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闻媛 《财经科学》2007,(7):68-73
良好的证券税制不仅是证券市场优化资源配置功能的重要制度保障,而且其本身就是完善资本市场的重要组成部分.本文通过对中国证券税制的制度功能进行反思,认为当前以证券交易印花税为主体税种的单一税制不仅难以保证足够的财政收入,更无助于增进市场效率和维护社会公平.因此,提出在保证较低整体税负的前提下,构建科学合理的复合税制体系.  相似文献   

武迎春  徐浩然 《时代经贸》2012,(20):188-188,208
印花税是我国证券交易市场居于首要地位的税种,因此印花税的征收是否规范,关乎着证券市场能否正常发展,因此证券交易印花税改革问题值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

通过与国际的比较,分析我国证券交易印花税的现状.从波动性、流动性、投资者的积极性以及资金的配置情况等方面分析证券交易印花税对股市产生的影响,调低印花税不仅是交易成本等实物性的改变,也是政府态度的表向,在股市偏离正常发展的阶段,调节印花税税率是调节市场的重要手段.我国的资本市场在向国际化迈进,针对中国股市近一年的形势进行研究,并依据相关数据对本次调低印花税的必要性进行解释.  相似文献   

王紫菲 《时代经贸》2008,6(10):153-155
通过与国际的比较,分析我国证券交易印花税的现状。从波动性、流动性、投资者的积极性以及资金的配置情况等方面分析证券交易印花税对股市产生的影响,调低印花税不仅是交易成本等实物性的改变,也是政府态度的表向,在股市偏离正常发展的阶段,调节印花税税率是调节市场的重要手段。我国的资本市场在向国际化迈进,针对中国股市近一年的形势进行研究,并依据相关数据对本次调低印花税的必要性进行解释。  相似文献   

有关中国证券市场税制改革的问题一直是各方关注的焦点。梳理国内外有关证券税制改革的理论分歧,并在阐述中国证券市场税制改革进程的基础上,提出取消股票红利税、在拓展税基的基础上实施差别化印花税政策以及在一级市场试点征收资本利得税的政策建议,以期为中国证券市场税制改革的路径选择提供参考。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国现行的以证券交易印花税为主体的证券市场税制以及高昂的证券市场交易成本难以适应市场开放和与国际接轨的需要。随着我国证券市场的日益发展以及考虑到和国际证券市场接轨的需要,应尽快开征证券交易税代替现行的证券交易印花税;将印花税替换为证券交易税时应进一步降低税率;开征证券交易税时应考虑不同投资主体、不同证券品种和不同持有期限,实行不同的比例税率以抑制市场投机和平衡市场发展;在证券交易税设计时可以考虑仅对卖方征收;在“低税率”的同时实现“宽税基”。  相似文献   

现行我国证券税制在税制体系、税种设计、征税范围等方面存在问题,借鉴其他国家在证券税制、管理方面的经验,提出了我国现在应实行印花税与证券交易税兼征制度,并暂不开征证券交易所得税,同时改进现行证券投资所得税和强化证券税收管理等各方面改革建议,以期促进我国证券市场更快更稳定发展。  相似文献   

印花税税率的高低直接影响到投资者的交易成本与收益,根据经济学理论,这种交易费用的改变将会对证券市场的微观主体行为产生重要影响。因此,证券交易印花税通常也被作为政府对证券市场进行调控的政策手段之一。尤其是在我国这样一个新兴资本市场,这一政策工具更是被较频繁的使用,从我国1990年建立现代意义上的证券交易市场以  相似文献   

梅君 《资本市场》2008,(6):46-49
证券交易的印花税率1‰在中国资本市场归去来兮,彰显出政府对市场的呵护;但如何提高政府的调控艺术,却似乎又成为新的看点。  相似文献   

易茜 《经济导刊》2007,(8):81-83
我国现行的证券税制结构是一种以证券交易印花税为主的间接税制模式,如何对我国目前的证券税制结构所存在的缺陷和问题进行改革,引发了众多学者的研究和探讨.  相似文献   

Speculate a lot     
While the residential and commercial property markets in Hong Kong are extensively discussed, little attention is paid to the carpark market. This work contributes to fill the research gap in three ways. First, it provides a simple empirical model to explain carpark ratios in residential buildings. Second, it hand collects transaction-level data and constructs a price index for the carpark market in Hong Kong. Third, it shows that changes in stamp duties increase the volatility in the carpark market. This research may shed light on the current debate on the effectiveness of the stamp duty in stabilizing the real estate market.  相似文献   

房地产业在香港经济运行中占有不可忽视的地位。近年来,香港房价不断上涨引起了香港特区政府及香港社会各界的广泛关注,为保证香港房地产市场的平稳发展,特区政府实施了额外印花税等调控房地产市场的政策。本文分析了额外印花税影响房价变动的理论路径,并以香港2009—2012年房价变动的时间序列数据进行了实证检验。结果显示:额外印花税对香港房价的抑制作用不显著,额外印花税的实施并没有扭转房价持续走高的局面。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of news, oil prices, and international financial market developments on daily returns on Russian bond and stock markets. First, regarding returns, energy news affects returns, while news from the war in Chechnya is not significant. Market volatility does not appear to be sensitive to either type of news. Second, a significant effect of the growth in oil prices on Russian stock returns is detected. Third, the international influence on Russian financial markets depends upon the degree of financial liberalization. The higher the degree of financial liberalization, the stronger is the impact of US stock returns on Russian financial markets. In addition, banking reform and interest rate liberalization efforts seem to dictate the globalization of Russian stock markets, while it is the progress in liberalizing securities markets and non‐bank financial institutions that matters more for the globalization of Russian bond markets.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of financial cycles in asset markets and regions. Using a large sample of 38 advanced and emerging economies to enable a comparative assessment, the analysis conforms with the prevailing literature pertaining to the characterization of financial cycles in advanced economies, but finds that equity market cycles in emerging market economies (EMEs) in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe may be a more useful gauge of the financial cycle compared to cycles in credit and property markets. Similar to more advanced economies, it is found that financial and business cycles in emerging economies are synchronized, albeit partially and with some cross-country heterogeneity. This underscores the importance for policy makers to be vigilant of interlinkages between real and financial sectors, pointing toward a need for carefully designed macroprudential policies. Finally, it is found that financial cycles in emerging markets remain vulnerable to global risk aversion in financial markets and spillovers from the US, thereby reinforcing the importance of continuing to strengthen domestic macroeconomic fundamentals, and develop further local financial sectors through targeted structural reforms.  相似文献   

美国金融危机引发全球金融市场动荡。这场金融危机从美国的房地产市场开始,以惊人的速度蔓延,波及至信贷市场、资本市场,封全球尤其是西方金融机构和金融市场造成重大冲击,短期内升级为全球金融风暴。中国目前正处于资产价格上涨、信贷投放过度的经济环境之中,美国的金融危机给中国敲响了警钟。本文通过描述此次危机的发展脉络,在分析美国金融危机背景的基础上,从强化房地产按揭贷款业务风险管理,审慎推进资产证券化等六个方面得出了对中国的警示。  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2002,56(3):265-298
The paper develops a model to analyse the feedback between financial markets, long-term capital investments and the risk of labour incomes. We study a situation where firms are owned by entrepreneurs, who are able to share and diversify their income risk by trading on financial markets. Workers, in contrast, cannot short-sell the flows from future labour endowments and thus do not have the same opportunities. We derive two central results. Firstly, even if financial markets offer perfect risk-sharing opportunities for entrepreneurs, the participation restriction for labour incomes leads to a constrained inefficient market allocation. The constrained inefficiency arises because the effect of long-term investments on the risk of wages is not internalized by state prices. Secondly, we show that in general it is not true that workers indirectly benefit when we go from a situation with no financial markets to a situation with perfect financial markets for entrepreneurs but restricted participation for workers. The results suggest that a policy solution might require either to close some financial markets or to create new ones. We argue why there is a strong case for the creation of new markets rather than for closing existing ones.  相似文献   

This article studies the correlation of agricultural prices with stock market dynamics. We discuss the possible role of financial and macroeconomic factors in driving this time-varying relation, with the aim of understanding what caused positive correlation between agricultural commodities and stocks in recent years. While previous works on commodity-equity correlation have focused on broad commodity indices, we study 16 agricultural prices, in order to assess patterns that are specific to agricultural commodities but also differences across markets. We show that an explanation based on a combination of financialization and financial crisis is consistent with the empirical evidence in most markets, while global demand factors don’t appear to play a significant role. The correlation between agricultural prices and stock market returns tends to increase during periods of financial turmoil. The impact of financial turmoil on the correlation gets stronger as the share of financial investors in agricultural derivatives markets rises. Our findings suggest that the influence of financial shocks on agricultural prices should decrease as global financial tensions settle down but also that, as long as agricultural markets are ‘financialized’, it might rise again when it is less needed, i.e. in the presence of new financial turmoil.  相似文献   

This article compares the performance of regime-switching Lévy models across sixteen (16) international stock markets. From a cross-country perspective, the empirical application is dedicated to the study of equity markets in the Americas, Asia and Europe. The results are of interest for a financial audience in order to document the sensitivity of stock indexes to the intensity of jumps, under changing economic regimes (expansion or recession). We pick up singularities in Japan and Malaysia compared to other countries and regions of the world.  相似文献   

The analysis in this paper addresses the efficient markets hypothesis as it pertains to the markets for financial assets. Both weak form efficiency and semistrong form efficiency are investigated for three different financial assets - common stocks, preferred stocks and government bonds. For these assets the markets are indicated to be weak form efficient based on monthly data covering the period January 1974 to June 1988. In the case of semistrong form efficiency, the financial assets markets are efficient with respect to the supply of money for the period after October 1979 but not before. This anomaly is attributed to the different procedures used by the Federal Open Market Committee between the two periods for controlling the growth rate of the money supply.  相似文献   

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