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From a developmental perspective, this research focuses on how parental responsiveness affects adolescent susceptibility to peer influence both directly, and indirectly, through the key elements of adolescent self-concept (i.e., interdependent self-construal, self-esteem, and self-monitoring). The proposed parent-self-peer model incorporates culture as a moderator. The overarching finding is that in individualist cultures such as Canada, responsiveness reduces susceptibility mainly through an indirect effect by undermining interdependent self-construal, fostering self-esteem, and impairing self-monitoring. However, in collectivist cultures such as China, responsive parenting reduces susceptibility primarily through a direct effect. These findings are largely due to the cultural differences in socialization goals oriented toward individualism vs. collectivism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify shopping orientation segments for US female consumers. The sample included 151 women, aged 18 years and over. This research examined differences in the segments relative to store patronage preferences (i.e. department, discount, specialty), attitude toward the environment of the store selected as first choice when shopping for a specific apparel item (i.e. a dress), and demographic characteristics. Cluster analysis revealed that four shopping segments described the female consumers. The segments were named Decisive Apparel Shopper, Confident Apparel Shopper, Highly Involved Apparel Shopper, and Extremely Involved Apparel Shopper, based on several shopping factors. Differences were found among the shopping orientation segments for store of first choice, attitude and household income. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

With the advent of diverse forms of retailing, competition among retailers is becoming more intense. Due to this phenomenon, retailers now require marketing strategies that can differentiate themselves from other retailers. However, there is a lack of research on what kind of shopping values consumers perceive from the retailers they visit. This paper analyzes dimensions of shopping values consumers perceive and variations in perceived shopping values according to the types of clothing retailers, be it a department store, discount store, or internet shopping mall. More specifically, the paper analyzes the moderating effect of consumers’ different social class in perceiving the shopping values of each retailer. The results show that shopping value consists of five major constructs: experiential, diversional, reliable, efficient, and self-expressive shopping values. We also found that consumers perceive more experiential, diversional, and reliable shopping values in department stores and internet shopping malls than in discount stores, and self-expressive shopping value is highly perceived in department stores. However, consumers’ social class can moderate the perception of shopping values for department stores and internet shopping malls, but not for discount stores. Discount store shopping is likely to provide consistent shopping values to consumers of all classes. Based on these findings, managerial implications are then presented.  相似文献   

This study evaluates parental and peer influences on teen purchase decisions by applying social power theory, which has not been examined in the teen context. The conceptual model examines how family socialization practices might impact teens' perceptions of social power influences from parents and peers. For example, family communication environment may promote teens' reliance on particular bases of social power influence. This study also examines the relationship between the bases of perceived social power and the purchase of different types of products (e.g., luxury/necessity, public/private). Results are generally consistent with predictions, demonstrating that teens from high socio-oriented communication environments are subject to greater perceived peer reward/coercive and referent power, whereas teens from high concept-oriented communication environments perceive greater parental expert and legitimate power. Finally, perceived bases of social power influence differ depending on the type of product purchased. Interpretation of findings and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate: (a) whether shopping enjoyment has a differential influence on two key store shopping modes (browsing vs. bargain hunting); (b) whether the level of chronic time pressure moderates the influence of shopping enjoyment on each shopping mode; and (c) whether each of the shopping modes has a differential influence on hedonic shopping value. Data were collected from a sample of US store shoppers (n=1009). Results revealed that the influence of shopping enjoyment was much stronger on the browsing mode than on the bargain hunting mode. In turn, the browsing mode exerted a stronger influence on hedonic shopping value. Also, this study confirmed that the level of chronic time pressure significantly moderated the influence of shopping enjoyment on the browsing mode. Implications for brick-and-mortar retailers were discussed with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Depending on the shopping context, consumers may develop different mental representations of complex shopping trip decision problems to help them interpret the decision situation that they face and evaluate alternative courses of action. To investigate these mental representations and how they vary across contexts, the authors propose a causal network structure that allows for a formal representation of how context-specific benefits requirements affect consumers’ evaluation of decision alternative attributes. They empirically test hypotheses derived from the framework, using data on consumers’ mental representations of a complex shopping trip decision problem across four shopping contexts that differ in terms of opening hour restrictions and shopping purpose, and find support for the proposed structure and hypotheses.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 300 consumers, this paper develops and tests a hierarchical model that examines the effect of interdependent self-construal on consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence. Structural equation modeling shows that the relationship between the two constructs is mediated by several situational factors via two prediction paths. Along one path, interdependent self-construal positively affects consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence, which is positively connected to consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence through the mediation of consumers’ susceptibility to store atmosphere influence. Along the other path, interdependent self-construal is positively correlated with public self-consciousness, which is then positively associated with consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence. Discussions on theoretical, practical and future research implications are provided.  相似文献   

Consumers exhibit diversified shopping value in a highly competitive retail environment, which entails investigating multiple dimensions of consumer shopping value orientation that are important in determining an appropriate retail approach. To capture diverse aspects of consumer shopping value orientation, this study developed a comprehensive measurement which would (1) encompass both benefit and cost components, (2) embrace the domain beyond the boundary of product focus, and (3) comprise both utilitarian and hedonic aspects. Employing an extensive literature review, focus group and personal interviews, and surveys, this study developed the nine-dimensional shopping value orientation (SVO) measure. The measure was validated with multiple tests such as convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity. Its applicability in the retail setting was demonstrated with cluster analysis accompanied by correspondence analysis. Implications for retailers as well as future research directions are provided.  相似文献   

Retail sector survives in the face of severe competition caused especially by outshopping activity. Outshopping involves residents—urban or rural—of one area travelling to another area, usually larger retail developments, to buy goods. This practice is of special concern to retailers particularly when consumers outshop even if the product is available locally. This study aims to understand how psychographics influence the propensity to outshop among urban and rural consumers, and more specifically to find out which products they purchase. It analyzes a quota sample of 298 usable responses from urban and rural areas of northern Gujarat. A structured questionnaire was administered through survey approach. From an exploratory analysis, six factors were extracted and regressed with a propensity to outshop among consumers, followed by the analysis of variance to determine which products were outshopped by consumers. The study demonstrates that rural consumers’ propensity to outshop is influenced by factors such as outlet prone, local involvement, and time saving opinions, urban consumers’ propensity to outshop is influenced by travelling oriented, outshopping interests, and time saving opinions. Additionally, rural consumers outshop for sports goods and flooring materials, while urban consumers outshop for children's clothing and fancy items for women’s use. This study can help retailers to tailor-make their communication strategies for rural and urban consumers. In addition, it can contribute significantly in understanding the retail flow for specific product categories, which in turn, can help retailers in designing marketing mix strategies for expanding their customer base.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the literature by providing a segmentation of Turkish consumers based on their motives for visiting shopping centres. First, we identified the motives that Turkish consumers had for visiting shopping centres and then we used those motives to segment consumers. Data were collected through a survey from 390 participants living in the six largest cities in Turkey. First, the results showed that Turkish consumers had five groups of motives when it comes to visiting shopping centres. The results of a two-step cluster analysis used for segmentation revealed four distinct segments of Turkish shopping centre visitors. Those segments were named as serious consumers, recreational consumers, enthusiast consumers, pragmatic consumers. These findings suggest that Turkish shopping centre managers need to recognize that Turkish consumers are not a homogeneous unit when it comes to visiting shopping centres. Finally, academic and managerial implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(6):749-761
Influence vulnerability has recently become a concern across society and in business. Such vulnerabilities increase as social networks are leveraged by different entities, oftentimes through social media, to affect how we think and behave. While many instances of social influence are positive and beneficial, others can be quite negative and lead to harmful outcomes for organizations and individuals such as reputational damage and an inability to control desirable thoughts, narratives, and behaviors. In general, they can decrease people’s freedom of thought and behavior. This article draws on the concepts of social embeddedness and network commitment to outline people’s influence vulnerabilities. It then proposes three guidelines to help reduce influence vulnerabilities based on the concepts of trustworthiness, network commitment, and self-management.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of consumer shopping orientations on grocery channel attractiveness and choice. It extends the concept of shopping orientation (utilitarian and hedonic) to account for emerging motivations among French consumers: shopping in line with sustainable and ethical values. In doing so, it helps profile segments of consumers who choose to shop through new online channels (Drive through) and newly deployed store formats (city stores). A sample of 300 French customers, responsible for shopping in the household, was surveyed. Hypotheses were tested through Latent Class Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with categorical outcomes. Our findings indicate that consumers shopping orientations influence the way consumers will combine the different channels and store formats for grocery purchase. In particular, our results highlight the importance of responsible retail practices and ethical assortments in consumers' choice of online formats whilst local product orientation influences the choice of city stores and market places.  相似文献   

Intergenerational research on sustainable consumption remains scarce, particularly in relation to which factors may affect the level of intergenerational similarity and the direction of intergenerational transmission. The present study addresses these gaps and adds to the growing body of literature in environmental consumer socialization by examining intergenerational influence on sustainable consumer attitudes and behaviors in a sample of 146 dyads comprised of mothers and college-age daughters. In the domain of intergenerational influence, we study two potential moderating factors suggested in past consumer research: communication effectiveness and peer conformity. Using the co-orientational model and nominal dyad method, we reveal the existence of intergenerational similarity in dyads' sustainable consumer attitudes and behaviors—after accounting for nominal effects— and show that stronger parent–child communication between mother–daughter pairs leads to greater intergenerational similarity, whereas stronger peer influence on daughters reduces intergenerational agreement. Our analysis further suggests the presence of reverse environmental socialization, in which intergenerational influence predominantly occurs from daughter to mother. Dyads' subjective knowledge regarding sustainable consumption provides empirical insights for this co-orientational model finding on reverse intergenerational transfer. Overall, outcomes of this study encourage marketing managers to leverage young-adult offspring in the process of communicating sustainable marketing strategies.  相似文献   

In Canada and the US, shopping center developers may impose ‘radius restrictions’ on tenants in their shopping centers, prohibiting tenants in a particular shopping center from opening another store within a certain radius. Whether a radius restriction is imposed on a chain will depend upon the relative bargaining positions of the chain and the developer. This paper presents an empirical analysis of regional shopping center composition in Canada, using variables that reflect the bargaining power of retail chains and shopping center developers. We find that large, well established, and growing chains are more likely to enter neighboring malls, consistent with the hypothesis that whether a chain enters neighboring malls depends upon its bargaining power. As well, we find that a chain is more likely to enter neighboring malls owned by large developers, consistent with large developers trying to keep retail chains out of the malls of small developers.  相似文献   

Opinion leaders propel the diffusion of innovation and exert a significant influence on the marketplace. This influence is especially pronounced during adolescence, a period marked by increasing reliance on peers and the emergence of a tension between two countervailing needs: assimilation and individuation. A survey of 1142 adolescents reveals that these developmental needs affect adolescent opinion leadership in the critical clothing market. Adolescent opinion leadership relies on a balance between desires for assimilation (i.e., centrality within the peer network) and individuation (i.e., need for uniqueness); adolescents' susceptibility to peers' normative influence and gender moderate these relationships. Adolescents who occupy central positions within their peer network tend to be opinion leaders, though only if they are not susceptible to normative influence. Position within the peer network is a key for girls, whereas need for uniqueness is a key for boys. These differences implicate different approaches for managers targeting adolescent males and females.  相似文献   

皖南旅游购物节的知名度、吸引力还不强,其原因主要在于缺少明确的主题、宣传推广手法单一、旅游购物品开发滞后、市场化运作程度低以及民众参与程度不高。针对存在问题,特提出以下发展策略:依据产业优势,彰显节E1个性;大力发展旅游特色商品;扩展推广路径,创新宣传形式;提高市场化运作程度和提高群众参与的积极性。  相似文献   

Motivated by the lack of knowledge of what factors deterring Internet users from adopting the Internet shopping in developing cultures, this investigation is therefore intended to underline the possible factors responsible for their deterrence. To achieve this objective, a model was proposed by involving factors established in literature as key potential drivers for predicating individuals' behavioral intention to adopt new technologies. The proposed factors were drawn from popular IS/IT adoption theories, namely perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, perceived compatibility, social influence, trust, perceived risk, privacy, security, Internet shopping anxiety, Internet self-efficacy and price. Gender moderating influence was investigated in the conceptualized relationships between proposed factors and behavioral intention.This study was implemented by collecting data through a self-administered questionnaire from a broad diversity of Jordanian Internet users. Analyzing the data which consists of 261 valid datasets was accomplished by using WarpPLS 4.0. The results provide significant statistical evidence in support of all the factors hypothesized to influence behavioral intention to adopt with the exception of three factors: perceived risk, privacy and security. Furthermore, the gender was found to moderate the relationships between five of the proposed factors (perceived ease-of-use, social influence, trust, perceived risk, privacy) and behavioral intention. This study has also revealed some differences between online shoppers (based on prior literature and results) and non-shoppers. Interestingly, the proposed model explains 58% of the total variance in intention to adopt Internet shopping. Findings and limitations are discussed, theoretical contributions and practical implications are outlined, and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

Shopping malls are unique retail environments offering individual consumption experiences within a holistic retail ecosystem. Drawing on a bibliometric analysis and a systematic review of 31 articles, this research synthetizes Jean-Charles Chebat's contributions to the shopping mall literature. Findings highlight four core clusters of the shopping mall literature, namely spatial wayfinding, atmospherics, consumer differences across shopping mall experiences, and shopping mall consequences. The newly developed Shopping Mall Experience Framework extends Chebat's research proposing additional elements of interest for current mall retailing research. Managerial implications offer practical guidance on successfully designing and maneuvering shopping malls of the future.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(2):187-200
This project provides insights into how multitasking impacts consumer decision-making. The effect of multitasking on shopping task performance is investigated across three studies. Authors propose that the effect of multitasking on consumers’ shopping task performance (e.g., to purchase low calorie snacks for a get together) is moderated by whether the consumer is in a how (implementation) or why (deliberation) mindset. To the benefit of consumers, results from two lab studies and a field experiment in a retail context suggest that shoppers in how-mindsets can multitask without any negative impact on shopping task performance. However, consumers in a why (deliberation) mindset are negatively affected by multitasking and this effect is mediated by task-induced stress. Results demonstrate that intervention to reduce the stress level eliminates the negative impact of multitasking on consumers in why-mindsets. Taken together, the results suggest that interventions to channel consumers to an implementation mindset or strategies to alleviate the stress levels can help consumers avoid negative impact of multitasking on shopping decisions.  相似文献   

The global teen market has significant spending power and an important impact on the world economy. However, much remains unknown about the social motivations of teenage consumers and cross-national cultural differences in teenage shopping. This research studies teenage shopping motivations in two nations: the U.S., which is a highly individualistic national culture with low power distance and low uncertainty avoidance, and France, which is perhaps a somewhat more collectivist, more inter-dependent national culture with high power distance and high uncertainty avoidance. This research samples 570 teenage consumers. Susceptibility to peer influence (SPI) drives teenage consumer shopping in France, while both need for uniqueness (NFU) and SPI motivate teenage shopping in the U.S.  相似文献   

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