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在长春市建立保税物流园区对长春市乃至吉林省经济发展具有重要意义。长春市建设保税物流园区面临内部缺陷和外部竞争两方面的问题。建设和发展长春保税物流园区应该做到发挥产业优势,确立园区发展重心;优化投资环境,吸引优秀物流企业;加强人才支撑,促进物流产业发展。  相似文献   

本文主要是通过对网络等各种媒介整理,清楚了我国保税物流园区的发展历程,对其功能定位及运营模式进行了总结,并在此基础上对各保税物流园区进行了简单的介绍。为了了解我国保税物流园区目前的发展状况,本文对各保税物流园区间的发展水平、保税物流园区与保税港区之间以及保税物流园区与城市发展之间的关系进行了分析,最后根据发展状况得出物流园区发展的应对策略。  相似文献   

中国最大冷链物流中心试运行,鞍钢鲅鱼圈打造一流钢铁基地,广州:龙溪建商贸物流园,钦州保税港区通过评审,福州保税物流园区即将封关运作,河北:曹妃甸“物流航母”蓄势待发,海南最大航空物流园区动工建设,全球最大物流地产商投资浒关,武汉获准设立保税物流中心,满洲里将建设成立体通关口岸,哈尔滨与深圳开通区域通关,广州保税物流园区8月启用  相似文献   

保税物流园区是在毗邻保税区的特定港区或在国务院已经批准的保税区规划区域内,划出专门供发展现代国际物流产业的独立封闭区域。建立保税物流园区,实现区港联动对促进国际港航产业和现代物流产业的联动发展,提高物流企业国际竞争能力,具有十分重要的战略意义。目前,各地建设物流保税园区的热情可谓空前高涨,与物流保税园区建设热潮相伴而来的是如何让投资巨大的物流保税园区实现赢利,这也已成为困扰投资者与业界专家的一大难题。[编者按]  相似文献   

张良卫  李新 《中国市场》2011,(36):33-35
保税物流园区将保税区和港区的优势集中在一起,实行"区港联动",大大降低了物流成本,促进了国际贸易的发展。广州市作为中国对外开放的南大门,其保税物流园区的设立影响尤为明显。本文首先简单介绍了保税物流园区的功能;然后分析了广州保税物流园区功能定位的理论基础与现实意义;最后指出影响广州保税物流园区功能实现的因素,并基于服务和监管的视角提出建议。  相似文献   

近年来,由于出口退税政策频繁调整,出口企业为了获取较多的退税额,急于寻求在政策实施前进行提前退税.保税物流园区的物流企业为迎合企业的这一需求,便利用保税物流园区的政策优势,设计各种方案为出口企业进行税收风险规避,于是,"一日游"也逐渐被人们熟悉.  相似文献   

保税物流园区是专门供发展现代国际物流产业的独立区域,实行对各类进出口物品进区免税存放服务,境外运入或境内运出的货物免征海关关税、增值税、消费税等优惠政策。本文通过对绥芬河综合保税物流园区的周边自然环境、经济发展状况、交通运输情况、政策优惠状况分析,为绥芬河综合保税物流园区运营策略的选择原则以及方向做一详细论述。  相似文献   

陆勤 《国际市场》2004,(8):64-64
7月15日,首批入驻外高桥保税物流园区的物流企业之一--上海实业外联发国际物流有限公司设在园区内的仓库迎来了第一单货物-日本佳能公司的电子产品,这标志着作为全国"区港联动"首个试点的外高桥保税物流园区正式开始业务运转.上外物流总裁徐峰表示,上外物流将继续推进第三方物流在保税物流园区的运营实践,为广大客户提供一流的物流服务平台和投资环境.  相似文献   

近日,国务院正式批准设立中国(上海)自由贸易试验区。试验区范围涵盖上海市外高桥保税区、外高桥保税物流园区、洋山保税港区和上海浦东机场综合保税区等4个海关特殊监管区域,总面积为28.78平方公里。  相似文献   

保税展览、智能监管,将能为进口汽车的展览展示带来更多便利。2013年4月28日,天津东疆保税港区,东泰和盛国际汽车、艾威国际房车展销中心正式营业。该中心位于保税港区海润物流园,是集保税仓储、展示、交易为一体的专业商品展销基地。中心将充分利用保税港区功能和政策优势,采用仓储式一体化展销平台的全新模式进行商业运作,既可提高展销的效率效能,又能为经销商节约运营成本。保税车展是近年出现的新事物。随着中国保税经济活跃发展,进口高端品牌汽车日益受到市场欢迎,企业对于在保税区车城开展展览业务呼声颇高。充分利用保税区、保税物流园区特殊的地域性质和优惠政策开展进口保税汽车展览展示,  相似文献   

In the early 21st century, firms are thinking seriously and practically about an interactive marketing paradigm—one that integrates mass scale with individual responsiveness. The focus of this paper is on how this interactive environment is changing the customer decision-making process. With the increased amount of information available, the existence of sophisticated decision aids such as intelligent agents, and more latitude in how to interact beyond the basic desktop and laptop computers (e.g., personal digital assistants, cellular phones, tablet computers), customers have more choices than ever about how, when, and how much to interact with companies and each other. In this paper, we attempt to cover a few of the major areas of research on how customers make decisions in these environments.  相似文献   

针对我国房地产价格自2004年以来出现的不断大幅上涨的现实,本文通过房价收入比、售租比两项指标,对于我国房价高到了何种程度,以及这种房价高涨现象背后所隐藏的经济规律进行了较深入的分析。最后,对于政府如何严格规范我国的房地产市场秩序、如何审慎监管流入房地产行业的国有资产以及如何完善对低收入群体的住房保障,提出了几点建议。  相似文献   


There is an increasing amount of management literature about how to manage the product development process. By‐and‐large this concentrates on organisational and management techniques to be applied within the enterprise. Based on a piece of empirical work carried out in a number of engineering‐based companies, this paper suggests a range of organisational and managerial options extending beyond the boundaries of the firm. For those firms engaged in product developments which require the expertise of technical specialists choices have to be made about how much occupational control these specialists exert; how much managerial control should be exercised over them; how much of this expertise should be available in‐house and how much bought‐in; and what relations there should be with government in the training and development of these technical experts. This paper explores these options in the context of a study of engineering designers.  相似文献   

Research on online retailer–customer interactions has extensively focused on how to turn negative reviews into marketing wins. By contrast, few prior studies have investigated how retailers should best respond to positive reviews. The current study aims to fill this gap. Drawing on interpersonal relationship research into capitalizing on positive experience, together with reinforcement effect theory and automatic behavioral priming theory, this study explores how retailers should respond to positive reviews to drive consumer repurchase intention. Two laboratory experiments reveal that an active–constructive response in a friendly communication style increases consumer repurchase intention, and consumer positive affect mediates this process. Our findings provide new theoretical insights and useful guidance for retailers on designing effective online communication strategies for consumers.  相似文献   

The Internet has drastically changed how people interact, communicate, conduct business, seek jobs, find partners, and shop. Millions of people are using social networking sites to connect with others, and employers are using these sites as a source of background information on job applicants. Employers report making decisions not to hire people based on the information posted on social networking sites. Few employers have policies in place to govern when and how these online character checks should be used and how to ensure that the information viewed is accurate. In this article, we explore how these inexpensive, informal online character checks are harmful to society. Guidance is provided to employers on when and how to use these sites in a socially responsible manner.  相似文献   

The global marketplace is continually shaped by changing realities, including the recent economic downturn and ever-increasing adoption of new technologies. The results of these changing realities affect every element of consumers’ shopping behavior, as well as their value perceptions. This article examines how recent changes in the environment and technology have spurred changes in how consumers perceive value, as well as in how retailers communicate their value offers. Furthermore, this introductory article highlights how the 14 contributions in this special issue of the Journal of Retailing on pricing relate to these areas of change.  相似文献   

In this study we examine (1) how a manager’s risk behavior is influenced by developing success (or failure) as an impending settling up deadline to report performance approaches, (2) how willingness to provide transparent accountability is negatively affected by perceived risk and eroding trust, and (3) how others interpret and respond to reduced transparency. As perceptions of high levels of risks suggest a lack of environmental control of a firm’s destiny in contemporary settings, we adopt a historical approach to examine these issues. In this respect we draw on primary sources found in library archives in Spain and Argentina. Our focal case refers to the contract signed and executed between the South Sea Company and Captain José de Salinas (1731–1735) to walk 408 Negroes from Buenos Aires to Potosí and sell them en route or at destination. Drawing on this evidence, we examine how bring about unethical conduct featured by increasingly risky business practices, and how eroding trust conditions lead to only summary record-keeping and delayed reporting. In turn, diminished accountability further undermined trust. Our findings have implications for further research in this area as well as for contemporary cases of accounting failures.  相似文献   

刘胜勇 《中国市场》2009,(36):26-30
徐州拥有良好的区位优势、丰富的自然资源以及巨大的市场空间,适合于发展商贸物流产业。如何落实国务院2009年颁布的《物流业调整和振兴规划》,促进徐州物流产业更快发展,成为目前徐州市发展经济的主要课题之一。为此,本文通过对徐州市物流产业的发展现状进行调查分析,提出在调整与振兴徐州区域物流产业规划中政府部门应该采取的策略方案,为地方政府相关部门制定或引导本地区物流产业的发展建言献策。  相似文献   

The ongoing financial crisis has had a dramatic impact on how the Federal Reserve conducts monetary policy. In this paper I outline how the Federal Reserve implements monetary policy during “ordinary” circumstances, and compare and contrast this with how it has implemented policy in the wake of the crisis, especially in the latter part of 2008.  相似文献   

International Business research has focused attention on the role of the home country in firm internationalization. While this has produced insights as to how home countries condition firm internationalization, significant gaps remain. We focus on two. First, research on how and why countries differ in their internationalization support is limited. Second, research on how countries differ in the extension of their internationalization support into host countries is scant. Addressing these gaps, we develop a conceptual paper and put forward nine propositions. We theorize how differences in the dominant mode of economic coordination in home countries – in market-, business-, and state-led economies – relate to variation in their internationalization support. Our framework is relevant to developed and emerging economies.  相似文献   

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