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This paper inspects the influence of human capital, labour force, and absorptive capacity, physical capital as a control variable, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and gross domestic product (GDP) on Malaysia's productivity growth. A time series quarterly data from the period of 1999 to 2008 was used. The effects of FDI inflows on human capital, labour force, absorptive capacity and physical capital were investigated. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression was applied to estimate the data in the first step and in the second step productivity indicators were calculated. The results show that the FDI inflows and inputs used are negatively contributed to total factor productivity (TFP). Meanwhile, FDI plays a significant role in achieving economic growth through input driven as indicated by the contribution of the TFP. In this regard, a significant positive relationship between human capital, labour force and absorptive capacity which determines the spillover effect on Malaysian economic growth (GDP) was found and the physical capital has shown negative relationship.  相似文献   

中国经济增长动力及前景分析   总被引:67,自引:1,他引:67  
中国经济在过去26年间持续快速增长,高增长的动力是什么?未来10—20年,能否继续保持这种态势?引起了国内外广泛的关注。本文通过建立中国经济增长的综合因素模型,得出如下基本结论:资本投入增加是中国经济增长最主要的源泉,包括结构升级、人力资本效率提高、制度变迁等在内的技术进步的贡献也较强,劳动投入增加的贡献相对较弱,这与中国劳动力供给相对过剩、劳动边际效率较低有关。未来16年,中国经济仍可望继续保持适度较快增长,但要达到目前的高速度,将面临投资率继续增高,能源约束加大等矛盾。大力转变经济增长方式是解决这一症结的根本途径。  相似文献   

We study how the possibility of migration changes the composition of human capital in sending countries, and how this affects development. In our model, growth is driven by productivity growth, which occurs via imitation or innovation. Both activities use the same types of skilled labour as input, albeit with different intensities. Heterogenous agents accumulate skills in response to economic incentives. Migration distorts these incentives, and the accumulation of human capital. This slows down, or even hinders, economic development. The effect is stronger, the farther away the country is from the technological frontier.  相似文献   

人力资本投资对经济增长的影响--以河南与全国对比为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有关一国或地区经济增长中人力资本投资的作用,学术界早已有所认识,当前的问題是如何把人力资本投资对经济增长的影响用定量的形式表现出来,其中变量参数的选择已成为理论界研究的重点。本文以人力资本存量为主要参数,通过构建模型,与全国进行对比分析,发现河南人力资本投资对经济增长的贡献远低于物质资本投资对经济增长的贡献,人力资本投资与物质资本投资缺乏规模经济性,人力资本投资促进经济增长的潜力较大。为使河南经济社会走上可持续发展道路,必须确立科学的发展观,加快以实物资本投资为主向人力资本投资与物质资本投资相协调方向转变,只有这样,才能高质量地实现河南在中原崛起。  相似文献   

吴江  郑慧娟 《经济前沿》2011,(5):115-121
根据资本-劳动替代的“拐点论”,经济发展的初期总是伴随着物质资本的积累,物质资本将在相当长的时期占据经济增长的主导地位;由于资本劳动的边际替代率递减,当物质资本积累处于一定阶段,产生对人力资本更多需求,人力资本则成为这个时期的主要资本;只有在经济持续发展,政治文明发展到一定程度,信任、规范、网络和社会公德等社会资本才有可能成为推动经济发展的主导力量。珠三角地区城市的劳资关系在近30年均处于下降趋势,物质资本总体处于上升趋势,人力资本意义上的劳动力尤其是高层次高素质的劳动力较缺乏;社会资本可以显著的促进物质资本和人力资本的积累,物质资本水平的提高并不必然产生人力资本积累和社会资本积累的结果,人力资本积累也不必然促进社会资本的发展。需要转变经济发展方式,为资本演化创造物质条件,促进人力资本和社会资本积累,并在企业管理层面上促进合作型劳资关系的形成。  相似文献   

余长林 《财经研究》2006,32(10):102-112
文章针对已有的关于人力资本投资的理论研究往往只关注于人力资本投资数量而忽视人力资本投资结构的现状,把教育和健康看作两种资本,分析了人力资本投资结构的具体构成形式。假设人力资本由教育资本和健康资本按照Cobb-Douglas生产技术形式组合生成,在扩展MRW模型的基础上,文章构建了一个内生经济增长模型。分析结论表明人力资本投资结构制约着经济增长,人力资本投资结构和数量(存量)都对经济产生重要影响。  相似文献   

黄晶 《技术经济》2017,36(11):106-112
采用时变马尔科夫区制转换模型,分析了不同投入要素在不同经济增长阶段对经济增长贡献的差异,以及影响经济在不同区制之间跃迁的关键因素。研究发现:在三类经济增速区间内,人力资本投入对经济增长的拉动效应最强,在推动经济从中速增长向高速增长转移的过程中发挥重要作用;帮助经济跨越"中等收入陷阱"的关键在于提高物质资本和人力资本投资的匹配度,使物质资本和人力资本的流动与产业集聚和城市化发展一致、与技术创新能力提升配合;渐进式转型有利于平滑增长路径,降低向高收入均衡收敛的临界值。  相似文献   

人力资本与区域经济发展的计量分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
基于1990年与2000年人口普查数据,运用回归分析研究了区域人力资本指标10年间的差异及其变化趋势对地区经济发展水平变动的影响.结果表明,对人均GDP的增长率有显著影响的因素,按其影响程度由大到小依次为:平均受教育年限增长率、识字率提高率、教育投资占GDP 的比例变动和每千人医生数增长率,但它们对人均GDP影响的方向不同,这一结论不同于许多学者的总量研究结果.本文还利用因子分析进一步解释了人力资本各指标的层次结构对经济作用的影响.这对于在经济转型期深刻认识人力资本在促进区域经济发展中的作用有参考价值.  相似文献   

This study examines sources of Australian labour productivity change from 1950 to 1994. Time-series data are used to estimate a model capturing the interaction between labour productivity, fixed capital, human capital, telecommunications, trade openness and international competitiveness. Attention is given to the time-series properties of these data. ADF tests for unit roots are employed, and the sensitivity of the tests to non-linear transformations and structural breaks are considered. Estimates suggest that policies that promote investment, economic integration and international competitiveness will improve short-run labour productivity. In the long run, fixed capital accumulation is the dominant source of productivity improvement.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on explaining the demographic transition and some of the broad patterns that are associated with it. We present an endogenous growth model that incorporates altruism and son preference within the family as well as gender wage gap and gender wage discrimination in the labour market. We show that with the accumulation of physical capital and human capital, the output share of mental labour increases and the gender wage gap narrows. In the early stages of economic development, gender discrimination is becoming prevalent and the substitution effect of capital accumulation, which raises the cost of child rearing, is dominated by the income effect, so the growth rate of population increases with income. When the degree of gender wage discrimination starts to decline, the increased cost of child rearing induces families to invest more in the human capital of children and the growth rate of the population falls. The quantitative analysis shows that gender wage discrimination is indeed an important contributor to the demographic transition.  相似文献   

This study assesses the relationship of education and economic growth, economic development and economic progress in aggregate, in structural and in micro-economic terms on the basis of one hundred years of Canadian experience. Education is considered as a factor of input. The contribution made by knowledge resulting from additional education expands the capacity to produce, and increases the demand for goods and services and the desire for greater leisure. The dual function of education is stressed: the demand and supply effect. Education is examined both as a cause and a consequence of economic growth, economic development and economic progress, through its contribution to the quality of the labour force, earning capacity, both individual and national, productivity, the rate of economic growth and the character of economic development. The Canadian experience suggests that educational progress generally occurred in line with economic development during the first eight decades, with the real take-off in educational advancement only occurring in the last two decades, when the nation reached the stage of technological maturity and high mass-consumption. Among the reasons for the lower ratio of gross national product devoted to education in the first eight decades were the low priority attached to education, the emphasis on investment in physical capital because of its shorter pay-off period than investment in human capital, and the heavy reliance on a substantial flow of immigrants who had obtained their education and training abroad. A distinct change occurred, however, in the last two decades, partly as a result of new technological challenges and partly as the result of changes in private and public attitudes, as the recognition of the rewards of education in terms of individual advancement and social progress led to a greater willingness to devote an increasing proportion of the nation's resources to investment in human capital, long pay-off periods notwithstanding.  相似文献   

This article uses annual US-state-level data from 1986 to 2004 and pooled-mean group estimation based on Pesaran et al. (1999) to examine whether economic freedom influences social capital. We find economic freedom has a negative effect on our social capital measure. This result is driven by the labour market component of freedom which is indicative of the relationship between labour market freedom and Olson-type group social capital.  相似文献   

"This paper examines the economic policy implications of international migration and human capital accumulation within a dynamic general equilibrium model. Each country produces by means of physical and human capital of two types (skilled and unskilled labour). Along optimal growth paths in a world of diverging population growth rates immigration can only be beneficial when the free rider effect (i.e., not paying for training costs) exceeds the capital dilution effect of an increase in population growth. Under quite general conditions the optimal immigration rate is zero."  相似文献   

张原  陈建奇 《当代经济科学》2011,33(3):87-96,127
本文以人力资本视角分析我国经济发展方式转变及促进经济可持续性的政策选择。研究表明,人力资本投资在发达国家经济增长方式转型中具有主导性的作用,而改革开放以来我国人力资本投资对经济发展的作用已经落入低水平陷阱,经济发展依赖于物质资本及低端劳动力的数量投入,人力资本与物质资本呈现非均衡特征,而且出现就业压力严峻与人力资本短缺并存的现象,物质资本与人力资本不匹配、人力资本投资结构与人才需求结构错位,以及收入分配与人力资本投资不足等问题日益凸显,经济发展可持续性受到挑战。对此,我国应明确人力资本投资对经济发展方式转变的重要作用和地位,通过增加教育投入、放宽教育准入制度及收入分配改革等渠道,实现人力资本投资的快速增长,促进经济发展方式的优化。  相似文献   

为了验证区域发展战略能否促进经济增长,笔者利用2003年实施的振兴东北老工业基地战略作为准自然实验,实证评估了该战略对促进东北地区经济增长的净效应。笔者引入项目评估计量经济学中的合成控制法控制了选择性偏差和由此导致的内生性问题。实证结果表明,振兴东北老工业基地战略的实施,使得东北三省2003年以来的年均经济增长率增加了11个百分点~16个百分点,但自2007年以来该战略的经济增长效应呈递减趋势。进一步分析发现,振兴东北老工业基地战略的经济增长效应,主要是通过增加投资和政府支出、改善基础设施实现的, 人力资本积累、科技进步和投资环境并未改善,产业结构和所有制结构虽有改善但作用有限。因此,这种增长效应容易受到经济周期的冲击而缺乏可持续性。进一步深化东北振兴战略,需要调整对东北地区政策扶持的方向、方式和对象。  相似文献   

在M-R-W增长模型框架下,将人力资本的内涵扩展至教育和健康两个方面。用教育收益率修正了教育人力资本指标,而健康则主要从投入角度加以测度。应用传统的固定效应模型和动态面板模型(DGMM)估计教育人力资本、健康人力资本对地区经济差异的影响。结果显示,人力资本促使全国省际间人均GDP增长出现明显的"俱乐部"收敛现象,而三大地区内部的经济增长则表现出条件收敛趋势。从教育人力资本产出弹性可以看出,东部地区经济增长的驱动力正从物质资本向人力资本方向转变。以每万人拥有床位数代表的健康人力资本促进了全国及区域范围内的经济增长。  相似文献   

改革开放后我国全要素生产率的变动与资本投入   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用索罗的经济增长因素分析法,通过实证检验1978年以来我国全要素生产率增长的变动,定量分析改革开放进程中资本、劳动要素投入和全要素生产率增长对经济增长的贡献,笔者发现,我国的经济增长仍属于要素投入型增长模式,全要素生产率增长对经济增长的贡献较低,近年还呈现下降趋势。今后,我们必须改变经济增长方式,按照科学发展观的要求,提高全要素生产率对经济增长的贡献率,实现效率型经济增长。  相似文献   

宋娟 《经济问题》2008,341(1):100-102
从国内生产总值对FDI依存度、FDI资本形成依存度、外贸依存度、科技依存度、税收依存度等五个方面分析了我国经济增长对外商直接投资的依赖程度,得出了我国经济增长对外商直接投资的依赖度较高,为使我国经济健康发展必须调整相关的引进外资政策、产业政策.  相似文献   

靳卫东  何丽 《当代财经》2011,(10):15-25
提高创新效率和人力资本投资效率,采取渐进式技术进步以及经济危机的爆发和环保要求的提高等等,都可以激励企业家创新和劳动者的人力资本投资,使人力资本与技术进步形成一个良性循环,这决定了技术进步型经济增长的实现。随着创新和人力资本投资的不断进行,生产模式将不断更新,那么前后相继新旧生产模式的生产曲线的包络线就构成了经济增长的路径。发展中国家依靠技术模仿,可以发挥"后发优势"而实现短期高速增长,但是这种增长模式很难持续。采用技术模仿与技术创新相结合的技术进步方式,才是发展中国家实现长期增长和经济赶超的最佳策略。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates whether human capital constrains the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and remittances on economic growth in Ghana. An economic growth model for Ghana is specified and estimated using Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) estimator and employing annual data spanning the period 1965 to 2008. Empirical results indicate that FDI and remittances are key determinants of economic growth in Ghana. Results indicate that human capital enhances the impact of FDI and remittances on economic growth. Although both government expenditure and trade openness are growth-enhancing, government expenditure appears to crowd-out private investment. Empirical results also indicate that domestic inflationary pressures, unstable political environment and volatile global economy exert a negative impact on economic growth in Ghana.  相似文献   

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