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从经销商窜货谈起--关于窜货管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、认识窜货 从广义来说,应该将所有跨区域销售的任何未经市场授权之产品都归结于窜货范畴.所谓窜货(又称为倒货、冲货),是指企业营销网络中的各级经销商甚至是销售总部受到利益驱动,使所经销的产品跨地区销售,造成价格混乱,从而使其它经销商对经销该产品失去信心,消费者对品牌失去信任.  相似文献   

一、认识窜货从广义来说,应该将所有跨区域销售的任何未经市场授权之产品都归结于窜货范畴。所谓窜货(又称为倒货、冲货),是指企业营销网络中的各级经销商甚至是销售总部受到利益驱动,使所经销的产品跨地区销售,造成价格混乱,从而使其它经销商对经销该产品失去信心,消费者对品牌失去信任。二、窜货的表现形式在当今市场上,窜货有以下几种形式:1.销商之间的窜货众多的企业都是将商品通过经销商或委托代理商销售。由于各个地区经销商实力不同,再加上不同地区市场发育不平衡,需求量有较大差异,甲地因种种原因需求比乙地大,因而产品供不应求,而…  相似文献   

从广义来说.应该将所有跨区域销售的任何未经市场授权之产品都归结于窜货范畴。所谓窜货(又称为倒货、冲货).是指企业营销网络中的各级经销商甚至是销售总部受到利益驱动.使所经销的产品跨地区销售,造成价格混乱.从而使其它经销商对经销该产品失去信心.消费者对品牌失去信任。  相似文献   

窜货是不可避免的,但却对企业有着致命的伤害。在药品销售市场中,由于价格和经销权混乱、销售激励不合理、渠道监管不力、对药厂销售人员管理不善、存在大量库存和快到期产品等原因,经常会发生窜货现象。窜货会导致经销商对产品失去信心,造成假药流入市场,使消费者对品牌丧失信心,甚至会破坏整个分销渠道系统,危害巨大。医药市场应加快完善渠道的监控机构,制定有关窜货的奖惩制度,合理划分区域和市场,采用渠道战略联盟,严格挑选代理商,并对内部员工加强管理,以有效制止窜货的发生。  相似文献   

刘薇 《中国市场》2008,(34):52-53
<正>在激烈的市场竞争环境下,市场营销中的窜货现象往往让经营者很头疼。它能导致市场秩序混乱,使生产厂家、经销商和消费者的关系恶化,是不能掉以轻心的。顾名思义,窜货就是代理商将本应在当地销售的商品,"流窜"到不属于自己的销售区域进行销售,即跨区域销售。也叫倒货、冲货。  相似文献   

窜货是企业渠道管理的一种顽疾,是令企业营销经理头痛的棘手问题。窜货一般在市场上表现为一种低价的倾销行为,严重的时候会损害企业的利润和声誉。通过规范企业价格管理,在推动企业产品畅销的同时,又要有效地遏制经销商的窜货行为。  相似文献   

自销售这一行当产生,窜货便随之发生,至今令众多厂家头痛不已,因为窜货不仅破坏厂家的区域管理体系,更伴随着低价销售,严重伤害厂家辛苦构建,并孜孜维系的价格体系。如果窜货得不到有效控制,在沉重打击市场信心的同时,利润分配体系将发生混乱,最终导致产品销售萎缩,甚至走向衰亡。因此,如何有效治理窜货,始终是我们营销人应时刻该思考的问题,在此将本人既往销售实战案例稍作提炼,与诸位同仁共同探讨治窜的相关问题,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

窜货是企业渠道管理的一种顽疾,是令企业营销经理头痛的棘手问题。窜货一般在市场上表现为一种低价的倾销行为,严重的时候会损害企业的利润和声誉。通过规范企业价格管理,在推动企业产品畅销的同时,又要有效地遏制经销商的窜货行为。  相似文献   

<正> 窜货,也称"倒货"、"炒货"或"冲货",指经销商超出制造商限定的销售区域销售产品,它属于营销渠道管理中制造商对经销商如何有效控制及解决渠道冲突的问题,窜货的表现形式较多,有害窜货是众多窜货形式中最有害的一种,有害窜货一旦发生,就如一条出洞的毒蛇,将毒液射入任何被咬住的营销机体,最终企业丢失市场信誉、失去客户忠诚,导致一个健康的营销链破裂。因此,纠治窜货,就是要能扼住这条毒蛇的七寸。所谓窜货的"七寸",就是指通过研究形成窜货的主要原因,找到制服它的有效方法。那么,窜货是怎样发生的呢?一、制造商渠道管理策略不当致窜货2002年,四川地区一家大型木地板生产企业发生窜货问题,该企业的木地板产品原来主要在四川销售,是四川地区知名度和市场认可度较高的产品。从2000年开始,该企  相似文献   

窜货的“罪”与罚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>窜货,又称倒货或者冲货,是分销网络中的公司分支机构或中间商受到利益驱动,跨区域销售产品,造成市场倾轧、价格混乱、严重影响厂商声誉的一种恶性营销行为。 对于制造厂商而言,恐怕没有什么事情比窜货更令人头疼的了。恶性窜货能令一个原本利润还算丰厚的产品短时期内无利可图,也能令一个年销售额几千万元的产品在短期内完全滞销。  相似文献   

Most marketing managers still function as if challenges such as scarcity of resources and “social responsibility” were simply temporary phenomena. But our “private” market system is evolving into a “public” system. Public policy and the goals of society play an expanding role in making strategy decisions.

Traditional efficiency is when a manager attempts to achieve the greatest output for a given combination of inputs. Under a contemporary definition of efficiency, each firm must produce and allocate goods and services in such a manner that the maximum possible societal utility is achieved. The marketing function is to be the “change agent.”

Marketing today is in a transition from a “passive” to an “active” phase of its ability to deal with the changes taking place. As traditionally, the marketing manager will make decisions within several areas: product offering, price, distribution and promotion efforts, including advertising and sales. The basic concept of the product will be changed to include not only physical goods, but also services, organizations, people, plans and ideas. Exchange will take place between two parties and will no longer be measured simply by a straightforward calculation of costs. Environmental quality, political considerations, consumer welfare, etc., must be evaluated along with profits in order to properly understand how well marketing is satisfying the needs of society.  相似文献   

An in-depth analysis of the impact of retailing-mix levers on private label market share in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector in Italy is made. The direction and intensity of the impact of assortment, price and sales promotion is measured for different product categories. OLS and GMM regressions run on an IRI Group dataset indicate a strong positive effect of product range, which can be considered as a proxy of on-shelf brand visibility. Increasing private label assortment share thus appears to constitute the key supply-side factor in augmenting sales share on the Italian grocery retailing market.  相似文献   

To stimulate sales of sustainable products, such as organic and fair trade products, retailers need to know whether their in-store instruments effectively enhance market shares. This study uses sales data and a multilevel modeling approach to explain the market shares of sustainable products according to shelf layout factors, price level, price promotions, and consumer demographics. It argues that the effect of these variables differs between organic versus fair trade products, as buying motives might differ, organic buyers tend to be more loyal, and price is a more informative signal of quality for organic products. Results show that the number of facings has a positive relationship with the market share of fair trade brands, but not with the market share of organic brands. The same holds for the price difference with the leading brand, which is important for fair trade brands but not for organic brands. In contrast, an arrangement of the product category by brand is associated with higher market share for organic brands but not for fair trade brands. Additionally, placement at eye level and clustering of items benefits both types of sustainable brands, whereas they appear to be not very sensitive to price promotions. Finally, higher sales of sustainable products are found in areas where the customer base is older and has a higher education level.  相似文献   

Price reductions and/or product enhancements are widely seen as appropriate ways to increase market share. However, the key findings of this analysis demonstrate the opposite: decreases in price combined with product enhancements can lead to substantial loss in sales revenue and, ultimately, profit. The discussion draws on findings from a comprehensive system dynamics model, which has been developed in a major company in the capital goods industry. The purpose of this research is to analyze the price and product strategies in the capital goods industry. In the case company, testing intuitive beliefs with the help of a formal system dynamics model proved to be beneficial in the strategic decision-making process. The model had a significant impact on the case company, especially when challenging basic assumptions about mechanisms of markets and competition.  相似文献   

以沪市上市公司为样本,采用逐步回归、聚类分析等方法对公司属性、经营绩效与公司经营管理团队薪酬之间的关系进行系统的实证分析。结果表明,公司经营管理团队薪酬水平与行业平均水平、地区平均水平、股权制衡度以及经营绩效呈现显著的正相关关系,与第一大股东持股比例呈负相关关系;公司在制定经营管理团队薪酬政策时,对行业平均水平的关注程度明显高于对地区平均水平的关注;公司股权相对集中时,经营绩效对经营管理团队薪酬水平的决定作用明显增强,而且此时用表征新财富创造的指标(每元净资产实现EVA)衡量公司经营绩效更为科学有效。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the relationship between partner selection and new service development (NSD) success. We identified three partner selection factors based on partner selection theory: partner reliability, partner expertise, and partner compatibility, and suggested product‐market experience and technological experience as moderators. We developed a questionnaire and distributed it to 446 financial service companies in Taiwan. Overall, we received 122 usable pairs of responses from each firm's sales manager and marketing manager. The results indicate that interorganizational coordination contributes to NSD success. Among the three partner selection factors, partner reliability and partner compatibility were found to positively affect interorganizational coordination. In addition, product‐market experience enhances the positive effect of interorganizational coordination on NSD success. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This empirical paper investigates the relationship between the dynamic strategic interactions among competitors in a component market and demand factors in the market for the end product. The structure of competition in the US microprocessor (MPU) industry is analyzed using data on prices and sales in both the MPU market as well as the market for personal computers. The pattern of dynamic strategic interaction between competing firms in this market on a key decision variable, price is studied. Non-nested model comparison tests based on equilibrium solutions derived for specific differential games are applied to identify the mode of competitive strategy between pairs of competing brands. The empirical fit to the longitudinal and cross-sectional data, of alternative models of competition, independent (Bertrand?CNash), Stackelberg leader?Cfollower, and Collusion, is used to determine which dynamic model best describes actual competitive behavior over the life of each MPU. Demand for the product market which is downstream from microprocessors, that for personal computers, is estimated using a generalized diffusion model with price effects. Data from the markets for desktop and laptop computers are analyzed at the level of computer vendor and internal microprocessor. Patterns are uncovered, linking downstream demand parameters with upstream competitive strategy. There is evidence to suggest that when there are strong diffusion effects driving sales of both the competing computer brands, there is a higher likelihood of Bertrand?CNash competition among MPU firms. However, when there are higher cross-price effects (substitutability) among personal computer brands there is a greater chance of Stackelberg leader?Cfollower price competition. When self-price effects are relatively high, the likelihood of Bertrand?CNash competition among MPU firms increases. Furthermore, when the potential demand for the computer product category is high, there is a higher likelihood of Bertrand?CNash pricing in the MPU market.  相似文献   

股票期权的激励机理及再设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐朝林 《商业研究》2003,(11):10-12
股票期权是西方完善市场机制的产物,作为一种薪酬制度安排,其本质是通过经营者对所获期权时间价值的追逐来实现所有者和经营者的长期激励相容。但在我国目前条件下,考虑到市场的不规则,国企产权的不清晰及相关法律的不健全等现实障碍,在引进的同时加强对股票期权的再设计是比较符合中国的国情的。为此,必须妥善解决好一系列的问题,使股票期权在中国的推行更具有现实性。  相似文献   

随着电子商务市场的日益成熟,制造商建设线上直销渠道来适应新的商品销售环境成为趋势。制造商线上直销渠道的建立占领了部分原本属于线下零售渠道的市场份额,对线下零售渠道造成冲击。针对双渠道供应链中的竞争,将零售商销售努力行为考虑在内,通过构建博弈模型分别研究了在集中决策模式和分散决策模式下,制造商与零售商的定价策略。研究发现,在集中决策模式下,线下零售渠道与线上直销渠道之间的价格差异随着两个渠道潜在需求量之间差异的增大而增大,并且两个渠道的最优价格分别与其市场潜在需求成正比。在分散决策模式下,两个渠道的最优价格亦与潜在需求成正比,并且线下零售渠道的最优价格随零售商销售努力程度的增加而增加,线上直销渠道的最优价格随着零售商销售努力程度的增加而减少。  相似文献   

Opposing theories and conflicting empirical results with regard to the effect of development time on new product sales suggest the need for a contingency analysis into factors affecting this relationship. This study uses a unique combination of accounting and perceptual data from 129 product development projects to test the combined contingency effect of product innovativeness and new product price on the relationship between development time and new product sales. The results show that for radically new products with short development times, price has no effect on new product sales. When the development time is long, price has a negative effect on the sales of radical new products. The findings additionally show that price has no effect on sales for incremental new products with short development times and a negative effect for incremental new products with long development times. Together, these findings shed new light on the relationship between development time and new product sales.  相似文献   

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