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最近看到一篇小短文颇有趣。文中说在五个手指中,大拇指之所以能够成为老大,不是因为其长得粗大,也不是因为其排在手指的第一位,而是因为大拇指其它许多特征使大家不得不承认其老大的地位。首先,大拇指虽然独处一隅,从不与其它手指站在一列,但其与其它任何手指都能保持和睦的关系,这是其它手指做不到的。其次,在工作的时候,大拇指可以和任何其它手指合作,就连平时作用不大的小指,在与大拇指合作的时候也可以干许多事情。  相似文献   

目的 探讨伤椎植骨椎体成形结合椎弓根钉内固定治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折的疗效.方法 2006-10-2009-04采用后路椎弓根系统撑开复位内固定结合经伤椎椎弓根植骨椎体成形术治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折26例.结果 平均随访16个月,伤椎椎体高度丢失平均1.5 mm,无后凸畸形发生,无断钉、断棒、松动等现象,无植骨不融合、骨吸收、椎体塌陷等情况.结论 伤椎植骨椎体成形结合椎弓根钉内固定治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折是一种安全有效的治疗方法.  相似文献   

霍金,当代最伟大的物理学家之一,但他因患有ALS运动神经细胞病,20多年来被固定在轮椅上,不能说话和写字,唯有三根手指和一个能思维的大脑为他所用,他就是靠着三根手指敲击键盘与外界进行交流。  相似文献   

元旦前夕,湖南省新邵县打工妹雷冬梅领到了食指受伤的医疗、赔偿等费一万多元,逢人就夸深圳市宝安区劳动仲裁委员会为她撑腰作主。雷冬梅是宝安石岩镇水田村某印刷制品厂员工。1995年8月18日,上班才三天的雷冬梅左手食指被机器压伤。事故发生后,厂方即将其送往医院治疗。10月25日,经龙华医院鉴定,雷冬梅手指丧失劳动能力5%。11月16日,厂方  相似文献   

陀螺是深受儿童们喜爱的传统玩具之一,其种类很多:有用手指扭动陀螺转柄而使其旋转的,有用鞭绳抽打而使其旋转的,还有利用电池等动力源驱动其旋转的。不论哪种,其转动形态都是单一的。缺少趣味性。而悠悠玩具也有多年历史,国外有些地方也很盛行。它是由一个短轴与固定于短轴两端的一对对  相似文献   

[案例]某机械加工厂职工老王,是一位有30年工龄的老职工,他上班都提前到岗做好机床调试工作。一日,他上班到岗后按照惯例开动车床检查是否运转正常时,不慎被皮带绞伤手指。老王要求认定为工伤,该厂领导则认为他的手指受伤不是在“工作时间,由于工作原因”。后来在当地劳动保障部门的干预下,老王被认定为工伤。  相似文献   

调味的治病功能食油是一种轻度缓和剂,手指被火的伤时,将食油涂于伤处,即可止痛。食盐腹泻次数稍多,身体易脱水,这时可用深度不高的食盐水加以补充。食醋发高烧时,用经过稀释的醋浸过的布敷在皮肤上,会使高烧程度减轻。用醋水漱口可治愈轻度咽喉炎。白糖在医疗中有...  相似文献   

罗静 《现代审计》2013,(5):27-27
一、实施固定工程总价合同中存在的问题(一)固定总价合同承包方式前提条件把握不好。按建设工程计价方式的不同.建设工程施工合同可以划分为总价合同、单价合同、成本加酬金合同三大类,就同定总价合同而言。其适用条件是:(1)工程量小、工期短,估计在施工过程中环境因素变化小.工程条件稳定并合理;(2)工程设计详细,图纸完整、清楚,工程任务和范围明确;(3)工程结构和技术简单,风险小;  相似文献   

钻石:又称为金刚石,是世界上最硬的物品。观之外表晶莹剔透,刻面光滑,刻棱尖锐,转动时有淡蓝色闪光,手指触摸极易受污染。而仿钻一般是玻璃或合成立方氧化锆制成的,观之呆板,转动时有明显的橙色闪光,仔细观察可能会见到划痕或刻伤。另外,如果对着天然钻石哈气,其表面的雾气能够迅速蒸发,很快恢复其光洁的本来面目,仿制品却需过一会儿雾气才能散尽。红、蓝宝石:红、蓝宝石以其色泽鲜艳而吸引人,然而由于其形成过程的环境复杂,市场上颗粒大、颜色鲜、没有色带和杂质的高档品并不多见。若见到类似的这种首饰,其价格又并不昂贵的,千万别贪小失大…  相似文献   

钻石:又称为金刚石,是世界上最硬的物品。观之外表晶莹剔透,刻面光滑,刻棱尖锐,转动时有淡蓝色闪光,手指触摸极易受污染。而仿钻一般是玻璃或合成立方氧化锆制成的,观之呆板,转动时有明显的橙色闪光,仔细观察可能会见到划痕或刻伤。另外,如果对着天然钻石哈  相似文献   

In the current paper, a model of possibilistic location-allocation is proposed for designing a multi-period bi-objective humanitarian logistics network that pursues a reduction in the total cost and maximizes the total network coverage. The model considers the inventory management of perishable relief items and the flow of affected and wounded people in pre-disaster and post-disaster phases, simultaneously. Moreover, wounded people are categorized according to the injury severity. The uncertainty associated with key parameters is also addressed. To handle the uncertainty, a fuzzy chance-constrained programming method originated in the Me measure is used. The purpose of this measure is to prevent the extreme attitudes of the decision maker by considering the combination of possibility and necessity measures and using the optimistic-pessimistic parameter. This paper presents a solution procedure derived from a fuzzy interactive programming approach and two meta-heuristic algorithms, imperialist competitive algorithm and invasive weed optimization, so as to solve the study model. As for the validation of the proposed model and solution procedures, a number of test problems have been generated. A real-life case study is also implemented to instantiate whether the proposed model is applicable or not.  相似文献   

李红 《价值工程》2011,30(28):324-324
本研究探讨急性跟腱损伤的治疗方法,对30例球类活动导致急性跟腱损伤受试者采用针灸及运动康复相结合的方法进行治疗。结果显示该治疗方法是科学有效的不失为一种对急性跟腱损伤患者采取的好方法。  相似文献   

Modern Catholic social teaching recurs to the idiom of human dignity and human rights. Our moral entitlement to equal respect or consideration, in concert with the ethical ideal of the common good, moreover, justifies preferential treatment for those whose basic rights are most imperiled. Thus states are morally bound to respect and promote the basic human rights of both citizen and resident alien, especially the most vulnerable—and of these, in particular, women and children. Indeed, the duty to protect grounds the subsidiary duty to rescue, for example, through diplomatic initiatives, sanctions, and in extremis, humanitarian intervention in the case of genocide or mass atrocity. Disciples thus see and have compassion, even as compassion becomes a way of seeing. Compassion, then, not only guides them in the fitting application of universal, essential norms, for example, the rights of migrants, but gives rise to existential (personal and ecclesial) imperatives as they come to the aid of wounded humanity.  相似文献   

手法复位和小夹板固定在突发公共事件骨折人群中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡凌娟  图娅  李瑞峰 《价值工程》2010,29(28):126-126
骨折是一种常见和多发性的伤害,尤其在公共灾害事件中更为多见。西医通过手术治疗,不仅恢复时间长,而且对施术环境要求高,容易产生后遗症。而中医手法复位和小夹板固定术方法简单,疗效好,愈合快,恢复时间短,适用范围广,特别适用于不具备手术条件和紧急救治情况下的骨折治疗。我们应该大力推广和发展中医手法复位和小夹板固定术,使其在应急、抢险中发挥越来越大的作用,同时为军事行动中紧急救治伤员发挥独特的作用。  相似文献   

Catholic views on personhood and human nature include emphasis on the dignity of each person, from womb to tomb. The claims made for this inviolable dignity invariably stem from the recognition that all human beings, regardless of their state of dependency, are made in the image of God and are thus the bearers of certain moral rights. But in our fallen state that image is wounded and needs to be repaired. Hence, Christians need to learn to recapitulate the life of Christ in their own lives by growing through the stages of human life according to the model that He presents to us. There are not only individual but corporate aspects to this growth. Catholic Social Teaching offers insights on the corporate and social condition in which we find ourselves. It has a healthy respect for the economic laws of the market and for the technical intricacies of efficient decision‐making processes in local, national, and world economies, but out of respect for human nature there are moral norms that need to be respected and that may never be violated. On the topic of property and private ownership, considerable attention is given to the very purpose of private property (namely, to provide individuals with a kind of independence that enhances their ability to do their duties to their dependence and that extends their freedom). But always correlated with this defense of private property is a sense of the social demands on private property that come from the common good and the communal purpose of all earthly goods.  相似文献   

The study investigate the impact of socioeconomic factors on malnutrition in children (under 5 years) using Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. The urban and rural areas are separately probed for stunting, wasting and under-weight children. The analysis revealed that birth-interval, mother’s education and wealth index reduce the malnutrition in children for urban and rural household, while duration of breastfeeding and lower BMI of the mother increase the malnutrition in both urban and rural areas. Wealth index is more effective in rural areas as compared to urban ones. The male children are more likely to be malnourished in urban areas but female children are more likely to be malnourished in rural areas. The primary level of education of the women has no significant impact on nutritional status of children in urban as well as in rural areas. It has important policy implications that at least secondary level of education should be part of the education policy of Bangladesh. The incidence of diarrhea enhances the probability of stunting and wasting in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. From the policy perspective mother’s education and birth-interval are required for achieving the nutrition status of children. For the long-run the socioeconomic status of the household expressed by wealth index is needed. The duration of breastfeeding needs to be reduced by initiation of the supplement food.  相似文献   

李孝岩 《价值工程》2014,(9):168-169
为了模拟地震救援无线网络系统的可行性,本设计开发了一套地震救援指挥中心进行现场调度的动态演示平台,该平台可以完整的模拟出地震发生后,指挥中心向灾区派遣应急车并进行现场伤员搜救、抢修断桥、运输救灾物资的整个过程。应急车采用自动循迹、智能避障及对坑洼路况进行模式判断,保证了应急车行驶路线合理、可靠。整个演示过程无需人工操作,可以给观赏者完美的展示出自动控制领域中高端的艺术表演。  相似文献   

Instrumental variables (IV) estimates of the effect of fertility on female labour supply have only been able to identify the causal effect of second and higher parity children. This study uses exogenous variation in fertility caused by the Chinese lunar calendar to identify the effect of the first child. Additionally, weighting formulas are presented to interpret IV estimates as weighted average treatment effects in the case of multiple endogenous variables, which are useful when children vary in intensity by both number and age. The effect of the first child is found to be much greater than that of other children.  相似文献   

田青 《中国企业家》2013,(24):58-63
地方政府、央企、石化三者的结合造就了巨额财富,却最终点燃了居民的恐慌。撕开了黄岛发展化工产业和城镇化进程的伤疤"昔日海景房,如今愁断肠。"11月22日黄岛输油管线爆炸事故发生后,家住黄岛区油港二路的蒋先生如此感叹。在黄岛,他的"海景房"被来自四面八方的输油管线缠绕着,小区地下及附近至少有11条输油管线穿过,其中不乏与市政管网重合的。"自1989年黄岛油库爆炸以来,这是中石化——这家中国央企,对黄岛伤害最深、也最惨烈的一次。11月22日的爆炸事故造成62人死亡,  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):101019
Although a large body of literature has argued that motherhood has a profound and long-lasting negative effect on the employment and earnings of women, there is little evidence focusing on the post-communist region. This paper exploits the latest rounds of the EBRD-World Bank Life in Transition Survey (LiTS) and the Mongolian National Statistics Office Household Socio-Economic Survey (HSES) to examine the correlation between the presence of children of different age categories in a family and female employment in Mongolia in 2016. We examine the availability of childcare, social norms and attitudes towards women, as well as household decision-making as potential explanations. We find that small children decrease the probability of female employment relative to women with no small children. In particular, women with two children aged one to six years are 21.5 percentage points less likely to be employed. Our results also suggest that cultural biases against women may be at least partially responsible for the low female employment levels we uncovered. These results are unlikely to be driven by omitted variable bias.  相似文献   

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