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Marcel Fratzscher Bert Rürup Jochen Pimpertz Christoph Butterwegge Stephan Leibfried Kerstin Martens Uwe Schimank 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2017,97(5):315-332
Democracy seems to be at risk. People elect populists and autocrats, who offer simple solutions to social problems. Often, these problems are not even real ones but are only perceived as such. Economists have measures to determine which problems are fact-based, but they cannot draw a clear distinction between academic analysis and normative demand. If politics pursues a correction of a market outcome, any normative criteria other than efficiency have to be outlined explicitly. Nevertheless, some authors consider inequality one of the central contemporary social and economic challenges. Marcel Fratzscher emphasises that the solution is not found in more redistribution via taxes and transfers, but rather through greater equality of opportunity and social and educational mobility. Bert Rürup thinks that to stabilise the acceptance of the compulsory pension scheme, the dominance of the equivalence principle should be reduced. Further, the existence of different federal subsidy schemes should be replaced by a fixed federal contribution rate in alignment with the pension expenditures. In an international comparison, the fiscal burden for households with small and mid-level earned incomes is exceptionally high in Germany. In order to reduce this burden, Rürup suggests a contribution-free allowance for the social insurance contributions. 相似文献
Sebastian Dullien Michael Heise Gerhard Schick Burghof Hans-Peter 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2010,90(2):75-91
Schon w?hrend der Krise hat auf allen politischen Ebenen eine lebhafte Diskussion über eine bessere Finanzmarktregulierung
eingesetzt. Einig war man sich nur in wenigen Bereichen. Und von der Umsetzung etwaiger Reformen ist die Politik noch weit
entfernt. Allerdings ist auch fraglich, ob die Ansatzpunkte überhaupt richtig gew?hlt sind. 相似文献
Die Bundesregierung hat auf die steigende Staatsverschuldung mit zahlreichen Vorschl?gen zur Ausweitung der Besteuerung reagiert.
Allen Vorschl?ge ist gemein, dass sie auf das Gerechtigkeitsempfi nden der Bev?lkerung abzielen und damit leichter durchsetzbar
scheinen. Die Autoren erl?utern in diesem Beitrag, ob diese Steuervorschl?ge überhaupt mit den erwünschten Zielen übereinstimmen. 相似文献
Henning V?pel 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2012,92(10):715-716
Einige ?konomen und Politiker fordern, den aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Abschwung in Deutschland durch ein Konjunkturprogramm
zu d?mpfen. In der Regel werden Steuererleichterungen, eine Senkung der Sozialabgaben oder eine Erh?hung der ?ffentlichen
Investitionen vorgeschlagen. Welche Wirkungen h?tten diese Ma?nahmen auf Einkommen, Besch?ftigung, Preisentwicklung und Budgetsaldo?
Kann der Einsatz dieser Instrumente tats?chlich eine Konjunkturstabilisierung herbeiführen?
Prof. Dr. Ullrich Heilemann, 63, ist Direktor des Instituts für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (IEW) der Universit?t Leipzig;
Stefan Wappler, 30, Dipl.-Volkswirt, Doz. Dr. Georg Quaas, 56, und Hagen Findeis, 26, Dipl.-Volkswirt, sind dort wissenschaftliche
Mitarbeiter. 相似文献
After lengthy consultations, the German government has agreed to reform the existing incentive regulation ordinance (“Anreizregulierungsverordung”). Essential for the regulation of power and gas network operators, this ordinance determines the companies’ economic framework by defining their revenue options. The amendments which focus on improving investment conditions constitute a significant change towards a more cost-oriented system for investments. In addition, other important details have also been changed. 相似文献
Was kann der Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen erreichen? 相似文献11.
We describe the impact of globalisation across West German regional labour markets. The main losers are the Ruhr area, the Palatinate and Upper Franconia. The main winning regions are located mainly in Bavaria and Swabonia. The German manufacturing sector at large has gained from rising trade exposure to China and Eastern Europe. This is in sharp contrast to the experience of the United States and some European countries. The German experience could be one reason why the political discussion in this country is less prone towards trade protectionism than elsewhere. But policymakers should take the compensation of losers from globalisation more seriously than in the past. 相似文献
Alexandra Zimmermann 《Heilberufe》2011,63(6):44-45
Zwischen Anordnungs- und Durchführungsverantwortung - überall im Gesundheitswesen werden ?rztliche Ma?nahmen auch an Pflegekr?fte
delegiert. Unter welchen Voraussetzungen das geschehen muss, ist gesetzlich jedoch nicht geregelt. In Pflegeeinrichtungen
kommt erschwerend hinzu, dass zwischen anordnendem Arzt und ausführender Pflegekraft keine vertraglichen Beziehungen bestehen.
Auf was ist also zu achten? 相似文献
C. Katharina Spieß Holger Bonin Holger Stichnoth Stefan Bauernschuster Anita Fichtl Martin Werding 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2014,94(2):87-102
A major evaluation of family policies in Germany came to the primary conclusions that family leave and early childhood education and care policies are effective. Specific German tax regulations, however, are less effective, as they decrease the incentives, especially for mothers, to return to the labour market or increase the number of hours they work. The tax regulations for couples, in particular, should be reformed, as this would offer funding possibilities for other worthwhile policies. However, it should not be forgotten that tax regulations are not just aimed at family policies. Indeed, their primary function is to reduce the burden on families and to keep them out of poverty, as demanded by the Germany Federal Constitutional Court. Given the findings of this evaluation, the new German government plans to implement policies which make sense but which do not go far enough. Public child care has been shown to increase maternal employment, household income and fertility in Germany. There are good reasons to invest further in public child care for young children; however, the focus should not only be on the quantity but also the quality of care. 相似文献
In comparison to other European countries, Germany is among those with the lowest birth rate and the highest median age of the population. Yet recently there are signs of a trend change in German fertility. For a decade now, birth rates in larger German cities have been on the rise, and this new baby boom has spread to smaller urban regions, leading to a trend change in overall fertility. The main years of this trend change are 2009 through 2011, parallel to the economic and financial crises of that time and following in the wake of important changes in German family policy in 2007/2008. 相似文献
Horst Zimmermann 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2009,89(5):306-312
Zusammenfassung Zur Bek?mpfung der Finanz- und der Wirtschaftskrise kommen unterschiedliche Ma?nahmen zum Einsatz, über deren Volumen in der
?ffentlichkeit erschreckende Zahlen kursieren. Wie unterscheiden sich die Ma?nahmen in Hinblick auf ihre Budgetwirkung? Sind
sie konjunkturpolitisch effektiv, oder erzeugen sie nur ein Strohfeuer?
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Horst Zimmermann, 75, ist emeritierter Professor für Finanzwissenschaft an der Universit?t Marburg und
Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim Bundesministerium der Finanzen. 相似文献
“Make work pay” strategies are an integral part of labour market policy instruments in developed countries. There are two considerations behind these measures. Firstly, subsidizing employment at the bottom of the income distribution should motivate the unemployed to accept jobs with lower market wages. Secondly, the wage supplement should increase the living standards of the recipients and reduce the risk of poverty. The U.S. EITC and the German UB II based on these two goals. Our paper begins with an overview of these two wage top-up schemes. This is followed by an empirical evaluation of the two instruments regarding their capacity to prevent in-work poverty and to strengthen labour market participation. The EITC obtains better results compared to UB II in both regards. 相似文献