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六安市农行营业部整合后,围绕“以客户为中心”,按照银行业服务质量评价体系架构,在服务能力、服务过程、服务绩效三个方面积极努力,创建立体的优质服务运作体系,优质服务成效显著,成为六安市农行优质服务的窗口。  相似文献   

信用卡业务作为银行零售金融业务的重要组成部分,已成为新时期银行业竞争的焦点之一。在激烈的竞争中,银行积极倡导服务要以客户为中心。那些能为客户提供优质服务、  相似文献   

在我国金融市场全面开放、竞争日趋激烈的形势下,银行业竞争说到底就是服务质量的竞争,就是信誉高低的较量。优质服务是银行的生命工程,是提升企业核心竞争力的重要内容。毋庸置疑,当前基层行服务工作正处于不断改进过程中,服务质量不断改善,服务水平不断提高,但还存在着服务时好时坏的“冷热病”,究其原因,主要是缺少保证优质服务的长效机制。  相似文献   

刘飞 《时代金融》2013,(2):82-83
当今银行业的竞争,不仅是产品的竞争和信誉的竞争,同时也是优质服务多源化、标准化、系统化的竞争。谁能为客户提供舒心满意、快捷便利的服务,谁就能抓住客户的心,就能在激烈的竞争中凸显优势。银行作为服务行业,服务是立行之本,只有不断增强服务意识,转变服务观念,强化服务措施,从服务质量、服务手段、服务内容、服务态度、服务环境等方面入手,狠抓优质文明服务,才能提高优质服务的整体水平。银行服务体现的是银行管理水平的高低,孕育着银行本身的文化内涵和员工的精神风貌,展现在公众面前的是一种品牌。怎样提高银行的文明优质服务水平呢?笔者认为应从以下几点加以注意。  相似文献   

吴增荣  潘杰 《新金融》1994,(8):20-21
商业银行的全部业务活动,都可以归结为服务:为社会服务,为企业服务,为群众服务。我国商业银行之所以能够在近几年取得较快的发展,在竞争中略胜一筹,关键是突出了优质服务。伴随着银行商业化目标的确立,优质服务在银行经营中将是一轮银行业间竞争的焦点。面对这样的形势,对如何完善商业银行服务进行探讨是十分必要的。 一、把“追求一流”作为商业银行开展服务的最高准则。  相似文献   

徐霖 《现代金融》2013,(4):31-33
银行业的竞争主要表现为规模竞争、价格竞争和服务竞争三种竞争形式。实践经验表明,规模竞争和价格竞争缺乏持久性,容易陷入粗放经营和价格战的陷阱。而服务竞争则体现了银行业的本质,具有旺盛的生命力,优质的服务是银行生存与发展的基础。调查显示,有49.7%的市民最常去的是服务质量好的银行。因此,银行之间的竞争,实质上就是服务水平的竞争,优质服务得客户,得客户者得天下。随着金融市场的加速开放、外资银行的涌入以及国内商业银行在战略转型背景下对服务质量重视程度的提高,服务的竞争日益加剧。  相似文献   

由国家标准化研究院发布的2013年《中国顾客满意度手册》显示,在银行服务类中,招商银行凭“品牌形象”、“网点设施及环境”、“工作人员效率与态度”、“服务可靠性”等指标的综合测评,连续五年问鼎“中国顾客满意度排行榜”行业之首。招行作为国内银行业服务标杆之一,通过不断完善客户分层服务体系,加强服务创新,客户满意度一直领先于同业。多年来,招行秉持“因您而变”的理念,从客户需求出发,不断变革和发展,在服务方式、服务团队、金融产品、渠道体系和内部管理等多方面构建了服务体系化的竞争优势,树立起行业优质服务的良好口碑。  相似文献   

我国加入世界贸易组织 (以下简称 WTO)后,银行业将逐步实现与国际金融体系的整体融合,中、外资银行竞争的焦点主要集中在人才、客户、产品与服务、市场以及竞争手段等方面;人民银行的监管也遭遇前所未有的挑战。面对更加激烈的竞争和金融风险的国际化,银行业监管应向国际惯例与标准靠拢。实现我国银行业监管的国际化,必须从监管的立法、监管的体制、监管的内容、监管方式与手段、监管国际合作等方面入手,从而构建适应市场经济、适应金融国际化和全球一体化的新的监管体系,保障我国银行业稳健有序运行,推动我国银行业的国际化进程…  相似文献   

差异化战略与银行业合作竞争   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在信息时代,服务功能同质化的银行业之间对抗竞争剧烈。在差异化战略优势的基础上,构建银行间合作竞争型准市场企业共生组织,形成一个金融生态共生机体,以合作竞争替代对抗竞争,克服银行功能同质化倾向,打造银行业的合作竞争共生体,并在合理的收益分配模式下,激励创造更多的合作剩余。  相似文献   

华庆山 《中国金融》2007,(10):29-29
为客户提供文明优质服务是银行工作的基本要求,做好服务工作是银行生存、发展的根本。在加快金融体制改革的新形势下,加强和改进银行服务工作,增强中资银行服务能力,规范服务行为,进一步提高银行业服务质量和服务水平,是落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会,更好地服务社会民众、展现行业良好形象的具体体现。  相似文献   

上海市金融服务业区位选择研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了上海市金融服务业办公室区位的选择,从而找出影响金融服务业空间集聚的特性,并从产业差异性、面对面信息、国际性、公司类型、设立时间等角度厘清影响金融服务业办公室区位选择的因素。实证结果表明,主要金融机构均聚集于市中心,而分支机构更倾向于向人口密集的中心城区靠拢。相对于银行业,证券业更加集中,而保险业相对分散。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the competitive aspects of multi-product banking operations. Extending Panzar and Rosse’s (1987) model to the case of a multi-product banking firm, we show that higher economies of scope in multi-product banking are associated with lower Panzar–Rosse measures of competition in the banking sector. To test this empirical implication and determine the impact of multi-production on market power, we use a new dataset on the Brazilian banking industry. Consistent with our theoretical prediction, we find that banks that offer classic banking products (i.e., loans and credit cards) and other banking products (i.e., brokerage services, insurance and capitalization bonds) have substantially higher market power than banks that offer only classic products. These results suggest a positive bias in the traditional estimates of competition in which multi-output actions are not considered.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two questions related to the ongoing consolidation of the US banking industry and its effect on small firm financing. First, are conventional measures of market structure (e.g. geographic market size and deposit concentration) related to bank competition for small firm financial business? Second, does an increase in bank competition produce an improvement in bank services irrespective of market structure? To answer these questions we use a survey of small firm owners that asks them to report on changes in bank competition for their business. Our findings show that reports of increased competition by small firm owners are negatively related to the level of and change in deposit concentration. In addition, we find a significant positive association between changes in bank competition reported by small firms and their reports of changes in banking outcomes (e.g. service quality) that is independent of deposit concentration, firm risk, and credit usage.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical assessment of the level of competition in the Nigerian banking industry following the consolidation exercise, using a bank-level panel data, for the period 2005–2014. Empirical evidence from the Panzar and Rosse (1987) H-statistic reveals that market power in the Nigerian banking industry is consistent with monopolistic competition, which implies that firms are independent in their decision-making and conduct. This study innovates by incorporating non-interest income accounts in the assessment of revenue, and findings suggest that bank competitiveness decreases as revenue tends toward an inclusion of non-interest income or fee-based services.  相似文献   

We review how deregulation, technological advance, and increased competitive rivalry have affected the size and health of the United States community banking sector and the quality and availability of banking products and services. We then develop a simple theoretical framework for analyzing how these changes have affected the competitive viability of community banks. Empirical evidence presented in this paper is consistent with the model’s prediction that regulatory and technological change has exposed community banks to intensified competition on the one hand, but on the other hand has left well-managed community banks with a potentially exploitable strategic position in the industry. We also offer an analysis of how the number and distribution of community banks may change in the future.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, most credit-industries registered a decline in lending volumes, while factoring industries instead registered a substantial growth in terms of turnover. Surprisingly, only a handful of papers so far investigate factoring companies. Do factoring firms display the same stability levels of banks? Is the competition similar in factoring and banking industries? Is the relationship between competition and stability the same in these industries? Focusing on Italy (one of the largest factoring and banking markets in Europe) and using a unique dataset, we show three main results: factoring companies are (on average) more stable than banks; 2) the stability of factoring companies increase when competition declines (competition-fragility view); 3) the competition-fragility view is weaker in the factoring industry than in the banking industry. Our findings indicate that competition in the Italian credit industry was greater in factoring than in banking.  相似文献   

目前我国已经形成了构架较为完整的商业银行体系,银行业进入蓬勃发展时期。但是由于我国银行商业化进程起步较晚,机构间规模相差较大,竞争不充分,导致金融服务和金融产品趋同,银行业和各银行机构竞争力不足,缺乏个性的核心竞争力。本文将从商业银行的生存、发展和实现内在价值最大化三个方面来阐述有效的风险管理是商业银行长久的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to banking services literature by providing empirical research on internet banking behaviour and perceptions of Generations X and Y in Australia. More than 350 respondents aged 18 and above revealed that surprisingly, less than half of the mostly Generations X and Y respondents use internet banking. More Generation X are internet banking users compared to Generation Y, but Generation Y users use internet banking more frequently, use more virtual products, and have used internet banking for a longer time compared to Generation X users. Internet banking users perceive their banks as providing higher quality services compared to non-internet banking users. A large majority of non-internet banking users never tried internet banking at all. Security and privacy concerns were cited. Based on these findings, it can be recommended that banks still need to provide both internet- and non-internet-based means of banking to their younger consumer segments. The banking industry needs to address concerns about security, trust and ease of use to persuade more of Generations X and Y to use internet banking.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the relationship between competition and innovation by extending previous literature from manufacturing to financial services. We introduce a new measure of overall innovation by estimating and enveloping annual minimum cost frontiers to create a global frontier. The distance to the global frontier constitutes each bank’s technology gap, which decreases if the bank manages to innovate. Our innovation measure enables us to derive and estimate the model of Aghion et al. (2005b) at the firm level for the US banking industry. Based on individual bank Call Report data for the period 1984–2004, consistent with theoretical and empirical work by Aghion et al., we find evidence of an inverted-U relationship between competition and innovation that is robust over several different specifications. Further evidence on major structural changes in the US banking industry indicates that banks moved beyond their optimal innovation level and that interstate banking deregulation resulted in lower bank innovation. Policy implications to financial reform and prudential regulation are discussed also.  相似文献   

As very few studies have investigated banking services from fairness perspective and none of the studies have attempted to measure service fairness in Indian retail banking services context, the paper seeks to investigate service fairness in Indian retail banking services context. It attempts to validate the existing four-dimensional service fairness scale and investigates its applicability in the retail banking industry. The conceptual model depicting the relationship between service fairness, service quality and customer satisfaction was tested using SEM. The results established reliability and validity of the scale and the impact of service fairness on service quality and customer satisfaction. The impact of individual fairness dimensions on these two customer evaluation variables is also studied. The paper discusses important implications of the findings and presents valuable insights for the practitioners as well as academia.  相似文献   

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