,这意味着什么?  相似文献   

9月17日,安德烈-福米卡(Andrea Formica)被任命为菲亚特汽车的总裁,主管菲亚特、阿尔法罗密欧、蓝旗亚以及菲亚特轻型商用车品牌。此外,他还将担任克莱斯勒欧洲的负责人。福米卡1989年在意大利加盟福特欧洲,2002年加盟丰田汽车,担任丰田欧洲的销售副总裁。  相似文献   

This article discusses developments in the famously automotive‐centered productive system in Turin and the surrounding Piedmont region in the wake of major crisis at Fiat Auto. This large, articulated and internationally competitive productive system emerged from interactions between Fiat, its suppliers and other regional actors, but has always had Fiat at its center in a directive role, as the sole actor with both the interest and the ability to provide key collective goods. The automaker is today dramatically weakened, leaving the Piedmont region with an essential and unanswered question: what will happen to the networks of relationships and diversity of productive services if Fiat Auto does — as seems likely — cease to play its historic ‘monarchical’ role? To answer this question, we draw on literatures in comparative political economy, economic sociology and institutionalist economic geography concerned with path dependency and the decentralized coordination of production to trace the territorially embedded development of the Piedmontese automotive components industry as it has been constructed through Fiat's contradictory interaction with the productive hinterland. In so doing, we identify possible futures for the region and discuss the feasibility of constructing new associational coordinating institutions. Cet article traite des évolutions du système productif de Turin et de la région environnante du Piémont centré, comme chacun sait, sur l’automobile, alors que Fiat Auto a subi une crise majeure. Ce système productif, vaste, articulé et compétitif au plan international, est né d’interactions entre Fiat, ses fournisseurs et d’autres acteurs régionaux, Fiat assurant toujours un rôle directif, acteur unique ayant à la fois intérêt et aptitude à fournir des biens collectifs essentiels. Le fabricant automobile, aujourd’hui très affaibli, laisse la région piémontaise sans réponse face à une question vitale: qu’adviendra‐t‐il des réseaux relationnels et de la diversité des services à la production si Fiat Auto cesse — cela paraît probable — de jouer son rôle historique ‘monarchique’? Pour répondre, l’article part de textes d’économie politique comparative, de sociologie économique et de géographie économique institutionnaliste traitant de la dépendance de chemin et de la coordination décentralisée d’une production, et retrace l’évolution, inscrite dans le territoire, de l’industrie des composants automobiles piémontaise, puisque celle‐ci est bâtie sur l’interaction contradictoire de Fiat avec l’arrière‐pays productif. Ce faisant, on peut déterminer des avenirs potentiels pour la région et aborder la faisabilité de l’élaboration de nouvelles institutions coordinatrices associatives.  相似文献   

马吉英 《中国企业家》2012,(11):88-91,10
IPO受挫,但扩张依旧,这家争议中奔跑的公司继续等待"钓到大鱼"的瞬间作为神州租车的创始人、董事局主席和首席执行官,陆正耀的爱好之一是打麻将。至于水平,摸一张不用看就知道是什幺牌当然难不倒他,他的自我评价是,"早已超越了出神入化的阶段"。比打麻将更让他兴奋的是,在过去几年里,他也摸准了租车行业在中国崛起的机会。虽然租车行业在不少国家已经相对成熟,但在中国,这是一个被视为朝阳行业的新领域。罗兰贝格的数据表明,到  相似文献   

文化背景影响顾客抱怨行为。中国传统文化背景下的顾客在经历产品或服务失败之后,倾向于将其归因为"缘分"、运气等不可控因素,不满意程度较低;而重视面子和讲求中庸等观念使得他们往往不愿意直接向企业投诉;集体主义和人与人之间互相依赖的价值导向则使得他们可能会进行大量负面口碑宣传。因此,企业需要认真审视这些行为表现及其文化成因,采取相应措施,鼓励顾客直接向企业投诉;管理顾客负面口碑;同时,还需开发测量中国顾客满意度的新标准。  相似文献   

关鉴  段明珠 《中国企业家》2012,(13):101-107,13
对中国的民营企业来讲,从今天起,认识到"家族传承"与"企业传承"的不同意义,正是时候发挥家族委员会的核心作用,树立家族宪法的基本权威,是实现有效"家族传承"的两个基本点家族事务和企业事务不要纠缠在一起;理性化的企业经营不受感情化的家庭关系左右是处理家族企业传承的根本准则  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is interpreting, from an evolutionary perspective, recent developments of work organization and human resource management policies at Fiat Auto, one of the world's largest automobile manufacturers, which achieved a successful restructuring in the early 1990s. Building on a heritage of adversarial labour relations and ‘mass production’ organizational principles, Fiat developed an original and to some extent hybrid version of ‘lean’ human resource management practices (teamwork, flexible compensation, multi-skilling, etc.).

The paper analyses this process of organizational change from an evolutionary perspective based on the concept of dynamic capabilities. From this standpoint, IR. HRM and work organization practices are the result of a learning process, based on original development, imitation, analogical replication, combination and selection of organizational capabilities; organizational capabilities have a cumulative and path-dependent nature; workplace innovations are also rooted in organizational absorptive capacities, that is, the ability of firms to exploit new (and often extramural) organizational and HRM developments; the existence of complementarities among organizational competencies, assets and choices in term of HRM are likely to push toward the adoption of a set or system of (rather than single and insulated) innovations in work organization, HRM practices and industrial relations policies.

The data provided in the paper show that the process of innovation of workplace practices at Fiat Auto (summarized by the concept of the Fabbrica Integrata) is curiously non-linear. The newly designed HRM policies have, on the one hand, been resisted by the unions (who have not been involved in the design process) and by segments of the work-force; on the other hand, they have been hindered by existing organizational features and personnel practices which, in turn, were key success factors during the 1980s. This inertia is significantly lower at the new greenfield plant of Melfi. On the whole, the restructuring process was successful from the competitive and financial standpoint, and represents the basis on which management and the unions can develop a new co-operative model of industrial relations.  相似文献   

吴金勇 《中国企业家》2012,(6):110-117,13
中国企业家的生存环境处于及格线水平;面对不容乐观的全球经济环境,政策不公,糟糕的投资环境,融资难,人才困局……他们将如何应对,艰难抉择?  相似文献   

The raison d'être for this article is simple: traditional ways of researching, theorizing, and practicing purchasing and supply management (PSM) are no longer sufficient to ‘meet the moment’. Scholars need to advance a “business-not-as-usual” footing approach to their work, if they are to make a meaningful contribution to addressing the current and future emergencies, as highlighted by recent extreme weather and the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, what can this, or should this, mean for a field rooted in traditional business thinking? This article builds on the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management's (JPSM) 25th Anniversary Special Issue editorial (2019); members of the JPSM's editorial team advance their unique perspectives on what “business-not-as-usual” means for PSM. Specifically, we advocate both thinking much more widely, in scope and ambition, than we currently do, and simultaneously building our ability to comprehend supply chains in a more nuanced and granular way. We explore whether the bias toward positivist work has omitted potentially interesting findings, and viewpoints. This leads to a call to re-think how we approach our work: should the key criteria always be to focus on theory development or testing? Should academics “think bigger”? Turning to specific research themes, illustrations of how our current thinking can be challenged or broadened by addressing the circular economy, and role of purchasing and innovation. Specifically, the focus on the PSM function as an intrapreneur within the larger organization, and the role of innovation and technology in PSM work. Taken together, we hope the ideas and arguments presented here will inform and inspire ambitious and novel approaches to PSM research with significant and enduring impact on the transformation of business.  相似文献   

袁茵 《中国企业家》2012,(15):74-77,11
一个整天微笑的"老男孩",却在资本市场拥有一双翻云覆雨手古永锵,优酷网(NYSE:YOKU)创始人,人们习惯叫他的英文名字Victor Koo,时间长了就演绎成"V酷"。2012年4月,中国第一、二大视频网站优酷、土豆宣布合并,他被视作新一代互联网大佬。外人眼中,古永锵不同于百度的李彦宏、腾讯的马化腾  相似文献   

马吉英 《中国企业家》2012,(14):72-75,17
丰田已经从召回、地震、洪水等阴影中走出来了吗?董长征的回答很简单:你看看销量情况就知道了  相似文献   

赵辉  陈渠 《中国企业家》2013,(24):83-90
在竞争空前激烈、高度不确定的环境下,有更高感知力,更好适应性的组织结构自身就是一部帮助企业探索未来战略的雷达research Conclusion{研究结论}●面对随时可能出现的跨界袭击者,干亿企业们选择自我颠覆在内部组建自己的蓝军,孵化、培养颠覆性业务,让它们与传统业务进行竞争与融合●在竞争激烈,环境高度不确定的情况下,有更强感知能力、更好适应能力的组织结构可以引导生成企业战略●经过调整,千亿公司正在形成后端大平台,前端小团队,  相似文献   

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