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对外直接投资区位选择影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济实力的不断增强和"走出去"战略的实施,中国企业对外直接投资增长强劲。对中国企业开展对外直接投资区位选择影响因素进行研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在对现有研究进行分析的基础上,以2005—2009年中国与51个对外直接投资东道国面板数据为样本,考察中国企业对外直接投资区位选择的决定因素。研究发现:东道国资源禀赋、技术禀赋、基础设施条件、外资开放度及与中国的贸易联系等因素对中国对外直接投资区位选择具有显著影响,而东道国市场规模、工资水平、汇率水平和地理距离等因素的影响并不显著。据此本文提出促进和优化中国企业对外直接投资的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

将制度环境划分成法律制度、政治制度、经济制度等维度,以2003-2015年中国对121个国家(地区)的投资数据为样本,利用随机前沿模型,研究了东道国多维制度环境因素影响下的中国对外直接投资效率。结果表明:东道国法律、监管质量和货币自由度等制度因素对中国对外直接投资效率有显著的制约作用;而东道国民主化程度、腐败控制、投资自由度以及自由贸易协定的签订会显著提高中国对外直接投资效率。在实证研究的基础上,对测算的对外直接投资效率进一步分析发现,中国对外直接投资效率水平较低,且存在明显的区域性差异。因此,企业在对外投资过程中应客观评估东道国制度环境带来的投资效率损失,建立风险预警及应急制度;同时政府也应就企业面临的制度环境风险与东道国商讨,以保障企业对外直接投资利益。  相似文献   

文章基于中国与亚欧中部国家2003-2017年农产品贸易的面板数据,就中国对亚欧中部国家的对外直接投资与双方农产品贸易的关系进行了研究,报告了中国对外直接投资和农产品贸易的现状,通过采用空间杜宾模型中的莫兰检验、总体模型回归分析、空间效应分解等实证方法,研究认为:对外直接投资不利于中国与东道国的农产品贸易,二者之间存在替代关系,但对中国与东道国周边国家农产品贸易有显著的正向溢出效应.基于此,文章建议在中国与亚欧中部国家农业合作的过程中,在重点国家投资一批重点项目,发挥其示范效应,提高东道国的农业生产能力,加强不同国家之间的区域互联互通,降低贸易成本,以通过我国对外直接投资来提升进出口农产品的质量.  相似文献   

对外直接投资的贸易效应研究--基于中国经验的实证分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对外直接投资与出口贸易之间的关系一直是相关理论和实证研究的争论主题。运用引力模型,对中国FD I的贸易效应进行实证分析表明:中国对东道国的直接投资促进中国对东道国的出口,但对从东道国的进口却具有替代效应。因此,大力促进中国对外直接投资,是促进中国的对外出口、绕开东道国贸易壁垒的重要途径。  相似文献   

中国的跨国投资行为日渐活跃,人民币汇率是影响中国对外直接投资的重要因素之一。基于跨国面板数据的研究我们发现,人民币汇率升值促进中国对外直接投资,汇率波动抑制对外直接投资,而汇率预期对中国对外投资的影响不显著;东道国的市场规模、相对劳动力成本及资源禀赋等,也是影响中国对外直接投资的不容忽视的因素,但东道国开放程度及制度质量对中国对外投资的影响不显著。人民币汇率政策的制定和调整应当考虑"走出去"等一揽子战略的配套和协调。  相似文献   

文章通过考察中国对"一带一路"沿线国家直接投资的数据,基从全样本和东道国收入双重视角,定量估计直接投资的影响因素。实证分析表明,中国对"一带一路"沿线国家直接投资流量与中国GDP,东道国GDP、东道国基础设施建设程度、沿海,以及东道国与中国有共同边界及签订自贸协定或合作组织呈正相关关系,与东道国工资水平及中国与东道国之间距离呈负相关关系。而从东道国收入分类视角测度的距离、东道国工资水平以及基础设施水平等因素影响中国对东道国的直接投资方向及程度大相径庭。基于扩展投资引力模型将沿线东道国分为"投资过少"、"投资适中"和"投资过剩"三类。  相似文献   

文章选取中国对东盟各国2003—2017年的对外直接投资存量等相关数据,应用面板数据的空间计量经济学的建模方法,借助空间误差和空间滞后模型,分析中国对东盟国家的直接投资的水平及区位分布的影响因素。结论是:各变量的系数多为显著,中国的投资会产生的空间溢出效应及第三国的互补效应;东道国的市场潜力和劳动力工资水平与投资存量呈负相关关系,而东道国市场规模的扩大和更加丰富的自然资源会促进中国对其的投资。据此,文章提出确定区域聚集点,以东道国的不同的区位优势和要素禀赋选择投资区域等政策建议。  相似文献   

基于扩展的引力模型,笔者利用中国与19个OECD国家和地区的2000年~2008年双边服务贸易和外商直接投资的面板数据,实证研究了中国吸引外资对服务贸易进出口的影响。结果显示:贸易伙伴国对中国的直接投资在一定程度上促进了服务贸易的发展,FDI存量对于服务贸易的促进作用大于FDI流量的促进作用,投资对于服务的进口引致效应大于对服务的出口创造效应。贸易伙伴国的经济发展规模、货物贸易是双边服务贸易流量的促进因素,东道国的服务贸易开放度与其服务出口成正比,相对距离则构成了双方服务贸易的阻力因素。  相似文献   

外商直接投资对我国经济产生了巨大的影响,其中就包括外商直接投资对我国就业数量影响的问题。外商直接投资除了直接雇佣东道国的劳动力就业外,还通过对东道国国内投资、产业链上游企业或下游企业、产业结构、技术水平、市场竞争等方面的影响,间接地促进或抑制东道国国内企业的劳动力吸纳能力。外商直接投资主要通过国内投资、技术转移、国际贸易等传导机制间接影响东道国国内就业。  相似文献   

当前促进企业对外直接投资是我国外经贸发展的新增长点,而企业在国外的集群则被认为是促进对外直接投资的有效手段,这一现象已经出现在浙江省企业对外直接投资行为中。本文通过构建计数模型回归方程,利用浙江省样本数据从东道国角度研究吸引我国企业对外直接投资集群的各类因素。研究发现:浙江省企业倾向于向与我国经贸关系较好、市场规模较小、人均收入较高、经济增长较快、贸易条件较便利、资源较丰富的国家进行集群对外直接投资;距离较远、政府行政较为腐败的国家也易于吸引浙江省企业的集群对外直接投资;与发达国家不同,在发展中国家东道国中,较大的市场规模和较低的人均收入反而更能吸引浙江省企业的集群对外直接投资。  相似文献   

This paper empirically explores the determinants of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Japanese manufacturing sector. We estimate a gravity model of FDI for 30 host countries covering the period 2005–2017, using Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood to tackle the issue of zero-value observations. The results indicate that Japanese overseas investments are not only driven by traditional factors, such as market size, the yen real exchange rate, trade openness, differences in perception of corruption, and financial instability, but also by industry characteristics. In particular, we find that low technological industries characterized by growing labour costs are more likely to be relocated abroad. Furthermore, we demonstrate nonlinearities in the determinants of Japanese overseas investments depending on the host country's development, the host country's region, and the category of FDI implemented (vertical vs horizontal).  相似文献   

Abstract.  We investigate the empirical determinants of China's outward direct investment (ODI). It is found that China's investments in developed and developing countries are driven by different sets of factors. Subject to the differences between developed and developing countries, there is evidence that: (i) both market-seeking and resource-seeking motives drive China's ODI; (ii) Chinese exports to developing countries induce China's ODI; (iii) China's international reserves promote its ODI; and (iv) Chinese capital tends to agglomerate among developed economies but diversify among developing economies. Similar results are obtained using alternative ODI data. We do not find substantial evidence that China invests in African and oil-producing countries mainly for their natural resources.  相似文献   

China's outward direct investment (ODI) has grown rapidly since 2004. But along with such phenomenal growth is a mixed feeling toward Chinese investments in host countries. This article explores some overseas impacts of Chinese ODI based on an analysis of China's policy environment and investment patterns. We argue that what Chinese investors bring to host economies includes (i) massive job creation, but limited technology transfers to the local economy; (ii) ample capital as well as entry into the Chinese market; and (iii) damage from corporate social misbehavior. However, we suspect that these overseas impacts may be transitory as three dynamics, increased conflicts, accelerated learning and China's domestic structural changes, are simultaneously set in motion.  相似文献   

双边投资协定、制度环境和企业对外直接投资区位选择   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
双边投资协定是两国政府为了促进和保护双边投资签署的协议。作为特定的联系两国的双边制度因素,双边投资协定给企业提供了不同于国家制度环境的保护,因而对企业的投资区位决策产生影响。本文建立了关于双边投资协定、东道国制度环境与母国制度对发展中国家企业对外投资区位选择作用的研究框架。基于中国上市公司2003年至2009年对外直接投资的数据,本文有三点发现:首先,双边投资协定能够促进企业到签约国投资;其次,双边投资协定能够替补东道国制度的缺位,对于促进企业到制度环境较差的签约国投资的作用更大;此外,双边投资协定还能够弥补母国制度支持的不均衡性,对于帮助非国有企业到签约国投资有着显著的积极作用。  相似文献   

This study examines foreign direct investment into developing countries, and the stake those countries have in liberalizing or restricting these long-term investments. Of particular interest is the stake the developing countries might have in committing to codes or multilateral agreements on investments. Clear advantages to commitment are identified, involving attracting investments that would not occur otherwise. But disadvantages are also identified, involving the possible loss of rents to host countries that might have been captured in the absence of binding codes.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) activities in the European Union (EU). Evidence is based on panel Poisson models drawing on two investment monitors at the individual project level. Greenfield investments (GI) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are distinguished. The findings indicate that market size and bilateral trade are the main factors for Chinese investment in the EU. In contrast, business-friendly institutions do not foster FDI. Probably, Chinese investors are risk averse, and prefer regions with less competitive markets. The striking difference between GIs and M&As is related to unit labour costs. Higher costs make the host country less attractive for the establishment of new firms, but do not affect the involvement in existing firms. The sectoral dispersion of Chinese FDI in the EU did not change much since the global financial crisis. Most relevant shifts have occurred in research and development (R&D), where low-income EU countries have become increasingly attractive.  相似文献   

Over the last fifteen years, China rapidly expanded its outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) through remarkable economic growth and the “go global” policy. Chinese firms explored investment avenues especially in developing and emerging countries. As a result, China became the third largest contributor of OFDI. We examine the determinants of Chinese OFDI in 67 countries during the period lasting from 2006 to 2015 using the feasible generalized least square method. We find that the size of the economy, market opportunities, cost advantages due to low wage structure, ease of doing business, country risk, and geographical proximity are the prominent factors leading to changes in Chinese OFDI in developing and emerging economies. We find that China’s investments in different developing and emerging countries are driven by a different set of factors and the determinants of Chinese OFDI vary in low and high per capita income countries.  相似文献   

Utilizing panel data for 14 East European transition economies, we discuss the link between product variety and growth. The empirical work relies upon some direct measures of product variety calculated from 5‐digit OECD trade data. On balance, the results suggest that the growth patterns of the East European transition countries may be best represented by Ventura's (1997 ) model of outward orientation and integration with the world economy.  相似文献   

Does the creation of the euro partly explain the sharp increase in European investments? To address this question, we derive a simple gravity‐like model for bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI). Using this model, we find that the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) has increased intra‐EMU FDI stocks on average by around 30 percent. This effect varies over time and across EMU members. It is found to be larger for the outward investments of the less‐developed EMU members. Moreover, contrary to early expectations of FDI diversion effects, EMU countries have invested more in non‐EMU countries since the launch of the euro.  相似文献   

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