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树立人本管理意识乃管理之本   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学管理是企业永恒的主题,从严管理企业是振兴国企的必由之路,而强化科学管理正需要加强人本管理,充分发挥员工们的积极性,创造性,为广大员工创造一种能够掌握自己命运,激励其潜在能力的文化氛围,一个企业是否注重人本管理,在某种程度上是衡量该企业管理是否现代化的一个重要标准。人本性管理这种人性化管理方式必将成为21世纪管理的主流。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper corroborates the finding of prior studies that managers avoid reporting earnings lower than analyst forecasts (i.e., negative earnings surprises) and provides new evidence of actions contributing to this phenomenon. Specifically, we provide empirical evidence of both (1) upward management of reported earnings and (2) downward 'management' of analysts' forecasts to achieve zero and small positive earnings surprises. Further analysis of the components of earnings management suggests that both the operating cash flow and discretionary accruals components of earnings are managed.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper, first presented at a European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management workshop on challenges of managing in the third sector, is the experiences of small to medium non–profit organisations and their relationship with management tools and techniques. It seeks to raise debate around implications for the creative use of private sector management tools and to contribute to understanding of non–profit management practice. While lessons may be learned from business techniques and processes, the paper contends that execution of business enhancing tools needs to be considered in contexts relevant to the sector's interests and primary aims.  相似文献   

工商银行管理流程再造研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
银行管理流程再造是银行业应对当前顾客、竞争和变化的挑战而产生的一场管理观念和管理模式的变革,这场全球性的变革也日益成为我国商业银行关注的热点.工商银行现行管理体系是典型的金字塔结构,当前存在缺乏整体竞争意识、组织结构不合理、风险防范意识不强等问题,这必然要求其对管理模式加以变革以适应商业银行市场竞争的需要.工商银行在实施管理流程再造中须根据银行再造的基本原理和工商银行的现状,在观念、组织结构、制度、业务流程、风险管理、技术、经营策略及企业文化等八个方面实施再造工程,使其自身经营方式发生实质性的变化,以适应新的环境需要.  相似文献   

克服跨国公司中的管理障碍做好跨文化管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在跨国公司中,由于员工构成多元化,社会文化背景不同、语言不同,这就给企业的管理带来了一定的障碍.管理者要克服这种障碍,首先就要转变观念,承认、理解差异,主动适应差异;其次,加强企业文化建设,构建独特的企业管理哲学和企业理念;另外,选择合适的管理人员和管理策略,加强跨文化培训,并有意识地培养跨文化的经理人;还要正确处理好全球标准化与本土化管理之间的关系,从而提高管理效率.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the responsibility cost control system installed at Han Dan Iron and Steel Company in the People’s Republic of China. The Company has adopted a series of management accounting techniques or procedures in its cost control system, including target costing, responsibility accounting, standard costing, flexible budgeting, internal transfer pricing, behavior motivation, performance evaluation, variance analysis, and so on. In particular, the system has integrated responsibility accounting and cost control by introducing market mechanisms to substantially reduce production costs and raise profitability. The successful experiment reveals that the responsibility cost control system is an effective tool for cost control under the changing Chinese business environment. The Han Dan experience demonstrates that management accounting can play a positive role in improving business management and profitability in China or other developing countries. In addition, this study casts light on effective diffusion of management accounting practices under different social and economic systems.  相似文献   

为顾客创造价值,实现企业价值最大化,是现代企业经营的目标。企业要创造价值,实现价值增值,就要付出一定的代价即发生成本。因此,如何以价值管理为基础,在为顾客创造价值,实现企业价值的同时,努力降低成本,获得产品差异化优势和成本领先的地位,提升企业的竞争力以获得优势,是现代企业成本管理值得探索的重要课题。  相似文献   

经营模式与增长方式转变推动国内商业银行日益重视建设管理会计平台以获取决策信息。近几年国内商业银行所致力于提炼的均为客户或产品的产出信息,而在处理客户或产品的投入信息方面,至今尚无一家银行取得重大进展。本文提出国内商业银行有必要通过构建核算与管理一体化的矩阵式财务管理应用平台,来解决自身投入信息匮乏的难题。在第一阶段,国内商业银行应构建分业务线的经营管理体制,集约化的矩阵式财务管理,精细化的核算流程,完善实物财产管理,依托流程控制和严格的执行力,与资源配置挂钩并依托强大的技术架构支撑;在第二阶段,将战略成本管理作为长远目标。  相似文献   

山东是我国海洋灾害较为严重的省份,每年因海洋灾害造成的直接经济损失达数十亿元。保险作为市场化的风险转移机制为山东海洋灾害风险补偿和救助发挥了巨大的作用,但目前山东保险业在参与海洋灾害风险管理过程中仍存在诸多问题。本文对这些问题及其根源进行分析,并有针对性地提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

2004年的COSO《企业风险管理一整合框架》报告发布以后,COSO--ERM框架成了企业风险管理的标准框架,但是次贷危机中众多金融机构的破产,使得COSO--ERM框架的有效性受到了怀疑。在后危机时代,发展新的风险管理框架成为必然要求。企业风险管理的目标从追求公司(股东)利益最大化转向追求企业利益相关者利益最大化,企业风险管理的内容也从COSO八要素风险管理发展到以经济资本、风险管理要素、结构性金融工具和可持续风险管理为支柱的全面风险管理。  相似文献   

潘小明 《金融论坛》2006,11(9):35-40
经营模式与增长方式转变推动国内商业银行日益重视建设管理会计平台以获取决策信息。近几年国内商业银行所致力于提炼的均为客户或产品的产出信息,而在处理客户或产品的投入信息方面,至今尚无一家银行取得重大进展。本文提出国内商业银行有必要通过构建核算与管理一体化的矩阵式财务管理应用平台,来解决自身投入信息匮乏的难题。在第一阶段,国内商业银行应构建分业务线的经营管理体制,集约化的矩阵式财务管理,精细化的核算流程,完善实物财产管理,依托流程控制和严格的执行力,与资源配置挂钩并依托强大的技术架构支撑;在第二阶段,将战略成本管理作为长远目标。  相似文献   

关于权责发生制预算的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各国进行公共支出管理的改革给我们提供了一个重要的课题 :作为公共支出管理中最核心的预算制度如何支持我们现在进行的改革尝试。传统的以收付实现制为基础的预算暴露出越来越多的问题 ,本文结合OECD国家进行权责发生制预算改革的经验 ,对权责发生制预算对改进预算信息、政府业绩管理方面的一些优点进行了几点分析 ,以期对我国的预算改革提供一些可借鉴之处  相似文献   

随着新时代知识更新步伐的日益加快,普通高校成人教育的发展也越来越受到国家和社会的重视,如何加强普通高校成人教育管理以提高普通高校成人教育的教学质量成为各方学者积极探讨的问题。本文谨从成人高校学生档案的特点出发,分析成人教育学生档案管理存在的问题,从加强领导、配备专职人员统一管理,健全制度、规范管理,强化师生档案意识,加强监督检查,保证档案的真实性和完整性,加强对学生档案材料的选择、甄别和保存工作,严格毕业生档案的移交工作和积极推进档案信息化建设等方面提出加强成人高校学生档案管理的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

本文阐述了高校图书馆知识管理的基本涵义及其特征,从信息资源优势,人员优势,设备、技术优势三个方面论述了高校图书馆进行知识管理所具备的优势,提出了高校图书馆知识管理的实施策略,应从加强人力资源管理、显性知识管理、隐性知识管理入手,提高知识管理在高校图书馆的应用。  相似文献   

电子商务信任管理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信任管理是推动电子商务发展的关键因素。本文综述了电子商务中的信任管理模式及其存在的问题;针对上述问题,提出了电子商务信任管理框架,阐述了框架组成的基本原理及各部分之间的关系,为电子商务信任体系建设提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Prior literature has investigated three forms of earnings management: real earnings management (REM), accruals earnings management (AEM) and classification shifting. Managers make trade‐off decisions among these methods based on the costs, constraints and timing of each strategy. This study investigates whether managers use classification shifting when their ability to use other forms of earnings management is constrained. We find that when REM is constrained by poor financial condition, high levels of institutional ownership and low industry market share, managers are more likely to use classification shifting. Further, we find that when AEM is constrained by low accounting system flexibility and the provision of a cash flow forecast, managers are more likely to use classification shifting. In addition, when we limit our sample to firms that are most likely to have manipulated earnings, we continue to find support for constraints of both REM and AEM leading to higher levels of classification shifting. We also find support for the hypothesis that the timing of each earnings management strategy influences managers’ trade‐off decision. Our results indicate that managers use classification shifting as substitute form of earnings management for both AEM and REM.  相似文献   

行政管理专业为公共管理一级学科下设的四个本科专业之一,在内蒙古财经大学属新办专业。通过考察内蒙古财经大学行政管理专业建设现状,分析在专业培养目标定位、课程体系设置、师资队伍建设、教学研究与改革等方面存在的实际问题,提出了进一步加强内蒙古财经大学行政管理专业建设的几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the questions of whether private firms in eight European countries engage in earnings management, and if so, whether tax incentives affect such practices. To measure earnings management, we analyze the earnings distributions of private firms and compare these distributions with those of public firms in the same countries. The empirical evidence suggests that in absence of capital market pressures, firms still have incentives to manage earnings, as we find that private firms avoid reporting small losses. We further find that private firms in some countries where tax regulation strongly influences financial accounting do not avoid reporting small losses. We attribute this finding to tax incentives reducing firms’ benefits of (upward) earnings management. Finally, our results suggest that some types of earnings management are due to capital market pressures and are specific to public firms since we do not find evidence that private firms avoid earnings decreases.  相似文献   

The financial scandals in the United States and other countries ushered in financial reporting and corporate governance reforms that extend beyond the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). These initiatives have increased the international financial community's awareness of the importance of risk management and internal controls. Tax risk management and related internal controls have been accorded less focus than risk management generally. The purpose of this research is to describe the current state of tax risk management of multinational enterprises (MNEs) by reporting survey responses from chief financial officers (CFOs) of U.S. and non-U.S. MNEs. The research shows that significant progress has been made by large MNEs in developing and implementing both general and tax risk management policies. The results provide guidance in identifying the loci and impact of organizational tax risk and indicate that respondents do not perceive alarming degrees of tax risk in their organizations. The study reveals a remarkable degree of similarity in U.S. and foreign firm responses and demonstrates, unexpectedly, that existing reporting structures enable CFOs to shift a significant degree of tax risk management to heads of tax.  相似文献   

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