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This article analyses the political and ideological agency of an emergent European transnational capitalist class in the socioeconomic governance of the European Union (EU) by examining the case of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT). It seeks to show that the ERT‐as an elite forum mediating the interests and power of the most transnationalise d segments of European capital‐has played a significant role in shaping European governance in as much as it has successfully articulated and promoted ideas and concepts thathave at critical times set the political agenda and, beyond, have helped to shape the discourse within which European policy making is embedded. Here, the increasingly neoliberal orientation of the ERT reflects, and at the same time is a constitutive element within, the construction of a new European order in which governance is geared to serve the interests of a globalising transnational capitalist elite, and hence the exigencies of global 'competitiveness'. Although in recent years some detailed work has been done on the role of the ERT in the internal market programme, there has as yet been little attention paid to (and thus interpretation of) the content of the ideas promoted by the ERT and hence to the ideological power that this forum of transnational capitalists exercises. The article is divided into four main parts. The first briefly elaborates the theoretical framework that informs my analysis. Drawing upon what has come to be labelled the 'neo-Gramscian school' in International Relations (IR), I willadvance a historical materialist understanding of the dynamics of European integration, emphasising in particular the role of transnational social forces‐as engendered by the capitalist production process‐in the political and ideological struggles over European order. The second part introduces the case of the European Round Table. I will claim that the ERT is neither a simple business lobby nor a corporatist interest association, but must rather be interpreted as having developed into an elite platform for an emergent European transnational capitalist class from which it can formulate a common strategy and‐on the basis of that strategy‐seek to shape European socioeconomic governance through its privileged access to the European institutions. It is this latter role of the ERT that will be the focus of the final two parts. As such, the third presents an analysis of the evolution of ERT's strategic project and the initiating role the Round Table played in the relaunching of the integration process from Europe 1992 to Maastricht. Following this, the fourth part will analyse the ideological orientation and strategic outlook of today's Round Table and its current role in shaping what I will call the neoliberal discourse of competitiveness which, I argue, increasingly underpins European governance.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Most of the results of the law and economics literature relating to the question of efficiency of liability rules have been obtained in the context of two-party interactions in which the cost of care of each party is independent of the care level of the other. In this paper we analyse the question of efficiency of liability rules in the context of interactions in which the cost of care of at least one of the parties is not independent of the care level of the other and characterize efficient liability rules whenever possible and in all other instances we obtain impossibility results.  相似文献   

如何提高本科会计专业学生创新能力既是一个教学理论问题,也是一个教学实践问题。从教育理念创新、课程体系创新、教学方式创新三个方面,探讨建立提高会计专业本科生创新能力的支持体系。认为教育理念创新是培养会计学生创新能力的先导,课程体系创新是提升会计专业学生创新能力的保障基础,而教学方式创新则是提升创新能力的推手。  相似文献   

企业控制权是科技型小微企业风险融资的重要工具。从控制权转移激励与约束角度,构建了科技型小微企业风险融资中控制权转移激励与约束契约设计的两阶段模型,探讨了科技型小微企业投入的自身财富水平、投入风险项目的知识产权价值、努力水平、市场声誉、风险项目成功率、风险项目产出的变现性与可控性、风险项目运行的在职消费水平、风险投资者获取的剩余价值索取权、风险项目投资额度、风险监控成本、风险项目的战略收益、风险项目运行的私人收益与共享收益、科技型小微企业投入人力资本的专有性和专用性、风险投资者的投资专用性以及风险投资者风险规避程度等因素对科技型小微企业融资中控制权转移激励契约设计的影响机制,并通过定量分析得到了一系列科技型小微企业风险融资控制权转移的激励与约束契约设计机制,对科技型小微企业投融资理论进行了完善和发展。  相似文献   

This paper explores the origins and evolution of the concept of the disutility of work. The original formulation of this concept developed by Stanley Jevons and by Alfred Marshall recognizes the variability of work motives stressing the effects of both the quantity and quality of work on labor supply. Subsequent writers, notably Lionel Robbins, and later Gary Becker, focus on the opportunity cost of work time, to the neglect of the content of work. These writers lose sight of the influence of the nature of work on the supply of labor. Contemporary research on the economics of labor supply, while accepting the presence of agency problems surrounding the enforcement of the labor contract, continues to consign the determinants of work motives to a black box. The new emphasis on the problem of “shirking” by workers, in particular, offers an unbalanced treatment of the causes and consequences of work resistance.  相似文献   

空间品质、创新活力与中国城市生产率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国实施创新驱动发展战略助力经济高质量发展背景下,充分发挥空间品质激发创新活力、提升城市生产率的作用至关重要。本文基于新空间经济学理论,通过构建空间品质驱动城市生产率增长的空间一般均衡模型,揭示空间品质促进创新水平提升和创新人才空间配置引致城市生产率增长的双链中介机制。研究发现:空间品质对城市生产率具有显著促进作用,且创新水平提升的中介效应强于创新人才空间配置,在进行多种稳健性检验和处理内生性问题后,这一结论依然成立;创新人才空间配置机制的时间滞后效应强于当期直接效应,“留住人才”的生产率增长效果优于“吸引人才”;邻地空间品质的提升不利于本地创新水平提高和创新人才空间配置,间接降低本地生产率增长潜力。进一步研究发现,当城市具备较高的跨区消费水平和较好的创新发展环境时,空间品质对城市生产率的促进作用及其中介机制均有一定程度增强。因此,优化城市空间品质供给、促进空间品质区域一体化程度、提高空间品质跨区消费水平以及优化创新环境均是激发空间品质推动城市经济增长提质增效的重要举措。  相似文献   

略论中国货币政策有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在界定货币政策有效性的概念基础上对中国的货币政策效果进行实证分析,进而提出提高中国货币政策有效性的对策建议。货币政策目标的实现程度是衡量货币政策有效性的标志。货币政策有效性的内涵就是货币政策具有真实效应,能够对真实经济变量产生影响。货币政策有效性就是货币政策能够在保持物价稳定、国际收支平衡的前提下促进经济增长和降低失业。  相似文献   

刘旸  候岚芬  邢梦昆 《技术经济》2020,39(9):126-134
通过构建新疆特色农业产业化发展水平综合评价指标体系,基于 2010—2017 年间新疆各城市特色农业发展情况的有 关面板数据,进行多层次因子分析,探究新疆特色农业产业化发展现状以及存在的问题,为新疆形成特色农产品优势特区域、 实现特色农产品产业化生产提供理论参考。研究结果表明,2010—2017 年间,新疆区域特色农业产业化水平整体上呈上升趋 势,其中生产基础条件水平不断上升,人均规模化水平发展平稳,市场化水平明显下降,产出绩效水平波动较大。本文的政策 启示是,充分考虑新疆的实际情况,加大农业生产科研投入,稳定特色农作物的产量,同时根据市场需求积极推动供给侧改革, 从而将独特农业资源转化为竞争优势。  相似文献   

The authors postulate the necessity of establishing a coherent system of socio-economic goals and say that the analysis of human needs and studies of the dynamics of their satisfaction can become the means for goal-setting. They refer to the psychological theory of human needs [1, 2] enabling the decomposition of goals and quantification of requirements concerning the satisfaction of particular categories of needs. The model of needs is discussed and its usefulness for forecasting of the tasks of research and technology is shown. The program design based on the concept of the model should include such elements as diagnosis of the current state of needs satisfaction, diagnosis of the current state of identified desires, assessment of areas of needs dissatisfaction expected in the future, forecasts of the development of the system of needs, analysis, and evaluation of the present and future opportunities, and forecasts of barriers to growth. Decomposition of goals and dynamic analysis of needs satisfaction allow one to make a hierarchy of research projects from the point of view of their social importance.  相似文献   

海洋经济的可持续发展是我国国民经济高质量发展的必然要求。绿色债券在海洋经济领域的应用能够促进涉海企业的绿色转型,实现海洋经济的可持续发展。因此,明晰绿色债券的重要价值,探索影响绿色债券在海洋经济领域应用的因素,对于改善我国涉海企业融资难困境,推进我国国民经济高质量发展有重要理论和现实意义。本文使用演化博弈模型,分析了政府、涉海企业和金融机构在绿色债券应用于海洋经济领域的行为要素,为绿色债券广泛应用于海洋经济领域并促进海洋经济发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于大区域尺度的大众交通旅游职能效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汪宇明  赵中华 《经济地理》2007,27(2):332-335
随着中国区域旅游深度发展、无障碍旅游区建设和人口跨区域流动量的增长,大众交通的旅游化以及旅游职能效应发挥程度的测度问题引人关注。从旅游发展与大众交通的复杂依存关系来看,旅游交通的实质是大众交通的衍生和发展,是大众交通适应旅游发展需求的产业延伸。旅游职能效应测度分析表明,中国大众交通的旅游职能效应在逐年提高,呈现出较大的区域不平衡性。其区域差异是中国各大区域经济发展水平、自然地理条件、竞争型旅游资源的吸引强度、旅客交通流量、专业旅游交通发展等相关因素综合影响作用的结果。  相似文献   

本文从货币政策视角梳理了预期管理理论的形成与演变历程,探讨了对通胀预期管理的现实启示。本文研究发现,预期管理理论以货币政策可信度为核心,历经从规则与相机抉择之间的摇摆到融合政策承诺与中央银行沟通并形成前瞻性引导的过程,各种预期管理思想的引入均通过对货币政策施加各种约束,促进政策的动态一致性,提高公众预期形成的精确性。构建以新凯恩斯主义DSGE模型为基础的预期管理框架,改进以预期形成机制和金融体系的模型化为代表的模型结构,采用机制设计方法完善货币政策框架成为未来预期管理理论发展的重要方向。对于我国而言,加快以利率与汇率市场化改革为代表的金融改革,强化以价格稳定为核心的货币政策调控,并通过有效权衡稳增长、调结构与反通胀之间关系,塑造坚定的反通胀立场,形成以通胀目标为代表的名义锚。同时构造兼顾价格稳定与金融稳定的宏观审慎管理框架和中国特色的新凯恩斯主义DSGE模型,提高预期管理的可信度。  相似文献   

从农村土地承包经营权转让的历史沿进入手分析,阐明了其概念和法律特征,提出了运行机理,并对立法和实践中存在的问题作深入剖析,同时提出具体解决对策的建议,以便真正达到规范法律制度和指导转让的目的。  相似文献   

刘鑫 《科技进步与对策》2018,35(15):113-118
专利当然许可作为一种特殊的专利许可类型,肇始于英国,后为德、法等多国移植,我国《专利法修订草案(送审稿)》也将这一制度引入。提升专利信息质量和降低专利交易成本是专利当然许可的重要制度效用,但其在适用范围上的局限性则制约着制度效用的发挥。为保证当然许可制度在不同领域的有效运行,有必要根据私益主体和公益主体所资助专利技术的不同属性,构建差异化的当然许可规则。  相似文献   

This article discusses the problem of preventing the excessive growth of very large cities to the detriment of the development of smaller urban settlements in the USSR. The increase in size of the urban population throughout the entire USSR is mainly connected with the increase in the number of city dwellers. In 1960 and 1970 the number of largest cities in the USSR increased, along with a share of the nation's population living in these large cities. The low natural increase in population of very large cities creates a high demand for labor power which must come from the population of other cities. In 1970-1980, Moscow, one of the largest millionaire cities, had the lowest population growth rate of all major USSR cities (113.7%). The growth of Moscow and other very large cities in the last few years has been due to the mechanical increase in population and the increase in area. The analysis of Moscow's pattern of population growth over time focuses on changes in the level of availability of social and everyday services. The prewar period is characterized by a reserve of labor resources, the highest growth in industry and science, but a low overall population dynamic in the city. In the postwar period there was a significant decline in the annual increase of all indicators; this was a period of strong social development of the city. The period between 1966 and 1980 shows a further slowdown in the growth rate of city forming branches by an accelerated development of municipal service branches. The demand for measures to restrict the growth of very large Soviet cities depends on: 1) the reorientation of the development of the economic base, 2) the restructuring of their economy, and 3) the siting of various types of production of goods and services. Developing the specialization of the urban economy consists of planned development of the production of goods and services based on the use of available resources.  相似文献   

文章基于系统动力学方法,在分析先票后货标准授信和保兑仓融资两种预付账款类供应链金融产品业务流程的基础上,构建两种供应链金融产品的系统动力学模型,探讨供应链金融实施的动态特性。在对模型的仿真研究中,通过考察供应链各节点企业的库存水平、库存波动情况、产品缺货量变化以及现金量变化情况,分析两种供应链金融产品的实施效果及其对供应链绩效的影响,并通过对比分析总结两者的差异。根据仿真得到的图形结果和相关统计数据,结果表明:两种融资方式都可以有效地解决分销商的资金短缺问题,但从对供应链绩效影响上看,供应链金融的实施还改善了供应链各节点企业的库存水平,两种预付款类供应链金融产品的差异主要体现在分销商库存维持成本及对核心企业库存水平的影响上,保兑仓融资更有利于降低分销商的库存成本,同时减少核心企业的库存水平。  相似文献   

This paper,based on the investigation of the statisties in the years of 1980-2005,using Shift-Share Method model,studies systematically the relation between the evolution of industrial structure and regional economic growth in five economic regions in He'nan to offer the foundation of policy for optimizing the industrial structure and promoting regional economic development in phase,and thereby comes to the conclusions:(1) the industrial structure level of He'nan,in comparison with the evolution of the industrial structure across the country,remains low,but yet the evolutional tendency of industrial structure in He'nan complies with the Clark law of the industrial structure evolution,(2)thespatial difference of He'nan industrial structure evolution is comparatively large,(3)the evolution of industrialstructure in He'nan that influences economic growth can be categorized into three types:in eastern and southern regions.the shift-share of the industrial structure is negative,and the shift-share model of competitiveness is negative:in western and central regions,the shift-share of the industrial structure is positive,and the shift-share model of competitiveness is positive;in northern regions,the shift-share of the industrial structure is positive,and the shift-share model of competitiveness is negative;(4) the evolution of industrial structure influences greatly the development of the regional economy of He'nan.As the results of the researches shown,it can claim that the technological innovation of He'nan traditional industry with high-tech,the vast development of the tertiary industry,the expansion of He'nan overall level of industrial structure,the growth of deep-processing manufacturing of agricultural products,and the increase of He'nan agricultural products subsidiary value will be the strategic choices of the rearrangement of He'nan industrial structure.  相似文献   

龙开元 《经济地理》2002,22(1):82-86,105
随着工业化和交通运输的快速发展,交通运输对区域经济的影响日渐强烈,其中铁路运输对区域经济的影响更为突出。洛湛铁路建设和运营对益阳经济会产生巨大的影响,本文以点轴开发理论为基石,系统分析了洛湛铁路的吸引范围和客货流、益阳地区的资源状况和现有经济发展水平以及未来洛湛铁路对资源开发利用的影响,探讨了益阳的产业结构和空间发展战略的响应程度,以改善益阳产业组织和布局结构、提高资源开发利用水平,促进其区域经济快速发展。  相似文献   

租赁制是我国农地制度创新的方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农地租赁是在我国社会主义公有制农地资源均分以及工业化城市化背景下,调节农地资源余缺、提高土地利用效率的唯一可行的市场运作方式。目前,农地租赁是按照市场供求规律纠正农地流转和规模经营非市场化运作的有效手段,也是以市场化方式使农村集体土地从分散经营走向集中经营的有效途径,还是一种具有合作经济性质的新的“联产”形式。基于公平和效率并重的农地租赁制度也是建设和谐社会主义新农村重要的制度保障。农地租赁制度的重建符合农地使用制度变迁的路径依赖原则,可以以最小化的改革成本获得最大化的改革绩效。因此,农地租赁制度将是我国农地使用制度改革的发展方向。  相似文献   

大连市海岸带经济与环境协调发展分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
盖美  田成诗 《经济地理》2002,22(2):179-183
大连是中国北方沿海重要的中心城市和国际风景旅游城市、环境与经济的协调发展是大连未来城市可持续发展的关键。本文系统分析了大连市90年代后经济发展的特点,以及由于城市化、工业化所带来的一系列环境问题(废水排放量大,近海海域质量下降,水资源短缺等)。最后,提出大连市未来环境与经济可持续发展的几点措施。  相似文献   

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