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在许多当代人的记忆里,京杭大运河之壮观、之博大、之悠远而深长,都是与中华文明的另一大象征——长城联系在一起的,、在辽阔的中华大地上,长城从山海关由东向西南延伸,写下“阳刚雄健的一撇”,大运河则从北京由北向中国东南沿海缓缓流淌,写下“阴柔深沉的一捺”:两大人工奇迹组成了中国汉字中一个顶天立地的“人”.[第一段]  相似文献   

说起长城,自然让人首先想到北京八达岭长城。可是,那并不是我国最早的长城,仅是如今保存最完整的长城。很多人恐怕都不知道,在辽阔的中原大地上分布着我国最早的长城——楚长城,只是由于历史岁月的侵袭,所剩下的只是些残留的遗迹了。  相似文献   

白英 《新经济》2013,(28):50-59
大同秋风送爽塞上景 放眼幅员辽阔的祖国大地,长城以北的“塞外”率先呈现秋Et风情,山西与内蒙古交界的大同是长城线上的军事要塞。“西界黄河,北控沙漠,居边隅之要塞,为京师之藩屏”。居于内外长城之间,境内山峦起伏,地势险要,历代为兵家所争,因所处地理位置重要,有”北方锁钥”之称。大同境内的长城烽火台全是用黄土夯筑起来的,它和北京地区砖石结构长城敌楼相比,呈现出完全不同的风格,故称“紫塞”。这一段边塞风光瑰丽,人文气息厚重,秋景无限美妙。这里的秋天平和丰盈、秀美、壮观、独特,所散发出来的不仅是属于文人墨客抒发诗情的意境,更处处表现出大气磅礴的豪迈气势。  相似文献   

金山岭长城位于河北省滦平县与北京密云县的交界处,是我国明长城最精华段之一,为世界文化遗传、全国重点文物保护单位.本文将以金山岭长城这一古建筑为例,首先对金山岭长城的概况做出简介,接着通过对金山岭长城的保护状况做出分析,从而得出其文物保护的价值,并对其他类似的古建筑的文物保护价值做出说明,以此来呼吁相关政府和集体、个人珍视我们宝贵的文化财富.  相似文献   

长城河北段是长城国家文化公园重点建设区域,布局长城文化旅游带空间结构,有利于促进文旅融合发展和长城文化旅游新格局的形成.长城文化旅游带空间要素旅游化利用方面存在文旅资源旅游转化利用率低、文旅资源优势发挥不充分、文化挖掘与资源整合不足、长城文化旅游品牌影响力不高等问题.应建立以各级旅游中心地为旅游功能服务支撑的"一带、三区、八核"空间结构,并从深化文旅整合、加强数字技术应用、增进区域合作等方面推动长城文化旅游带全方位、高质量发展.  相似文献   

长城作为世界文化遗产,是中华文明史上重要的历史瑰宝,长城国家文化公园的规划建设是长城沿线地区义不容辞的责任,当前部分长城文化景区建设依然面临很多问题,严重影响长城文化价值的释放。文章以山海关长城为例,基于游客对山海关体验价值的视角,利用SPSS21.0软件和IPA分析方法对山海关景区的体验价值维度进行研究。研究结果显示:山海关长城文化旅游体验价值可以分为四个维度,分别为功能性价值、感知性价值、情感性价值和探知性价值,其中,功能性价值中交通体验的体验度较高,餐饮、住宿、购物和产品体验的体验度较低;感知性价值中环境体验的体验度较高;情感性价值中景观游览体验和服务体验的体验度较高;探知性价值中时间、体力精力的体验度较高,花费的金钱等成本体验和文化体验的体验度较低。山海关旅游景区应通过完善服务体系和基础设施,多样化长城文化活化载体,才能打造高质量的长城文化旅游景区,提升游客体验。  相似文献   

30年前的中国,经济百业待举,文化百废待兴。社会对文物、对传统文化的保护意识十分淡漠,长城的保护工作同样受到严重忽视。这个跨越2000多年历史、见证着中华民族兴衰荣辱的文化瑰宝,就在人为的破坏和自然的损毁中逐渐消逝。1984年7月,时任中共中央政治局委员的习仲勋同志为长城题词“爱我中华,修我长城”。同年9月,时任中央顾问委员会主任、中央军委主席的邓小平同志也为“爱我中华,修我长城”社会赞助活动题词。两位老人的题词将华夏儿女的爱国之心凝聚起来,在全国甚至全球华人中掀起了保护长城、宣传长城文化的热潮。  相似文献   

“不到长城非好汉。”作为民族象征的长城已经融人到我们的血液中。而长城又是饱受非议的,孟姜女哭长城的传说体现了修建长城对百姓生活的负面影响,士大夫对长城的修建问题也爆发了不少的争论,近现代更有人将长城作为民族闭塞的根源。该如何看待长城呢?  相似文献   

基于2015—2019年河北省长城沿线59个县域的面板数据,采用综合评价指标、耦合协调度模型和空间面板模型等方法,探索河北省长城沿线县域旅游产业、生态环境与社会效益三大子系统(TES)耦合协调性时空发展格局与空间效应。研究发现:(1)河北省长城沿线县域TES系统综合发展水平呈现波动上升态势,其中社会效益子系统和旅游产业子系统发展水平总体上呈现缓慢上升趋势,生态环境子系统的增长趋势不显著,且社会效益子系统>旅游产业子系统>生态环境子系统。(2)TES系统呈现高耦合低协调的特征,耦合协调水平整体上呈现良好的增长趋势,且地域分布格局呈现东北部>南部>中部>西北部的态势。(3)人口密度、经济发展水平、对外开放程度、技术创新和产业结构是影响TES系统耦合协调水平的重要因素,人口密度和产业结构会对邻近县域的TES系统耦合协调水平产生影响。基于以上结果提出相应的建议,为促进长城沿线县域TES系统协调发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

崇山峻岭,巨龙横卧,自有长城以来,长城就成了中华民族的象征,成了多少文人墨客,画家神往的仙境。那嶙峋的怪石,那险峻的山谷,那飞泻而下的瀑布,那巍峨屹立的垛楼,无法不令人神往。  相似文献   

华尔街确立了美国第一强国地位,华尔街在挫折中成长,美国的金融风暴宣布超前消费经济理念彻底破产,美国霸主地位将就此结束,世界多极化进一步形成,解决目前经济危机的唯一办法是投资实体经济而不是救市,严格限制虚拟经济的异常发展,“刺激消费、扩大内需”值得商榷,后华尔街时代世界应该遵循科学发展观。  相似文献   

Establishment data from New York and Ohio, two U.S. states representing mature versus dynamic industrial sectors, are used to decompose changes in women's employment during economic fluctuations in the 1920s and 1930s. By decomposing changes in women's employment, one can distinguish between changes which reflect the gender distribution of employment between various industry categories and changes which reflect employer decisions to mobilize specific groups of workers. The empirical findings suggest that during the inter-war period, economic restructuring in Ohio's mass-production industries resulted in substitution toward women workers. Nevertheless, in both states, working women's segmentation into industries which were less hard hit by the Great Depression confined their employment losses. The results suggest that patterns of gender segmentation which are ordinarily quite rigid may be redefined during the political, social and cultural upheaval that accompanies economic restructuring.  相似文献   

严伟  侯爽  王贤 《技术经济》2019,35(4):24
在强调生态文明发展观的新时代背景下,选址于长城脚下、妫水河畔的世界园艺盛会即将开幕,全世界的人们汇聚于此交流感受不同文化背景下对“绿色生活美丽家园”(本届大会主题)的完美诠释。作为有幸参与了园区规划设计全过程的设计团队,我们将园区规划至实施方案的空间推演过程记录下来,不同阶段应对不同挑战,但始终不变的是将万花之园融入秀美山川,让参展者、观展者充分感受“天人合一”“众生和谐”的美好生活画面。  相似文献   

Huanan Xu 《Applied economics》2017,49(52):5370-5396
Using matched monthly CPS data, this article studies differences in labour force transitions across age groups focusing on periods prior to and after the start of the Great Recession. Monthly transitions between employment, unemployment, and nonparticipation of 25–55-year-old males are examined from 1996 through 2013. Prior to the Great Recession (1996–2007), younger groups of workers are more likely to move from employment to unemployment and face an increased risk beyond that of other workers of making this transition as the economy worsens; however, this differential responsiveness no longer appears after the start of the Great Recession. Before and after the start of the Great Recession, younger groups of workers are more likely to move from unemployment to employment; however, there is no extra responsiveness among younger workers to the business cycle. Transitions into and out of the labour force nuance these findings; however, there is no evidence of differential responsiveness among younger workers since the start of the Great Recession. These findings challenge interpretation of the movements of unemployment rates by age group over the business cycle as being driven by differential hiring and firing particularly since the start of the Great Recession.  相似文献   

隐私权是现代社会最重要的新兴基本人权之一,英国是普通法系的代表性国家,但长期以来英国法律不承认独立的隐私权,因此造成英国隐私权法律制度发展严重滞后。英国在隐私权刑法保护方面不但条文稀少,且相对零散,难以对隐私法益形成有效保护。但英国隐私权刑法保护并非一无是处,英国刑法独特的责任制度和刑罚制度在对隐私权刑法保护中别具一格,值得予以高度评价和特别关注。  相似文献   

Locus of control, that is, people’s perception of how much influence they have over their lives, is an important predictor for economic outcomes – earnings, health and education, to name a few. This article uses difference-in-differences analysis to investigate the importance of the institutional environment for the development of locus of control, using the fall of the Berlin Wall as exogenous shock to the educational system in East Germany. Using data from the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP), we find that women showed less external locus of control following the fall of the Berlin Wall but less clear results for men.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代大萧条中的中国宏观经济   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对20世纪30年代世界经济大萧条中的中国经济进行历史回顾和经济理论分析,并与西方主要金本位国家进行比较,力图还原历史的本来面目。本文的研究发现,有两个因素在大萧条时期的中国经济中起到了重要作用,一个是银本位,一个是竞争性的银行体系。银本位使中国经济萧条的进程迥然不同于西方金本位国家;不同于西方国家主要通过财政政策度过大萧条,中国由于特殊的银行体系,货币供给始终没有减少,银行危机也没有普遍发生,这是中国经济在整个大萧条中表现较好的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

英国在二战后建构了自己衰落、渐变、动摇和务实的国际形象。在世界霸权和平的转移中,在平缓而不是大起大落的变化中,英国没有落伍,它仍然在前进。当我们以国际形象的视角回顾英国从二战结束到现在这段历史的时候,我们更多关注的是它的衰落、渐变、动摇和务实。它在这个过程中塑造的国际形象,为国际社会提供了有益的启示。英国的实例告诉我们,作为国际形象基础的国家实力的各个组成部分中,人口、国土和资源等自然因素是基础的基础。  相似文献   

In the wake of the Great Recession, almost all countries suffered a severe and synchronized trade collapse unlike any seen since the Great Depression. To the extent that economic integration fosters trade among countries, this paper examines the role that international integration played in moderating the negative shock caused by the Great Recession on trade. The methodology adopted is a modified gravity model in which we control for the Great Recession, different forms of integration, as well as the interaction between integration and the recession. Measuring integration in three different ways, the findings show that countries that were more integrated fared better in trade – the extent of trade collapse was milder – than less integrated countries. Specifically, Regional Trade Agreement, as a form of trade integration, had a positive and robust effect on trade during the Great Recession. This positive effect is also robust across regions and countries around the world. In a nutshell, countries that are into some form of trade agreements are better-positioned to absorb negative demand-side shocks caused by economic recessions than similar countries without such agreements.  相似文献   

Using a millennium of data for 12 countries in the East and in the West, this article tests the extent to which contracting institutions, property right institutions and culture can explain economic development and the Great Divergence. It is tested whether these theories influence growth through science and technology or through human capital or channels that are independent of these two channels. It is found that culture, contracting institutions and property right institutions have all been relevant for growth and development.  相似文献   

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