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This paper utilizes a new panel data set of workers employed by the Canadian Pacific Railway between 1904 and 1929 to analyse the incidence of long-term employment and reasons for changes in job durations after World War I. The hazard function estimates indicate that individuals have only a small probability of staying for more than ten years at the firm, although at any point in time long-term workers constitute a sizable fraction of employees. Increasing post-war spell lengths reflect the changing composition of the workforce rather than differences in macro-economic conditions or changes in employment relationships. Specific human capital and job matching were also important: Long-term employees were shielded from both firm-specific and economy-wide downturns. 相似文献
中外城市群发展经验及其对山东半岛城市群的启示 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
城市群(带)是在工业化基础上而产生的一种城市高级化的空间组织形式,是区域参与国际竞争的战略支点。本文从解析城市群(带)研究的相关理论入手,着重分析了中外城市群发展的一般特征和形成的经验,提出了良好的区位和基础设施是城市群(带)发展的条件,工业化是其动力,产业转移是其发展的机遇,产业联系是其成功的关键。并以此为基础,对山东半岛建设城市群的路径和措施进行了对比分析,提出了对策建议。 相似文献
The spatial impact of employment centres on housing markets. Spatial Economic Analysis. Local economic growth tends to affect neighbourhood house prices unevenly. It has been observed that prime locations experience price hikes far in excess of the surrounding local area. Yet, this phenomenon is not well captured by existing economic models. This research provides a model of spatial and temporal interactions between housing and employment markets. The results show that rapid growth of employment centres increases house prices in neighbouring locations even after adjusting for fundamentals. It is concluded that spatial clustering of companies creates an option value for existing and potential employees that goes beyond ease of access for commuting purposes. 相似文献
Who's in charge of the central city? The conflict between efficiency and equity in the design of a metropolitan area 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A circular metropolitan area consists of a central city surrounded by a suburb. Households sort over the two jurisdictions based on public service levels and their costs of commuting to the metropolitan center. Using numerical simulations, we show that (1) there typically exist two equilibria: one in which the poor form the voting majority in the central city and the other in which the rich form the majority in the central city; (2) there is an efficiency vs. equity trade-off as to which equilibrium is preferred; and (3) if the central city contains only poor households, equity favors expanding the central city to include rich households. The third result arises not because of a fiscal subsidy from rich to poor households induced by a property tax but rather because of a change in house price capitalization. 相似文献
城镇弱势群体就业的社区支持与政府责任——扬州市社区帮扶弱势群体就业情况调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对扬州市社区帮扶弱势群体就业情况的调查,发现造成弱势群体就业困难的主要原因是个人素质低、家庭状况差和政策执行不到位.此外,关于失业问题认识上的误区也影响了政策成效.政府在解决失业问题时要尊重个人的选择,在制定和执行就业政策时应认识到就业并不是目的,满足个人和家庭需要并获得较高的满意度才是人的追求.帮助弱势群体就业不仅是政府的责任也是社区的职责.政府应当在准确掌握这一群体动态变化情况和真实需求的基础上,兼顾眼前和长远发展,制定出科学的政策并采取有效的方法和手段确保政策执行到位.政府要加大力度促进社区建设,调动社区在帮助弱势群体就业中的积极性,充分发挥社区在这方面的优势. 相似文献
从区域的视角分析提升烟台城市竞争力的战略 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
在经济全球化的背景下,国家对经济的干预能力受到了一定程度的限制,作为国家下层主体的区域和城市如何在日趋激烈的竞争中树立自己的竞争优势已成为地方发展的主题.本文以烟台为例,从区域的视角出发,从城市竞争力的研究入手,通过深入了解城市在特定的区域环境里的优势与不足,认清烟台市在区域的实际地位,继而对影响烟台城市发展的区域基础包括城市经济基础、城市引力方向与强度、城市直接影响范围等几个方面进行分析,从中找出城市竞争力提升的制约因素,最后从区域与城市空间联动、基础设施建设、产业发展、对外开放、景观环境建设与城市管理等几个方面对如何提升烟台市的城市竞争力提出有针对性发展战略. 相似文献
Mhinder Bhopal Chris Rowley 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(8):1166-1185
In some discourse concerning the employment system it is often implied that there has been a shift within the power relations between the main actors - State, capital and labour. Capital is now taken as omni-powerful and proactive, while the State and labour have declined and are reactive. Yet this picture is too universalistic, deterministic, static and simplistic. It ignores the shifting positions and divisions within and between these actors and the crucial role of factors such as ethnicity. This paper redresses the balance in this area by detailing an example - Malaysian electronics - where these interactions, at both macro- and micro-levels, can be seen in action. 相似文献
近年来,随着京津冀地区城市化进程的快速推进,中心城区不断向外扩张,加上周边农村地区的发展,城乡之间的经济与社会联系加强,都市区逐渐形成并发展。对京津冀都市区发展状况进行分析,在此基础上将都市区统计和当前城市统计进行对比,发现都市区是人口和经济活动的主要聚集地,是真正具备城市功能的地域;都市区代表了区域内更高的产业结构和发展水平;都市区统计能够更好地反映城市化快速发展的状况。最后总结了中国建立规范的都市区统计制度的必要性和迫切性,并从都市区的视角提出了促进京津冀区域内产业协调发展和统筹城乡发展的策略建议。 相似文献
Boris A. Portnov Author Vitae Jonathan Dubnov Author Vitae Micha Barchana Author Vitae 《Socio》2009,43(3):141-150
In the absence of patient-specific data, composite level data are often used in epidemiological studies. However, since individual exposure levels cannot accurately be inferred from aggregate data, such an approach may lead to erroneous estimates of health effects of potential environmental risk factors. In the present study, we attempt to address this information-loss problem by using the “kernel density function”, which estimates the intensity of events across a surface, by calculating the overall number of cases situated within a given search radius from a target point. The present paper illustrates the use of this analytical technique for a study of association between the geographical distributions of lung cancer cases and SO2 air pollution estimates in the Greater Haifa Metropolitan Area (GHMA). In the analysis, the results obtained by kernel smoothing are contrasted with those obtained by areal aggregation techniques more commonly used in empirical studies. 相似文献
从区位商视角论证构建城镇群的意义——以珠三角、大珠三角和泛珠三角区域为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着全球化和区域经济一体化的迅速发展,通过构建城镇群等城市联盟增强区域整体实力已成为提升城市竞争力积极有效的手段。从二十世纪九十年代初期起,先后形成的珠三角、大珠三角和泛珠三角城镇群,通过城市间的资源互补和优势扩散,带动区域整体水平,取得了跨越式发展。本文通过对珠三角、大珠三角和泛珠三角地区不同层次下各城市及区域主要产业就业人口区位商的计算比较,揭示了珠三角区域在制造业方面,大珠三角区域在生产性服务业方面及泛珠三角区域在生活性服务业方面的竞争优势,体现了不同层次城镇群内各行业的竞争发展趋势,由此验证了建立不同层次城镇群的必要性和竞争优势,为区域合作的政策措施提供一定的理论依据。 相似文献
André Carrascal Incera 《Economic Systems Research》2017,29(4):463-485
This paper uses a structural decomposition approach to examine the proximate causes of change in the EU15 youth workforce from 1995 to 2011. Besides the traditional sources considered by the literature, I include age-specific factors: a labor utilization index that accounts for the hours that employed youth work by showing the extent of part-time contracts; an age mix factor that indicates the share that youth comprise of total employment and, finally, changes in the inverse of the overall sectoral labor productivity, which describes variations in total labor demand. By applying this approach, I identify the core drivers behind the recent changes in the evolution of youth employment in each of the 15 countries; this is crucial for tailoring policy strategies. Results suggest that to foster youth employment, most Mediterranean countries should implement youth-specific measures while other EU15 countries could do so by enhancing overall employment. 相似文献
《Economic Systems》2020,44(3):100805
Minimum wage hikes aim to increase the income of low-wage workers and improve their labour market participation. However, there are concerns that large increases may reduce employment, especially in countries where minimum wages increased quickly and whose competitiveness depends, at least partly, on low production costs. This study examines the employment effect of large increases in the minimum wage in Romania between 2008 and 2016. It uses regional (NUTS III) data and dynamic panel methods. The results do not support the hypothesis that minimum wage hikes reduce employment. They are robust to the use of different econometric methods, plausible variations of the specification and definitions of the key variables. Moreover, the results suggest insignificant effects even for low wage, less developed or high unemployment regions. 相似文献
Karen M. Olsen Therese Sverdrup Torstein Nesheim Arne L. Kalleberg 《Human Resource Management Journal》2016,26(4):390-407
Employees of professional service firms (PSFs) have attachments to multiple groups, which may be either compatible or conflicting: their employer, their clients and their profession. We analyse the antecedents of commitment to these three foci based on a survey of 510 employees in a large PSF in Norway. The main findings are as follows: (1) low quality of internal work relations is negatively associated with employer commitment and draws employees towards external foci of commitment – the clients and the profession; (2) role conflict is associated with stronger commitment to the client organisation and the profession; and (3) autonomy and transferability of skills are associated with stronger commitment to the profession, but does not undermine commitment to the employer. The article contributes to our understanding of the conditions under which employees identify with external groups and when commitment to the employer may be compromised. The findings have implications for how managers can help to increase the commitment of employees involved in complex employment relations. 相似文献
Hang-Yue Ngo Catherine So-Kum Tang Winton Wing-Tung Au 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(8):1206-1223
This study examines the behavioural responses of Hong Kong workers to employment discrimination. Based on the exit-voice framework proposed by Hirschman, five possible responses (i.e. neglect, quit, internal voice, external voice and litigation) are identified. The effects of certain personal attributes and work-related factors on these responses are evaluated. Two different data sets, focusing on gender discrimination and family status discrimination, are analysed. The results of logistic regression indicate that workers with higher levels of education and sensitivity to discrimination are more likely to complain and less likely to neglect their work or resign. Additionally, men and women respond differently to sex-based discrimination. Work-related factors such as employment sector, job tenure and employer size are also found to exert significant effects. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed. 相似文献
我国城市群生态空间管制的“四分模式” 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文从诊断城市群生态系统状况出发,按照培育城市群共同价值体系、开展生态资源调查与评价、制定区域生态网络格局和划定基本生态控制线的技术路径,提出制定城市群生态网络格局的要点;基于生态学的尺度理论,优化城市群区域生态空间的构成:保护区和重要生态功能单元、区域生态廊道、生态保育区、城镇建成区绿地;提出“按需划片-按片定类-按类划区-按区定级”,分级管制的规划管制路径,探索出我国城市群“生态需求分片管制、生态系统分类管制、生态功能分区管制和生态用地分级管制”的生态空间管制的“四分模式”,得出了该模式有利于保障城市群生态空间数量,提升城市群生态系统质量的结论. 相似文献
略论我国城市科学研究的形势和任务 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
作者总结了中国城市科学研究会自 80年代成立以来在城市科学研究方面开创性的成果 ,认为 2 1世纪将是我国城市科学研究的第二个春天 ,进而提出如何开展系统研究的任务。 相似文献
We examine fluctuations in employment growth using Canadian data from 1976 to 2010. We consider a wide range of models and examine the sensitivity of our findings to modelling assumptions. The results from our most preferred model, which we selected using the Bayesian Information Criteria, indicate that most of the variance in employment growth that is not due to the idiosyncratic error comes from domestic sources, with most of this coming from industry and provincial factors. Overall, we find that external and national factors play a much smaller role in employment fluctuations than in earlier research. We provide some possible explanations for these differences and discuss the implications of our findings for public policy and theory. 相似文献