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This article characterizes theoretical problems regarding the essence of environmental entrepreneurship resistance. The objective of the current research was to search for micro-foundations of environmental entrepreneurship resistance occurring in SME. We relate the concept of resistance in entrepreneurship with the idea of micro-foundations, thus creating new opportunities for analysis in two areas: conceptual view that interprets the phenomenon of resistance in relation to the organization's activities in the field of entrepreneurship, and cognitive supplementary knowledge of micro-foundations, which affect the entrepreneurial behavior of employees. Environmental entrepreneurship resistance in SMEs has been defined in our interpretation as targeted individual or collective daily activities, implemented from the perspective of various intentions, motivations and other internal and external premises, which are in opposition to commonly used pro-environmental activities constituting the CER component of small and medium business. In addition, we identified a group of 20 micro-foundations, which from the level of an individual or organization may constitute the initiation of entrepreneurial activities, focused on environmental protection in SME. The indicated group was examined on a sample of 122 employees of the SME sector in Poland. After performing qualitative and quantitative analyses, it turned out that eight elements could be considered as micro-foundations of environmental entrepreneurship resistance.


This paper analyzes how the regulative, normative, and cultural dimensions of institutions exert pressure both on companies' decisions to voluntarily disclose environmental information and on the quality of the information disclosed. Prior research has focused on the influence of economic, disclosure, and generic institutional determinants, although little attention has been paid to the analysis of the influence exerted by climate change-related institutional pillars. The results show that the three institutional pillars have different effects as regards both the decision to respond and the quality of disclosure. The regulative pillar positively influences the response decision but does not influence disclosure quality. The normative pillar positively affects both the propensity of companies to disclose and the quality of the information reported. Meanwhile, the cultural pillar positively influences disclosure quality, but it has no effect on firms' decisions to disclose environmental information. This paper is the first to analyze whether the institutional profile of climate change in different countries influences voluntary environmental disclosures.  相似文献   

In this paper we address why firms comply with environmental regulations when enforcement is weak by suggesting that firms choose their level of environmental compliance strategically. Our theoretical model shows that compliance decisions among firms are strategic complements—increased compliance by one firm will positively influence the compliance rate of its rival. In our empirical analysis we find that the compliance rates of other regulated entities have a positive and significant effect on a regulated source's compliance behavior in three of our four heavily regulated industries. If compliance decisions are strategic complements, this may partially explain high compliance rates in the presence of limited regulatory pressure.  相似文献   

中小企业开展电子商务势在必行,然而目前我国中小企业电子商务开展存在着各种各样的问题,需要政府和相关部门与中小企业自身共同努力,加强硬软件设施建设,才能将我国中小企业电子商务推向健康发展的轨道。  相似文献   

吴彩英 《价值工程》2014,(24):191-192
我国的中小企业已经成为拉动经济增长、增加国家税收、推动自主创新、稳定城镇就业的重要企业群体,然而,这样一个在经济社会生活中占据重要地位、做出重要贡献的群体,却长期受困于融资难问题。本文旨在具体分析国外中小企业融资特点及融资困境,阐述国外中小企业融资的先进经验,为解决我国中小企业融资提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the significance of culture in examining the relationship between income and the environment. Specifically, we examine the relationship among scores on the Environmental Sustainability Index of the World Economic Forum and the four dimensions of national culture proposed and measured by Hofstede (1983). We find that there are significant multidimensional interrelationships among the cultural and environmental sustainability measures. As an important application, we examine the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) phenomenon. Our finding suggests the limited applicability of the EKC notion when cultural variables are included in the model.  相似文献   

文章以销售收入、资产总额和员工数量作为指标,从企业规模角度对316家创业板上市公司的研发投入进行了研究,结果显示,研发投入随销售收入的提高而下降,随资产总额的提高而上升,而与员工数量之间的相关性不显著。研究结论说明,在商业实践和政策制定中,为促进中小企业进行技术创新,不应过分关注企业规模的作用,而应对创新的实际过程和企业间的具体差异进行更为细致的研究。  相似文献   

我国中小企业占企业总数99%以上,是技术创新的主体。文章分析了中小企业技术创新对企业发展的重要影响以及意义,结合中小企业技术创新的优势提出了相应的创新策略。  相似文献   

中小企业技术创新的优势及策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国中小企业占企业总数99%以上,是技术创新的主体.文章分析了中小企业技术创新对企业发展的重要影响以及意义,结合中小企业技术创新的优势提出了相应的创新策略.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the success and failure of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) attempting turnaround within Finland's Restructuring of Enterprises Act. In doing so, it aims to shed light on (1) how successful and unsuccessful SME turnarounds differ and (2) the effectiveness of the Finnish regime in promoting SME recovery. A preliminary review of the turnaround literature revealed 23 decline and recovery variables. Data on these variables were collected via a questionnaire sent to the administrators of failing SMEs that entered restructuring. Data from the sample of 228 returns were subjected to factor and logit analysis. The factor analysis finds four decline categories: poor management, high debt in adverse macroeconomy, an adverse microeconomic environment and one-off causes of decline. It also finds three recovery action categories: management change and cash generation, market reorientation and cost-cutting and retrenchment. The logit analysis finds that one-off causes of decline, management change and cash generation and cost-cutting and retrenchment are more important in successful turnarounds and that poor management and an adverse microeconomic environment are more important in unsuccessful turnarounds. The study also finds that the Finnish Restructuring of Enterprises Act has resulted in good rates of business survival. Fifty-four per cent of SMEs in our sample turnaround and survive.  相似文献   

Many management studies analyze stakeholder pressures and corresponding corporate strategies in the context of the natural environment. This study investigates the role of the sources of stakeholder pressures and additional contextual factors for choosing an environmental strategy. By focusing on climate change as an important ecological challenge, four general response strategies to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction pressures are empirically derived and discussed. The analysis is based on a global survey that includes 141 companies across eight different GHG emission‐intensive industries. It is found that organizations' response strategies do not relate to individual stakeholder groups, but rather the organization's level of pollution measured as its GHG intensity is identified to have an influence on the environmental strategy. We discuss important implications for stakeholder theory as well as policy makers and suggest areas for future research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Jesús ngel  Beatriz 《Technovation》2003,23(12):939-948
The aim of this article is to collect and make up the most important contributions in the economic literature in relation to the special characteristics of the management of the environmental innovation in the SMEs. Specifically, we want to show their strengths and weaknesses in order to make up the main conclusions of these analyses with the literature in relation to the way Public Administrations face this situation. The scarce development in the SMEs in respect to their environmental strategy may be a consequence of the links among some of the following factors: limited financial resources, the type of organizational structure, a little influence of the strategic adaptation competence against the changes in the SMEs, the managers’ scarce environmental training and short term orientation, the staff’s scarce environmental awareness and training, the status of the environmental issues in the company, the SMEs’ lower ability to obtain highly radical innovations, the scarce influence of manufacturing process flexibility in the most advanced states of the environmental strategy in the SMEs and their lack of relation ability with external stakeholders—very important in the success of the most advanced environmental approaches. Besides, the lack of regulation neutrality must be added as a key difference among companies of different sizes. So specific actions seem be necessary, such as technological advice and awareness, and training programs in order to cooperate with external stakeholders.  相似文献   

资金短缺是中小企业在发展中面临的突出问题.在国家实行从紧的货币政策条件下,解决中小企业融资问题必须要有新思路.文章通过对中小企业融资现状及成因的分析,提出了解决中小企业融资难的有效措施.  相似文献   

资金短缺是中小企业在发展中面临的突出问题。在国家实行从紧的货币政策条件下,解决中小企业融资问题必须要有新思路。文章通过对中小企业融资现状及成因的分析,提出了解决中小企业融资难的有效措施。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship of managerial values and assumptions with performance management (PM) practices with the aim of understanding the within culture variability in the managerial implementation of PM in the context of a developing country – Turkey. The model of culture fit served as the theoretical basis of this study. Data were gathered from 214 business organizations in Turkey. Participating managers completed a self-administered questionnaire, which assessed managerial values, employee-related managerial assumptions, and PM practices. The proposed model and the hypothesized relationships were examined through structural equation modelling. Results revealed that managerial values and assumptions were significantly related to their PM practices, above and beyond the established organizational PM systems. Managers were more likely to implement practices the way it was congruent with their values and assumptions.  相似文献   

Contextual ambidexterity, defined as the simultaneous pursuit of alignment and adaptability at business unit, is linked to several organizational outcomes including improved performance and innovation outcomes. Extant research posits ambidextrous organizational culture as an important enabler to contextual ambidexterity but suffers from a lack of a well‐meaning scale for the same. In addition, there is very little understanding as to how tasking and facilitating environment can be on firms' endeavour for contextual ambidexterity and the outcomes thereof. Therefore, the current piece of research has twin objectives using two separate studies. First, to develop a scale for ambidextrous organizational culture construct and second, to analyse the role played by the external forces (munificence and dynamism) and internal slack resources on the relationships between ambidextrous organizational culture and contextual ambidexterity and between contextual ambidexterity and new product innovation outcomes through an empirical investigation in India. Using structural equation modelling on data from 414 respondents, we found environmental munificence to strengthen the relationships between ambidextrous organizational culture and contextual ambidexterity and between contextual ambidexterity and new product innovation outcomes. On the other hand, environmental dynamism had a dampening impact on these relationships. Our findings also suggest that for low slack organizations, dynamic and unmunificent environments magnified the negative impact on an organisation's ambidexterity efforts and new product innovation outcomes.  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了中小企业常用局域网的组成及结构,并对中小企业常用局域网的优化方法进行了探讨,以实例详细阐述了此类局域网的优化方法.  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了中小企业常用局域网的组成及结构,并对中小企业常用局域网的优化方法进行了探讨,以实例详细阐述了此类局域网的优化方法。  相似文献   

陈军 《企业活力》2010,(8):82-84
中小企业在发展过程中会产生大量的知识,这些知识如果不进行有效管理,将会随着人员的频繁流动而流失。长此以往,企业会逐步丧失创新能力,降低工作效率,减慢发展速度。中小企业有效进行知识管理,首先要理解知识管理,重视知识管理;其次要从创业开始,并有专人负责;再次要积极营造有利的知识管理环境和文化;最后要因地制宜、循序渐进。  相似文献   

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