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虚拟化技术是建设绿色节能的数据中心的关键,把在大量低端的、使用率较低的服务器上运行的非核心的应用程序,合并到少量的高端服务器上,可以大幅提高服务器的使用率,减少服务器、电源、冷却等设备的数量,从而降低能耗,从源头上解决数据中心的成本问题。目前,市场上的虚拟化技术和解决方案主要从以下3个层次实现数据中心的虚拟化:服务器虚拟化、网络虚拟化、存储虚拟化。其中,虚拟机的划分是虚拟化应用的关键,通过采用虚拟化技术和解决方案在刀片服务器进行部署,每台服务器可运行多个虚拟机、安装多种应用,  相似文献   

应用交付虚拟化技术在银行业的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟化技术逐渐趋于成熟,各大金融机构已初步体会到该技术在服务器等领域的应用优势,并受到广泛关注。技术与应用栏目将以虚拟化技术在应用交付,服务器、存储三方面的实践应用为出发点,与具体案例结合,组织相关文章,供行业同仁探讨。  相似文献   

服务器虚拟化技术近年飞速发展,各商业银行开展了X86架构服务器虚拟化应用。服务器虚拟化将服务器物理资源抽象成逻辑资源,让一台服务器变成几台甚至上百台相互隔离的虚拟服务器,不但提高了资源整合利用率,更可以灵活地进行CPU、内存等硬件资源的动态管理,形成服务器资源池,简化运  相似文献   

堆积如山的旧服务器时代已与我们渐行渐远,而精简高效的虚拟服务器时代正向我们挥手示好。然而,虚拟化管理绝不能一蹴而就,在企业一窝蜂地部署虚拟化技术的时候,也许我们该放缓脚步,审视在当前虚拟化管理过程中可能随之而来的各种“副作用”。  相似文献   

再谈X86服务器虚拟化的三种技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛文波 《华南金融电脑》2009,17(8):22-22,71
上一期“经验交流”栏目中《X86服务器虚拟化的三种技术》一文为毛文波博士探讨“X86服务器虚拟化技术”第一讲的内容,其中最后一段提到:Intel的VT(Virtual Technology)和AMD-V(AMD-Virtualization)技术对X86架构处理器打了硬件补丁之后,X86平台在虚拟CPU与内部存储器方面变成了一个支持完全虚拟化的平台,在这方面,CitrixXen,MS Hyper-V(“在旁边的虚拟化”)与VWware ESX(全虚拟化)之间的差别已悄复存在。但值得注意的是:前两者与后者的虚拟输入/输出设备(IODevices)方面仍然存在着一个根本的差别。下文是毛文波博士探讨“X86服务器虚拟化技术”第二讲的内容,将为广大读者揭示这一差别。  相似文献   

数据中心的基础设施构建在服务器、存储和网络资源的基础上,虚拟化技术是云计算服务管理平台的核心技术。虚拟服务器架构的实现有效控制了数据中心生产服务器快速膨胀和机房电力资源紧张的趋势。然而随着服务器虚拟化规模的不断扩大,可以预见目前针对物理服务器设计的数据存储架构将难以满足虚拟数据中心对于有效利用和动态管理资源的需求。本文在阐述数据中心VMware服务器虚拟化应  相似文献   

随着金融机构普遍建设集中的大型数据中心,为降低能耗,减少服务器占用空间和设备维护工作量,数据中心基本上都使用了虚拟化技术,使得能耗、设备成本大幅降低。但是,网络虚拟化(Network Virtualization, N V)作为虚拟化的一部分,发展远远落后于服务器虚拟化和存储虚拟化。近几年,软件定义网络(SoftwareDefineNetwork,SDN)技术的发展与成熟,使得网络虚拟化可以不再基于物理网络设备实现,大大扩展了网络虚拟化的“边界”。  相似文献   

随着虚拟化技术的不断发展,其应用领域也在不断扩大.2009年8月,做为新疆人民银行系统虚拟化技术试点单位,阿勒泰中支开展了新疆人民银行系统虚拟化技术试点工作,2010年元月,该项目正式通过了乌鲁木齐中支的验收.一、项目背景近年来,虚拟化技术伴随着服务器、存储、网络等技术而盛行发展,它依托计算机网络,对物理服务器、  相似文献   

虚拟化是一个出现在众多技术领域的概念,常见的主要有四类虚拟化技术:服务器虚拟化、存储虚拟化、网络虚拟化、桌面虚拟化。此外,还有应用虚拟化等新生的虚拟化子领域。通常认为,虚拟化不是目的,更不是终点,而是云计算尤其是私有云落地的一个前提。  相似文献   

虚拟化技术起源于大型机,但随着英特尔和AMD陆续在处理器上对虚拟化提供了硬件支持,虚拟化在x86服务器上也有了更光明的应用前景.随着基层央行非重要业务系统服务器数量日益增多,如何科学管理  相似文献   

周诚君 《金融研究》2020,486(12):40-55
2025年海南全岛封关运作、实现“一线放开、二线管住、岛内自由”后,海南自由贸易港市场主体及其商品、劳务和金融资产都将具有离岸法律属性,遵守以《自由港法》为核心的离岸法律法规,既有的内地在岸银行账户体系,以及FT账户体系都将无法满足为海南市场主体及其离岸经济活动提供金融服务和基础设施支持的要求,有必要尽快着手建立适应海南自由港经济金融活动需求的,独立于内地既有银行账户体系,包含海南自由港货币当局、商业银行和其他相关金融机构在内,设计清晰、系统简洁、功能完备的海南离岸银行账户体系。同时,在账户规则、监督管理、金融市场建设、中央银行货币发行和其他微宏观审慎管理,以及配套基础设施上抓紧研究方案,尽早着手设计、建设和模拟运行,以期在中央宣布海南全岛封关运作后,能及时投入运行,为全岛封关运作后的海南经济活动提供相应的金融服务和基础设施支持。基于相关规划和设想,本文做学术和学理探讨。  相似文献   

周诚君 《金融研究》2021,486(12):40-55
2025年海南全岛封关运作、实现“一线放开、二线管住、岛内自由”后,海南自由贸易港市场主体及其商品、劳务和金融资产都将具有离岸法律属性,遵守以《自由港法》为核心的离岸法律法规,既有的内地在岸银行账户体系,以及FT账户体系都将无法满足为海南市场主体及其离岸经济活动提供金融服务和基础设施支持的要求,有必要尽快着手建立适应海南自由港经济金融活动需求的,独立于内地既有银行账户体系,包含海南自由港货币当局、商业银行和其他相关金融机构在内,设计清晰、系统简洁、功能完备的海南离岸银行账户体系。同时,在账户规则、监督管理、金融市场建设、中央银行货币发行和其他微宏观审慎管理,以及配套基础设施上抓紧研究方案,尽早着手设计、建设和模拟运行,以期在中央宣布海南全岛封关运作后,能及时投入运行,为全岛封关运作后的海南经济活动提供相应的金融服务和基础设施支持。基于相关规划和设想,本文做学术和学理探讨。  相似文献   

The current ascendancy of transdisciplinarity (TD) is marked by an exponential growth of publications, a widening array of contexts, and increased interest across academic, public and private sectors. This investigation traces historical trends, rhetorical claims, and social formations that have shaped three major discourses of TD: transcendence, problem solving, and transgression. In doing so, it also takes account of developments that have emerged or gained traction since the early 21st century when a 2004 issue of Futures on the same topic was being written.The epistemological problem at the heart of the discourse of transcendence is the idea of unity, traced in the West to ancient Greece. The emergence of transdisciplinarity was not a complete departure from this historical quest, but it signalled the need for new syntheses at a time of growing fragmentation of knowledge and culture. New synthetic frameworks emerged, including general systems, post/structuralism, feminist theory, and sustainability. New organizations also formed to advance conceptual frameworks aimed at transcending the narrowness of disciplinary worldviews and interdisciplinary combinations of approaches that did not supplant the status quo of academic structure and classification.The discourse of problem solving is not new. It was fundamental to conceptions of interdisciplinarity in the first half of the 20th century. Heightened pressure to solve problems of society, though, fostered growing alignment of TD with solving complex problems as well as trans-sector participation of stakeholders in society and team-based science. The discourse of transgression was forged in critique of the existing system of knowledge and education. TD became aligned with imperatives of cultural critique, socio-political movements, and conceptions of post-normal science and wicked problems that break free of reductionist and mechanistic approaches. It also became a recognized premise in interdisciplinary fields, including cultural studies, women's and gender studies, urban studies, and environmental studies. And, calls for TD arrived at a moment of wider crisis in the privileging of dominant forms of knowledge, human rights accountability, and democratic participation.Even with distinct patterns of definition, though, discourses are not air-tight categories. Transcendence was initially an epistemological project, but the claim of transcendence overlaps increasingly with problem solving. The imperatives of transgression also cut across the discourses of transcendence and problem solving. Broadly speaking, though, emphasis is shifting from traditional epistemology to problem solving, from the pre-given to the emergent, and from universality to hybridity and contextuality.  相似文献   

Supply chain management is all about software and systems, right? Put in the best technology, sit back, and watch as your processes run smoothly and the savings roll in? Apparently not. When HBR convened a panel of leading thinkers in the field of supply chain management, technology was not top of mind. People and relationships were the dominant issues of the day. The opportunities and problems created by globalization, for example, are requiring companies to establish relationships with new types of suppliers. The ever-present pressure for speed and cost containment is making it even more important to break down stubbornly high internal barriers and establish more effective cross-functional relationships. The costs of failure have never been higher. The leading supply chain performers are applying new technology, new innovations, and process thinking to far greater advantage than the laggards, reaping tremendous gains in all the variables that affect shareholder value: cost, customer service, asset productivity, and revenue generation. And the gap between the leaders and the losers is growing in almost every industry. This roundtable gathered many of the leading thinkers and doers in the field of supply chain management, including practitioners Scott Beth of Intuit, Sandra Morris of Intel, and Chris Gopal of Unisys. David Burt of the University of San Diego and Stanford's Hau Lee bring the latest research from academia. Accenture's William Copacino and the Warren Company's Robert Porter Lynch offer the consultant's perspectives. Together, they take a wide-ranging view of such topics as developing talent, the role of the chief executive, and the latest technologies, exploring both the tactical and the strategic in the current state of supply chain management.  相似文献   

Collaboration rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evans P  Wolf B 《Harvard business review》2005,83(7):96-104, 192
Corporate leaders seeking to boost growth, learning, and innovation may find the answer in a surprising place: the Linux open-source software community. Linux is developed by an essentially volunteer, self-organizing community of thousands of programmers. Most leaders would sell their grandmothers for workforces that collaborate as efficiently, frictionlessly, and creatively as the self-styled Linux hackers. But Linux is software, and software is hardly a model for mainstream business. The authors have, nonetheless, found surprising parallels between the anarchistic, caffeinated, hirsute world of Linux hackers and the disciplined, tea-sipping, clean-cut world of Toyota engineering. Specifically, Toyota and Linux operate by rules that blend the self-organizing advantages of markets with the low transaction costs of hierarchies. In place of markets' cash and contracts and hierarchies' authority are rules about how individuals and groups work together (with rigorous discipline); how they communicate (widely and with granularity); and how leaders guide them toward a common goal (through example). Those rules, augmented by simple communication technologies and a lack of legal barriers to sharing information, create rich common knowledge, the ability to organize teams modularly, extraordinary motivation, and high levels of trust, which radically lowers transaction costs. Low transaction costs, in turn, make it profitable for organizations to perform more and smaller transactions--and so increase the pace and flexibility typical of high-performance organizations. Once the system achieves critical mass, it feeds on itself. The larger the system, the more broadly shared the knowledge, language, and work style. The greater individuals' reputational capital, the louder the applause and the stronger the motivation. The success of Linux is evidence of the power of that virtuous circle. Toyota's success is evidence that it is also powerful in conventional companies.  相似文献   

《Finance & development》1992,29(2):22-23
The status of environmental conditions for forests, soils, water, air, and atmospheric changes is presented for developing countries. Loss and degradation of forests continue. The rate of cutting of moist tropical forests is 17-20 million hectares/year. The consequences would be eventual total destruction within several generations, lost soil and watershed protection, local climate change, and habitat destruction. The human toll can also be great as seen by the flooding deaths of 5000 Philippine villagers. Soil erosion is a greater danger than desertification. In sub-Saharan Africa, total harvest and yields of important food crops have declined compared to increases elsewhere in the world. In countries such as Costa Rica, Malawi, Mali, and Mexico the soil losses approximate .5-1.5% of gross domestic product annually. Progress has been made in water purification, but there are still nearly 1 million people in the developing world without access to clean water for drinking and bathing. 1.7 billion have inadequate sanitation. Access to sanitation in urban areas is on the rise. Waterborne diseases are a result of poor sanitation: 900 million cases of diarrheal disease/year, 500 million with trachoma, 200 million with schistosomiasis, or bilharzia, and 900 million from hookworm. Other diseases resulting from improper sanitation are cholera, typhoid, and paratyphoid. Water scarcity is another problem. Air quality is threatened by dust and smoke pollution which contribute to respiratory illnesses, by indoor burning of wood and charcoal particularly in rural Africa and south Asia, and high levels of lead from automobile emissions. Hundreds of thousands of people are affected through increased illness and even loss of mental functioning as in the case of lead poisoning. Atmospheric changes such as ozone depletion or global warming may not show their impact until decades later. The consequences are high levels of ultraviolet radiation which cause cancers, cataracts, and possibly immune system damage, and temperature increases which will increase the levels of the seas.  相似文献   

高校财务风险管理与控制策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,高校进入大规模扩张阶段,财政经费投入不足促使高校负债发展成为必然。高校的财务管理涉及到学校的教学、科研、后勤等各个环节,偿债风险控制的有效与否直接影响高校的正常发展。高校财务管理状况不容乐观,在财务管理和核算方面出现诸多漏洞与弊端,表现在盲目扩建、国有资产流失,人力资源配置失衡,资金来源单一、贷款负担沉重等问题。因此,本文提出解决问题的对策和化解偿债风险的若干控制策哈以期实现高校“负债-发展-收益”之间的良性循环。  相似文献   

Impacts of natural disasters have increased worldwide during the last decades. Facing the growing losses from natural hazards also in Germany, the question emerges how persons in likely affected areas perceive risks from natural hazards such as windstorm, flood, and earthquake. The everyday, ?intuitive“ perception of risks is basic for the individual, subjective assessment of natural risks. Consequently, perception and evaluation of risk is basic for behaviour in dangerous situations. It is also fundamental for decisions concerning preventive protective measurements. To be able to develop effective information and communication strategies and politics about natural risks, the perception and evaluation of these risks and influencing factors should be known. Therefore, the purpose of the study presented in this paper is to focus on the perception of storms, floods, and earthquakes and to study factors that influence risk perception. To study risk perception, a mail survey was conducted in summer 2001 in six regions of Germany which had been affected by windstorm, flood and / or earthquake within the last 30 years. Köln-Rodenkirchen, Passau, Karlsruhe, Neustadt/Donau, Albstadt and Rosenheim were selected as survey areas. In total, 450 persons responded the questionnaire. In the study a mixture of approaches to risk perception was applied, among them the psychometric paradigm. The project was conducted at the Institute for Insurance, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) and additionally funded by the Stiftung Umwelt und Schadenvorsorge der SV Versicherungen. The results show that storm, flood, and earthquake are rated heteroge-neously regarding their general dangerousness, several risk characteristics and attributions of causes. Personal characteristics, such as age, education level, and the experience of damage seem to play a role for the general risk rating. In addition, the risk perception of homeowners and tenants differs.  相似文献   

庞家任  张鹤  张梦洁 《金融研究》2021,486(12):169-188
本文基于沪港通和深港通研究资本市场开放对中国内地股权资本成本的影响。研究发现,受政策风险和市场环境等因素所限,沪港通在初始阶段并未对沪市公司的股权资本成本产生显著影响,但随着政策进一步完善、市场逐渐稳定和交易不断活跃,其对股权资本成本的降低效果于实施两年后开始显现;深港通建立在沪港通的制度基础和运行经验上,其在开通后显著降低了标的公司的股权资本成本。本文还进一步分析了资本市场开放影响股权资本成本的竞争渠道和信息渠道,发现深港通对股权资本成本的降低作用主要集中在投资者竞争程度较高,或是公开信息质量较高、信息不对称程度较低的股票样本。  相似文献   

当前,中国保险市场发展十分迅猛,同时也面临多变和不确定的内外部环境,为研究动态能力提供了理想情境。根据国内外最近研究进展,识别保险公司动态能力的构建维度,探索动态能力和保险公司竞争优势之间的关系。通过对三个案例的研究,发现保险公司的动态能力是个多维度聚合构念,包括感知机会和威胁的能力、对新知识的吸收能力、重构资源基础的能力、产品和服务的创新能力。研究的主要贡献是对保险公司动态能力构念的定义和操作化,以及企业动态能力和保险公司竞争优势之间的关系,对我国保险业的持续健康发展有一定的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

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