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本月观点因为2007上海国际车展的开幕,让本月的汽车广告掀起了一个小高潮。无论是奔驰的细节描述抑或大胆表现,还是克莱斯勒的时尚新颖,汽车广告的表现手法已从单纯的产品展示走向了多元。壳牌石油的广告成为本月的又一亮点,自从2006年下半年以来,工业品广告不断让人耳目一新,它的成功之处在于把产品或者企业的USP,借助“公益”的表现形式巧妙表现。  相似文献   

本文介绍了劝服理论以及劝服理论的主要发展过程,分析了精细加工可能性理论下,消费者对汽车广告信息接收的心理,提出从产品、诉求、文化、定位、表现、体验六个方面提升汽车广告的劝服策略,并指出了汽车广告在进行劝服时应注意的问题.  相似文献   

《2010中国汽车产业发展报告》显示,截止2009年底我国每百户拥有汽车10.91辆,2.015年将达到18.57辆,2020年将达到27.08辆,这也就意味着2020年我国每4户拥有1辆汽车。2008年全球金融风暴肆虐,在我国汽车行业相关政策的扶持下,我国汽车产销量超过美国跃居世界第一。这些数据和现象向我们预示:全球汽车产业竞争格局发生了重大变化,全球汽车产销中心正逐渐在向中国转移。在这场行业结构的调整中,汽车广告市场也正在逐步蜕变。无论是创意手法,抑或媒体投放方式,均表现出了前所未有的革新。本文试图从汽车及相关产品的广告传播特点出发,探索汽车广告带给汽车市场经济的驱动作用。  相似文献   

伴随着中国汽车行业的蓬勃发展,汽车模特已经悄然成为汽车产品推广中重要的角色。汽车模特,是一种文化,一门艺术,他们引领者时尚,运用科技美与艺术美的结合,诠释着汽车的文化的内涵。但是,我国的汽车模特表演仍处于发展阶段,车模所表现出的汽车审美文化特征并不能全方位诠释汽车的文化和品牌形象。本文首先通过描述国内汽车展览的发展现状分析了汽车模特在汽车营销中的作用,在此基础上分析了目前车模广告在车展中存在的误区,最后指出了汽车模特表演的不同策划方法。  相似文献   

宝马汽车的电影广告是一种从广告的创意到表现在到传播的全新尝试,为广告的创意与表现树立了一种崭新的模式。这种创意表现模式使广告更具艺术性、故事性和观赏性,广告似乎正在从营销的阴影里走出来,而消费者似乎也从被动的接受广告到主动的欣赏广告转变。广告已经不单单是商品信息的传播者,广告更是意识形态的传播者。因此,广告活动的核心内容必将以提炼并传播企业价值理念、文化品味、风格个性、审美情趣等讯息并以此塑造品牌形象为中心职能。  相似文献   

<正>一、汽车广告创意脚本评估的意义1.什么是汽车广告创意脚本?一个规范的广告创意流程首先从产品概念发展出广告策略,接着形成包括广告目的、目标、消费群体定位、相应背景信息等在内的广告创意说明,在此基础上才产生广告创  相似文献   

海子 《市场研究》2005,(8):63-63
现今,中国汽车市场竞争已经进入品牌时代。艾力森研究发现,原来的产品创新、技术创新随着产品的同质化,已经失去竞争的威力。而随之显现的是服务满意度,是营销管理,是广告策略和效果,即真正的品牌竞争战咯。因此,我们认为,汽车行业的火烧广告等许多落后的营销行为已经到了非彻底扬弃不可的时候了。  相似文献   

汽车制造业和流通业是举升汽车业发展的两大支柱,两者自身发展的不均衡将会给汽车业的整体发展带来阻力。多年来,媒体对汽车的热门话题几乎都倾注在制造业和产品上,因为这能带来直接的广告经济效益,而对汽车流通业的关注度相对较小。从20世纪90年代中期开始,政府有关部门推出的汽车流通领域改革尝试,终因机构本身的改革和汽车市场的变化而成过眼烟云。检验制造业的绩效可通过最终产品来衡定,而检验流  相似文献   

肖海 《商业时代》2004,(16):12-12
曾经在一个汽车杂志干过兼职,发现以前觉得挺神秘的试车报告其实很简单。而广告和试车报告之间的关系也往往只能用“暧昧”来形容。对媒体有一点了解的人都知道广告的重要性,汽车媒体更是如此。为了维持或是讨好潜在的广告客户,对消费者来说最重要的试车报告有时也成为媒体利益的牺牲品。某品牌汽车改款恶评一片,杂志上仍然像模像样的向大家推荐,试车报告也写的让人心花怒放。不过你多翻几页,大概就能看见该车型的广告。对此,杂志负责人的说法是,为了广告,牺牲一点媒体的客观性也是没有办法的事。况且,大家不都这么做吗?离开该媒体以后,留心…  相似文献   

随着中国汽车迈过产销1000万辆的门槛,中国已然成为全球汽车制造商眼中最诱人的市场。汽车厂商的竞争焦点从产品、渠道升级至品牌的角逐,品牌竞争的序幕已经拉起。众多汽车品牌的传播逐渐从传统媒体转移到新媒体中,力争在广告竞争白炽化的状态下做到出奇制胜,在此环境下,动车报纸成为众多汽车广告投放的新选择。  相似文献   

Scorecards used by consumer credit providers to assess the probability that an applicant will default are usually built for the population of potential applicants as a whole. This paper investigates whether it is permissible and worth-while to build a separate scorecard for each subpopulation of applicants. We review the legal requirements to find that it is permissible to use separate scorecards for many, but not all, personal characteristics. Second, using data supplied by a credit card organization separate scorecards were built for several subpopulations for each of twelve personal characteristics. The predicted performance of each was compared with that gained form estimating a scorecard for the full population using three methods for setting the cut-off scores in an `independent' way. These methods differ in the degree to which the cut-off scores are independent of information about other subpopulation, in the level of discrimination achieved between likely good payers and defaulters and in the degree to which each method is robust to new data. We conclude, first, that creating scorecards using subpopulations does not necessarily give better discrimination between likely good payers and defaulters. Second, none of the three methods examined to set the cut-off scores dominates the others using the three desirable properties described; trade-offs are required. Finally, subpopulation scorecards lead to the rejection of fewer applicants than scorecards built on full populations.  相似文献   


If a school is able to establish a distinctive position relative to its competitors, it enhances its ability to maintain or increase enrollments. This paper focuses on the steps necessary for a school to create an effective positioning strategy. Success at positioning, however, does not occur easily or rapidly. Through the use of a variety of survey methods, it can be determined whether the strategy employed has resulted in the desired positioning for the school. Schools that have properly positioned themselves to meet the needs of their student market will flourish while those that have failed to do so will languish.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This paper presents an outline forteaching about bribery. The outline is based onthe presumption that a payment, once defined asa ``bribe' is by definition unethical. Inaddition, the paper develops a simple yetworkable definition of bribery based on theprincipal-agent framework. The idea is that anypayment made to a principal, for any purpose,is not by definition a bribe; however, anypayment made to an agent is a bribe if theagent retains the payment.  相似文献   

记者:继东风汽车有限公司7月1日正式挂牌运营之后,中共东风汽车有限公司党委也正式成立了,这对公司来讲是件可喜可贺的事情.东风汽车有限公司党委的成立有何重大意义? 叶书记:东风汽车有限公司的创立,在我国中外合资企业中无论是其合作规模还是合作层次,无论是资产额度还是员工人数,都开了合资企业的先河.在合资企业中,党组织公开挂牌、公开活动、党群人员纳入编制、活动资金纳入预算的"一公开、两纳入"模式,更是全国第一家,仅此,意义不言自明了.这是机会,更是挑战;是压力,更是动力.  相似文献   

2004年7月云南省昆明市一律师以自己的固定电话号码在他人电话上显示侵犯了隐私为由,状告服务提供商中国电信昆明分公司,但最终因“号码资源所有权属于家,使用权属于电信运营商.原告只在合同期内对谈号码对应的通信线路享有主叫功能和专用权.  相似文献   

孙伟 《市场研究》2007,(5):48-50
善因营销(Cause-Related Marketing,CRM)就是将企业与非赢利机构,特别是慈善组织相结合,将产品销售与公益事业相结合,在为相关事业进行捐赠、资助其发展的同时,达到提高产品销售额、实现企业利润、改善企业社  相似文献   

If consumption takes time, then a time constraint may reduce the consumer's freedom when buying goods. Some implications of Steedman's approach are examined in this paper; some variations on the theme are considered and compared. Finally, the notion of time as a context may lead to developments in the concept of a process of consumption, and of its relations with consumption goods.  相似文献   

Few cities in the UK lack an 'authentic' Irish bar, be it O'Neill's, Scruffy Murphy's or Shifty O'Shea's. Theme pubs, like theme parks, theme hotels and theme restaurants, are very big business. Yet the marketing academy seems somewhat reluctant to investigate such establishments, professionally at least. This essay examines the theme pub phenomenon and offers some reflexive reflections on the recent, rapid rise of themed environments. It concludes with some lessons for marketing scholars, contending that excess is the essence of our field. As William Blake observed, the road of excess may lead to the palace of wisdom.  相似文献   

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