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  本实验分三个方面,第一个方面单独对阳床从2.0~2.4米3/小时的流量进行实验,可以得出阳床提高流量出水水质的变化;第二个方面单独运行阴床和混床从2.0~2.4米3/小时的流量进行实验,可以得出阴床和混床提高流量出水水质的变化;第三个方面将以上两个方面整体运行。  相似文献   

如今大大小小的床品企业希望通过彰显时尚性、科技性、创意性、生态性、功能性五大特性,在嘈杂的市场里"杀出"一条生路。不过,老话还要重提:围绕床品发生的故事再多,若没有质量撑着,也不过是浮云罢了。十年前,能买床保暖被就是很潮流的事情。十年后,消费者变得挑剔了,要挑花型和花色以彰显时尚;买四件套也到专卖店讲究体验;床品选择要和整体家居相匹配;环保低碳也成为他们的口头禅。  相似文献   

从2008年3月15日成立到现在,北京法蕾雅公司虽然只走过一年多时间,却显示出了强劲的生命力。法蕾雅的花漫年华系列床品以含蓄而素雅的驼色,给人温馨舒适的感觉。床品采用天然再生纤维素纤维——竹纤维为原料,通过高科技处理与棉混纺而成,由于竹纤维具有吸湿排湿、自然干爽、抗菌抑菌等特性,再结合棉自然柔软的特点,配有花朵图案,使得整套床品自然优美。尤其是50支纱线与竹棉材质的完美结合,更增添了床品独特的光亮和丝滑。另外,床品的绣花工艺都是采用  相似文献   

<正>十几年来,张玉梅相继照顾5个生活不能自理的家人,让许多人看来实在难以想象。张玉梅牵着偏瘫的丈夫在荆门石化月亮湖广场散步的时候,时常有人会过来帮她一把。熟悉张玉梅的人都夸她是了不起的女人。十几年来,她相继照顾5个生活不能自理的家人,让许多人看来实在难以想象。今年3月,荆门石化写给张玉梅这样的道德模范颁  相似文献   

阐述前置反硝化深床滤池工艺流程和前置反硝化工艺原理。针对具体实例,介绍前置反硝化深床滤池设计参数和特点。  相似文献   

<正>公司5000t/D生产线熟料箅冷机采用第四代棒式箅冷机,型号南京恒海JL4X5,箅床分为4列,每列由油泵、比例调节阀、液压缸驱动,位移传感器作为箅床行程检测,控制箅床行程,控制程序由南方润滑公司提供。箅冷机4列箅床跳停,触摸屏故障记录显示箅床比例阀开口度超限值,查看中控箅速给定为20 r/min,已达箅速上限值,初步判定箅床受惯性作用力超行程保护跳停,对行程缓冲参数调整,由30 mm改为40 mm,开启  相似文献   

电脑自动裁床在第九届海博会上集体全新亮相。本届海博会主会场一楼全是缝制机械展区,展区内最新颖、最大型、最吸引服装生产企业眼球的莫过于电脑智能裁床系统。虽然智能裁床并非新鲜事,但去年海博会上其只是平面宣传画页,实物极少。而在本届海博会,几乎所有缝机代理商都在主推电脑自动裁床系统,实物自动裁床系统用铺天盖地来形容并不过分。后到的裁床生产厂商在主会场订不到展位,只好在辅料馆展示自己的自动裁床展品。两天来,在电脑裁床展位旁咨询的人络绎不绝,其中有相当一部分是服装企业的裁剪师。他们迫切需要了解其功能,特别想知道这…  相似文献   

介绍了重油悬浮床加氢裂化工艺的最新发展,对国内新开发的悬浮床加氢裂化工艺特点作了介绍。并将悬浮床加氢和三种重油轻质化工艺——固定床加氢、延迟焦化、重油催化裂化在技术经济上作了分析对比。在原油品质越来越差的今天,针对劣质重油而开发的的悬浮床加氢裂化工艺具有非常广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

幸福牌,上海滩,老牌子,皆口碑,花样好,质地优,很中国,又时尚……4月底,在上海市闵行区景联路上一家床品商店的广播喇叭里传来阵阵歌声。寻歌声而去,是上海红富士家纺推出的幸福品牌床品歌谣。什么?床品也有歌谣?听说过许多关于神话、民间传说的歌谣,但关于床品的歌谣便闻所未闻了。待笔者深入了解后才发现,这是上海红富士家纺有限公司为贴近消费者扩大产品销售的一个策略。上海红富士家纺有限公司作为专业从事家纺和纺织印染的生产经营,集研发、印染、缝  相似文献   

C620-1车床经长期使用后,床鞍由于导轨副磨损发生下沉及外移,影响车床的加工精度。修理时,一般通过在床鞍上镶板补偿导轨副的磨损量来恢复车床的加工精度。镶板厚度的计算和加工方法是修理中的关键环节;对此,笔者是按如下步骤进行的。  相似文献   

聚焦型太阳模拟器应用于光热发电相关试验,主要由风冷系统、光学系统、机械系统、控制系统组成。为了消除系统的人工安装误差、减小光斑调整误差,设计了基于STM32处理单元,结合PID算法,采用RS485通信标准,以液晶触摸屏为输入输出单元的太阳模拟器控制系统。该系统主要包括氙灯光强度控制、氙灯阴极温度控制、氙灯单元俯仰、平移控制等模块。通过对控制系统的搭建,实现了光斑面积与焦平面的位置调整,以及氙灯阴极温度的检测与控制,有效解决了多光源系统焦点光斑汇聚重合的问题。  相似文献   

针对当前摩托车单向器组件主要采用手工装配、装配效率低、随机性大、无法对装配过程实现有效管理控制的情况,为了易于对零件装配过程进行实时监测和提高生产效率,开发了一种智能摩托车单向器自动装配机。介绍了摩托车单向器自动装配机的上料系统、装配系统、检测系统和落料系统的机械结构,重点阐述了设备的气动系统设计,并进行了实验研究。结果表明,该设备可实现组成单向器的5种零件自动上料和装配,同时降低了操作人员的劳动强度,生产效率提高约50%。其气动系统噪音小、工作可靠,可应用于摩托车单向器的大批量生产。研究结果可为其他相似异形零件自动装配机的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Health care facilities include hospitals and nursing homes. Demand for beds and occupancy depends on income, prices and insurer restrictions. The supply of beds is limited by regulatory certificates of need. The implied equilibrium vacancy leads to a trade-off with rate increases. Rate increases establish an asset price for a hospital bed. If prices of health care rise faster than income and nonhealth prices, patients demand less bed availability and occupancy. Rising vacancy and rising prices occur, consistent with the empirical observations for U.S. health care facilities. For 1980–2001, the equilibrium vacancy rate for U.S. hospitals is between 27% and 36% depending on capacity adjustments, bed availability and price expectations. Equilibrium vacancy is near the actual rate after 2000, but that rate is 11 percentage points higher than in the early 1980s when the number of beds was nearly one-third higher. Usually rent regulation leads to excess demand. But in a general equilibrium model with income, relative prices, expectations, supply and capital markets, price regulation can coexist with excess supply.  相似文献   

为研究中水源热泵地板供暖系统的节能策略,以石家庄市某实际运行小区的中水源热泵地板辐射供暖系统为对象,引入室外综合温度的概念,综合考虑室外气温、太阳辐射热与风速等环境因子的影响,推导得出了地板辐射供暖系统质调节情况下,保证热用户舒适度的二次网供、回水温度调节公式。经实际运行测试,由该调节公式计算得出的二次网供、回水温度作为地板辐射供暖系统分时段质调节的依据,可以在满足热用户舒适度要求的情况下,取得良好的节能效果。中水源热泵系统与地板辐射供暖系统的结合及推广为城市集中供热提供了新思路。  相似文献   

国内外深隧排水系统建设状况及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
门绚  李冬  张杰 《河北工业科技》2015,32(5):438-442
目前中国城市内涝问题难以控制,排水系统建设历史欠账太多,难以突破。对比发达国家,深层隧道排水技术是中国的盲点。从用途进行分类,详细阐述国内外发达城市发展过程中遇到的防洪排涝问题,以及深层隧道排水工程在城市排水系统中的地位和作用,为中国未来的深层隧道排水规划提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of competitive strategy on the relationship between suppliers and their distribution networks. Drawing on agency theory, hypotheses are developed specifying the appropriate match between manufacturer strategies and systems of control within distribution channels. Cluster analysis is used to show distinct differences in channel management and structure for the three generic strategies of cost leadership, differentiation and focus. Results suggest that variation in control relationships may be explained by the demands posed by manufacturers' competitive strategies. This study therefore extends the applicability of Porter's typology to the specific structure of distribution channels and shows that agency theory can provide insights into the economic basis of interorganizational relationships.  相似文献   

The work here described is the early stages of a programme to develop a series of Expert Systems (ES's) in the management of R&D. In particular, the development of a prototype ES using a package program Crystal Ver. 2.1 is the focus together with the problems encountered. The literature had suggested that the use of such packages facilitated the process for those exploring ES's. What was not clear from the literature or the program manuals was the limited range of problems which could be handled. The programs have a rigid structure such that unless the logic of the problem solving process matches that of the program, severe difficulties will ensue. This paper outlines the inherent structure of the programs and indicates the kind of problems which would fit. Specific problems which were encountered when trying to stretch the use of the program are explained in detail. It goes on to explain how these problems were got round using Lotus 1–2–3 which proved far more flexible in practice. This kind of understanding is essential if ES's are to become every-day tools of R&D management. The objective in developing the Expert System (ES) was for it to be advisory to those preparing project proposals for possible submission to higher management within the context of an R&D laboratory. Thus the intention was to capture the expertise of senior managers, make it available to more junior ones, and thereby improve the quality of their work. This concept proved to be naive in that the expertise proved to be so diffuse that a wholly new rationale to structure the expertise had to be developed. This process, the subsequent development into a prototype ES, and its evaluation, have already been published (Wilkinson, 1991). The literature on ES's had suggested that the use of available package programs was straight forward and that the real problem was in establishing the expertise to be used and in structuring it to fit the program. This too proved to be an over-simplification. When this work started, the exact nature of the package programs had not been spelt out adequately. The purpose of this paper, Part II, is to describe their inherent structure and the limitations which this imposes on the kind of problems for which they can be used. The insights gained in this work into the evaluation of projects and the inadequacies of previous evaluation techniques will form the contents of Part III of this series of papers.  相似文献   

Organisations have made significant investments in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with the strategic expectation that employees will utilise this technology to enhance organisational performance. However, research indicates that ERP systems are underutilised. In order to disentangle the challenge of underutilisation, this paper addresses the impact of organisational control and empowerment on infusion—the deep and comprehensive usage of an information system. Moreover, it also tests whether infusion will lead to higher levels of ERP system success. Data from a sample of 260 matched pairs of ERP system users and their supervisors were collected and analysed. Results indicate that empowerment is positively related with infusion, whereas an inverted u‐relationship has been found for organisational control. The critical link between infusion and ERP system success was found as well, meaning that the more users utilise the system to its fullest extent, the more likely the organisation is to attain ERP systems' promised benefits.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 crisis witnessed a major rise in investment in software for the digital organisation and rationalisation of work, while investment in robotics is continuously lagging behind expectations. This article argues that we can understand this development as the continuation of the rise of algorithmic management as a technological fix for profitability crises. Thus, in the face of falling wage rates and a structural overaccumulation of capital since the 1970s, algorithmic management has become an alternative to automation. The article reconstructs the history of algorithmic management in connection to economic crises. This allows for periodisation of the rise of algorithmic management from 'computer-integrated manufacturing' to remote work in four waves. In times of crisis, algorithmic management functions as a substitute for investment in 'tangible capital' such as robots. Structural economic forces thus interact with labour conflicts at the company level, shaping the rise of algorithmic management.  相似文献   

针对非线性量化因子模糊控制器的参数对系统性能影响和参数间的相互制约,提出了一种基于遗传算法的参数整定与优化方法,并进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明通过该方法寻优的系统具有更好的响应速度和控制精度;当对象结构或参数发生变化时,非线性量化因子模糊控制器可以重新整定参数,以保持良好的控制效果,具有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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