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浅论我国企业对外直接投资的区位分布状况与战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国企业对外投资区位选择的策略应是:以发展中国家为主要的投资区域,兼顾对发达国家和地区的投资,积极慎重地发展对独联体和东欧等转轨国家的投资。  相似文献   

熊琼 《国际贸易问题》2005,21(4):96-99,104
当地成分要求是外商直接投资东道国为发展国内产业而普遍采用的一种措施,发展中国家对其应用最为广泛。世贸组织《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》禁止使用当地成分要求。当地成分要求直接影响中间产品市场,间接影响外商直接投资和贸易自由流动,国外有许多文献专门研究当地成分要求对东道国经济效应的影响。通过文献梳理发现,当地成分要求应是一种有益于东道国发展的政策,但其对经济发展的作用因不同国家和不同市场条件而异。  相似文献   

I present a model that explains a multinational firm's choice of organizational form. If a firm in the developed country outsources the production of its intermediate goods to a supplier in the developing country, it faces an adverse selection problem. If it chooses to produce the intermediate goods in its own subsidiary in the developing country, it faces an inefficient monitoring problem. My analysis of this tradeoff provides a new explanation for the observation that FDI is concentrated in capital intensive industries and yields two empirical hypotheses: more firms should adopt outsourcing instead of FDI after trade liberalization; the share of intra-firm trade in total trade should be increasing in the degree of productivity dispersion across intermediate goods suppliers in the developing country.  相似文献   

黑龙江省装备制造业竞争力比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
装备制造业是一个国家或地区经济发展的基石,也是增强国家或地区竞争力的基础,装备制造业竞争力在一定程度上反映了该国或地区的经济实力。通过以主成份分析法对黑龙江省装备制造业竞争力进行定量分析,发现黑龙江省装备制造业七个产业的综合竞争力水平均处于全国平均水平之下具有很大的发展空间;通用设备制造业、专用设备制造业的竞争力处于中游这两方面都具有较好的发展前景,应当作为黑龙江省重点发展的产业。  相似文献   

本文分析了经典博弈论与进化博弈论的主要区别,引述了分析多群体非对称博弈的复制动态方程,并以此为工具求得了在世贸组织谈判中,发达国家与发展中国家之间利益分配的进化博弈解:谈判结局出现有利于发达国家的利益分配状况要远远多于有利于发展中国家的状况,最终发达国家能得到谈判议题可能产生的贸易利益的绝大部分。在此基础上,本文进一步分析了这一结论对于发展中国家的政策意义。  相似文献   

世贸组织争端解决机制(DSM)是富有成效的,作为弱势一方的发展中成员在此机制下能够寻求到比较公正的裁决,即DSM能做到形式上的正义。但是,由于DSM本身缺乏实施能力,即使发展中国家的申诉要求得到了世贸组织正式裁决的支持,也难以在裁决的执行上取得应得的实质性收益,也就是说,DSM难以实现实质正义。文章系统地分析了DSM执行机制的实质不正义之处以及实现DSM执行机制的实质正义的途径——在世贸组织争端解决机制中嵌入赔偿救济;并阐述赔偿救济的具体制度。  相似文献   

对外投资区位的选择与企业甚至国家的经济利益及经济地位息息相关。目前,影响我国企业对外投资区域的主要因素有企业竞争优势、市场需求潜力及资源互补等。当前我国对外直接投资总体发展较好,但与我国整体实力和经济状况并不相符,还存在选择投资的区位过于集中、投资行业结构不均衡等问题。我国企业在进行对外投资区位选择时,应综合考虑所投资地区的区位、市场、资源等因素,根据区位优势和产业优势选择相应的投资对策,以有效提升我国对外投资企业的国际竞争力水平。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,零售行业逐步开放,许多大型国际连锁超市纷纷涌入哈尔滨,使得零售行业竞争更加激烈。新的零售业态虽然给当地消费者带来了全新的消费方式和购物模式,但也给本地零售业带来前所未有的冲击。哈尔滨大型零售企业存在运行机制不灵活,管理运作不规范,零售业态单一,连锁业态组织化程度低,企业规模小,市场份额低等问题。政府应兼顾服务贸易自由化和发展我国零售业的双重目标,尽快健全零售领域的法律、法规体系,推动企业机制转换,规范管理运作,积极开展新型零售业态,进行战略资源整合,以扩大市场份额。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review and critique two prominent theories in the international business and international economics literatures regarding the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in host country development: the “spillovers” perspective on the impact of MNE investment in host countries and the liabilities of foreignness (LOF) view that specifies the constraints MNEs must overcome to succeed in local, developing country markets. We then propose an alternative conceptualization of MNE-host country relations in which MNEs and local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) pursue collaborative relationships that make a positive, collective contribution to host country development and to MNE and NGO strategic goals in ways that neither sector is positioned to do alone.  相似文献   

发展中成员的特殊与差别待遇是当前WTO改革中的重点议题。美国在WTO提案提议取消多数发展中成员的特殊与差别待遇,美国总统特朗普更是威胁WTO如果不能就发达国家和发展中国家的"过时"二分法做出实质性改革,美方将不再承认任何一个发展中国家的特殊地位。欧盟的《WTO现代化概念文件》则倾向于鼓励发展中成员自愿"毕业"。本文基于WTO内发展中成员并无明确标准、特殊与差别待遇是WTO核心宗旨和基本原则,分析了特殊与差别待遇的历史渊源,当前解决特殊与差别待遇问题的几种思路,指出中国仍是发展中国家,不能放弃发展中成员身份,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) often pay close attention to host country environments and prudently manage relationships with host country stakeholders. However, little attention has been paid to how the foreign subsidiaries of developed country multinational enterprises (DMNEs) communicate with host country stakeholders in developing economies. This paper investigates how host country political hostility influences DMNE subsidiaries’ rhetorical strategies. Using 485,496 Sina Weibo posts by subsidiaries of 71 DMNEs between 2010 and 2018, this paper demonstrates that political hostility has a negative influence on subsidiaries’ rhetorical emotionality and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rhetorical intensity, and has a positive effect on rhetorical clarity. Both bilateral trade and local subsidiary top executive strengthen the influence of political hostility on rhetorical emotionality and rhetorical clarity. The findings shed new light on how DMNE subsidiaries gain and maintain legitimacy in developing economies and how subsidiaries deploy post-entry rhetorical strategies as a response to host country political hostility.  相似文献   

重新审视我国粗放型劳动密集产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是劳动力资源大国,在国际经济贸易关系中,发展劳动密集型产业符合我国的比较优势。劳动力成本的比较优势应当是劳动力资源的成本和劳动力资源的效率的综合体现。而我国劳动密集型产业所表现出来的情况是,伴随着时间的推移,劳动力资源的成本呈上升趋势,劳动力资源的效率则呈下降趋势。因此,必须从战略的高度,重新审视我国粗放型劳动密集产业的比较优势与竞争优势的问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines a tourism tax as a potential source of finance for local government in the UK. Although such a tax does not yet exist in this country it has received some support especially in the debate about how local government should be financed. It is suggested that such a tax may prove to be a useful secondary source of finance but significant problems of equity and administration exist.  相似文献   

王学 《商业研究》2005,(8):35-38
由于各国经济发展水平、经济资源优势和经济国际化程度不同,各国都制定符合各自经济政策目标的国际投资税收政策,采取的税收优惠政策的侧重点也各不相同。跨国企业集团在制定投资战略时应注重分析各国引导投资的侧重点并充分加以利用,在投资战略选择中,必须慎重确定投资所在国的重点优惠项目或重点优惠地区,全面考虑投资国和投资所在国之间的国际税收协调性,正确认识资本投入量同税收负担与其他投资环境要素之间的关系。应以全球的观点进行国际化投资战略规划,以谋求集团整体税收负担的最小化和整体投资收益的最大化  相似文献   

This article examines the transfer of management knowhow to developing countries through managers who undertake a graduate program in business at an advanced country. Based upon a study of 67 Turkish managers, all of whom received a master's degree in business in the United States, the article addresses three issues: What are the differences in the local applicability of various management skills (including marketing) which were acquired in an advanced country? What company and individual manager characteristics are associated with the local application of these management skills? What principal factors impede the transfer of management knowhow to an indigeneous organization?  相似文献   

Driven by globalization and increased financial integration, the last decade has seen many foreign banks entering developing countries. Although the majority of these banks are from high-income countries, recently banks from developing countries have followed suit. This paper looks at this phenomenon, by examining the differences and similarities between developing and high-income country foreign banks. Using a large dataset on banking sector FDI in developing countries, we find that 27% of all foreign banks in developing countries are owned by a bank from another developing country, while these banks hold 5%of the foreign assets. The importance of developing country foreign banks is much larger in low-income countries (both in number of banks and in terms of assets) and this type of foreign banking is strongly regionally concentrated. Although foreign bank entry by both developing country as well as high-income country banks seems to be driven by economic integration, common language and proximity, banks from developing countries are more likely to invest in small developing countries with weak institutions where high-income country banks are reluctant to go. This result seems to suggest that developing country banks have a competitive advantage dealing with countries with a weak institutional climate. Furthermore, our results indicate that developing country foreign banks have a higher interest margin and are less profitable than foreign banks from high-income countries.  相似文献   

金融发展应成为构建“十一五”经济发展机制的核心内容   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋立 《财贸经济》2005,(4):10-16,96
在中国这样具有发展中和转轨中双重特征的国家,经济发展机制具有更加重要的意义。改革开放以来我国东南沿海地区的经验表明,形成良好的金融支持体系对于经济发展尤其是内生性经济发展至关重要。目前全国大部分地区金融发展滞后已经成为制约经济发展的重要因素,“十一五”时期,应该把金融发展和金融体系创新提上重要日程,作为构建经济发展机制的关键和核心内容。制定明确有序的金融发展规划,全面深化金融体制发展与改革,积极重建地方性金融服务体系,改变金融发展滞后对经济发展的不利影响,创造良好的经济发展环境和机制。  相似文献   

全球化与本地化的关系是理解产业集群的出发点,产业集群区域的对外联系和外部空间运动规律是值得进一步挖掘的重要课题。目前从这一角度展开对集群探讨的国内文献还不多,而国外(主要是经济地理学和社会学方面)在该领域已获得不少的研究成果,本文从在地全球化与全球在地化二维视域对这些研究成果进行梳理和评述,以期对我国在相关领域的研究提供新的启示。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,国际服务贸易成为新的发展热点,但我国的服务贸易发展相对滞后,连年的服务贸易逆差且有逐渐扩大的趋势。作为亚洲的两大经济体,我国和日本在服务贸易发展方面有很多相似之处,但日本的服务贸易整体竞争力要强于我国。因此,借鉴日本的服务贸易发展策略,对我国服务贸易的发展有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

用尽当地救济是处理东道国与外国投资者之间纠纷的一项传统而重要的国际规则,随着国际交往的发展,大量新出现的国际投资条约明确将国际投资争端解决中心的仲裁作为更重要的解决纠纷的方式,该方式甚至有替代东道国国内解决的趋势,用尽当地救济正面临着存与废的十字路口。作为重要的资本输出国和最大的资本输入国,中国应当把握“用尽当地救济”的新变化并尽可能利用该规则维护国家利益。  相似文献   

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