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自发过程是热力学的一个重要概念,它与热力学第二定律相结合可指明过程的方向,然而到目前为止自发过程还没有一个令人满意的定义,给物理化学教学带来了困难。为了解决此问题,针对公认的自发过程的例子进行了严格分析和总结,在此基础上指出了目前典型的自发过程定义存在的问题,指明这些问题是由人们在讨论自发过程例子时没有注意系统的划分而导致的。给出了意义明确的自发过程定义,引出了给定条件下能发生的非自发过程的概念。将这些概念和热力学第二定律相结合,得到方便实用的过程方向判据,克服了以往自发过程定义的模糊性。  相似文献   

董志强 《董事会》2008,(7):104-104
按照世界银行对于“全球化”的定义,全球化是“个人和公司与其他国家居民开展自由交易的自由与能力”,按照这种概念理解的话,大规模的全球化浪潮似乎只是现代经济条件下市场扩张的产物。  相似文献   

矿业经济系统模型及其适用条件北京科技大学矿业研究所李仲学一、经济系统模型研究的步骤经济模型是研究经济系统的重要方法。经济系统模型研究是一个包括辨识问题、定义系统、确定模型构造与实现的方法、验证模型和应用模型等五个基本步骤,不断反复,渐臻完善的过程,如...  相似文献   

本文应用射流理论来解释面流流态的演变过程, 并深入探讨回复底流流态的水流结构、形成机理及其与面流相互转化的条件.  相似文献   

项目平衡PB(i)——投资项目评价新判据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一种新的投资项目分析方法和评价判据—项目平衡PB(i)。对于一具体投资项目,比较常用的项目评价判据(投资回收期n、净现值NPV和内部收益率IRR等),项目平衡PB(i)分析,能给出许多新的有效信息。由此,该投资项目评价判据在许多国家得到了广泛地应用。  相似文献   

区域性产业是与全国性产业相对应的一个全新的概念,它是从产业及其产品特征入手,从传统产业范畴中划分出来的一类具有显著区域性特征的产业.本文创造性地提出了区域性产业的定义并对传统产业组织理论在区域性产业中的应用提出了批判.  相似文献   

证券产业价值链构造的规范分析——界定及构造依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券产业价值链在学术界尚没有明确的定义,它与产业链、价值链、供应链、产业集群等概念紧密相关.本文先简要辨析这几个相关概念的联系与区别,再从证券产业、价值工程的角度对证券产业价值链进行界定,给出相关定义,并分析其内涵,然后从市场细分、产业细分、证券产业与其他产业的战略性关联及其关联取舍等角度来分析证券市场及其信息资源,并将其作为证券产业价值链构造的重要依据.  相似文献   

"体面劳动",即decent work。其定义是,通过促进就业、加强社会保障、维护劳动者基本权益及开展政府、企业组织和工会三方的协商对话,来保证广大劳动者在自由、公正、安全和有尊严的条件下工作。  相似文献   

Data Warehouse 本世纪80年代中期,“数据仓库之父”William H.Inmon先生在其《建立数据仓库》一书中定义了数据仓库的概念,随后又给出了更为精确的定义:数据仓库是在企业管理和决策中面向主题的、集成的、与时间相关的、不可修改的数据集合。与其他数据库应用不同的是,数据仓库更像一种过程,对分布在企业内部各处的业务数据的整合、加工和分析的过程。而不是一种可以购买的产品。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的持续发展,新技术不断涌现,PLC技术在电气工程及其自动化控制中被广泛运用。文章介绍了PLC技术的定义,其在电气工程及其自动化控制中的应用价值,从逻辑运算、远程通讯控制、生产系统自动化等应用方向进行了分析,并对其发展趋势进行了探究。  相似文献   

新疆油田公司通过多年的实践与探索,结合生产管理实际,运用系统理论、过程方法以及PDCA方法建立了标准化过程管理模式,在具体应用中取得了良好的效果。为石油企业如何在建设综合性国际能源公司的大背景下做好标准化工作提供了借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

In discussions concerning sustainability, climate change and the efficient use of resources, the terms energy efficiency, rational use of energy and resource efficiency are widely used. Each of those three terms corresponds to an assessment method. However, the terms and assessment methods are often used differently without an explicit definition of the actual approach. Therefore the major contribution of this article is the development of a framework of methodological characteristics to classify the three assessment methods.The three methodological characteristics of assessment methods are the definition of the object of investigation, the type of statement and the assessment setting. The assessment setting is specified by three criteria: balance boundary, aggregation level and measuring units.All three assessment methods rely on the concept of efficiency, defined as a utility-effort-ratio. The object of investigation influences the utility, which is formalized by a measuring unit. The balance boundary for the utility determines to what extent the utility is considered. The balance boundary for the effort describes which resources are captured for which upstream and downstream processes. The aggregation level describes the extent to which different resources are aggregated as one measuring unit. Monetary, physical or self-designed units are commonly used as measuring units.The plurality of possible manifestations of the balance boundary, the aggregation level and the measuring unit does not allow for a universally valid, precise definition of the three investigated assessment methods. Therefore the recommendations are: Firstly, when using an assessment method, the criteria of the framework should be used to document the approach. Secondly, the identification of the adequate assessment method should be based on a thorough discussion of goals and hierarchy of goals in politics.  相似文献   

One purpose of a needs assessment is to help societies identify, plan for, and be responsive to the needs of its citizens in the areas of broadcasting, telecommunications, print media, postal services, data processing, etc. Two criteria for the guidance of needs assessments are proposed: according to distributional requirements, and also according to production and consumption of information needs. This article treats needs assessment as a four-phased process that begins with a comprehensive profile of a country's needs, policy objectives and priorities, then refines this through more detailed definition in terms of development sectors, and specific programmes and projects.  相似文献   

Technology-oriented companies involved in rapidly changing markets are interested in the value of collaborative efforts aimed at the realization of shared benefits, while spreading the costs and risks across multiple partners. The experiences and insights of participants in such ventures can contribute to the understanding of how to build more productive alliances. This study examines the project evaluation processes employed by the most successful industry-university research centers sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The delivery of highly satisfying research programs, as indicated by the industrial representatives, is defined as being successful. This paper focuses on the process management issues involved in the formulation and evaluation of research proposals, structural advantages and liabilities associated with the process, as well as the conditions/contexts that favor their application. These processes are strategically significant because they define the organization's research agenda, focus resource allocations by linking capabilities and commitments, and frame the performance assessment process.  相似文献   

:介绍一种纯棉薄织物的平幅前处理新工艺 ,该工艺采用了常压履带式练漂机退浆和练漂。工艺具有流程短 ,生产效率高 ,连续生产性能好 ,工艺条件稳定 ,织物无色差、折痕及擦伤的优点 ,适合于小批量、多品种的生产。通过该工艺处理的纯棉平纹织物的外观质量和内在质量都达到了国家标准。  相似文献   

随着信息产业的发展,软件开发过程中管理的规范化和标准化问题越来越为人们所关注。作为国际上最流行的软件企业成熟度等级认证标准,CMM提供了一个软件工程成果和管理方法的框架。简要介绍了CMM的基本内容和评估方法,并进一步分析了它在企业软件过程改进中的应用。  相似文献   

In designing consumer durables such as appliances and power tools, it is important to account for variations in product performance across different usage situations and conditions. Since the specific usage of the product and the usage conditions can vary, the resultant variations in product performance also can impact consumer preferences for the product. Therefore, any new product that is designed should be robust to these variations—both in product performances and consumer preferences. This article refers to a robust product design as a design that has (1) the best possible (engineering and market) performance under the worst‐case variations and (2) the least possible sensitivity in its performance under the variations. Achieving these robustness criteria, however, implies consideration of a large number of design factors across multiple functions. This article's objectives are (1) to provide a tutorial on how variations in product performance and consumer preferences can be incorporated in the generation and comparison of design alternatives and (2) to apply a multi‐objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) that incorporates multifunction criteria in order to identify better designs while incorporating the robustness criteria in the selection process. Since the robustness criteria is based on variations in engineering performance as well as consumer preferences, the identified designs are robust and optimal from different functional perspectives, a significant advantage over extant approaches that do not consider robustness issues from multifunction perspectives. This study's approach is particularly useful for product managers and product development teams, who are charged with developing prototypes. They may find the approach helpful for obtaining customers' buy‐in as well as internal buy‐in early on in the product development cycle and thereby for reducing the cost and time involved in developing prototypes. This study's approach and its usefulness are illustrated using a case‐study application of prototype development for a handheld power tool.  相似文献   

Empirical research was conducted to investigate retrenchment as an integral component of the overall turnaround process. An industry study provided an anchored operational definition of a turnaround situation, indications of its internal and external causes, and an application of an absolute measure of its severity. The research further produced an empirical discrimination between retrenchment as a stand-alone response to financial decline and retrenchment as an initial phase of a turnaround strategy, and an identification of activities that can be used to classify entrepreneurial vs. efficiency emphases in a turnaround firm's recovery response.  相似文献   

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