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<正>构建新型电力系统的历史进程已全面启动并加速推进。6月20日至21日,由中国电力建设企业协会主办、以“赋能电力建设推动高质量发展”为主题的中国电力建设发展大会在京举办。大会搭建赋能电力建设1+8交流平台,1个主论坛外设置了“电力建设科技创新论坛”“电力建设质量安全论坛”“电力建设数智化发展论坛”“电力建设绿色低碳发展论坛”“电力企业ESG论坛”等8场不同主题专题论坛,精准聚焦电力建设行业在推进高质量发展进程中面临的问题与挑战。  相似文献   

调整主业和多种经营产业的地位 80年代至90年代初国家制定了一系列有关电力发展的政策,在电力工业迈向市场经济的早期,有效地扶植了多种经营的创业和发展。然而,在多种经营发展的今天,“一企两制”所潜藏的矛盾已越来越明显地暴露出来:……  相似文献   

我国电力企业的信息化发展起步于20世纪60年代,起初运用计算机进行复杂数据汇总和计算,随着电力体制改革的不断发展,信息化工程的提升,电力企业也逐渐引入了ERP来提升管理水平。本文主要探讨了SAP ERP的主要优势,在电力企业基建期的主要运用以及存在问题,提出了解决的方案。  相似文献   

蓬溪县电力公司是一个集发电、供电和电力开发、多种经营于一体的地方国营电力企业。现有职工888人,水(火)发电站6座,装机容量1.4万千瓦:变电站8座,线路2.2万公里。曾先后被四川省人民政府、国家水利部、省水电厅、遂宁市人民政府、蓬溪县蚕、县府授予.“省级先进企业”、“全国小水电优秀电站”、市“税利大户”、县“优秀企业”、“县级文明单侠”等荣誉称号。为满足“九五”期间全县经济发展和人民生活用电迅速增长的需要,蓬溪县电力公司立足本地资源.着眼对外开发。经县委、县府决策,跨出本县行政  相似文献   

魏晓晖 《中国经贸》2014,(21):78-78
随着中国经济的飞速发展,电力企业的改革也不断深入,国家采用“厂网分开”、鼓励民营企业办厂等方式提高电力企业开放力度,电力产品由皇帝的女儿不愁嫁转变成促销经营的方式,本文对电力营销管理策略进行探讨,研究新的电力营销管理策略。  相似文献   

李毅  张小虎 《北方经济》1994,(6):46-46,19
内蒙古电力与多种经营李毅,张小虎截止1993年底,内蒙古电力多种经营企业数达265个,职工人数25030人,多种经营总收入达9.23亿元,比1992年的3.23亿元增加了142%。其中:包头供电局和包头二电厂多种经营总收入率先突破亿元大关,成为经济实...  相似文献   

概述目前我国电力企业在电力市场营销理念和管理方面存在的差距,研讨电力企业如何实现“以客户需求为中心”的电力市场营销和“以服务为导向”的电力营销机制。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国民经济不断发展,全国电力装机容量已突破10亿千瓦,电力工业进入了新的发展阶段,电力企业对资金的旺盛需求也对电力企业的融资方式提出了更高的要求,本文介绍了电力体制改革后,电力企业融资方式的革新,对电力企业的现行融资方式进行了分析,并深入探讨了新形势下电力企业开辟融资新途径的措施。  相似文献   

本文以山西省电力公司晋城供电分公司(以下简称“公司”)为载体,分析了电力企业在培训需求分析和效果评估中存在的误区,阐述了在电力企业中如何应用培训需求分析和效果评估。  相似文献   

近日,享有“安全状元”“全国电力企业安全施工排头兵”美誉的河南第二火电建设公司已走过了安全施工20周年的足印,继续保持全国火电施工企业安全施工最高纪录。据悉,该公司成立于1949年。在近20年的安全施工中,公司以企业安全文化、价值观、职工群体意识和行为为基础,把现代管理制度、手段、防护设施和人的精神力量有机结合起来,以实现安全管理功能整体优化,  相似文献   

Despite almost universal primary education in Indonesia, and increasing female educational participation, gender differences remain in access to Indonesian education. This paper attempts to measure and explain these differences at primary and secondary level in Indonesia's provinces between 1980 and 1985. It examines the relationship between provincial school enrolment ratios for males and females and four factors: school availability, formal sector employment, ‘drop-out’ patterns and marriage patterns. School availability is found to be a strong predictor of enrolment levels, and stronger for females than for males. Relationships between enrolment patterns and the other three factors appear less clear cut.  相似文献   

5月,主城气温持续走高,春天的脚步渐远,夏天悄然而至.而此时的石柱黄水春意正浓,在那里,依然可以清晰地聆听到春天的花语,即使在一米阳光之内,也能感受到春天的美丽. 踏青赏花揽春色,风景这边独好 以“万亩森林、万亩石芽、万亩草场、万亩火棘”四大景观著称的千野草场,这时候总是澄澈的蓝天陪衬着悠悠白云,碧绿的草地映衬着逍遥牛羊.这里不但有北国草原的粗犷,亦有南方草地的妩媚.  相似文献   

We investigate the gender employment gap in the expanding non‐subsistence sector of the economy in Mozambique, a country still characterized by a large subsistence agricultural sector. We show evidence that the gender gap has widened over time and we identify two structural factors strongly associated with it. One factor is the still relatively lower level of female human capital, with less attained education, as well as literacy and Portuguese proficiency rates. The lower conditional employment probabilities of married women, as compared with men, is the other factor. These findings point at expanding women´s education and facilitating the access of married women to the emerging labour market as the most effective ways of achieving a more inclusive growth path that does not leave women behind.  相似文献   

Hysteresis in unemployment in the Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
J. J. Graafland 《De Economist》1988,136(4):508-523
Summary The Dutch labour market situation in the eighties can be characterized by the hysteresis phenomenon, i. e. a rising natural rate of unemployment as a result of the rise of actual unemployment in the past. It appears that the hysteresis phenomenon is more important in The Netherlands than in France and the United States and as relevant as in Germany and the United Kingdom. Because of the steep rise of unemployment in The Netherlands the natural rate of unemployment may have risen more than in Other European countries. As a consequence, the wage depressing effect of the current high unemployment rate has diminished rapidly.I thank J.C. Siebrand, D.P. Broer and C.B. Mulder for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

侯贺良 《走向世界》2011,(4):48-50,52,55
济南1、悠活2人行D1:趵突泉、泉城广场、船游泉城、五龙潭、曲水亭街、大明湖新区、泉乐坊,品鲁菜风味餐、济南特色小吃,观《明湖曲韵》。  相似文献   

The situation with currency markets in the CIS countries in 2009 was characterized by considerable fluctuations in national currencies against the background of the major problems in the financial sector, economic recession in most countries, slowing inflation in the consumer market, and deflation in prices of manufactured goods.  相似文献   

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