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广告创意在广告创作中占有重要的地位,可以说,没有广告创意,也就不存在广告创作。而广告创意贵在调动消费情感。  相似文献   

论广告语言的文学化倾向张弓长广告文稿成为应用文体中使用频率极高的文种之一。与其他应用文相比,广告具有其独特的文体风格,其中一个显著的特征是对文学艺术形式的大量借鉴和运用,这种借鉴包括文学体裁形式(如诗歌、戏剧、小说等),艺术手段和技巧(如悬念、衬托、...  相似文献   

视知觉是认知的起点,用视觉语言说话成为广告创意的重点。在广告创意视觉化的过程中,商品具象以及在具象基础上的变形、象征都成了广告意象的构成手段,广告意象通过其符号化特征传达无限的广告意义。本文通过实例分析广告创意视觉化的现象和构成,阐述广告创意的视觉意象和符号特征。  相似文献   

广告行为属于社会行为,社会行为规范适用于广告行为,社会伦理框范广告伦理。因此广告伦理的本质是广告道德,它服从于整个社会的伦理。消费社会背景中的广告已然变身为消费的“欲望街车”的火车头。不断为大众制造新的欲望需要。广告创意的自我救赎不仅是今天广告人必须承担的社会责任,而且利用广告创意达到有利于社会的目的而又同时推动产品销售和品牌成长的双赢是完全可以做到的。  相似文献   

广告品位的高低,取决于广告创意的.心理学内含。本文从广告创意中采用的表层与深层模式入手。提出广告创意要达到理想效果,必须符合特定消费者群的心理与行为特点,讲究策略。  相似文献   

广告创意与设计教育是高校广告专业的核心教学内容。本文在分析广告创意与设计教育现状的基础上,对现有的教学模式进行了深入的思考,对广告创意与设计教育教学方法及其劣势做了详尽的分析,最后提出了本文的对策建议。  相似文献   

受众对以"爽歪歪"等为代表的广告标语褒贬不一,引发对广告标语准则的思索.广告标语是广告创意阶段性战略的集中体现,应当遵守社会公德和职业道德,有利于人民群众的身心健康;广告创意应当遵从目标受众所在的地域文化,要满足不同地域目标受众的审美需求;广告标语的选定根据广告传播效果的测定来修改或加强广告标语.  相似文献   

广告行为属于社会行为,社会行为规范适用于广告行为,社会伦理框范广告伦理.因此广告伦理的本质是广告道德,它服从于整个社会的伦理.消费社会背景申的广告已然变身为消费妁"欲望街车"的火车头,不断为大众制造新的欲望需要.广告创意的自我救赎不仅是今天广告人必须承担的社会责任,而且利用广告创意达到有利于社会的目的而又同时推动产品销售和品牌成长的双赢是完全可以做到的.  相似文献   

在现代商业购物场所,售点广告被称为可直接影响销售业绩的媒体,与其他大众传播媒体并列,成为促进顾客完成购买阶段的主要传播工具.面对发展变化的市场,如何有效地把握售点广告的创意设计,最大化地实现售点广告传播的效果,本文通过对售点广告的概念、功能、作用的阐述,提出售点广告创意设计的观念,并按照一定的步骤进行售点广告创意设计的评价,以确保售点广告实施的成效.  相似文献   

在构成广告的诸要素中,广告大师们最推崇的就是创意,把创意看成是广告设计的灵魂和生命,那么作为广告创意人应该具备什么样的素质呢?笔者试图从广告创意人的素质开发角度,分析讨论广告创意人应该具备的基本知识结构,能力结构和非智力人格要素,深入阐述了广告创意人素质开发的基本途径和方法.  相似文献   

广告语是特定语境下的特殊交际形式,从交际的角度来看,具有信息性、劝诱性、情境性、预设性以及交际单向性五个方面的特征。广告语设计者正是利用这些特征,通过广告语的明示刺激来改变公众的认知环境,突显目标产品的特点,使目标产品新旧知识之间的关联得以重构,起到强化、补充或改变公众对目标产品认知的作用,从而达到广而告之的语境效果的。  相似文献   

人文关怀是广告传播中受众心理接受的基础条件,广告传播中的人文关怀具有向人们传达人生哲学观念和精神诉求的现代意义。消费文化的社会环境要求我们必须重视广告传播中的人文关怀状况,重视广告传播担负的社会责任,使广告真正成为社会文化建设中的一个有机部分,以建立正确的社会价值观和促进社会主义和谐社会的健康发展。从广告的题材选择、诉求角度和表现方式等方面分析了广告中人文关怀的的传播特色,并着重论述了广告中人文关怀的发展趋向。  相似文献   

广告人格既涵容广告人的人格 ,也涵容广告活动的人格化特征 ,前者是广告个体特征 ,后者为广告群体人格特征 ,二者的统一与互补是为广告人格。广告人格是制约广告活动、广告行为和广告作品的一个具有决定性意义的重要变量。广告人格是在众多广告活动中产生和形成的 ,借助广告行为和广告作品体现出来的。广告人格具有鲜明的社会性和时代性 ,社会主义广告道德构成我国广告人格的重要内核 ,对培养和树立广告理想人格具有重要意义。  相似文献   

广告研究是研究流行文化的一个重要侧面:本文对西方学者的广告研究成果进行梳理,划分出三种不同的研究视角,即广告中的权力机制研究、广告与消费愿望的关系研究、广告受众的主动性研究。这些不同的研究视角从政治经济学、社会学和符号学等角度对广告进行考察,将这些观点综合在一起,可以对广告理论研究有一种较为全面的认识。  相似文献   

Double jeopardy is a phenomenon in which a brand with a low market share not only has fewer customers, but these customers are not very brand loyal. This note reports the results of a study designed to investigate the occurrence of this double jeopardy phenomenon in television program choice. Survey data show that double jeopardy is especially prevalent in television programs that directly compete with each other. Double jeopardy in television program choice may be the consequence of asymmetry in awareness of television programs. He received his M.S. in Management Science and Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Texas at Austin. His work in the areas of research methodology, comparative and outdoor advertising, and Hispanic consumer research have appeared in several marketing and advertising journals includingMarketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Psychology and Marketing, andMarketing Letters.  相似文献   

This article addresses the meaning of the term brand means by presenting a method of historical analysis and construct definition based on information in theOxford English Dictionary. The method’s use is demonstrated in an analysis of the original meanings that underlie the term’s usage both as a single word and in compounds such as brand competition, brand personality, brand reputation, and so forth. Literal (denotative) definitions and metaphoric (connotative) associations are examined to explain the use of brand to refer to a physical entity and/or a mental representation. The method is also theoretically grounded in the disciplines of philology (the history of words), poetics, rhetoric, and the philosophy of science. The historical-analysis method is applied to the meanings of brand, starting with its original usage about 1,500 years ago and culminating with the definitions used by authors in this special issue. Barbara B. Stern (bbstern@aol.com) is Professor II of marketing at Rutgers Business School. She was awarded her Ph.D. by the City University of New York. Her articles have appeared in leading marketing journals such as theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Advertising Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and others. In addition, she is a coeditor of the journalMarketing Theory and the author of numerous articles in the proceedings of conferences of the Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association, and the American Academy of Advertising. In 1995, she was a co-chair of the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, and in 1997, she received the Outstanding Contributions in Advertising Research Award from the American Academy of Advertising. Her primary research interest is the adaptation of literary theory and methods to the analysis of advertising, marketing, and consumer text.  相似文献   

中国是世界制造大国、品牌小国、科技弱国。科技创新能力是国家竞争力的核心,只有依靠自己,通过引进消化创新、集成创新和开展原创性攻关,发展高技术产业,才能打破发达国家对先进技术的垄断,实现产业结构调整升级目标。要将企业作为技术创新主体,营造有利于企业自主创新的政策环境,开展以企业为中心的官产学研金(融)大协作,冲破技术差距、资金筹集和赢得市场三重瓶颈,真正实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

2004年5月1日欧盟进行第5次东扩,此次东扩所接纳的新成员国此前多为转型国家,这些国家经济相对落后,生产率较之欧盟比较低。东扩之后,由于欧盟内部取消关税,极易造成区域内贸易创造效应和对区域外国家的贸易转移效应。分析欧盟东扩后的成员国内部的贸易创造效应和欧盟与中国的贸易转移效应,认为欧盟东扩不会因为贸易创造和贸易转移效应从根本上改变中欧贸易的发展趋势,在分析基础上,最后提出我国应当采取的对策建议。  相似文献   

The issue of whether salespeople cope with sales stressors in ways consistent with their personality characteristics remains largely unaddressed in the empirical literature. Should certain personality characteristics make salespeople more stress resistant, implications for the selection of sales candidates already possessing such characteristics or for the cultivation of such characteristics within existing salespeople could be developed. A framework is developed suggesting why salespeople with certain personality characteristics—those high on challenge, self-determination, and involvement in self and surroundings—may employ different coping strategies. Support for hypotheses was developed in a study that used a stratified random sample of 322 sales organizations. Salespeople high on challenge, self-determination, and involvement were found to use more problem-focused coping strategies. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi. Before entering academe, he was in sales with the Tenneco Corporation and was president of a retailing firm in North Carolina. His research has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Macromarketing, andJournal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, among other scholarly journals. His current research interests include issues relating to sales and channels management. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi in 1992. His research has appeared in theJournal of International Consumer Marketing, Developments in Marketing Science, Advances in Marketing, andHealth Marketing Quarterly, among others. His current research interests include business ethics and channels management. Prior to entering academe, he was vice president of a marketing consulting firm in Lubbock, Texas. He has a B.S. in chemistry, an M.B.A. in management, and received his Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Arkansas. Before entering academe, he worked in marketing research for Phillips Petroleum Company. His primary research interests include retail patronage theory, market segmentation, and research methodology, with recent research focused on the elderly consumer. His research has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, The Gerontologist, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, and other scholarly journals.  相似文献   

现代西方国家,解决财政危机不得不通过公共部门的体制创新,以达到"以人为本"和经济、社会、科学可持续发展的政府治理目标。伴随全方位的政府治理,公共财政发展新理念得以树立,并形成了公共财政体制创新趋势。  相似文献   

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