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张雄 《财经论丛》2016,(3):104-112
食品质量难以被检测导致了食品安全问题频繁出现。为了解决这一问题,需要设计一种市场竞争环境,激励厂商揭发制造有毒食品的行为。通过数字例子对古诺竞争、斯坦克博格竞争、价格领导者竞争及差异化竞争等,厂商模仿或揭发激励相容条件的对比分析,得出产量竞争相对于价格竞争,在提高市场集中度时更能有效的提高食品安全。产品差异化水平较高时,价格竞争更有利于提高食品安全。需求弹性只有在价格竞争时才发挥作用。  相似文献   

孙丽芝 《中国市场》2008,(48):50-51
在寡头市场上,每个厂商的产量都在全行业的总产量中占一个较大的份额,从而每个厂商的产量和价格的变动都会对其他竞争对手以至整个行业的产量和价格产生举足轻重的影响。寡头企业为了获得更大的利润通常会采取价格竞争策略。本文运用博弈模型,分析了寡头企业价格竞争策略,阐明了寡头企业竞相削价的原因,分析了价格联盟的不稳定性和可能性。  相似文献   

价格决定和价格竞争是厂商行为理论研究中的重要议题。囿于价格竞争相关微观企业数据获取和测度方面的难度,相关领域还一直缺乏经验证据。本文探索性地基于上市公司数据进行实证,以我国1999—2010年A股上市公司为研究样本,首先实证检验了公司在市场中的相对势力与价格竞争之间的关系,并以此为基础,进一步检验行业层面的结构特征对二者间关系的影响。实证检验结果表明:公司市场占有率越高,即在市场中的相对势力越强,其进行价格竞争的优势越明显;不过,公司所处行业的结构特征会调节二者间关系,伴随行业集中度提高,市场势力较强公司进行价格竞争的优势下降,依据行业集中度分组的检验结果同样支持该发现。本文的研究结论不仅在一定程度上填补了价格竞争微观数据经验研究的空白,而且还丰富了产业组织与微观企业间行为关系的学术文献。  相似文献   

经济增长本质上是人类社会利用资源满足需求能力的提高,表现为货币度量的人均享用商品和服务的增加。企业的价格竞争是经济增长因素之一,其效应分为两个方面:一是通过降低商品价格扩大商品需求、加快企业固定资本和流动资本周转、促进互补品产业收入增加等,促进整体经济增长,简称直接效应;二是竞争能破除垄断,优化市场结构,引致资本和劳动投入、人力资本积累、互补品产业收入增加等,简称间接效应。结合我国电影业价格竞争的经济增长效应分析,说明价格竞争有利于促进和谐型的经济增长。  相似文献   

<正>本文将城市模型从一维扩展为二维模型。在二维城市模型上分析伯川德价格竞争的情况。模型构造与中间结论消费者与寡头厂商所在的城市为一个矩形二维城市,消费者均匀地分布在矩形城市中,需求函数为常数1,需求价格弹性为0即完全无弹性。产品由企业生产并运输到消费者处。  相似文献   

垄断竞争市场的竞争因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘洋 《中国市场》2011,(2):159-162
根据西方经济学微观理论,市场竞争程度越高,其对资源的配置越合理,所以竞争程度高于寡头市场和完全垄断市场的垄断竞争市场,成为现实经济生活中普遍存在的一种市场类型。垄断竞争市场由于企业规模小、数量多、产品可替代性高,导致厂商之间的竞争相当激烈。这些竞争归结起来主要包括价格竞争和非价格竞争,而非价格竞争又包括产品质量、功能、品牌等方面因素。厂商面对如此多的竞争因素,应该抓住哪些主要的来吸引消费者扩大销售额,这是本文所要阐述的问题。本文将以手机市场为例,应用"回归分析"和"因子分析"模型来找出竞争因素中的主要因素。  相似文献   

肖飞 《商业时代》2005,(33):74-74,43
在不完全竞争的垄断竞争市场和寡头垄断市场上,各厂商之间为了争夺市场份额、获取最大限度的利润,通常会采取广告宣传这一非价格竞争形式,但进行广告宣传这一非价格竞争形式是需要花费成本的,根据西方经济学原理,理性的厂商为了实现利润最大化,必须遵循边际收益等于边际成本的原则,否则厂商是不会采用广告宣传这一非价格竞争形式的.但在实际经济生活中,很多厂商投入的广告费用与收益不成比例,造成了资源的巨大浪费,本文通过对这一问题的深入分析,提出企业合理支出广告费用的针对性措施,以求能够获得最大可能的经济回报.  相似文献   

我国电信市场改革以来,垄断逐步被打破,带给电信行业和社会公众更多福利。但电信厂商之间的恶性竞争实质上削弱了我国电信业的持续发展能力,因此我们必须深入研究,寻求更趋合理之道。 一、电信市场发展面临恶性价格竞争的强烈冲击 近年来,我国电信业已通过网络资源、业务牌照、用户资源的重新分配构建了新的市场格局,竞争与合作也正在向多领域、深层次渗透。在这样的制度框架下,电信厂商们要寻求发展空间,就必须通过服务和价格优势争夺消费者。事实上,目前的电信市场已经被推到了厂商们竞相降价的怪圈之中。 其一,恶性价格竞争削弱了电信厂  相似文献   

厂商生产的目的就是追求利润最大化。而要实现利润最大化,一个关键因素就是正确把握市场。在研究厂商的供给函数时,必须要紧密结合不同商品需求的特点,通过探讨需求弹性来准确分析供给函数。  相似文献   

信息通信技术和数字技术的深度融合与广泛适用,推动着数字经济高速发展,催生各类新业态、新产业、新模式不断涌现,给市场竞争模式、产业组织结构以及经营者具体商业行为带来翻天覆地的变化。数字经济下以平台为中心的商业模式扩展了相关市场上以商品基础功能为主的商品功能叠加竞争,双边或多边市场下的跨市场竞争与融合以及非对称性定价结构等情况越来越复杂,给现行的以单边市场上商品单一功能及其价格变化为主的相关市场界定方法带来诸多挑战,现有相关市场界定方法的局限性凸显。为及时回应数字经济下相关市场界定问题,应在厘清相关市场界定基本逻辑的基础上,回归对用户需求替代变量的检视,在价格变量逐渐弱化的同时,将用户注意力、数据及商品质量视为相关市场界定中的重要变量,并结合用户需求替代发生的具体场景,重视个案中相关市场界定的精准化分析。数字经济领域市场竞争方式逐渐由传统价格竞争转向用户注意力竞争和数据竞争,对用户需求的精准把握和持续争夺在很大程度上决定了经营者在相关市场的竞争优势及其维持,经营者为了在注意力竞争中获取竞争优势,必须高度关注用户需求,不断优化升级商品质量,增值叠加商品功能,因此相关市场的界定必须考虑以用户需求替代为基础的用户可转向范围和数据转移成本,以体现数字经济下个性化、定制化、精细化特征对反垄断法适用的影响,同时凸显用户偏好在需求替代分析中的重要性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interaction effect of advertising and price on the market share of a consumer nondurable product. We postulate a model in which local advertising is thought to primarily affect the consumers' purchase by making the demand more price sensitive, and national advertising to affect the consumers' preference, thus making the demand less price sensitive. Moreover, we hypothesize that local advertising interaction will have more immediate effect, while national advertising interaction will have longer term interaction effects. We apply these ideas empirically, and find support for our hypotheses. Thus, the interaction effect of advertising and price can be characterized by both increased and decreased price sensitivity, depending on the type of advertising. Moreover, these effects may be present simultaneously for the same product.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes market share changes in automobile and light truck submarkets. We find that new product, as measured by restyling, represents the most consistent, dominant determinant of demand. On average a 10% reduction in relative price would yield only one-tenth the market share impact of a restyling. Alternatively, one would have to double one's relative advertising expenditures to match the impact of a restyling. Several demand determinants not previously modeled, including rebranding and warranty curtailments, were detrimental to domestic manufacturer market shares. Safety appliance adoptions and changes in vehicle reliability had minimal impact on demand.  相似文献   

This empirical paper investigates the relationship between the dynamic strategic interactions among competitors in a component market and demand factors in the market for the end product. The structure of competition in the US microprocessor (MPU) industry is analyzed using data on prices and sales in both the MPU market as well as the market for personal computers. The pattern of dynamic strategic interaction between competing firms in this market on a key decision variable, price is studied. Non-nested model comparison tests based on equilibrium solutions derived for specific differential games are applied to identify the mode of competitive strategy between pairs of competing brands. The empirical fit to the longitudinal and cross-sectional data, of alternative models of competition, independent (Bertrand?CNash), Stackelberg leader?Cfollower, and Collusion, is used to determine which dynamic model best describes actual competitive behavior over the life of each MPU. Demand for the product market which is downstream from microprocessors, that for personal computers, is estimated using a generalized diffusion model with price effects. Data from the markets for desktop and laptop computers are analyzed at the level of computer vendor and internal microprocessor. Patterns are uncovered, linking downstream demand parameters with upstream competitive strategy. There is evidence to suggest that when there are strong diffusion effects driving sales of both the competing computer brands, there is a higher likelihood of Bertrand?CNash competition among MPU firms. However, when there are higher cross-price effects (substitutability) among personal computer brands there is a greater chance of Stackelberg leader?Cfollower price competition. When self-price effects are relatively high, the likelihood of Bertrand?CNash competition among MPU firms increases. Furthermore, when the potential demand for the computer product category is high, there is a higher likelihood of Bertrand?CNash pricing in the MPU market.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(9-10):1013-1035
The results obtained by store brands in a large number of markets have been favoured by a set of factors. Prominent among these factors are the actions by manufacturers and distributors on price and differentiation, market competition at both a manufacturer and a retailer level, and the economic-financial results of the latter for the product categories in which they work with a store brand. This research presents an explanatory fixed effects panel model of the market share of these brands that shows clearly the influence of the variables of competitive strategy, structure and performance. The study is applied to the Spanish market for 50 consumer product categories over 5 years, from 1996 to 2000.  相似文献   

数字信息技术能够使市场主体以较低的成本获得及时、准确、充分的商品供求与价格信息,减少跨地区交易中的黏性信息,这为促进国内市场整合提供了新途径。文章采用2015-2017年近100个地级市的“数字中国”指数及大样本产品价格数据,使用基于时间序列的动态方法计算地区间市场分割度,并构建有调节的中介效应模型考察数字信息技术对国内市场整合的作用及机制。结果发现:提升信息化水平能够推动国内市场整合,其中促进地区间价格联动调整具有部分中介作用,而信息化水平差距和空间地理距离则具有负面的调节作用。因此,改善信息条件、提升交易效率,构建更为高效、灵敏的地区间供求与价格联动机制,应成为当前促进国内市场整合的必要之举。  相似文献   

申瑜劼  孙剑平 《财贸研究》2012,23(5):68-73,111
根据雇佣要素的生产者均衡模型可得:准入管制下的非竞争性许可权收入份额远大于普通居民竞争性供给要素收入份额,如出租车行业约为6:4,而银行业管制租份额更高。主要机理是管制影响需求价格弹性,且更严格的管制降低了要素供给弹性,导致消费者支付高价、要素供给者不得不接受低价。  相似文献   

Share prices are analyzed in an overlapping generations model in which the generational size is random. This models stochastic fluctuations of market participants and can explain noninformational volatility of share prices. There exists a (stochastic) stationary equilibrium, which may be nonunique. In equilibrium, (a) the share price increases and (b) expected utility decreases with the generational size. A decline of this size below a critical level induces a crash: the stock price falls substantially, shares are undervalued, and investors' demand is restricted by illiquidity. Further, the model predicts the empirically observed positive correlation between volume of trade and absolute price changes.  相似文献   

This paper adds to the literature on the strategic use of managers’ contracts in competition by examining whether market‐share delegation, in which managers receive rewards based on a combination of profits and market share, and the order of moves affect input pricing in a vertically related market. It shows that: (i) input pricing is not affected by delegation form and the order of moves between upstream and downstream firms under quantity competition; (ii) downstream firms obtain the same profit as in the simple Nash equilibrium regardless of delegation forms in a delegation–input price–quantity competition game; and (iii) the upstream monopolist will set input price beforehand regardless of the delegation form. Since the outcomes in our model create higher quantity and lower price in a Cournot product market, it lessens the double‐marginalization problem in such a vertically separated industry.  相似文献   

基于卡尔曼滤波方法的房价泡沫测算——以北京市场为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常见的房地产市场价格泡沫估计模型普遍存在参数估计有偏的缺陷,为了更有效地估计房价泡沫,可以将动态最优模型与状态空间滤波方法相结合,通过构建一个动态最优局部均衡模型来刻画不存在投机因素的房地产市场基础供求关系,同时在把基本房价视作状态变量的基础上给出决定基本房价的状态空间模型,从而计算出房价泡沫。以北京市为例,使用2005年1季度至2009年4季度的相关数据,利用卡尔曼滤波方法对状态空间模型进行的测算显示,北京商品房市场的价格泡沫出现于2006年4季度,且近三年来的平均泡沫程度达到26.5%。  相似文献   

中国蜂蜜在日本市场的需求弹性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本是中国蜂蜜出口的最大市场,占中国蜂蜜出口总额的40%,对中国蜂蜜贸易的发展至关重要。本文以日本蜂蜜市场1995年5月至2004年12月的进口数据为基础,运用近似线形需求系统模型(LA-AIDS)估计中国蜂蜜在日本市场的收入弹性、自价格弹性和交叉价格弹性,分析中国蜂蜜在日本市场的贸易地位与竞争策略。研究结果表明,在日本蜂蜜进口市场,中国蜂蜜的价格对来自阿根廷的蜂蜜进口量有较大的影响力,但实施价格战会使中国蜂蜜的利润损失大于阿根廷。最优的竞争策略是努力维持市场份额,通过质量与安全水平的提升来获取较高的价格和利润率。  相似文献   

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