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民间借贷在很大程度上拓展了中小微企业的融资渠道,但在实践中,也存在很大的风险且风险不易控制,导致一些地方中小企业发生资金链断裂,进而引发区域性金融风险,影响社会稳定.浙江省的民间借贷非常活跃,尤其是温州.为此,本文基于对浙江省民营中小企业民间借贷的调查,对其现状、存在的风险及管理规范等相关问题进行了分析研究.  相似文献   

赵庆国  张静 《现代商业》2013,(35):34-35
中小企业在我国国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位,由于难以从正规金融获得融资支持,民间借贷成为了现阶段大多数中小企业融资的主要选择,但民间借贷融资风险不容忽视。近年来浙江温州、内蒙古鄂尔多斯等地方老板"跑路"现象频频发生,中小企业显现"倒闭潮"。本文从中小企业自身防范和控制民间借贷融资风险的角度出发,从民间借贷风险成因入手,选择相关风险指标,建立风险指标体系,试图帮助中小企业全面认识民间借贷融资风险,提高风险意识,有效规避和防范各种融资风险。  相似文献   

改革开放三十多年来,市场经济有了很大的发展,特别是民营中小企业发展的较快,企业处在发展阶段资金短缺需要融资,同时刺激和促进了民间借贷市场的发展,由于民间借贷长期以来受政策与法律的约束,只能生存在"地下",一直不能披上合法的外衣.解禁民间借贷市场是迟早的事,势在必行,是市场发展的必然产物.  相似文献   

民间借贷由公民间的民事行为发展到公民与企业间、企业与企业间的商行为后,中小企业及商户融资速度更快,途径更多,同时也滋生了诸多问题。如投资担保公司进入民间借贷市场缺乏足额保证金,相关民间融资机构的理财利息超出国家规定,大量民间融资机构缺乏专业管理引发风险导致的社会公众闲散理财资金的损失及市场动荡。只有加强民间借贷市场上的债权保护才能建立社会信用体系,使民间融资市场更加健康畅通。  相似文献   

资金是企业生存和发展的重要保证.长期以来,我国中小企业面临着资金短缺的“瓶颈”.银行等金融机构贷款的高门槛迫使中小企业将民间资金作为借贷的来源,民间借贷虽然缓解了中小企业资金紧张的问题,但却隐藏着—定的风险.本文以温州立人集团为例,分析中小企业的融资风险,以增强企业的风险防范意识.  相似文献   

很长时间以来,在人们的思想意识中根本没有“融资”的概念,因为下意识里认为所有的资金流通都应该通过银行,也就是通俗意义上的银行贷款,但是随着我国经济体制的不断转型,资本市场中的资金渠道越来越广泛,而又加之经济建设速度的加快,国家在宏观调控,尤其是资本金市场上的控制等,仅凭银行的资金存量意境远远不能满足社会的需要了,因此,民间借贷的行为逐步的走进了人们的视线范围内。但是,由于操作上的不规范和和制度上的缺失等,民间借贷行为的正确界定和操作一直饱受争议,本文就基于合法借贷与非法融资之间的界定为论点探讨民间借贷融资的风险空置问题。  相似文献   

中小企业在国民经济中占有重要的地位,中小企业的发展需要资金,可融资难是中小企业面临的主要问题,中小企业当急需资金时,大部分采用民间借贷的方式获得。而2011年以来,温州、鄂尔多斯多个地区民间借贷案件频发,且涉及人数多、金额大,民间借贷债务危机爆发。中小企业通过民间借贷获得资金的风险加大,企业应该认真从企业财务层面分析民间借贷的融资风险,寻找规避民间借贷的风险途径。基于民间借贷与中小企业风险现状,分析中小企业风险成因,并提出增强所有者的风险意识、采取先进的管理模式、加强财务决策中的风险控制、建立财务预警系统的规避中小企业民间借贷融资风险对策。  相似文献   

张婷 《商业科技》2014,(12):102-103
现阶段,因金融、保险、银行等第三产业迅猛发展而导致国内物质生产衰弱,由此带来民间借贷和产业空心化之间存在着博弈关系。有效的融资可以从金融上阻断产业空心化的发展以提高利润率解决产业空心化融资困境。本文试从产业空心化理论、现状等方面,着手探究我国民间借贷经济存在的问题和解决路径,通过一系列金融规制来防控因民间借贷可能产生的区域性金融风险和社会公共风险。  相似文献   

中小企业是经济发展的活跃力量,却面临着从银行借款融资难的问题。受借贷政策的约束以及盈利目标的驱动,越来越多的企业寻求民间借贷融资方式。但是民间借贷融资方式普遍存在着借贷手续不规范、资金流向过于集中、容易产生借贷纠纷等问题。因此,从政府、法律和市场机制三个方面提出建立多层次多主体监管体系,完善民间借贷法律法规,加强民间借贷利率管理以及构建民间借贷机构市场准入制度等规范民间借贷的措施,以期为中小企业借贷权益保护以及资本市场有效运行提供理论依据。  相似文献   

徐微 《商》2013,(12):169-170
中小企业在国民经济发展中具有十分重要的作用,但融资难一直困扰着中小企业的发展。我们现行的金融体制又无法满足所有中小企业的融资需求,所以,很多中小企业只有通过民间借贷来解决资金困境。民间借贷还存在不易管理、抗风险能力弱等缺陷,因此,研究民间借贷与中小企业融资困难问题具有十分重要的意义。本文主要从中小企业融资困难的现状及原因入手,分析民间借贷对中小企业融资的影响,并提出引导民间借贷正规发展的对策。  相似文献   

民间金融是目前我国比较突出的金融问题,也是法律上的难点问题。对于民间金融的合法性,有关专家学者和相关政府部门都提出了许多观点和意见,但在金融和法律层面上对它还缺少完整的认识,其合法与非法的认定标准还没有明确的定论。为更好地判定民间金融的合法性,在具体的民间金融的司法实践中,应从金融权的公平性,民间金融的行为目的,公众财产利益保护,社会综合金融环境,整体的金融效率、秩序与安全等五个方面入手,找到它们最佳的边际均衡点,并将之作为合法与非法金融的判断标准。  相似文献   

通过对日本和美国的关系型融资的特征、制度都大体相似。日、美关系型融资制度,对于降低商业银行为中小企业融资时的信息不对称状况新起到的作用是相当重要的。对于金融体制尚未开放的中国,大力发展关系型融资。应认真研究日、美两国的关系型融资制度,借鉴其成功经验以“筹集资金,分散风险”为经营目标,从而增强我国的金融系统效率和防范风险的能力。  相似文献   

Guanxi facilitates interaction between companies and people in Confucian societies. Does this type of social construct still play the key role, when the entrepreneurs live in Western societies? The objective of this article is to verify the impact of Guanxi on the capacity of small and medium‐sized businesses accessing financial resources informally. To this end, data collected from small Chinese entrepreneurs active in the principal business center of Brazil were used. From nonparametric tests, the results suggest that: (1) different levels of Guanxi allow small and medium‐sized businesses to access informal financial resources; (2) different types of informal financing are mostly used, or judged to be more significant, depending on the level of Guanxi of the entrepreneur in terms of parental and nonfamily ties; and (3) unlike the Western literature on the financial cycles of start‐ups, this type of informal financing can extend beyond the initial stage of the business. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper measures the extent to which small businesses in the United States in the late 1980s were able to access the external credit finance they desired. We argue that a comprehensive definition of credit rationing must account for both (a) creditworthy firms that apply for and are denied financing, and (b) creditworthy firms that decide not to apply for desired external financing, given expectations about how long it may take to obtain financing and the evolution of investment opportunities.Data from a national survey of small businesses shows that only 2.14 percent of firms did not obtain the funding for which they applied in 1987–88. Another 2.17 percent may have faced some short-run constraints on investment: they were initially denied by lenders but received the credit for which they applied by the end of the sample period. Finally, an additional 4.22 percent of firms are estimated to have been discouraged from applying because of expected denial.Constrained firms are smaller, younger, and more likely to be owned by their founders than those firms that successfully applied for external finance. The total number of credit constrained firms seems quite small, particularly because we cannot distinguish empirically between creditworthy and noncreditworthy firms. Thus the extent of true credit rationing appears quite limited.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relative importance of local governance and external financing on small firms' reinvestments. Using a set of more than 300,000 Vietnamese firm‐level observations from 2006 to 2015, this study finds that local governance quality is positively associated with small firms' reinvestments. However, regarding external funds, only informal finance is positively associated with reinvestments while government loans and bank loans serve as substitutes to reinvestments. Also, this study suggests that there is significant heterogeneity among ownership sectors and between micro‐enterprises and small firms in the way they value the relative importance of local governance arrangements and financing sources.  相似文献   

可转换债券现已成为我国资本市场不可或缺的投融资工具。从实践看,上市公司利用可转换债券融资仍存在发行风险、转换风险、以及经营环境、业绩、财务、操作、被接管和兼并等因素带来的融资风险,如果这些风险问题得不到较好解决,将严重阻碍证券市场的发展。企业应完善融资风险预警系统,有效规避可转换债券存在的融资风险。要根据自身特点选择适合自己的融资方式和有利的发行时机,解决好我国资本市场存在的股权融资比例过高、投资品种匮乏和金融创新困难等问题,促进中国资本市场的成熟、完善。  相似文献   

When firms experience financial hierarchy, external finance, if at all available, is substantially more expensive than internal finance. Factors such as transaction costs, agency problem, and asymmetric information have created such a hierarchy. Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) argue that asymmetric information between firms and potential suppliers of external finance creates adverse selection and moral hazard problems in the credit market in developed market economies. This problem of a higher cost of external finance is commonly thought to be more serious for small firms because they are more disadvantaged than their larger counterparts in accessing external finance due to several factors: (1) Public information on small firms is generally not available and leads to the even greater problem of asymmetric information, i.e., more severe adverse selection and moral hazard problems. These information problems have excluded small firms from bond and share markets. (2) Due to the lack of available means of external finance, small firms rely more heavily on bank loans than their larger counterparts. In addition, as small firms are more interested in cultivating stable relationships with a few banks in order to secure a stable supply of credit, these banks become virtual monopolies by lending to small businesses and exercise their market power in lending to small firms.Most of existing research considers only small firms in market economies; little research has been done to understand the relationship between firm size and investment financing in any economy in transition. This paper makes a contribution to the literature by studying the relationship between firm size and liquidity constraints by using a firm level data of manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai during the period of 1989–1992. We consider whether small manufacturing firms in Shanghai are constrained by the availability of liquidity compared with their larger counterparts when they are financing their fixed investment. In a transforming economy such as China (or other similar transition economies), external finance relies heavily on loans from banks that are fully owned by the state. Due to historical reasons, allocations of credit are always biased in favor of state-owned enterprises. Such a `lending bias' imposes an extra cost on small Chinese enterprises in financing investment as the majority of them are not state-owned.In such an environment, our empirical results show that small manufacturing firms in Shanghai are actually less liquidity-constrained than their larger counterparts in financing their fixed investment. This surprising result is rather different from what people normally predict based on the experience in market economies. We suggest three possible explanations for this peculiar finding: (1) The composition of various firm size classes plays an important role in explaining the result: Non-state enterprises which are fast growing and efficient dominate the small firm classes. Their successes in the markets helps them to generate enough internal funds to smooth their investment over time. (2) The presence of heavy indebtedness of large state-owned enterprises may deprive them of sufficient cash available for investment decision. Given that state-owned enterprises have been making heavy losses, the central and regional governments have a liquidity problem in satisfying their huge liquidity demands. (3) Small enterprises in non-state sectors can rely on the informal credit market to obtain funds for investment although they are excluded from the state banking system.However, the further trade liberalization in terms of eliminating tariffs and quotas caused by China's bid of joining the WTO will erode the profits of these small enterprises as imported goods will be supplied at lower prices. In addition, further reforms in financial sectors may also affect the supply of external finance to small enterprises in nonstate sectors. The consequence may lead to a tight liquidity constraint for small enterprises in China.  相似文献   

科技型中小企业立体式融资模式创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢冰  蔡洋萍 《财贸研究》2012,23(2):115-119
根据科技型中小企业的实际情况,构建科技型中小企业立体式融资模式。研究表明:由于高风险、信息不对称、融资渠道单一、缺乏融资对接渠道、可抵质押资产少等原因,融资难一直是制约科技型中小企业发展的瓶颈。立体式融资模式,能够较为全面地解决科技型中小企业在不同发展阶段所面临的资金需求难题。  相似文献   

Finance for SMEs: A U.K. Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provide an overview of recent trends in the financing of smaller businesses in the U.K. It refers in particular to the findings of a major recent programme of work in this area funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, in which the author participated. This programme included the first national survey to address these issues since the Bolton Report of 1971, as well as a range of projects covering the finance of ethnic businesses and hi-tech firms as well as the market for informal venture capital. On the basis of this work and of the results of more recent follow up surveyors it is concluded that the evidence for general equity or debt gaps in the U.K. is weak. If anything SME funding was too easy in the boom of the late 1980s. It is argued that consideration could be given to the promotion through seedcorn funding of SME co-operative or mutual guarantee schemes to reduce information asymmetry in U.K. credit markets.  相似文献   

2014年阿里巴巴在纽约证券交易所的正式上市,我国互联网金融企业迎来了一个春天。互联网涉猎于金融行业相关的服务及产品之中。互联网金融的发展在一定程度上促进了相关金融行业的整体发展,实现了相关服务信息的透明化和公开化。一方面,中小微企业相关金融服务存在融资的手续繁琐,成本相对较高,信贷配给量过低,融资渠道单一;另一方面,互联网金融实现了小额信贷的规模化和金融服务的订单化,保证了低成本服务的覆盖面积,实现了融资模式的创新。  相似文献   

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