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邹沛江 《中国经贸》2010,(12):123-123
本文意在通过对IS-LM模型下的货币政策与财政政策的分析,来讨论金融危机中的货币政策与财政政策的作用和效用。通过比较来说明危机下政府政策的选取,从而进行对政府政策的建议。从而通过更好的财政、货币政策的制定来应对国际金融危机。  相似文献   

张英 《新西部(上)》2010,(2):46-46,45
在国际金融危机背景下,我国展开了新一轮宏观经济调控,本文以宏观经济经典模型IS—LM模型为分析基础,对我国当前宏观经济政策进行一般性分析,试图表明政府宏观经济政策对解决危机下中国经济衰退可能性是否具有刺激作用,以此看待当前宏观经济政策的有效性问题。  相似文献   

中国特色的IS—LM曲线与宏观政策效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在IS-LM模型中,LM曲线向右上方倾斜已经是个为人们普遍接受的论断,我国学者也从这个论断出发,分析中国商品市场和货币市场的均衡,然而,由于我国公众的投机性货币需求与利率同方向变动,决定了我国的LM曲线向右下方倾斜,其与IS曲线的交点位置随之与发达国家不同,进而我国运用该模型的所有结论都将与经典理论有很大的差别。所以如此的根本原因在于我国利率尚未市场化,中央银行也没有以买卖国债为调节货币供给的主要方式。  相似文献   

宏观经济政策调控与积极的财政政策绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就我国目前经济形势 ,实施积极的财政政策是理所应当的。从这几年财政政策的效果来看 ,确实起到了减缓颓势 ,稳定经济的作用 ,但却不尽人意。政策实施的效率不高。本文分析了积极财政政策的合理性和实施绩效。在此基础上探究了政策低效率的原因 ,提出了完善财政政策的有关建议。  相似文献   

文泉  段海霞 《北方经济》2007,(11):36-37
一、2007年年初至今我国宏观经济概况和物价走势 2007年我国经济运行显著特点是消费需求旺盛、投资需求高位运行、外贸持续逆差。上半年,社会消费品零售总额达到4.2万亿元,同比增长15.4%,增速比上年同期高2.1个百分点;全社会固定资产投资完成额5.4万亿元,增长25.9%,增幅比上年同期回落3.9个百分点,但比第一季度提高2.2个百分点;上半年累计实现贸易顺差1125亿美元,同比增长83.1%,增幅比上年同期高27.9个百分点。“三驾马车”的同时发力带来了我国上半年经济的快速发展,上半年,实现国内生产总值(GDP)10.7万亿元,同比增长11.5%,增速比上年同期提高0.5个百分点。  相似文献   

The high correlations between saving and investment, which suggest a small variability of the current account, is explored within an IS-LM framework. While Feldstein and Horioka interpret this evidence to imply a low degree of capital mobility, the pattern of shocks to the model is also important. If the monetary authorities are pegging domestic rates to foreign returns, then we would expect the Feldstein-Horioka evidence even under high mobility. We explore whether such a rule is optimal when policymakers wish to avoid income variability where fiscal and monetary policy are coordinated and where monetary policy must act alone. We suggest that the Voicker Federal Reserve switched to the latter stance and created a dramatic exception to the Feldstein-Horioka paradox.  相似文献   

Fiscal policy in monetary unions: Implications for Europe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper analyzes how the feasible mix of government expenditure and financing arrangements may change with the establishment of a monetary union such as that planned by members of the European Community. We find that a monetary union reduces the feasible divergence across countries in their present discounted levels of fiscal spending. Wide differences across countries in their present and future time patterns of spending are still possible, however. Examination of the empirical evidence suggests that the movement toward greater exchange rate fixity associated with the EMS and participation in quasi monetary unions havenot been accompanied by significant fiscal convergence. The experience of member states of several existing monetary unions, however, suggests that a more effective constraint to budgetary discipline arises within full-fledged unions in operation over long periods, even in the absence of binding central rules on government deficit and debt positions.  相似文献   

本文利用相关分析、Granger因果检验、回归分析三种统计指标分析了CPI与GDP的关系 ,指出CPI作为通货膨胀指标的可行性。要实现CPI的控制目标 ,应以M 2作为货币政策中介目标较为合理  相似文献   

我国货币政策的最终目标是稳定币值,促进经济稳定增长。中央银行是通过货币政策工具控制和调节中介目标———货币供应量来实现这个最终目标的。本文通过探讨货币是中性还是非中性,货币供应量是内生还是外生,我国货币政策的传导机制是否畅通这三个问题,最终得出了我国货币政策  相似文献   

Rules,discretion, and international monetary and fiscal policy coordination   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper considers the implications of international policy coordination when both monetary and fiscal policy choices are endogenous. We show that a movement from insular monetary commitment to international monetary policy coordination will, if fiscal policies are not coordinated, produce higher output and public expenditure levels at the expense of higher inflation rates. We also show that the concurrent coordination of monetary and fiscal policies raises output and inflation while lowering public expenditure relative to a regime of monetary coordination alone. We conclude that the arguments for concurrent monetary and fiscal policy coordination fail to have a clear-cut theoretical basis.  相似文献   

Investment-saving comovement under endogenous fiscal policy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
I expand Feldstein's (1983) model by including flexible exchange rate and by introducing endogenous fiscal policy. Using this model, I demonstrate how a positive investment-saving correlation can arise in a world with endogenous fiscal policy. I show that this correlation does not depend on capital mobility and therefore is compatible with any degree of capital mobility. This implies that the observed investment-saving comovement is not necessarily due to imperfect capital mobility. The model has a testable implication: it predicts a lack of Granger causality from private saving to private investment. Empirical examination of this prediction indicates that U.S. time series data is compatible with the hypothesis of endogenous fiscal policy during a flexible exchange rate period, but not during a fixed exchange rate period.  相似文献   

The consequences of exchange rate and monetary policies are investigated under two foreign exchange regimes. The analysis is motivated by the experiences in sub-Saharan Africa. The supply side of the open economy model developed by Buffle (1986) is modified to take into account the import dependency of the region. In the first regime, with endogenous foreign savings, overvalued exchange rate and expansionary monetary policy tend to increase the current account deficit. In the second regime, when intermediate imports are rationed to handle the foreign exchange shortage, overvaluation and monetary expansion are shown to be likely sources of output contraction. The cost of policy reorientation is reduced investment.  相似文献   

货币政策效果受货币政策工具、传导机制、实体经济对货币的需求等多种因素影响 ,受上述因素制约 ,我国用扩张性货币政策对付通货紧缩的效果并不显著  相似文献   

We consider a standard two-country monetary policy game with fixed nominal wage contracts. The policy regime is either non-cooperative or cooperative. We extend conventional analyses by deriving the natural rate of employment endogenously through monopoly union decision-making. As unions attempt to affect the real exchange rate, wages are set inefficiently high. Such attempts are shown to be strongest under monetary cooperation. Therefore, in comparison with non-cooperation, employment is lowest, and, in effect, consumer price inflation is highest, under monetary cooperation, i.e., international monetary cooperation is disadvantageous.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of limited asset market participation on the effectiveness of monetary policy in a New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model. Although an increase in consumers who cannot access financial markets reduces the effects of interest rate policies through consumption inter-temporal allocation (neoclassical or permanent income effect), we find an opposite result: monetary policy becomes more effective as the degree of financial market participation falls. The reason has a very Keynesian flavor.  相似文献   

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