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青藏铁路沿线分布着9处世界级的旅游资源,映衬着千百年来积淀的以藏文化为核心的民族文化景观。青藏铁路的建成,给这条精品旅游带增加了新的亮点。  相似文献   

青藏铁路的修建为沿线地区经济社会的发展带来了巨大的发展机遇,构建青藏铁路沿线经济增长带具有重要的现实意义。区域经济学中的"点轴开发理论"是构建青藏铁路沿线经济增长带的理论依据,而青藏铁路沿线经济增长带的建成对开发西藏资源、优化和调整能源结构、加强民族团结、促进西藏经济发展具有重要作用。提出加快沿线城镇基础设施建设,为人口集聚创造条件;改革现行的户籍制度,引导农牧民向沿线的城镇集中;扩大招商引资力度等促进青藏铁路沿线经济增长带的政策措施。  相似文献   

关于青藏铁路旅游开发的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青藏铁路地处世界上最高的高原,自然条件恶劣、运营成本高、运量小,是我国最具“公益性”的国土开发铁路。为此,抓住西部大开发的契机,依托青藏高原的优势旅游资源,构建青藏高原铁路旅游公司,打造旅游经济产业链是拓展青藏高原铁路发展空间,实现青藏铁路可持续发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

青藏铁路建设与运营充分体现了科学发展观的要求,为沿线地区实现跨越式发展和建设小康社会提供了基础条件。从造福人民、拉动经济、开发资源、保护生态、巩固边防、对外开放等方面论述了青藏铁路全线建成通车的重大战略意义,着重分析了在沿线地区特殊的社会经济条件下,青藏铁路对构建社会主义和谐社会的示范及指导作用,特别强调了铁路运输对高原经济带的拉动效应和集聚效应。  相似文献   

青藏铁路建设与运营充分体现了科学发展观的要求,为沿线地区实现跨越式发展和建设小康社会提供了基础条件.从造福人民、拉动经济、开发资源、保护生态、巩固边防、对外开放等方面论述了青藏铁路全线建成通车的重大战略意义,着重分析了在沿线地区特殊的社会经济条件下,青藏铁路对构建社会主义和谐社会的示范及指导作用,特别强调了铁路运输对高原经济带的拉动效应和集聚效应.  相似文献   

在分析青藏铁路西格段沿线站区设置不利因素的基础上,及考虑长远发展的战略,结合青藏铁路格拉段自然条件更加严酷的现实,提出青藏铁路格拉段沿线站区设置应按照铁道部确定的“一快三减”原则,从长计议,设置统一的站区,做到既照顾到职工的生产生活,又有利于管理,还有利于降低运输生产成本的建议。  相似文献   

高速铁路的发展不仅给沿线的城市发展带来机遇,也为沿线旅游业的发展带来了更多的商机.结合日本九州、秋田新干线的实例,分析新干线对沿线旅游发展的影响,主要表现在客流量总体逐年上升、短期内对商务流影响较大、长期非商务客流发展迅速、住宿业受到影响等方面,提出重新审视竞争格局,优化组合旅游资源,完善旅游产品结构和类型,改进营销宣传策略等我国发展高速铁路旅游的建议.  相似文献   

交通是沟通旅游需求和旅游供给的桥梁,是发展旅游业的重要基础和前提.高速铁路作为一种新型的交通方式,对旅游活动的开展、旅游者目的地的选择、旅游资源的空间整合、旅游产品的设计开发等都产生了重要影响.结合沪宁城际高速铁路的运行,分析高速铁路对沿线城市旅游业的影响过程和作用机制,并为沿线城市旅游业的发展提出完善旅游接待服务设施、加大特色专项旅游产品开发力度、努力打造高速铁路旅游品牌的建议.  相似文献   

正新疆S21乌鲁木齐五家渠至阿勒泰高速公路,从勘察、规划、设计阶段,融入沿线的旅游、动植物等景观及地域特色,并从增强公路行车安全性和舒适性、扩展公路旅游服务功能等方面,打造了一条极具北疆特色的旅游公路。沿线动植物丰富主打核心旅游资源乌鲁木齐五家渠至阿勒泰沙漠高速公路项目,位于新疆维吾尔自治区北部,连接了乌鲁木齐、乌伦古湖、  相似文献   

青藏铁路具有日常行车密度低、突发运能需求高、沿线自然环境恶劣、维护成本高等特点。在分析目前青藏铁路增强型列车运行控制系统运用现状的基础上,根据青藏铁路行车密度较低的特点,制订低密度列车运行控制系统目标,提出青藏铁路低密度列车运行控制系统总体方案,分析基于北斗卫星导航的列车定位、宽带无线信息传输、移动闭塞、列车完整性检查、智能调度集中、列车自动驾驶等低密度列车运行控制系统关键技术的实现方法,以达到降低系统部署和运营成本,提高系统可靠性,提升运输效率的目的。  相似文献   

The research refines the author's earlier conceptualization of ‘personal memory tourism’, a form of travel motivated by memories of one's own past and focused on the revisiting of sites and destinations associated with key moments in a person's life or the retracing of memorable previous journeys. The concept is compared with and differentiated from overlapping and related types of tourism. Based on some scholarly insights into the functioning of human memory, it is argued that travelling can be considered a deliberate and organized extension of the process of remembering, associated with issues of identity and an exploration of the self, especially in relation to significant others. Using an interpretive approach based on in-depth interviews with 20 participants, the research found that the majority have engaged in some form of personal memory tourism, but with great divergences in how such trips were organized and for what reasons. The research concludes that personal memory tourism should not be considered a type, but rather a form of tourism due to the heterogeneous and highly individualized nature of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

介绍瑞典铁路的背景,对瑞典铁路人才的来源、培养、保障等情况进行分析,提出促进我国铁路人才培养保障的建议。  相似文献   

深化自控型班组建设是全路2009年至2011年开展三个"三年工程"之一。结合铁路发展新形势下班组作业管理的新变化,围绕深化自控型班组特征、内容和模式建设进行思考,并提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

从在纽约证券交易所上市的铁路运输公司的市场表现入手,对其市场绩效、财务绩效进行分析,对比在上海、香港、纽约三地上市的广深铁路股份有限公司(简称GSH)与在纽约上市的北美五家铁路上市公司,GSH的净资产报酬率大大低于北美铁路上市公司。其原因是GSH的销售净利润率较高,权益乘数、总资产周转率大大低于北美铁路上市公司,其成因主要是GSH享受了特殊运价政策、债务性融资比例低、在建工程比例大和现金资产管理效率低。通过分析,对铁路运价定价、铁路企业上市融资、上市公司管理提出建议。  相似文献   

This current issue in the Caribbean raises the topic of destination management and more particularly the importance of considering natural phenomenon when planning and developing a tourism product. The impacts of Irma on some Caribbean islands such as Saint-Barthelemy, Saint-Martin, Barbuda and Anguilla show that hurricanes are major risks for the tourism industry of the islands. This risk could be said to be absolute in the Caribbean but the negative impacts can be mitigated by appropriate strategies. To some extent, natural disasters provide tabularaza that give destinations opportunities to reinvent themselves sustainability.  相似文献   

沪宁城际铁路开通后,沪宁线货运能力得到了一定的释放。为更好地有效利用该线能力,在调查沪宁沿线经济发展情况和铁路运输特点的基础上,通过对沪宁线货物运输进行SWOT分析,提出了充分发挥沪宁线货运能力的措施和建议。  相似文献   

The advent of the EU–US Open Skies Agreement has been widely anticipated. A number of consequences have been predicted, for example, impacts on fares, on passenger volumes, choice and on consumer welfare. Airline costs are also predicted to fall as a result of increased competitiveness and increased cooperation among airlines. In the short period since the implementation of the Agreement, it is relatively easy to assess the supply-side changes that have been made, but more difficult to make wider judgements. For example, can traffic growth be attributed to Open Skies and does airline and alliance market power result in less fare flexibility with consequently less influence on changes in passenger volumes? Have airline costs changed and what has been the source of the savings? This paper offers some insight into the data that will be required to make these and other wider judgements and discusses some methodological difficulties.  相似文献   

通过研究国内外反垄断法适用除外的理论和实践,着重分析现阶段我国铁路行业维持垄断经营在效率、安全、效益等方面的合理性,提出了对现阶段我国铁路行业反垄断法适用除外的管制建议。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the structure of ocean container freight rates has become more complex. A growing number of surcharges are being imposed by the carriers on their customers, surcharges that are not only adding significant extra costs but are highly variable over time. These elements are examined based on a data set of export rates from ports on the Northern European Range that have been compiled from a major global carrier. The paper compares the surcharges to the base rates and discusses some of the implications for shippers who face increasing uncertainty in planning supply chains. Some of the issues for academic research on freight rates is also examined and points to the need to clearly identify what is included in the freight rate data employed. In addition, questions are raised concerning the suitability of many of the variables traditionally used to explain or predict freight rates.  相似文献   

结合铁路多经实际,以主辅分离为主线,以规范发展为重点,论述了主辅分离辅业改制的重要性和必要性,以及在主辅分离目标要求下加快多经发展的意义、目的和措施,强调了全路多经系统当前推进主辅分离辅业改制应当重点抓好的几项工作。  相似文献   

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