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2020年是极不平凡的一年,挑战重重。百年一遇的新冠肺炎疫情,重创全球经济金融发展。全球经济深度衰退,国际贸易大幅萎缩,金融市场剧烈震荡。单边主义、贸易保护主义抬头,地缘政治风险再起,全球治理体系失序……这一年,回看国际金融新闻,感受全球风云变幻。1疫情引发金融市场剧烈震荡救助政策力度史无前例2020年初新冠肺炎疫情暴发,全球金融市场剧烈震荡。为应对冲击,全球主要国家出台大规模救助政策,财政、货币政策空前扩张,全球债务占GDP比重创历史峰值。  相似文献   

在国内新冠肺炎疫情防控取得明显成效的情况下,海外疫情自2月下旬以来呈现加速扩散、多点爆发之势,外部输入风险值得引起高度重视。海外疫情将对全球经济形成多方面影响:一是给全球经济带来“供需双杀”的自收缩倾向,造成世界经济在第一季度和上半年增速放缓;二是引发全球金融市场恐慌情绪,资产价格震荡加剧;三是人民币资产开始体现出避险属性,既是机遇,也将对我国的金融管理形成短期和中长期挑战。我国应在前期已有的疫情防控和稳定经济的政策基础上,加强措施应对海外疫情扩散的新挑战。  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情迅速蔓延,导致全球金融市场发生历史罕见的剧烈震荡。与2008年金融危机相比,本次危机境外金融市场救市政策更为迅速,货币政策着力于提供短期流动性,财政政策聚焦于危机中的预防、对冲和纾困。两次危机救市政策推出后,市场均不同程度改善。后疫情时代,创新货币政策工具是支持流动性直达实体经济的重要手段。加强货币政策、财政政策与其他监管措施的有效协同,强化对杠杆资金、自动化交易等微观市场因素的监管,加快对限制股市做空措施的研究探讨,有利于抵御系统性风险,维护金融市场平稳有序运行。  相似文献   

赵然 《金融博览》2020,(7):34-35
2020年初新冠肺炎病毒出现,随后迅速蔓延,对社会经济稳定发展产生较大的波动.近期金融市场大幅波动已经先行反映出疫情对经济的影响.虽然,金融市场的过度反应中有部分原因是恐慌造成的,但是不可否认的是,疫情对全球经济的影响会在未来一段时间内显现.根据2003年SARS的经验,在疫情扩散速度明显缓和后,经济会迅速从底部反弹,那么此次新冠肺炎疫情对中国及全球经济会产生哪些影响?  相似文献   

当前,国内疫情得到有效控制,国外疫情正在爬坡过坎,全球金融市场震荡,经济发展面临着重大不确定性。疫情叠加全球经济放缓,对商业银行的影响主要表现为:线下业务拓展和服务受阻、信贷需求减弱、存款短期存在阶段性机会但稳存增存压力预计会逐步增加、息差收窄压力加大,中间业务收入明显下降,风险暴露逐步加快。同时也要看到,受疫情影响,财政货币政策更加积极,“新基建”四起,部分涉疫行业短期受益,疫情加快了企业运营和客户行为线上化迁徙步伐,为银行赢得再差异化竞争创造了时机。  相似文献   

2月末以来,我国新冠肺炎疫情防控效果逐渐显现,但海外新冠肺炎疫情则扩散蔓延,韩国、意大利、伊朗、美国等国感染人数大幅增加,世界卫生组织将新冠肺炎全球风险上调至最高级别“非常高”之后,又认定其为“全球性流行病”。疫情冲击加上OPEC与俄罗斯减产磋商破裂,全球金融市场出现剧烈震荡。3月160,恐慌指数VIX已攀升至82.69,超过2008年国际金融危机期间最高点。  相似文献   

《后疫情时代全球经济展望及对中国的影响》后疫情时代,随着疫苗研发、推广及逐步普及,全球经济将进人缓慢复苏阶段,预计2021年全球GDP增速为5%左右,呈现前低后高走势。但各国复苏进程不均衡,美欧等发达经济体率先进人疫苗大规模生产、流通、接种流程,预计先于新兴经济体迎来复苏;全球化由高速推进期进入调整期,带动全球产业链深度调整,本土化、区域化、智能化、分布式、资本化趋势明显;主要经济体宏观政策延续宽松基调,回归正常化难度较大,“大水漫灌”货币政策或将延续,财政刺激则可能继续加码;相比较2020年的“跌宕起伏”,2021年全球金融市场有望趋稳,但大幅震荡风险仍然存在。  相似文献   

01IMF呼吁加强国际协调稳定金融市场4月14日国际货币基金组织(IMF)发布《全球金融稳定报告》(以下简称《报告》),《报告》指出,遏制新冠肺炎疫情的必要措施已引发经济下滑,全球金融体系受到显著影响,加强国际协调以应对疫情和稳定金融市场至关重要。《报告》认为,疫情的经济影响存在不确定性,造成金融市场波动性大幅上升。  相似文献   

2008年3月6日,美国总统布什宣布美国经济进入衰退期。随之而来的美国股市再次剧烈震荡,联邦储备委员会进一步加大了紧急救市的措施。引发这场危机的根源在于2006年春季开始的“次贷危机”。这场发生在美国因次级抵押贷款机构破产、投资基金被迫关闭、股市剧烈震荡引起的风暴,席卷了美国、欧盟和日本等世界主要金融市场,致使全球主要金融市场出现流动性不足危机。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的暴发给全球经济与金融市场蒙上了阴影。相比于2003年的SARS,新冠肺炎疫情对经济的影响更为深刻和全面。本文阐述了新冠肺炎疫情在国内和海外扩散的轨迹,疫情对国内外经济、金融冲击,和疫情带来的短期、中期以及长期影响,并探讨了应对之策。  相似文献   

Innovation in financial markets, spurred to a significant extentby developments in finance theory and financial econometrics,has played a critical role in spurring economic growth. However,the current turmoil in financial markets raises fundamentalquestions about the nature of financial innovation and the roleof policymakers in maintaining financial stability. This paperexplores these questions, focusing on the complexities of modelingfinancial risk and the potential trade-off between policiesaimed at combating short-run financial instability on the onehand and the potential financial market distortions and moralhazard that can result from such policies on the other.  相似文献   

This study provides new evidence on emerging stock market contagion during the Global Financial crisis (GFC) and the Euro zone Sovereign Debt Crisis (ESDC). Focusing on the three emerging Baltic markets and developed European markets, proxied by the EUROSTOXX50 stock index, we explore asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation dynamics across stable and crisis periods. Empirical evidence indicates a diverse contagion pattern for the Baltic region across the two crises. Latvia and Lithuania were contagious during the GFC, while they were insulated from the adverse effects of the ESDC. On the other hand, Estonia decoupled from the negative consequences during the global turmoil period, but recoupled during the ESDC. The results could be attributed to financial and macroeconomic characteristics of the Baltic countries before and after the turmoil periods and the introduction time of the Euro as a national currency.  相似文献   

Financial stress and economic contractions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines why some financial stress episodes lead to economic downturns. The paper identifies episodes of financial turmoil in advanced economies using a financial stress index (FSI), and proposes an analytical framework to assess the impact of financial stress – in particular banking distress – on the real economy. It concludes that financial turmoil characterized by banking distress is more likely to be associated with deeper and longer downturns than stress mainly in securities or foreign exchange markets. Economies with more arm's-length financial systems seem to be more exposed to contractions in activity following financial stress, due to the greater procyclicality of leverage in their banking systems.  相似文献   

本文认为:(1)流动性冲击主要通过资产负债表渠道和资产价格渠道来影响金融市场,正是这两种渠道才使得流动性在金融危机爆发及传导的过程中扮演了重要角色。借款人的资产负债表效应导致损失螺旋和保证金螺旋的产生,造成资产的折价销售,推动了资产价格的下跌和进一步的银根紧缩;(2)房地产泡沫的形成与美联储的货币政策失误、金融市场结构变化、新布雷顿森林体系以及投资者的羊群行为等有关,房地产泡沫破灭是美国金融危机的导火索;(3)金融危机爆发后,美联储通过调整中央银行的资产负债表,推出各种形式的金融创新工具,向金融市场注入流动性,有效地降低了金融市场崩溃的概率。论文最后从流动性管理的角度,对美国金融危机进行了反思。  相似文献   

本次金融危机以来,社会各界对信用衍生产品产生了诸多认识误区,这些误区一定程度上阻碍了中国的金融创新。文章厘清了四个常见的信用衍生产品认识误区,指出我国应鼓励金融创新,尽快建立与我国经济发展相适应、与市场需求相吻合、在国际上有竞争力的场外金融衍生产品市场。  相似文献   

李佳  王晓 《金融论坛》2011,(1):25-30
次贷危机是一场金融市场流动性紧缩的危机.在流动性紧缩的过程中,连接多个利益主体的资产证券化负有很大责任.本文采用计量经济理论中的VAR模型对次贷危机中资产证券化对金融市场流动性的影响进行实证分析,发现在次贷危机的演进过程中,资产证券化确实对金融市场的流动性产生了持久的负面冲击效应,并导致了流动性紧缩的传导和扩散.因此,...  相似文献   

Monetary policy and financial markets are intrinsically linked. Central banks conduct monetary policy by influencing financial market prices. Financial market prices reflect the expectations of market participants about future economic and monetary developments. Monetary policy works primarily through expectations. Transparency and credibility render monetary policy more effective. However, they are no substitutes for action. If a credible central bank uses words with the explicit aim of substituting them for action, it will risk losing credibility. To avoid what has been described as “the dog chasing its tail” problem, central banks must exercise caution in basing their monetary policy decisions on financial market information. The information about expected future developments reflected in market prices must be continuously cross-checked against economic and monetary indicators in what amounts to a “checks and balances” approach to monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper discusses major initiatives from regulation in global financial markets in response to the current crisis. From the perspective of emerging markets a few issues of significance may include: whether shortcomings in innovations in structured financial market products will limit the scope of their development in the emerging markets, and restrict the scope of financial growth? Could more flows be expected to emerging markets from Western banking centres looking for productive opportunities? Are there opportunities for emerging markets finance to invest in good companies with strong balance sheets that are available at relatively cheap valuations. Will the Middle East emerge as a power centre in global finance?  相似文献   

The sharp economic downturn and turmoil in the financial markets, commonly referred to as the “global financial crisis,” has spawned an impressive outpouring of blame. The efficient market hypothesis (EMH)—the idea that competitive financial markets exploit all available information when setting security prices—has been singled out for particular attention. Like all successful theories, the EMH has major limitations, even as it continues to provide the foundation for not only past accomplishment, but future advances in the field of finance. Despite the theory's undoubted limitations, the claim that it is responsible for the current worldwide crisis seems wildly exaggerated. This essay shows the misreading of the theory and logical inconsistencies involved in popular arguments that EMH played a significant role in (1) the formation of the real estate and stock market bubbles, (2) investment practitioners' miscalculation of risks, and (3) the failure of regulators to recognize the bubbles and avert the crisis. At the same time, the author argues that the collapse of Lehman Brothers and other large financial institutions, far from resulting from excessive faith in efficient markets, reflects a failure to heed the lessons of efficient markets. In the author's words, “To me, Lehman's demise conclusively demonstrates that, in a competitive capital market, if you take massive risky positions financed with extraordinary leverage, you are bound to lose big one day—no matter how large and venerable you are.” Finally, behavioral finance, widely considered as challenging and even supplanting efficient markets theory, is viewed in this article as complementing if not reinforcing efficient markets theory. As the author says, “it takes a theory to beat a theory.” Behavioralism, for all its important contributions to finance literature, is described as not a theory but rather “a collection of ideas and results”— one that depends for its existence on the theory of efficient markets.  相似文献   

After decades of steady liberalization and financial market development, emerging capital markets experienced unparalleled capital inflows in the aftermath of the emerging markets crisis of the 1990s. This paper studies portfolio investment decisions of German banks in emerging capital markets from 2002 to 2007. The use of a dynamic time-series cross-section framework and the micro database External Position Report provided by Deutsche Bundesbank permit insights into the various determinants of portfolio investments in ECMs. For example, there is evidence that German banks take into account the various dimensions of financial market development in their portfolio investment decisions and anticipate the special risks inherent in emerging markets. Proxies for the overall development and efficiency of capital markets have the highest economic significance of all variables. The introduction of depositary receipts programs has a positive impact on stock market investment. Moreover, there is evidence that global risk aversion exerts a significant influence in times of financial turmoil.  相似文献   

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