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近年来,我国证券市场得到了长足的发展,但还存在一定的局限性和制约因素。现代证券投资组合理论是证券相关理论中比较重要的一部分,对于新兴证券市场的稳步、健康发展具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

现代证券投资组合理论在中国证券市场的应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代证券投资组合理论主要研究投资者在权衡收益与风险的基础上实现期望效用最大化的方法以及由此对整个资本市场产生的影响。它既是现代金融投资理论的基础,也是现代货币理论的基础。越来越多的国内学者针对其在中国股票市场的有效性和可行性进行了实证检验,并对研究结果进行了分析。本文对研究方法、研究结果及相关分析进行了相应评述,希望能为后续的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

证券组合投资的选择方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

投资组合理论在跨国证券投资领域的拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马柯维茨(H.M.Markowitz)的投资组合理论是投资学的经典理论。在马柯维茨提出了投资组合理论以后,金融学家们从不同的角度发展了这个理论,其中最引人注目的是夏普(W.F.Sharpe)的资本资产定价模型。马柯维茨的投资组合理论主要构建国内证券的最优组合,由于外国证券和国内证券具有不同的风险,部分金融学家致力于分析外国证券的风险,构建包括各国证券在内的投资组合,并用于解释国际证券的投资过程。投资组合理论在跨国证券投资领域的拓展也有其理论创新价值及对投资行为决策具有政策指导意义。  相似文献   

对证券投资基金行为选择的研究,一直是金融经济学关注的焦点问题之一。本文对我国证券投资基金投资组合的构建和调整与其投资策略的匹配性问题进行了研究,发现绝大部分证券投资基金存在实际投资所承担的风险远远偏离其投资策略所表明的风险偏好类型。同时,由于市场环境的变化,无论是风险偏好型还是风险中性的基金,在实际投资中大多转型成了风险规避型基金。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅速发展,居民的投资意识日益增加。,固定收益证券的投资在投资市场中占很大一部分,固定收益证券如何投资才能给投资者带来满意的收益又使得风险最小这是我们需要思考研究的问题。本文将围绕固定收益证券的组合投资的意义和投资策略展开分析。  相似文献   

论我国海外证券投资的重要性及其投资组合管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了在金融资本一体化背景下,我国进行海外投资的必要性和意义。我国经济的高速增长和外汇储备的不断累积为我国境外投资提供了物质基础,对于我国外币资产的保值增值需求成为境外投资的内在动力;随着我国经济发展逐步进入转型阶段,海外证券投资和资本运作将成为我国经济成功转型必不可少的要件之一;海外证券投资是对国内较为狭窄的投资渠道的一种良好补充,为境内投资者提供了分散化解风险的投资方式。本文还利用过去8年全球资本市场的历史数据和现代金融理论,分析了全球投资和资产配置对投资者带来的实际收益。  相似文献   

谨慎投资者规则是英美法系指导受托人投资的基本原烈,其衙生于受托人的谨慎义务,先后经历了谨慎人规则、哈佛学院规则和新谨慎投资者规则。现代投资组合理论是美国新谨慎投资者规则的经济学渊源,后者融入了现代投资组合理论的精髓,值得我国在信托投资立法时借鉴。  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that the performance of investment managers should be measured against some broad market index such as the S&P 500. The broad market averages provide a useful benchmark because they are assumed to be beyond the influence of investment managers and provide a way of capturing what financial economists call “systematic risk,” which is the part of total risk that cannot be avoided through portfolio diversification. But one clear limitation of such an approach to performance evaluation is that by focusing on risks and rewards at the portfolio level only, it fails to consider risks and rewards at a systemic level, where the performance of all portfolios is increasingly likely to be affected. The author begins by making the case that the performance evaluation and collective decision‐making of investment managers could have the effect of increasing the level of systematic risk in both the markets and the real economy. Then, after suggesting that the strength or weakness of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks can have substantial effects on overall market returns, he discusses a number of efforts currently underway to integrate ESG factors into portfolio‐level decision‐making. The author closes by urging asset owners to take the following three steps to help bridge the gap between investment decision‐making and ESG consequences: (1) acknowledge the connection between investment decision‐making and systems‐level risks and rewards; (2) determine which systemic frameworks are most appropriate and useful for their purposes; and (3) implement investment practices that allow them to manage systemic‐level risks and rewards while simultaneously achieving competitive financial returns in their portfolios. With the help of new measurement and management tools, asset owners can strengthen systemic frameworks, communicate the importance of ESG performance to their investees and investors, and align their efforts with those of governmental and non‐governmental organizations to limit systemic risk.  相似文献   

张敏 《新金融》2007,(6):50-54
谨慎投资者规则是英美法系指导受托人投资的基本原则,其衍生于受托人的谨慎义务,先后经历了谨慎人规则,哈佛学院规则和新谨慎投资者规则。现代投资组合理论是美国新谨慎投资者规则的经济学渊源,后者融入了现代投资组合理论的精髓,值得我国在信托投资立法时借鉴。  相似文献   

杨舸  闵晓平 《海南金融》2006,(11):20-22
马柯维茨的投资组合理论奠定了现代金融理论的基石。自提出以来,就受到关注,国内外学者对其进行了大量的研究。本文在对该理论进行介绍的基础上,介绍了国内学者的研究成果。  相似文献   

More and more investors apply socially responsible screens when building their stock portfolios. This raises the question whether these investors can increase their performance by incorporating such screens into their investment process. To answer this question we implement a simple trading strategy based on socially responsible ratings from the KLD Research & Analytics: Buy stocks with high socially responsible ratings and sell stocks with low socially responsible ratings. We find that this strategy leads to high abnormal returns of up to 8.7% per year. The maximum abnormal returns are reached when investors employ the best‐in‐class screening approach, use a combination of several socially responsible screens at the same time, and restrict themselves to stocks with extreme socially responsible ratings. The abnormal returns remain significant even after taking into account reasonable transaction costs.  相似文献   

We evaluate the stock return performance of a modified version of the book-to-market strategy and its implications for market efficiency. If the previously documented superior stock return of the book-to-market strategy represents mispricing, its performance should be improved by excluding fairly valued firms with extreme book-to-market ratios. To attain this, we classify stocks as value or glamour on book-to-market ratios and accounting accruals jointly. This joint classification is likely to exclude stocks with extreme book-to-market ratios due to mismeasured accounting book values reflecting limitations underlying the accounting system. Using both 12-month buy-and-hold returns and earnings announcement returns, our results show that this joint classification generates substantially higher portfolio returns in the post-portfolio-formation year than the book-to-market classification alone with no evidence of increased risk. In addition, this superior stock return performance is more pronounced among firms held primarily by small (unsophisticated) investors and followed less closely by market participants (stock price <$10). Finally, and most importantly, financial analysts are overly optimistic (pessimistic) about earnings of glamour (value) stock, and for a subset of firms identified as overvalued by our strategy, the earnings announcement raw return, as well as abnormal return, is negative. These last results are particularly important because it is hard to envision a model consistent with rational investors holding risky stocks with predictable negative raw returns for a long period of time rather than holding fT-bills and with financial analysts systematically overestimating the earnings of these stocks while underestimating earnings of stocks that outperform the stock market.  相似文献   

赵铮  王瀛 《南方金融》2012,(7):61-66,45
本文以棉花、铜、天然橡胶三个期货合约为研究对象,基于t-Copula模型,利用Monte Carlo模拟法计算在一定权重下由三个品种构成的期货投资组合的VaR和ES值作为投资组合的保证金数值。Kupiec回溯测试结果表明,t-Copula模型结合极值理论计算出的期货投资组合保证金相比其他方法能够在较好覆盖极端风险的同时降低投资成本。  相似文献   

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