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美国商业银行专利战略对我国商业银行的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年曝光的花旗银行在华申请商业方法专利事件,敲响了国内银行对金融产品专利申请的警钟。面对外资银行进驻国内金融市场,提高我国商业银行的竞争力,实施适宜的专利战略,加强对金融商业方法专利的研究是十分必要的。本文在对美国及国内商业银行专利申请的现状进行分析对比的基础上,发现我国商业银行在金融专利的保护方面存在着不足之处。因此,针对有关情况提出了一些可供参考的建议。  相似文献   

花旗银行在我国申请19项金融产品专利引起了人们对金融商业方法专利的探讨.本文试从我国银行产业专利保护的现状分析出发,阐述了商业方法专利的基本概念和商业方法可专利性的法理基础,并对商业方法专利的创造性标准及标准化趋势进行了简要分析,提出了我国金融商业方法专利保护的一些启示.  相似文献   

金融业尤其是银行业的商业方法是商业思想、商业运行模式、计算机软硬件的集合体,文章探讨了金融创新环境下商业方法专利对我国银行业发展的重要意义,以翔实的数据分析了当前我国银行业商业方法专利保护工作的整体形势与主要问题,指出我国商业银行应从战略上加强商业方法专利乃至知识产权保护意识,完善战略制定、战略实施以及战略评估,并通过构建制度和加大技术创新扶持来改善外部环境。  相似文献   

浅析我国金融机构自主创新中商业方法的专利保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,各国金融机构大力推广以信息和数据为内容的电子化工程,产生了一系列关系金融企业核心竞争力的产品、软件。这些产品和软件,与金融企业的业务和管理系统密切相关。根据金融机构的申请,已有不少国家对这些业务和管理系统采取了专利法律保护。而以花旗银行为代表,至少8家以上外资银行向我国知识产权局提出“商业方法类”专利申请。面对外资银行咄咄逼人的挑战,我们的银行到了必须把金融商业方法问题放到重要位置上来考虑的时候了。为此,笔者拟从金融商业方法专利化的起因着手,探究我国金融商业方法专利法律之保护。  相似文献   

花旗银行在我国申请19项金融产品专利引起了人们对金融商业方法专利的探讨。本文试从我国银行产业专利保护的现状分析出发,阐述了商业方法专利的基本概念和商业方法可专利性的法理基础,并对商业方法专利的创造性标准及标准化趋势进行了简要分析,提出了我国金融商业方法专利保护的一些启示。  相似文献   

论金融创新的专利保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
商业方法专利是一种产生于金融创新的新兴专利,它对金融创新具有重大影响.在我国加入WTO以后,接受商业方法专利是中国金融领域对外开放与合作的发展趋势的必然结果.我们应当采取措施,提高我国金融业专利权取得和保护的水平.  相似文献   

互联网金融是互联网技术和金融业务融合的产物,互联网金融创新的成果如果符合专利授权的条件,大多会成为金融商业方法专利的保护对象,利用专利保护金融商业方法的创新成果是互联网金融企业必须掌握的竞争法宝。  相似文献   

从商业方法创新相关概念的辨析和商业方法专利在银行业中的发展出发,本文详尽检索了中国银行业商业方法专利,并在检索的专利数据基础上,深入研究和分析了中国银行业商业方法专利发展的态势。同时,入世之后,商业方法专利已经成为外资银行涌进并占有中国金融市场的利器之一,因此,研究结论认为,中国内资银行的专利保护意识有所提高,专利管理工作有所改善,但专利领域的竞争优势尚未建立,专利战略的实施还需时日。所以,要进一步提高商业方法专利的技术含量,加强核心技术领域的专利研发,加紧对发达国家银行业商业方法专利技术的关注。  相似文献   

余翔  邱洪华 《金融论坛》2007,12(12):10-15
从商业方法创新相关概念的辨析和商业方法专利在银行业中的发展出发,本文详尽检索了中国银行业商业方法专利,并在检索的专利数据基础上,深入研究和分析了中国银行业商业方法专利发展的态势.同时,入世之后,商业方法专利已经成为外资银行涌进并占有中国金融市场的利器之一,因此,研究结论认为,中国内资银行的专利保护意识有所提高,专利管理工作有所改善,但专利领域的竞争优势尚未建立,专利战略的实施还需时日.所以,要进一步提高商业方法专利的技术含量,加强核心技术领域的专利研发,加紧对发达国家银行业商业方法专利技术的关注.  相似文献   

商业方法专利及其在网络金融中的战略作用 商业方法,是人们在社会经济活动中总结出来的,符合经济发展规律,并为社会所普遍接受和使用的商业活动基本规则和实现方式,是人类智力活动的成果。商业方法专利是以商业方法为客体所形成的专利权.传统的商业方法一般是与具体实物相分离的,被认为属于“智力活动规则”的范畴,从而被排除出专利保护的范围。随着20世纪90年代信息技术尤其是互联网技术的快速发展,一些企业在商业方法的创新上投人大量资金和人力,从而就产生了对商业方法施行专利保护的呼声。  相似文献   

论美国影子银行体系的发展、运作、影响及监管   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
第二次世界大战结束特别是20世纪70年代以来,由货币政策目标与金融监管框架之间的不一致性所引发的金融创新以及机构投资者对安全性资产的超额需求共同推动了影子银行体系在美国迅速发展。美国的影子银行体系主要由政府支持的影子银行体系、"内部"影子银行体系以及"外部"影子银行体系组成,但其各自的信贷中介程序和复杂程度不尽相同。影子银行体系的迅速发展对美国以及全球金融体系都产生了重要而复杂的影响。尽管《多德—弗兰克法》为美国乃至全球金融监管改革指明了方向,但旨在有效规范影子银行体系发展的金融监管体制改革之路依然漫长。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the responses of the United States and the economies of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) to the financial and economic crisis of 2008–2009. The crisis illuminates the fundamental structural problems within the EMU, the European Union and the United States and the scale and scope of interconnections among the world economy. The paper focuses on the reactions of the real sector to the financial disturbances in these economies. Both comparative static and dynamic methodologies are used in order to appraise the scope and pace of adjustments in response to the global crisis.  相似文献   

李俊江  孙黎 《保险研究》2011,(8):119-127
美国是发达国家中完全开放保险市场的代表。作为世界上最大的保险市场,无论从市场化程度或本国保险业发育程度看,美国无疑是市场开放度最高的国家。本文通过对美国保险市场对外开放发展的考察,尤其是金融危机后美国保险市场对外开放现状的分析,总结其发展的规律和特点,并结合中国的实际情况,对保险市场对外开放进程进行了研究,得出对中国的...  相似文献   

This paper exploits the Financial Accounts of the United States to derive long time series of bank and nonbank credit to different sectors, and to examine the cyclical behavior of these series in relation to (i) the long-term business cycle, (ii) recessions and recoveries, and (iii) systemic financial crises. We find that bank and nonbank credit exhibit different dynamics throughout the business cycle. We also examine the role of bank and nonbank credit in the creation of financial interconnections and illustrate a method to conduct macro-financial stability assessments.  相似文献   

Most people believe that the recent financial crisis had its roots in a boom in housing lending in the United States. After the dot-com bubble, the argument goes, the Federal Reserve Bank lowered the interest rates to stimulate corporate investment and recover from the downturn. As a side effect of low interest rates, mortgages became cheaper and Americans became attracted to the housing market. Credit for housing was provided by the sophisticated financial system of the United States, which allowed investors to purchase packages of mortgages from diversified geographical locations, and from individuals with different probabilities of default, according to their desired level of risk. As it turned out, these products caught the attention of investors from all over the world, who were attracted by their profitable returns and the implicit guarantees provided by the U.S. government to the issuing agencies and financial intermediaries. Therefore, housing credit was plentiful and, as a consequence, house prices in the United States rose. This in turn allowed mortgage borrowers to refinance their debts and avoid default. The party came to an end when interest rates increased and house prices fell, triggering a series of defaults in mortgages and driving values of the financial products near to zero, resulting in consequences with which we all are too familiar.  相似文献   

On February 19, 2020, the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 went into effect in the United States. This statute was intended to make the rescue regime of Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code more effective for smaller businesses that would not otherwise have the financial wherewithal to complete a traditional Chapter 11 reorganization. This article describes the central innovations of the new statute, and considers whether they might be adaptable by other countries.  相似文献   

The paper extends a standard two‐country international real business cycle model to include financial intermediation by banks of loans and government bonds. The paper contributes an explanation for both the United States relative to the Euro‐area, and the United States relative to China, of cross‐country correlations of loan rates, deposit rates, and the loan premia. It shows a type of financial retrenchment for the United States relative to both Europe and China following a negative bank productivity shock, such as during the 2008 crisis. After 2008, results suggest that the Euro‐area has been more financially integrated with the United States, and China less financially integrated.  相似文献   

随着金融危机的不断深化,国际金融形势的变化越来越引人注目,金融危机背景下的中国经济也面临着巨大考验。本文从虚拟经济与实体经济的关系、国际短期资本流动、国际间政策协调三个方面对美国历史上两次世界性金融危机的情况进行比较分析,得出相应结论及对我国的启示。  相似文献   

Many of the papers at this conference focus on regulation and its impact on the structure of the financial system. The objective of this paper is to offer a discussion of some of these, and related, issues from the perspective of the United Kingdom, where the structure and content of regulation is in many important respects in stark contrast to that of the United States. A British perspective on financial regulation might be particularly interesting, given the historical differences in the regulatory regimes in the United Kingdom and the United States as well as the changes occurring in the structure and approach to regulation in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

U.S. stocks are more volatile than stocks of similar foreign firms. A firm's stock return volatility can be higher for reasons that contribute positively (good volatility) or negatively (bad volatility) to shareholder wealth and economic growth. We find that the volatility of U.S. firms is higher mostly because of good volatility. Specifically, stock volatility is higher in the United States because it increases with investor protection, stock market development, new patents, and firm‐level investment in R&D. Each of these factors is related to better growth opportunities for firms and better ability to take advantage of these opportunities.  相似文献   

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