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喻蓉 《经济研究导刊》2011,(25):236-237
恩格斯的《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一书被公认为马克思主义妇女解放的重要代表作,就阅读《起源》一书,进而从妇女受压迫的前提和根本出发点、妇女受压迫的经济和社会根源以及妇女解放的条件和途径三个方面探讨了书中恩格斯的妇女解放思想。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的细胞,婚姻是时代的镜子。婚姻家庭的历史,实际上是一个社会、一个时代的缩影。而用于记载婚姻家庭制度变迁的便是婚姻法。婚姻法即调整婚姻家庭关系的法律规范的总和,是对婚姻家庭关系的法律调整,涉及到男女老少、方方面面的切身利益和社会公共利益。除了婚姻法,没有哪一部法律的修改和催生会如此万众瞩目和众说纷纭,这不仅是因为婚姻法与每个公民的基本人权和千家万户的生存质量有关,还在于婚姻法是一个时代变迁和社会文化转型的晴雨表。即使在当今社会,封建纲常礼教的枷锁也未从女性的身上彻底脱去,在婚姻之中,女性的权利仍未得到合理有效的保障。而在我国现有的婚姻立法制度之中,妇女权益的保证也未得到充分体现。现如今,我国的婚姻立法,还存在着许多的问题。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,中共推展了一场以男性为主体的苏维埃革命,但是妇女群体也深度参与其间.就鄂豫皖苏区而言,中共为动员妇女全身心投入革命洪流,承续了中国近代以来的妇女解放事业,同时,又扭转了妇女解放的方向.即便如此,这还是对妇女冲破传统权力结构有益,给妇女群体带来了些许解放,而解放出来的妇女,也确实充满了革命的积极性.不过,其中享有某种程度的性解放的婚姻自由实践,往往又会带来性散漫.当各种性散漫问题得不到有效遏制及解决时,反过来就会销蚀革命热情及阶级革命实践的推展,同时也会影响苏维埃政权的威信及其政权秩序建构实践.因此,革命过程中,中共地方党也三令五申要以阶级革命为准,妇女的婚姻自由必须置放在阶级革命及政权利益这个整体框架中定夺才有意义及价值.  相似文献   

随着生产力的快速发展,社会的全面进步,在推进我国现代化进程的过程中,妇女在社会以及经济生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。拥有独立的经济地位一直是马克思主义女性主义者认为实现妇女解放的主要因素。杜娜叶夫斯卡娅长期以来始终关注着妇女的解放运动。她的妇女解放思想为丰富和深化马克思主义的妇女解放理论和妇女解放事业的发展奠定了理论基础,同时为缩小男女两性在政治权利、经济地位、就业选择、教育环境等各方面的明显差距,真正实现男女平等,充分发挥其作为推动历史发展主体的力量,促进社会的和谐与进步提供了一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,中共推展了一场以男性为主体的苏维埃革命,但是妇女群体也深度参与其问。就鄂豫皖苏区而言,中共为动员妇女全身心投入革命洪流,承续了中国近代以来的妇女解放事业,同时,又扭转了妇女解放的方向。即便如此,这还是对妇女冲破传统权力结构有益,给妇女群体带来了些许解放,而解放出来的妇女,也确实充满了革命的积极性。不过,其中享有某种程度的性解放的婚姻自由实践,往往又会带来性散漫。当各种性散漫问题得不到有效遏制及解决时,反过来就会销蚀革命热情及阶级革命实践的推展,同时也会影响苏维埃政权的威信及其政权秩序建构实践。因此,革命过程中,中共地方党也三令五申要以阶级革命为准,妇女的婚姻自由必须置放在阶级革命及政权利益这个整体框架中定夺才有意义及价值。  相似文献   

妇女的婚姻法律地位,关系着人类的发展和社会的进步,是衡量一个国家文明程度的重要标志。民初随着资产阶级革命的发展和封建帝制的垮台,政治、经济、文化乃至社会风气诸方面都出现新的变动。与经济基础和上层建筑的变化相适应,妇女的婚姻家庭地位也发生了新的变化。民初妇女不仅具有一定程度的婚姻自主权,而且在家庭中的地位也有所提高,离婚与再嫁也相对自由。婚姻家庭地位的变化,表明民初妇女整体社会地位有所提高。  相似文献   

地方立法工作应注意的几个问题左志国随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,法律将成为社会的主要控制手段,立法活动将会变得更加经常和重要。地方立法作为国家立法活动的重要组成部分,如何根据国家立法体制、立法原则,通过一系列立法活动更好地促进当地社会发展呢?...  相似文献   

尚雨 《经济研究导刊》2012,(15):45-47,53
中国农村人口半数以上是女性,她们是农村经济社会发展的生力军,肩负着建设社会主义新农村的历史使命。农村女性在村民自治中的作用发挥直接关系到中国农村基层民主建设的未来。基于这一问题意识,在对山东省淄博市大旦村部分妇女选举情况进行调查的基础上,对制约妇女作用发挥的因素进行了分析,认为要充分发挥妇女在村民自治中的作用应进一步完善相关法律政策,为妇女参与选举提供制度保障;将社会性别意识纳入村民自治主流,促进妇女参与选举;开展教育与培训,提高妇女参与选举水平;推动交流与合作,共创妇女参与村民自治美好未来。  相似文献   

女性发展是实现社会公平的前提。通过对转型期中国女性婚姻家庭状况反思,指出妇女与家庭问题在政治意识形态中的地位有所下降,政府在政策、法律方面对妇女与家庭问题的重视程度不够。主张妇女与家庭问题的解决需要男性参与。重视政府官员、名人婚恋观对公众社会意识形成的导向作用,弘扬健康婚恋道德观。  相似文献   

本文试图从社会史的角度,将师范院校视为一种文化和社会机构,考察它们在20世纪前半叶中国历史变迁中的角色。笔者指出了欧美学界在中国教育的研究中对师范学校的忽视,认为这种忽视表现出他们在研究中国社会时仍持有“隐性”的“西方中心论”。文中讨论了师范院校在教育体系中的独特设计、课程设置、培养目标以及学生来源和教育实践活动,认为这些都表现出中国对西方教育制度的选择性接受,体现了“传统”与“现代”的连续性以及“中”“西”文化和教育理念的相互渗透、包容、改造。同时,从社会层面上看,师范学校的独特性使其对清末的社会转型、民国时期的国家建设和乡村改造、20世纪女子教育和女性进入社会,以及中国共产党在20世纪30年代的东山再起,都产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

The role of the state in the institution of marriage is explored. The author argues that government intervention in marriage is a means of avoiding large transaction costs between men and women. Such intervention is successful because marriage creates incentives that make private enforcement relatively costly and because marriages tend to be homogenous. The hypothesis is tested by examining U.S. state responses to changing divorce laws. The author concludes that such responses are consistent with the state increasing the social value of marriage by mitigating transaction costs.  相似文献   


Although development studies have emphasized quality of life, the quality of marriage remains uninvestigated. This study challenges the bargaining model by arguing that theories of marital quality, derived from women's voices and subaltern knowledge, should be integral to feminist economic theories of marriage and intrahousehold gender relations. Findings from a longitudinal (1999–2009) ethnographic study of microcredit loanee families in rural Bangladesh reveal that Muslim women believe high marital quality or togetherness leads to peace in the household. This local model of marriage is central to the moral economy of social life. The study identifies eight local measures of marital quality that define what low-income women think a good Muslim husband should be like. The study concludes that the peace-in-the-household model emphasizes the transformation of masculinity as a program strategy that should be implemented in microcredit households in various parts of the world.  相似文献   

Amidst increasing numbers of gays and lesbians having children, political opposition to gay marriage, and government efforts to discourage female-headed households by funding marriage initiatives, the author reflects on her life as a single lesbian mom. Following in the feminist tradition of using personal experiences as a starting point, the article looks at the social space between single heterosexual moms and lesbian mother couples.  相似文献   

By 1832, followers of Saint-Simonianism, a utopian-socialist movement in France, had become preoccupied with the social and economic roles of women. Barthélemy-Prosper Enfantin, a leader in the movement, and a few disciples developed an increasingly utopian and abstract theory that justified "protecting" women from the hardening influence of the world and removing them from the public sphere, while arguing that in the new world women would play a role distinct from, yet equal to, that played by men. The theory treated both men and women as beings embedded in a social network, rather than as separate individuals with independent goals. After women were eliminated from the Saint-Simonian hierarchy in 1831, a group of female adherents founded a newspaper as the center of a separate organization, which would work for the extension to women of the same political and civil rights that men enjoyed. This separatist group focused on policy reform rather than theory, on the present rather than some indefinite future, and on the common concerns that united women across social classes. The different ways in which the two groups (the doctrinaire Saint-Simonians and the breakaway women's organization) conceived of economic agents mirror contemporary disputes in feminist economics.  相似文献   

The economic literature on female participation in the labour market concentrates mainly on microeconomic supply decisions based on economic variables (wage rates, family income, human capital etc.) and maximization under external constraints (marriage, children), and on structural (demand) influences stemming from a growing service sector. The influence of non-economic cultural factors (‘feminist revolution’) is frequently mentioned but is usually treated - if at all - as a time trend. In the present paper difference in religious denominations are taken as a proxy for different feminist attitudes and are used in a cross-section analysis of 15 European countries. It is shown that a consideration of this factor has a significant effect on parameter values and on the perspective in which the growing share of women in total employment can be seen.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the historical roots of gender equality. It proposes and empirically assesses a new determinant of gender equality: gender-specific outside options in the marriage market. In particular, enlarging women’s options besides marriage—even if only temporarily—increases their bargaining power with respect to men, leading to a persistent improvement in gender equality. We illustrate this mechanism focusing on Belgium, and relate gender-equality levels in the 19th century to the presence of medieval, female-only communities called beguinages that allowed women to remain single amidst a society that traditionally advocated marriage. Combining geo-referenced data on beguinal communities with 19th-century census data, we document that the presence of beguinages contributed to decrease the gender gap in literacy. The reduction is sizeable, amounting to a 12.3% drop in gender educational inequality. Further evidence of the beguinal legacy is provided leveraging alternative indicators of female agency.


刘能 《开放时代》2008,(3):110-123
自二十世纪九十年代中期以来,伴随着中国社会的急剧社会一经济结构转型,伴随着新的社会身份和社会认同群体的诞生,社会行动者的种种政治表达和利益保卫活动,重新浮上了台面。具体来看,无论是以小型熟人共同体为组织基础的集体性抗争活动,还是以更大型的地理区域为组织空间的群体性突发事件,在全国各地都时有发生。本文把这类社会事件统称为群体性集体行动,并把各级政府及其代理人和由此类集体行动参与者所组成的怨恨群体之间进行的持续互动过程的本质,看作影响社会控制后果的一个重要变量。通过引入发生在不同时期的三组经验案例,作者提供了一个分类框架,用于说明当代中国社会中群体性集体行动参与者的主导形象的演变。  相似文献   

This paper presents the main findings of a survey conducted in 1955 regarding the fertility of women in the city of Sholapur. 1203 families (3535 males and 3289 females) comprised the sample. 1337 women were of childbearing age and the total number of children born to women the year before the inquiry was 321. The overall total marital fertility rate for Sholapur women was 7106.01 children/1000 women or about 7 children/woman. Proportion of female births to total births in the sample was 0.4829. Gross reproduction was 2.9 per woman. Paternal and maternal net reproduction rates of 1.8 and 1.5 represented a rate of increase in the male and female populations per 33 and 27 years respectively. None of the biological and social factors considered was found to have any differential effect on marital fertility of the women. This result was expected, as evidence suggest that the various social, religious, educational, and economic classes in Sholapur are quite similar with regards to marriage and contraceptive behavior. Tables on values of chi-square are also appended.  相似文献   

We study the impact of age at marriage on female education. We hypothesize that in cultures where women marry young, parents discount the pecuniary benefits of educating girls; the earlier the anticipated age at marriage the greater this discount. We empirically test this effect using household data from Nepal. We control for potential endogeneity of age at marriage by exploiting variations in cultural norms regarding dowry and differences in the average age of female marriage among ethnicities and regions as instrumental variables. The econometric results support the hypothesis that female education is negatively affected by cultural norms that favor early marriage.  相似文献   

通过对15位创业女性的深度访谈,结合创业理论和女权主义价值观,对创业过程、性别、女权主义理论进行了综合分析,审视了女性创业者的价值实践。结果表明,机会识别与创业女性的需求和价值观相对应,女权主义思想贯穿整个机会识别过程并影响机会判断,其看待机会主要侧重于“我就是市场”、“成就他人”、“我要多做一些事”和“好的机遇”等角度。创业女性的价值观通过她们对个人或社会变革的渴望等动机表达出来,管理结构平等、合作和开放。  相似文献   

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