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企业竞争优势,即为在经营中企业向顾客提供的价值超过竞争对手.其中,价值即是顾客愿意为相应产品支付的费用或效用.而顾客选择购买的较高价值则来源于企业向顾客提供低于竞争对手价格的同等利益,或者供给超出较高价格的独特利益.当前,随着全球范围内经济一体化以及互联网络的迅猛发展,企业唯有取得并维持自身竞争优势,才能在市场竞争中处于不败之地.本文对企业竞争优势来源进行了探讨.  相似文献   

怎样才能让员工即使在没有人监督的情况下,也能够确保的一切行动都能从公司的利益出发?答案是:卓越的企业文化。它是企业的独特徽章,也是竞争对手无法复制的优势。  相似文献   

在当今银行业竞争日趋激烈的今天,在以客户满意为目标的银行体系下,客户的满意程度取决于银行的服务,而服务质量又取决于银行员工满意度的高低。所以,银行员工的满意度对于增强银行的竞争力显得越来越重要。与其他行业不同,银行员工为顾客提供的服务是无形的。服务的好坏往往靠顾客的感受和以往的经历来判断,具有很强的主观性;员工提供服务与顾客接受服务是同时发生的,员工与顾客的接触非常频繁,银行能否获得顾客的忠诚度,关键在于员工和顾客的关系发展到了何种程度。本文通过实证研究,探讨了影响农业银行工作人员工作满意度的影响因素及影响程度,并在此基础上,针对影响因素提出相应一些解决对策。  相似文献   

企业是一个由多层次团队组成的,核心团队总是少数人,骨干团队是企业的中坚,而广大员工则是处于前沿。面对市场竞争的激烈环境,不少商业企业懂得“员工满意度“的重要,因为商业企业面对顾客,与顾客零距离接触的是广人员工。如果商业企业员工对本企业不满意,又怎能使广大顾客获得良好的服务进而感到满意呢?然而,确实有一些商业企业,并不真正认识“员工满意度”。目前,有些商业行业的一些企业为了竞争而不断降低用人成本,多数员工为企业的临时雇用人员,使企业员工的工作环境恶劣,生存质量降低,个人发展无希望。损害员工利益的结果,必然导致服务质量下降,成了全市满意度倒数第一的行业。我们应当怎样来正确认识员工的作用呢?  相似文献   

论顾客满意差异化战略的优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 波特在《竞争战略》里认为,企业要获取竞争优势有三种基本发展的战略,即总成本领先战略、差异化战略、聚焦战略。随着市场竞争的日趋白热化,许多企业从原来的总成本领先战略或聚焦战略转变成差异化战略(主要是产品差异化战略)。而差异化战略的关键是顾客满意差异化战略。所谓顾客满意差异化战略,就是企业在经营过程中以“顾客满意”为核心,从产品、服务等各个方面实现高顾客满意度,以使自己在“顾客满意”程度(可用顾客满意指数来衡量)上区别于竞争对手,从而不问断地获取新顾客、留住老顾客的战  相似文献   

本文以服务利润链(Service-profitChain)理论为切入点,以企业、员工和顾客三者间的相关利益关系为主线,阐述了企业有效管理员工-顾客间关系的必要性,分析了导致员工-顾客间产生“满意映像”的前提和影响这种关系的相关因素,并就企业如何有效管理员工-顾客间的关系,提出了相关策略。  相似文献   

在上海,随着大型综合超市(下面简称综超)的快速发展,综超公司之间的竞争日趋白热化.为在激烈的市场竞争中,提高综合竞争能力,综超经营者都会把提升顾客满意度作为重要竞争策略.因为市场竞争的核心是让顾客满意,通过让顾客满意,才能留住顾客,吸引顾客.采取顾客满意度测评的方法,获取综超在顾客满意度方面的指数,了解与竞争对手之间的差异.经过持续改进,不断提升顾客满意度以求在行业竞争中取得优势,从而提高综超的经营业绩.  相似文献   

员工与顾客之间存在着情绪感染问题。通过对餐饮与美发业利用配对样本从个人层面的问卷调查显示:员工工作满意,在对顾客服务中,其人际沟通质量和基本服务质量两个维度都有正向的影响;顾客年龄在员工工作满意与人际沟通质量、基本服务质量之间的关系中都存在负向的调节作用;员工情绪敏感度在员工工作满意与人际沟通质量之间的关系中具有负向的调节作用;而员工情绪表现力、顾客学历以及顾客——员工(企业)间关系的强度等则与员工工作满意之间的关系不显著。其结论是:服务行业需重视对员工及顾客个性的研究,并加强员工的情绪引导。  相似文献   

顾客价值创新及其战略效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐康 《北方经贸》2005,(3):91-93
基于顾客价值创新营造的是一种基于逻辑的竞争优势,它是对传统竞争对抗性战略逻辑的一大突破。顾客价值创新的战略焦点不在于竞争而在于顾客,不是为了击败竞争对手,也不是要比竞争对手做得更好,而是通过顾客价值创新,为顾客提供更具价值的产品或服务,以满足不断变化着的顾客需求与偏好。本文通过分析顾客价值创新的两种模式,探讨了顾客价值创新的战略效应。  相似文献   

内部营销是把营销的视角从企业的外部转移到了内部.以企业的人力资源管理为出发点和手段来达到使顾客满意的目的。将内部营销理念引入到旅游景区经营之中,通过员工关系管理策略实现员工满意,最终获得顾客满意和顾客忠诚,形成景区的竞争优势。  相似文献   

In most European countries, the energy industry continues to undergo dramatic changes. Customer relationship management concepts and their central focus - customer retention - are playing an increasingly significant role in the marketing considerations of energy supply companies. However, little is known about the reasons why customers remain loyal to a particular energy supplier or why they switch suppliers. The purpose of this study was to identify customers' switching motives, to investigate the relationship between customer satisfaction and switching intentions as well as to identify switching segments. A total of 462 customers of a German energy supplier were surveyed regarding their perceptions and future intentions in relation to their energy provider. Results using regression analysis show that customer satisfaction had a significant effect on switching intentions. Cluster analysis identified three distinct switching clusters; dissatisfied customers, relative satisfied customers seeking change, and dissatisfied customers seeking change. Results of this study are discussed in light of its theoretical as well as practical implications.  相似文献   

E-business leverages digital channels to scale its functions and services and operates by connecting and retaining customers using marketing initiatives. To increase the likelihood of a sale, the business must recommend additional items that the customers may be unaware of or may find appealing. Recommender Engine (RE) is considered to be the preferred solution in these cases for reasons that include delivering relevant items, hence improving cart value, and boosting customer engagement. The paper describes a model for delivering real-time, personalised marketing information concerning the recommended items for online and offline customers, using a blend of selling strategies: up-selling, cross-selling, best-in-class-selling, needs-satisfaction-selling and consultative-selling. The model further defines the e-marketplace by clustering items, customers and unique selling proposition (USP), and then gathering, storing, and processing transactional data, and displaying personalised marketing information to support the customer in their decision-making process, even when purchasing from large item spaces. An experimental study using a quantitative research methodology was conducted in a mid-size healthcare retailer, based out of India, to determine the tangible benefits. The model was tested with 100 online customers and, with the adoption of the proposed methodology, the results indicated growth in average monthly revenue (33.49%), Average Order Value (AOV) (32.79%) and Items per Order (IPO) (1.93%).  相似文献   

Companies are encouraging customers to participate in the process of creating and delivering their offering(s). In this strategy, not only do providers select a level of customer co-production, but also the level of customer control. This study examines the effects of control types (cognitive, behavioral, and decisional) and their interaction on customers’ affective responses in service operations with varying levels of co-production. An extensive two-study design, across two service contexts, tests the interaction of different levels of co-production and control types on customers’ affective responses. Results show when decisional control is low, one additional control type (behavioral or cognitive) in the operational process can compensate for low decisional control. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究推荐奖励计划中奖励类型(享乐性赠品和实用性赠品)和调节聚焦(趋进型和规避型)对顾客推荐意愿的影响。结果表明:在推荐奖励计划中,具有不同调节聚焦属性的顾客,其推荐意愿也存在差异。具体来说,与规避型顾客相比,趋进型顾客的推荐意愿较高。此外,调节聚焦与奖励类型对顾客推荐意愿存在交互作用。具体来说,对于趋进型顾客来说,与实用性赠品相比,当奖励为享乐性赠品时,其推荐意愿较高;而对于规避型顾客来说,与享乐性赠品相比,当奖励为实用性赠品时,其推荐意愿较高。最后,文章为企业制定推荐奖励计划提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Social distancing practices and staying at home have increased the time people spend on social media with the purpose of exchanging and consuming information about completing their routine practices safely. The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted in-person banking operations and increased the physical threat for both retail bankers and customers. Consequently, the world has moved toward internet banking with the purpose to continue routine transactions for paying bills, purchasing groceries, and shopping of brands. The present study aims to explore how the fearful environment of Covid-19 pandemic increased the social practices of internet banking and what challenges are faced by different customers during their use of internet banking. By understanding these experiences, system developers and marketers can improve their internet banking apps to address the needs and expectations of different customers. The study has opted for a relativist ontological position and social constructionist epistemological position to understand different realities in the same context and how customers experience internet banking in a fearful environment. The study used multiple qualitative research methods: Gibbs reflection cycle, semi-structured interviews with internet banking users, and focus group interviews with executives of public and private sector banks. Social actors through social media played a role with respect to understanding the nature of uncertainty during Covid-19 pandemic that changed customers’ behavior from traditional banking to internet banking. Information was shared through social media to avoid ATMs, debit and credit card exchange with cashiers, and cash exchange as these are no longer safe options for both bankers and customers. The major theoretical contribution of this study is to merge social practice theory and affordance of technology theory in the context of internet banking adoption. This study has discussed practical implications for marketers and system developers of retail banks.  相似文献   

This study investigates the internality of managerial responses (MRs) to online reviews on the responded customers' (i.e., customers who have posted an initial review and then being responded by the company through an MR) satisfaction. By utilizing the data of additional reviews (ARs), an innovative social media module for customers to express follow-up opinions that complement their initial reviews, we examine the impact of MR treatment on the customers' AR valence. We leverage the insight that the observability of MR at the time of the responded customer posts an AR is a crucial condition to the impact of the MR, and thus regard the observability of MR as an exogenous treatment for model identification. Fixed effects models with extensive control variables are proposed to estimate the MR treatment effects. The results show that MRs have significant positive impacts on customers' satisfaction in ARs. Further explorations show that the positive impacts are mainly due to the positive effects of MRs on nonpositive initial reviews (MR-Ns), suggesting that MR-Ns are an effective management tool for customer complaints. Moreover, this study identifies MR delay as a boundary condition for the internality of MRs because MR delay negatively moderates the positive impacts of MRs. Therefore, companies should promptly respond to customers' negative opinions in their reviews. This study is among the very first to clearly identify the internality of MRs on the responded customers’ satisfaction. We show that the existing results on the externality of MRs are not directly applicable to the internality of MRs, highlighting the novelty of this study. The obtained new insights provide practical guidelines for companies to adjust their intervention strategies on e-commerce platforms.  相似文献   

Previous research has concerned itself more with customers' purchasing behaviours but not non-purchasing behaviour. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the organisational justice (OJ) and customer citizenship behaviour (CCB), including the mediating role of organisational trust. A survey was conducted on a sample of 447 fast-food restaurant customers in Taiwan in order to test the proposed model. The findings showed that the customers who have higher perceptions of justice have higher levels of trust and CCB. Positive relationship was found between trust and CCB. In addition, trust has a partially significant mediating effect between OJ and CCB. The findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications, and also provide some suggestions for managerial practice and further research.  相似文献   

This study investigates the triadic interplay among the government, service providers and customers in a highly regulated environment in a centrally planned economy influenced by communist political ideology. In order to answer the research question, we conducted two studies: Study 1 is a qualitative study aiming at exploring various aspects of the triadic interplay among customers, service providers and the regulatory framework, and Study 2 employed a quantitative approach to validate some findings in Study 1. It was found that the relationships between the three main entities in the market were not balanced. Service providers were more passive in their relationship with regulators. In addition, communications between customers and regulators were limited and not well-established. Customers had not been sufficiently engaged and thus, had little voice in the formulation of regulations. Furthermore, the perception of a firm's service quality and innovativeness was different among customers with different levels of perceived regulatory control and regulatory knowledge. As regulatory control and knowledge increased, customers were more likely to perceive a higher level of service quality and innovativeness. The research extends the domain of relationship marketing by incorporating the influence of the government or regulatory framework in the relationship between customers and service providers. The findings of this study can provide practical insights for policymakers and help service providers to effectively manage the relationships with their customers and regulatory bodies.  相似文献   

Recognizing the importance and potential benefits of customer reviews as a source of the voice of customers, this study proposes an analytic framework and procedures for analyzing customer reviews—termed a customer review-based gap analysis—that are tailored to diagnosing service quality. To this end, we conduct sentiment analysis on customer reviews to capture customers’ perceptions and expectations at the service-feature level, which are not expressed explicitly in their reviews. A case study of a mobile navigation service shows that the customer review-based gap analysis can provide the practical information required to diagnose service quality from customer review data. The suggested indexes for capturing customers’ perceptions and expectations reveal quality strengths and drawbacks at the service-feature level. In addition, incorporating these indexes into those for quality performance and objectives based on a service-feature hierarchy provides a diagnostic tool capable of examining service quality in both overall as well as detailed aspects.  相似文献   

In the current Internet environment, many online service companies based on community factors (networks) produce and sell new types of digital products. For example, SNS (social network service) companies now sell customers digital decorative products for the adornment of online avatars. Not only do individual customers consume these digital products, but they also exchange them as gifts in their local neighborhoods. While previous studies on customer valuation (e.g. CLTV, RFM, etc.) focus on some important issues for identifying valuable customers, the literature does not resolve issues related to the effects on customer value of products purchased as gifts for another person. This study attempts to verify empirically the effects of two representative social network properties (tie strength and the number of ties) on customer monetary value.This study selects 2615 customers from a South Korean SNS website who enrolled on the site on the same day. Data include diverse purchase-related information, social network properties in terms of gift-giving for six months, and demographic information. The primary results of this study are as follows. First, the proposed model, which includes social network properties, has a great deal more explanatory power than the baseline model — the RFM-based customer value model. Second, tie strength and the number of ties in a gift-giving network increase customer value. Third, tie strength has a more profound impact on customer value than does the number of ties. The results of this study theoretically expand the domain of customer valuation studies due to the inclusion of social network properties, and suggest important practical implications for some online SNS companies in their efforts to find valuable customers and improve customer value.  相似文献   

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