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领导的过程就是制定决策并实施决策的过程.决策正确与否,关系到事业的成败、经济的兴衰.因此,在经济管理中按照科学的秩序和方法.制定和实施决策,实现决策科学化,这是市场经济的需要,是事业发展的需要,也是检验现代领导者经济管理水平的重要标志.  相似文献   

领导的过程就是制定决策并实施决策的过程。决策正确与否,关系到事业的成败,经济的兴衰。因此,在经济管理中按照科学的秩序和方法,制定和实施决策,实现决策科学化,这是市场经济的需要,是事业发展的需要,也是检验现代领导者经济管理水平的重要标志。  相似文献   

领导的过程就是制定决策并实施决策的过程。决策正确与否,关系到事业的成败,经济的兴衰。因此,在经济管理中按照科学的秩序和方法,制定和实施决策,实现决策科学化,这是市场经济的需要,是事业发展的需要,也是检验现代领导者经济管理水平的重要标志。  相似文献   

企业内部环境审计,是企业高层管理决策机构制定环境管理标准和实施环境改进决策的依据.不断深化企业内部的环境审计,可促进企业的可持续发展,是企业合理规避环境风险的需要.对于节约和有效利用资源,加快产业结构调整步伐,合理配置各种生产要素,促进经济可持续发展具有重要的作用和意义.开展环境审计是审计工作发挥监督职能作用,促进经济走向可持续发展道路的有效途径.  相似文献   

经济全球化程度的日益提高是构建全球统一会计标准的客观背景和推动力.从协调到趋同再到统一是会计准则制定的范式转换过程,文化冲突、政治寻租、经济后果是阻挠全球统一会计标准全面实施的因素,有效会计系统构建需要积累充分的能量.全球统一会计标准的最终实施是一个长期渐进的过程.  相似文献   

2006年2月,财政部发布了1项基本会计准则和38项具体会计准则及应用指南.这是我国为适应新形势下国内外经济环境发展需要而做出的重大会计改革决策,是会计准则国际趋同化的需要.但是,从实践来看新会计准则在实施过程中仍然存在一些问题和不完善的地方,需要进一步研究.本文主要是结合审计实务对在新会计准则下如何开展国有产业集团审计进行探讨,并有针对性地提出解决新会计准则实施中存在问题的对策.  相似文献   

网络经济下的企业领导决策更需要统计.文章首先根据准确、及时的统计是企业领导决策的依据和基础,论证了统计在企业领导决策中的重要地位;然后从充分发挥统计的整体职能是科学决策的保证、强化统计工作是企业领导正确决策的前提两方面提出并论证了如何在网络经济下充分发挥统计在企业领导决策中的重要作用.  相似文献   

政府决策是利用行政权力对社会资源的再分配,与社会进步和公共利益保护密切相关。行政决策的过程,既是政府选择最优行政方案实现行政目的的过程,同时也是根据法律的要求依法行政的过程。运用法律对行政决策的制定和实施进行有效监控,是实现行政决策民主化、科学化和法治化不可或缺的保障。  相似文献   

政府决策是利用行政权力对社会资源的再分配,与社会进步和公共利益保护密切相关。行政决策的过程,既是政府选择最优行政方案实现行政目的的过程,同时也是根据法律的要求依法行政的过程。运用法律对行政决策的制定和实施进行有效监控,是实现行政决策民主化、科学化和法治化不可或缺的保障。  相似文献   

在全球经济飞速发展和技术不断更新的大环境下,现代企业要实现与时俱进并保持旺盛的生命力,就必须制定和实施恰当的企业战略。企业战略不仅需要新产品和新技术,更需要创新理念和领导艺术指引企业及员工前进的方向,用创新的思维推动企业的发展,用独特的领导魅力引领企业员工为企业愿景和目标共同奋斗。因此,创新理念和领导艺术是企业战略管理的核心动力,是企业战略立足于健康、稳定的共同体,是现代企业可持续发展的可靠保障。  相似文献   

The decision to engage in music piracy may be preceded by consumer consideration of a range of issues. The determinants of such piracy as embedded in a large matrix of acquisition-mode decision factors relevant to exchange theory, including economic, legal, ethical, network and consumer behavior aspects, are investigated here. This matrix depicts numerous interrelated factors and makes assessing the decision-making process regarding music piracy more contextual than previously considered. A study of 204 American business students was conducted to test this matrix and assess the impact of the various factors. Implications and future research regarding this decision-making matrix and exchange theory are provided. The significant factors predict whether an exchange takes place between music consumers and the music industry.  相似文献   

康俊 《江苏商论》2014,(7):56-59
战略选择是一个非常复杂、含义广泛的决策过程,而复杂的决策是管理团队许多决策行为相互作用的结果,研究行为整合在决策过程中的作用机制对战略管理理论、高层梯队理论和行为决策理论有重要的意义。根据行为决策理论,提出了决策行为、行为整合对决策绩效影响的假设模型。实证研究表明,在决策过程中,程序理性和直觉行为正向影响决策绩效,行为整合可以加强这两种决策行为的正向作用;政治行为负向影响决策绩效,行为整合可以削弱政治行为的负向作用。  相似文献   

董平 《江苏商论》2012,(7):22-24
消费者面临着多样化的渠道选择,企业要有效的管理销售渠道,必须了解消费者渠道选择的决策过程,然而,这是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为消费者的渠道选择随时都可能变化。文章首先基于学习理论解释了消费者渠道选择的决策过程是演变的,然后分析了消费者渠道选择决策过程演变的三个影响因素即:渠道偏好、个人习惯和营销策略,在此基础上构建了消费者渠道选择的决策过程演变理论模型,并进行修正,最后提出了在管理上的三点启示。  相似文献   

本文认为,供应链中的每个节点既是后一节点的供应商,又是前一节点的顾客,供需关系始终贯穿于整个供应链。传统经济批量模型中,订货商仅从自身利益出发追求成本最低的订货批量,这对供应商而言并非最优,供应商和订货商是矛盾对立的。在现代供应链管理中,供需双方应是一种战略合作伙伴关系,合作博弈的结果理应达到双赢。因此,为在竞争中取胜,应形成以顾客为中心的供应链管理,一方面,供应商应提高生产系统的柔性,对顾客需求作出快速反应;另一方面,供应商应与订货商建立战略联盟,追求优化、高效的供应链管理。本文建立的订货商的经济批量模型、订货商已作决策条件下的供应商最优生产批量模型以及供需双方合作博弈条件下的价格折扣模型可以优化供应链管理,促使供需双方达到双赢,从而实现供应链效益的最大化。  相似文献   

Profiles inform decision making and impact both on the individual being profiled and the organisation acting on the information. When there is no universal empirical support for the profile, decisions are made under conditions of ambiguity. This paper analyses the decision-making process for reporting money laundering suspicions using a framework that highlights the role of technical, formal and informal sub-system elements. We conclude that, in the absence of certainty regarding technical, economic and legal parameters, informal factors play a key role in determining whether systems are adopted and how much is spent.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of decision rationality and hierarchical centralization on international entry mode decision-making effectiveness (DME). The role of environmental uncertainty is additionally explored as a moderating variable in this investigation. Drawing from the strategic decision-making process perspective, this research is seemingly the first to include behavioral processes in explaining how effective the decision associated with adopting an international entry mode is. Based on a study of 233 internationalized Chinese private firms, the evidence suggests that decision rationality positively influences DME, while hierarchical centralization negatively affects DME. The moderating effects of environmental uncertainty are negative for both decision rationality and hierarchical centralization.  相似文献   

Statistical information is crucial for managerial decision making. The decision-making literature in psychology and mathematical cognition documents how different statistical formats can facilitate certain types of decisions. The present analysis is the first of its kind to assess the impact of statistical formats in the presentation of data from market research on both the optimality of market decisions and the time required to perform the decision-making process. An economic experiment provides the data for this study. The experiment presents statistical information in simple frequencies and relative frequencies using numerical and pictorial representations in the context of different informational environments. The key findings are that statistical information presented in terms of relative frequency formats gives rise to more accurate decision making than data presented in terms of simple frequencies, independently of the informational environments. When time is the relevant variable, numerical formats lead to a faster interpretation than pictorial ones. Since the number of factors defining the four statistical formats and the different informational environments is quite large, an orthogonal design offers a suitable experimental design. This design keeps the experiment manageable without substantially reducing its analytical power.  相似文献   

Emotion and Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In this paper we examine the nature of the decision-making process for recurrent marketing decisions and its effects on firm performance. A conceptual model of recurrent decision-making in a competitive environment is developed and used as a framework for analyzing 96 tactical decisions made by 35 management groups in the last three periods of a management simulation. The decisions were based entirely on a set of decision rules developed by the management groups. The decision rules were coded for whether they were internally or externally focused and how complex their decision process was. These two factors were then used to predict firm performance. There are a number of important results. The greater the uncertainty in the link between a decision variable and its outcome, i) the more likely managers are to prespecify the value of the decision variable rather than construct a decision rule, ii) the less complex the decision rules that are constructed, and iii) the greater the proportion of internally-focused decision rules. In addition, the focus of a decision rule, but not the complexity of the process—independent of the focus—is positively related to performance with firms that focus on both internal and external factors doing best.  相似文献   

We extend the size–innovation debate by incorporating decision-making style as a relevant factor in the innovation process. We propose that the size of firms affects the scale and quality of product innovation through the adoption of different decision-making styles. Using the literature on cognition, we conceptualize decision-making style as the degree to which firms rely on analytical information for decision making during the R&D process. Using longitudinal data of Spanish firms, we show that, as firms increase in size, they rely more extensively on analytical decision tools for the innovation activity. Additionally, we show that the size of firms is negatively related to product innovation productivity in terms of scale and positively related to the quality, and that these relationships are mediated by firms’ reliance on analytical decision-making style. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications for innovation research and practice.  相似文献   

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