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一、当前招标投标管理中存在的主要问题 1.招标投标法制不健全。虽然国家已经对招标投标管现制定和颁发了一些规定和办法,但目前我国还未建立起一套完整的招标投标工作的法规体系,法规制度严重滞后于建筑市场的发展速度,对建筑市场的培育和发展极为不利,同时也使招标投标工作难以真正做到有法可依、有章可循、公平竞争。 2.行政干预,以职以权谋私。主要表现在领导批条子,推荐承包商,使业主感到左右为难;变“监督、协调、指导”为主宰、干预工程招标,剥夺业主发包权力;借职务之便,搞吃拿卡要。一项工程从招标到竣工验收要经过诸多阶段,若每个环节都要对有关部门有所“表示”,业主和承包商都难以承受。 3.招标单位盲目压价,有的以最低价“一次包死”。招标是为了选择一个合理的价格,达到招标投标双方都有利可图的目的,而目前的体实行投资节余分成,由于经济利益的驱使,使压价幅度大大偏离了公平竞争这一市场交易的基本原则,特别是有些招标单位违背对投标报价书需全面评估、综合考虑、合理中  相似文献   

招标投标制是水利工程建设管理体制改革的重要内容,为进一步加强水利水电建设市场的管理,针对聊城市水利工程自实行招标投标制以来的现状及存在的问题,提出了建立健全招标投标制的措施和建议.  相似文献   

近年来职业健康、环境和安全问题越来越引起人们的重视,尤其是如何才能为建筑业从业人员提供健康环境安全保障,更成为建筑行业迫切需要解决的难题。文章提出了通过构建广义的HSE管理体系,包括完善的管理组织机构和对应的责任制度、广泛的监督机制和有效的激励制度的方式来保障建筑行业从业人员的健康、环境与安全。探讨了企业HSE管理流程,建议建立业主负主要责任的安全责任体制。  相似文献   

文章提出了对建设项目风险效率进行分析与评价的方法。解释了风险效率的概念,并基于风险投入和风险效应两个维度详细阐述了建设项目风险效率的内涵。结合风险管理的全过程以及风险效率的两个维度,分析了建设项目风险效率的形成机理,并对风险投入和风险效应的内容和量化思路做了进一步的分析。通过对管理学及经济学中效率评价的一般方法的分析,提出了对建设项目风险效率进行评价的方法,以期能基于风险效率提供更好的建设项目风险管理。  相似文献   

The financial value of research projects is difficult to assess because they are highly uncertain. Often, the result is either an overly conservative approach to strategic innovation, based on net present value analyses, or an overly aggressive approach based on optimistic qualitative portfolios. R&D project evaluation requires recognizing threats as well as opportunities from uncertain events, and incorporating flexibility in managerial action in response to them. Real options pricing analysis is a widely discussed tool for evaluating such managerial flexibility. The limitation of options pricing lies in its requirement for complete financial markets, in which a replicating asset can be found that reproduces (or, at least, is correlated with) the project’s payoffs in all possible states of the world. However, the major risks of research projects are typically project specific and cannot be replicated in external markets. In this situation, a decision tree is a better tool to represent managerial options during execution of the project, and to evaluate its value. A decision tree is equivalent to options pricing for risks that can be priced in the financial markets (if trading of securities is explicitly included), and moreover, it can incorporate risks and flexibility that are not traded in financial markets. Using decision trees, we demonstrate a quantitative evaluation of compound growth options from research at BestPharma, a large international pharmaceutical company. A growth option is a future opportunity that may arise from a current R&D investment. The growth option may not be related to the primary purpose of the R&D project, or not even be directly foreseeable. Kester (1984) has argued that growth options may account for a large part of project value. BestPharma faced the problem of choosing among several strategic research initiatives. They developed a decision tree representation of the projects, which helped to provide transparency about project value and strategic options. Most importantly, carefully thinking through the tree helped to identify growth options, represented by additional branches in the tree, and to quantify that they represented major sources of value.  相似文献   

政府投资工程项目代建制风险识别及其防范   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
代建制是对我国政府投资工程项目管理模式进行积极探索的一种尝试,新的管理模式在目前市场环境尚未成熟的条件下推行会产生众多风险,正确识别代建项目的风险,并对风险进行有效管理和分配是保证项目成功的重要措施。文章研究了代建项目风险因素的识别、阶段分布,提出代建项目阶段性风险规避措施,发挥代建制优势并促进代建制在国内政府工程领域的发展。  相似文献   

在建设监理工作逐步规范化的今天,监理工作已不再只是控制质量的单项控制,要求监理工程师通过合同管理更全方位在工程建设中发挥作用。本文从工程监理在监理过程中提高法律、索赔管理意识、加强合同管理等方面,阐述了水利工程施工监理的合同管理。  相似文献   

浅议建筑施工项目的信息化管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章针对建筑施工项目管理的特点,阐述了建筑施工项目领域进行信息化管理的必要性,并结合当今信息技术的飞速发展,论证了对建筑施工项目实现信息化管理的可行性和建筑施工项目实现信息化管理的意义。构想了建筑施工项目信息管理系统研制的一般步骤。  相似文献   

建设项目全寿命期精益成本管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了建设项目全寿命期成本管理和精益成本管理的概念,并对全寿命期和全过程成本管理方式进行了比较。在此基础上总结出全寿命期精益成本管理的概念,并对其特点进行了介绍,包括全员性、集成性、动态性和综合性。提出了建设项目全寿命期精益成本管理的体系框架,明确其成本最小化和顾客满意最大化的管理目标。分别从投资决策、设计、招投标、施工、竣工验收和运营养护6个阶段论述了全寿命精益成本管理的具体措施。  相似文献   

Research on technological innovation shows that information asymmetries between suppliers and buyers constitute a major barrier to the successful introduction of new products. Most of this research, however, puts the burden of overcoming these asymmetries on producers of new products. In the case of large engineering construction projects innovation is often the result of joint problem solving by owners, prime contractors, consultants, and equipment suppliers. In this paper we examine the relationship between innovativeness of large engineering construction projects and internal owner capabilities, degree of control over project, and dependence on external organizations, We use data on power plant construction projects to test hypotheses derived from agency and organization theories of innovation. Our results indicate that organization theories of innovation are on the whole better predictors of the impact on innovativeness of owner's capabilities and relationship to external organizations.  相似文献   

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