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黄金周休假制度对我国旅游业发展影响的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄金周休假制度对我国旅游业的发展产生了巨大的影响,但以往的文献基本局限于影响的定性分析,而缺乏精确的定量研究,同时缺乏对影响机制的深入探讨.本文通过黄金周休假制度对旅游业核心要素——旅游者、旅游企业和旅游资源影响的分析,构建了黄金周休假制度的影响机制,并利用全国31个省市的面板数据对黄金周休假制度作为政策变量进行了回归分析,实证结果表明:黄金周休假制度对我国旅游业有重大的促进作用.  相似文献   

旅游健康发展需要合理的假日制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
到目前为止,我国的假日制度经历了4次变更:1949年初步确立了新中国的休假制度;1995年确立了双休日制度;1999年形成了3个"黄金周"的格局;2007年确定了节庆休假与带薪年休假相结合的新休假制度.  相似文献   

议休假制度改革不能囿于旅游视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年我国实施新的休假制度以来,关于休假制度如何改革的争论非但没有平息,反而有愈演愈烈之势.休假制度改革是一个复杂的、牵涉面极广的社会经济问题,对它的探讨很容易陷入"一孔之见"的误区.  相似文献   

新休假制度对北京居民旅游活动影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新休假制度实施已经将近一年时间,对比2006年和2008年两次调查的结果发现,新休假制度没有对北京居民的短途旅游产生明显的促进作用。本文认为,产生这一现象的原因可以用"渗透效应"来加以解释,对于日常工作压力较大的人群来说,工作日对于休息日具有一定的渗透影响,从而削弱了小长假的价值。  相似文献   

休假制度是现代工业文明的产物,20世纪初期在欧洲的多个国家开始出现.30年代在法国首先以国家意志力强制执行带薪休假制度.1948年联合国制定<世界人权宣言>,其中第24条"人人享有休息和闲暇的权利,包括工作时间有合理限制和定期给薪休假的权利."这为日后工业文明的发展创造了有力的条件.  相似文献   

新休假制度对国内旅游流时空结构及旅游开发的影响分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
郭晓东  肖星  房亮 《旅游学刊》2008,23(5):38-41
时间因素对旅游流时空结构和旅游开发具有重要的影响.本文基于我国新出台的休假调整方案,对国内旅游流时空结构的演变趋势和对旅游开发的影响进行了系统分析,认为休假调整方案对优化旅游流时空结构和旅游产业空间布局,缓解我国国内旅游的诸多矛盾与问题将产生积极的影响,并对引导旅游开发方式转变,促进区域旅游协调与可持续发展具有极为重要的意义.  相似文献   

随着国家新的休假制度的实施,以法定传统节日和文化为主要依托的小长假旅游初现端倪,成为旅游业新的市场热点之一.  相似文献   

休假制度是人类社会发展进步的必然产物.进入现代社会以来,随着科学技术的快速进步,生产力和劳动效率迅速提高,人们的劳动时间不断减少,工作以外的休闲时间越来越长.到目前为止,发达国家公民一年中的各种休假时间总计达到140天左右,进入名副其实的"休闲时代",如何休闲成为人们共同面对的一个普遍问题.  相似文献   

本文在分析我国大坝运维管理面临的问题和挑战基础上,研究了国外水利典型实践和经验,从完善水库管理体制和法规标准及制度体系、运行管理模式、管理技术手段、引导社会力量参与、引入第三方独立监督评估等方面提出建议,为促进大坝安全运行提供借鉴.  相似文献   

本文借鉴管理学的利益相关者理论,从游客感知视角探讨了我国的导游服务质量问题,提出导游服务质量管理是一个系统工程,把矛头单一地指向导游有失公允;导游服务质量问题的根源在于导游与其利益相关者间的利益失衡,而调整失衡关系的根本在于改革管理体制.完善制度保障.  相似文献   

Destination development in China: towards an effective model of explanation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the dynamics of the evolution of a nature-based destination in China. Based on longitudinal studies in Zhangjiajie (Hunan Province), it focuses on the roles of institutions in tourism development in China, demonstrating the centrality of institutions and governments in fostering destination development through policy orientations, attracting investments and regulations in their capacity as producers, protectors and promoters of desired processes of change. It describes a five-stage development process from Exploration, through Starting and via Fluctuation and Acceleration to the current stage of Transition leading towards a Destination seeking Better Service Quality. The study, by incorporating institutions as a driving force, develops an RICI model (Resource, Institution, Capital and Innovation) accounting for destination development in China. The key role of policies implemented by local governments and the roles of institutions are critical in the process of its development, especially in the earlier stages, contrasting with many western countries, where the private sector and central government tend to dominate. The paper notes the role of inter-institution rivalries, and the impact of those rivalries on sustainable development. It is suggested that the proposed model could be empirically verified and tested in other cultural or regional destination development contexts.  相似文献   

The contribution of vacations to people’s life satisfaction and Quality of Life (QOL) has recently attracted substantial attention among tourism researchers. Yet, most QOL scales do not include vacations: 7% explicitly measure vacations whereas 42% only include items relating to vacations within the broader Leisure domain. Leisure and vacations, however, differ substantially in nature with leisure referring to regular home-based activities and vacations being infrequent leisure activities away from home. As a consequence of the common amalgamation of vacations with leisure, there is limited knowledge about the specific contribution of vacations to people’s QOL. The present study (1) presents empirical evidence for the contribution of vacations to QOL, (2) determines the extent of this contribution, and (3) investigates variation in the extent to which vacations contribute to the QOL of different people. Results indicate that vacations contribute to the QOL of the majority of people, are as important a QOL domain as Leisure and People, and that QOL means different things to different people at different points in their life, representing an individual and dynamic concept.  相似文献   

This paper considers some of the issues in the anthropology of modern tourism, emphasizing comparative and dynamic perspectives. Building on the works of MacCannell, V. Turner, and E. Cohen, the relations of tourism to ritual, play, and pilgrimage are considered. Two kinds of tourism are identified: periodic or annual vacations, paralleling cyclical rites of intensification, and arduous, self-testing tourism, paralleling rites of passage. The relation of tourism to class, life style, and cultural change are examined, focusing on the factors; discretionary income, cultural self-confidence, and socio-symbolic reversals. The paper concludes with an examination of research methodology and suggests important avenues for further research, including studies of non-Western tourism, of tourism in relation to such institutions as museums, festivals, and theme parks, and of individual biographical recreational and tourist growth patterns.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an analysis of 16,024 tourism academic papers published in the major social science journals of China as ranked by CSSCI, and CSCD for the period from 2003 to 2012. The paper ranks and evaluates journals and institutions related to tourism, and thus shows a comprehensive picture of the academic development in China's tourism academic research over the decade. The paper used a creative research method to discover the phenomenon and issues not previously identified by researchers and provides a sound foundation to further develop big data analytical methods in China.  相似文献   

h指数是一项评价科学家科研绩效的定量指标,一个人的h指数越高,表明他的论文影响力越大。文章对2003~2012年我国旅游学术共同体(学术期刊、旅游研究者、高等院校及科研机构等)的旅游研究成果应用h指数进行测度和评价。h指数的计算兼顾了论文的数量和质量,弥补了单纯以论文数量来测度和评价学术共同体成员(如学术期刊、研究者和学术机构等)成果学术影响力和贡献度的不足,增加了旅游学术影响力的评价维度,较为全面客观地反映了我国旅游学术共同体成员的科研生产力和学术影响力,更为全面客观地测度和评价了近十年来我国旅游学术研究的概貌和特征,对旅游学术共同体成员成果进行了评价和排序。  相似文献   

This paper explores the nature of Americans' vacations from the perspective of current trends in social and symbolic anthropology. Taking the viewpoint of the vacationers themselves, it suggests that there are two polar types of vacations that are recognized by Americans which are termed “Peasant for a Day” and “Queen (King) for a Day.” Each of these types inverts an aspect of American society, but depending on the class of the vacationer involved, the inversion takes on one of two forms: either dissolution or accentuation of the social hierarchy. Examples and variations of these two basic types of vacation are presented; both domestic and overseas holidays are discussed.  相似文献   

Leisure travel can mediate daily stress, but also provoke stress. Tourists experience multiple stress during their vacations. The aim of this study was to identify what types of stress tourists encounter during their travel experiences and what strategies they use to cope with stress. Using semi-structured interviews and participant observation, the study findings reveal that tourists encounter four major types of stress (i.e., service-provider-related stress, traveler-related stress, travel-partner-related stress, and environment-related stress) during their vacations and use many strategies (i.e., problem-focused and emotion-focused coping) to cope with stress. These findings not only contribute to tourism research by documenting specific types of stress in the travel context and exploring new insights into ways of coping with stress, but also provide suggestions for how tourism and hospitality professionals should modify programs/experiences in response to tourists’ stress and the need to cope with stress during travel experiences.  相似文献   

通过对2001—2014年间中国作者旅游类国际期刊论文的检索和统计,分析发现:(1)近两年来,中国大陆作者发表的论文数量增幅尤为明显;(2)中国大陆作者独立发表的论文数量有所增加,但大陆学术机构的贡献度及论文被引频次仍较低;(3)中国学者在TM上发表的论文有较强的国际影响力;(4)国际论文的数量来看,中国港澳地区学者发表旅游类SSCI论文数量略多于中国台湾学者;(5)中国台湾和中国香港的高被引文章比例较高,在国际旅游学界有较大的影响。通过对不同时期论文的关键词分析提取出的研究热点和研究方向发现,中国作者的旅游研究总体从宏观转向微观,并且对旅游者行为的态度和感知研究更加深入,将对国际旅游学术界的相关领域产生一定的学术影响。  相似文献   

The travel industry has witnessed remarkable development of the children's market in recent decades; however, relevant academic research remains scarce, especially with younger children. By adopting a netnographic approach, this study explores young children's (0–4 years old) holiday experiences through the eyes of their parents. Research findings revealed parents' preferred types of destinations for family vacations. Two broad themes were identified from analyses of parents' accounts: enjoyment of nature and social development. Findings are discussed in the context of relevant literature, and industry recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

There has been a boom in the tourism industry in China within the last ten years. Hospitality and tourism education, especially higher education, has undergone rapid development. In 1978 there was not a single course offered in hospitality and tourism at any higher education institution. Today 69 institutions of higher education offer different programs at varying levels, including two-year diplomas, three-year certificates, and four-year Bachelor's and Master's degrees. This paper examines the development of higher education in hospitality and tourism, outlines the problems it faces, and discusses the possible solutions to the problems.  相似文献   

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