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随着人们进入网络时代,跟传统广告相比网络广告以其许多独特优势,逐渐成为企业主要的网络营销方式之一。先描述网络广告的现状、特点和表现形式,阐述网络广告作为企业开展网络营销的利器,其对网络营销的重要作用。  相似文献   

杜芳 《现代经济信息》2012,(19):202+206
随着网络的发展,网络广告已被很多医院接纳并使用,和其它企业一样,医院的管理者也面临着如何通过对网络广告效果的评估来不断完善广告策略,从而充分发挥网络广告的作用。  相似文献   

吴艳  陈跃刚 《生产力研究》2008,1(5):129-130
分析网络广告商与媒介主和传播受众之间行为及其相互作用,得到两个纳什均衡,在第一个均衡中,两个网络广告制作与传播者都企图制作与传播相同产品给经历型受众,并且网络广告产品的价格等于边际成本,第二个均衡是"逆向"价格均衡,两个网络广告制作与传播者对捆绑的两种网络广告产品索取相同价格,但对单独的每种网络广告产品索取不同的价格。  相似文献   

由于互联网媒体的特质,网络广告的表现形式丰富多彩。相应地,就需要网络广告的管理和自律工作充分考虑网络媒体所具有的传播主体的多元化、虚拟化、跨行政区域化等特点。认清网络广告管理的范围,拟订网络广告经营者、发布者主体资格的资质条件,确定核准登记注册的管理机关,明确网络广告内容的审查责任及法律责任和广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者的审查责任及法律责任。  相似文献   

张媛媛 《广东经济》2012,(11):53-55
近年来,互联网进入了飞速发展的一个新时期,网络广告营销也成为企业越来越不可或缺的营销策略之一。电子商务作为近年成长最快的新兴行业,扎根于互联网,又深入挖掘互联网用户作为其主力消费人群,其网络广告营销相对于传统企业,有着较为鲜明的特色。本文将以知名电子商务企业——凡客诚品为分析对象,对其网络广告营销策略提出思考和建议。  相似文献   

李莜  王婧 《时代经贸》2007,5(10Z):102-103
网络广告是最近几年随着互联网技术的发展而迅速崛起的一种新的广告媒介,作为新生事物,网络广告在经营主体、法律适用、广告内容和技术开发等很多方面都还缺乏规范性的管理规定。因此需要从立法、市场准入、监管主体和增强自我保护意识等方面对其进行监管,以促进网络广告行业健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

先专注于做网络广告的数据服务,将来有机会再拓展到别的领域备受中国创投和企业界关注,有最具成长潜力企业风向标之称的清科集团"2012年中国最具投资价值企业50强"中,秒针系统是惟一一家大数据管理和应用领域的获奖企业。"这个殊荣不仅说明资本市场对秒针的认可,而且预示大数据是一个发展方向。"秒针系统创始  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展和普及,网络广告的发展也面临机遇和挑战。本文从市场规模及销售额和媒体受众两方面对中国网络广告的现状进行分析,指出网络广告存在的问题,并提出发展建议。  相似文献   

网络广告文案应具备较强的吸引力,这不仅是广告竞争的要求,也是网络媒介互动性的需要,但当前大部分网络广告文案,仍停留在“强制性传播”阶段。可以从“利”、“情”、“色”、“趣”等方面,创造网络广告文案的诱惑性,并保持在必要的限度内,可以促使诱惑性达到最佳水平。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展和普及,网络广告的发展也面临机遇和挑战.本文从市场规模及销售额和媒体受众两方面对中国网络广告的现状进行分析,指出网络广告存在的问题,并提出发展建议.  相似文献   

The common perception of recruitment advertising is of the "want ads" in the local or national newspapers. Despite the lack of academic interest, in some cases, recruitment advertising has adopted the color, imagination, and creativity of consumer advertising. Some recruiters have recognized the marketing benefits of job ads and the need for a corporate communications policy covering all company communications. This paper examines the limited literature on recruitment advertising. The authors compile a list of characteristics of marketing-oriented recruitment advertisements and apply these to their exploratory analysis of the recruitment section of one popular Sunday newspaper in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

中国用几十年走完了西方发达国家一个世纪的经济发展历程,各种理论在中国广告市场得到广泛实践。这些广告理论与消费形态是否契舍,决定了广告理论能否正确地指导实践、引导消费。中国当代消费形态是以消费者为中心,并呈现出许多中国特色,因此,必须进一步完善和发展广告理论以适应新消费形态。  相似文献   

A "personalized" or "smart" gun will not fire unless it is being used by an authorized individual. Such guns have the potential to reduce the negative externalities of gun ownership while preserving the benefits. Ongoing efforts to develop practical "smart" designs make it timely to consider regulations that would favor or mandate them in the market for new guns. The likely consequences would depend on the design details, in particular the costs of transferring the "key" to firing such guns. With an "ideal" design, transferring the key would require special equipment that could be monitored by appropriate authorities. The result would be to block thefts and other transfers of such guns in the secondary market and, in the long run, reduce access by individuals who are proscribed from possessing a gun. Personalized guns, therefore, could make existing firearms regulations more effective and reduce the social costs associated with gun misuse. Though personalized guns have advantages relative to standard guns in a wide variety of situations, some of the potential benefits of personalized guns could be captured through alternative policy measures.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how the use of endogenous direct advertising affects the functioning of a horizontally-differentiated market. We formulate a two-stage game of pricing and informative advertising in which two firms, first, compete with mass advertising and, later, build a database using their historical sales records and compete by directly targeting the ads on their potential customers. We show that, compared to the case where firms only use mass advertising, direct advertising yields higher advertising efforts and an intertemporal reallocation of both market power and profits from the first to the second period. We also find that targeting increases the overall firms’ profit and the level of social welfare, but the impact on the average intertemporal price and consumer surplus is ambiguous. Finally, when reaching the potential market with mass advertising is sufficiently expensive, the use of direct advertising leads firms to provide the socially optimal level of advertising whereas, if mass advertising is cheap, firms tend to launch too little advertising in the first period and too much in the second.  相似文献   

We develop a simple model in which firm-specific advertising has cooperative and predatory effects. Our model is set in a static market where firms are naturally segmented into two distinct submarkets: several large firms located in the core, with small firms operating as a fringe. We test the net effect of opposing market size (cooperative) and market share (predatory) effects of both fringe and core firm advertising on the advertising decisions of large firms in several US consumer industries. Empirically, fringe firm advertising leads to an increase in advertising efforts by large firms, implying strategic complementarity. On the other hand, increased advertising by core firms in an industry decreases advertising expenditures of other core firms, indicating they are strategic substitutes. Our findings imply that equilibrium levels of advertising can be greater with asymmetric, rather than symmetric, strategic interactions.  相似文献   

"温州模式"变迁与创新—兼对若干转型理论假说的检验   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
"温州模式"的制度变迁是追求政治成本最小化的准需求诱致型制度变迁。随着《宪法修正案》的通过,准需求诱致型制度变迁必然向完全以效率为导向的需求型制度变迁渐进转化,从而标志着"新温州模式"的诞生与发展。  相似文献   

A dynamic optimal control model is constructed to study US dairy policy alternatives under bovine somatotropin (bST). The results indicate that the adoption of bST might be slower than that indicated by the early surveys. Even if adoption is widespread, the government can have the potentially large milk surplus problems under control with a combination of price support, generic milk advertising, and a cow buy-out. With bST adoption, the government would set lower support prices and would increase assesment for milk advertising, compared with the no-bST case. The higher adoption rates, the lower the support prices and the higher the advertising assesments. It is found that bST adoption is socially beneficial; consumers gain at the expense of producers. The government can, however, help produces by giving a larger policy weight to producers in setting the optimal levels of policy variables. Finally, it is found that the current levels of generic advertising are too low, and the allocation of advertising between fluid milk and manufactured products is not optimal.  相似文献   

随着我国社会阶层构成的新变化,经理阶层日益引起了社会各界的关注,认真研究马克思关于“经理阶层”的思想,探讨经理阶层的形成,经理的劳动及其报酬问题,有十分重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

面对气候变化带来的所有问题,低碳经济是最有效的发展模式。在低碳经济转型过程中,对于企业或者某个行业来说,转型成本是其最为关心的问题。因此,基于麦肯锡成本曲线中负减排成本概念,从成本定义、执行中的障碍及贴现率三个方面分析负减排成本的不足之处;在此基础上,提出低碳经济转型"负成本",并从低碳转型成本的增加和减少两方面建立计算模型。最后,以低碳经济转型负成本作为核心要素,构建实现"负成本"低碳经济转型的政策链。  相似文献   

汉语广告语篇中语码转换顺应模式的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汉语广告语篇中语码转换的顺应模式是指广告语篇中的语码转换作为语言结构的一个侧面和一种语用策略,其目的是为了实现对广告语言现实、社会规约和受众心理等方面的顺应,这种顺应是由广告语篇中语码转换多层次、多种类的功能相互交叉、相互融合而得以实现的。因此,语码转换的顺应模式对广告语篇的研究有着积极的借鉴作用,为广告语言创作注入了新鲜的色彩。  相似文献   

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