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从风险累积效应和风险传染效应两个视角揭示跨境资本流动对银行风险的影响机理,并基于2000年第一季度至2020年第四季度时间序列数据进行经验检验,结果表明:跨境资本流动、跨境资本流入、跨境资本流出均显著增加了银行风险,且三者对银行风险的影响均存在显著的风险累积效应;跨境资本流动、跨境资本流入、跨境资本流出均通过影响金融机构人民币各项贷款余额同比增速、金融机构外币各项贷款余额同比增速、金融机构本外币各项贷款余额同比增速以及境内住户中长期消费贷款同比增速等信贷渠道显著提高银行风险承担水平,实现银行风险累积,从而增加银行风险;跨境资本流动、跨境资本流入、跨境资本流出均显著提高了股票价格、房地产价格和实际汇率的波动水平,且跨境资本流动通过股票市场、房地产市场和汇率市场将波动水平传染至银行系统,增加了银行风险,股票市场、房地产市场和汇率市场更是强化了这种传染效应。  相似文献   

文章选取2010~2020年中国121家商业银行年度数据,构建面板回归模型分析了跨境资本流动对银行资本结构偏离度的影响及其作用机制。研究表明:(1)跨境资本流动对银行资本结构偏离度具有促进作用。相对于国有银行与股份制银行,跨境资本流动对城农商行资本结构偏离度的促进力度更大。(2)信贷规模与同业负债在跨境资本流动与银行资本结构偏离度的关系中承担着双重中介作用,跨境资本流动主要通过提高银行信贷规模和降低同业负债双重渠道来增加银行资本结构偏离度。(3)货币政策不确定性上升会加强跨境资本流动对银行资本结构偏离度的促进作用,而金融开放程度提高会减弱这一促进作用。(4)区分跨境资本类型的进一步研究表明,相对于证券投资渠道与其他投资渠道的跨境资本,以FDI为主导的直接投资渠道的跨境资本流动对银行资本结构偏离度的助推效应更大。该成果将为提升跨境资本监管效率及防控以资本结构偏离为特征的杠杆率维度银行系统性风险提供重要的理论指导与决策参考。  相似文献   

刘浩杰  刘玚 《世界经济研究》2023,(1):86-101+136
随着全球经济金融一体化程度的不断提升,各国短期资本流动的波动幅度及共振程度明显增加。文章基于线性视角和空间视角探讨了经济政策不确定性对短期资本流动波动的线性影响及空间影响。线性回归结果表明,全球经济政策不确定性及各国经济政策不确定性对短期资本流动波动具有加剧作用,且对短期资本流入及流出波动的影响大于净资本流动波动。空间回归结果表明,各国短期资本流动波动之间存在空间溢出效应,且在不同的空间权重矩阵下具有异质性。在地理空间关联下,短期资本流动波动存在显著的正向空间溢出,且本国经济政策不确定性上升对相近地区的短期资本流动波动加剧具有正向溢出作用;在金融空间关联下,短期资本流动波动存在显著的负向空间溢出,经济政策不确定性对短期资本流动波动存在正向空间溢出,但显著性较弱。为此,短期资本流动管理不仅要考虑经济政策不确定性冲击的影响,还要关注其空间溢出效应,通过加强国际监管政策协调,防范短期跨境资本流动风险。  相似文献   

本文分析美国、中国、日本、欧元区及英国等G20五个系统重要性经济体宏观政策溢出效应。研究表明,美元指数与大宗商品价格具有显著的负向关系,影响美元指数的美国量化宽松等货币政策将影响大宗商品价格。主要国际货币发行国基础货币总和与资本跨境流动具有显著的正向关系,美联储、欧洲央行等量化宽松政策对资本跨境流动尤其是流入新兴经济体的资本产生较强溢出效应。同时,发达经济体占据产业链高端而通过产业链条对国际贸易形成溢出效应。另一方面,中国经济通过总量扩张、外汇储备资产积累及生产链条等渠道对大宗商品价格、国际金融市场及国际贸易产生溢出效应。为此,各国应进一步加强国际协调,降低系统重要性经济体宏观经济政策负面溢出效应。  相似文献   

文章基于2006~2015年我国25家上市影子银行机构的微观数据,采用动态面板系统广义矩法,研究货币政策对影子银行风险承担的影响。研究发现:货币政策对我国上市影子银行机构的风险承担具有显著的影响,证明我国存在货币政策的影子银行风险承担传导渠道。宽松的货币政策,特别是价格型货币政策工具,会鼓励影子银行承担更多的风险,进而放大货币政策的扩张效应,增加金融体系的不稳定。因此,央行未来在制定货币政策时需要重视影子银行在货币政策传导中的作用,监管当局也应加强对影子银行过度风险承担行为的监管,构建有效的金融宏观审慎管理框架。  相似文献   

文章基于2006~2015年我国25家上市影子银行机构的微观数据,采用动态面板系统广义矩法,研究货币政策对影子银行风险承担的影响。研究发现:货币政策对我国上市影子银行机构的风险承担具有显著的影响,证明我国存在货币政策的影子银行风险承担传导渠道。宽松的货币政策,特别是价格型货币政策工具,会鼓励影子银行承担更多的风险,进而放大货币政策的扩张效应,增加金融体系的不稳定。因此,央行未来在制定货币政策时需要重视影子银行在货币政策传导中的作用,监管当局也应加强对影子银行过度风险承担行为的监管,构建有效的金融宏观审慎管理框架。  相似文献   

本文对资本净流入不同阶段下的中国股指期货与股票现货市场的风险溢出和联动效应采用 ECM-GARCH-BEKK 模型进行了实证研究.总体而言,股指期货市场的波动具有更强的持续性,市场波动溢出效应最高,波动程度也最为明显,对市场的冲击最大,但是只有股票现货市场具有杠杆效应.在资本净流入不同阶段中,市场表现差异:资本净流入递增时资本市场风险波动溢出效应开始加剧,两市之间的风险联动也在加强,股票现货市场对两市的冲击最大.当资本净流入递减时,股市现货和期货市场的持续性增强,但是波动程度有所降低,市场表现出一定独立性.当资本外逃时,股票现货波动溢出效应最高,收益率振幅有所上升,市场处于自我修复过程中,但期货市场的波动对两市冲击最大.通过实证发现,股指期货市场具有价格引导和套期保值功能,只是资本流动的变化会对资本市场起到一定差异影响  相似文献   

朱定梅 《特区经济》2014,(5):119-120
本文基于我国14家上市银行2007—2012年的面板数据,从房价视角,对银行资本缓冲的周期性行为进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,我国上市银行的资本充足率在房价波动时呈现出顺周期效应,其驱动因素主要来源于风险加权资产,由房价波动引起的资本净额的变动幅度小于风险加权资产的变动幅度。针对实证结果,本文提出建立可持续发展的资本补充机制、对房地产贷款额度占整个贷款额度的比例设置一个合理的上限、设立动态的资本缓冲标准等缓解资本充足率顺周期效应的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外金融市场间的联动和风险传染日益增强,国际大宗商品价格波动对我国金融体系产生愈发显著的影响,尤其是在极端风险事件冲击下,风险溢出效应及其非对称性更加显著。文章选取四种代表性国际大宗商品市场,通过计算已实现半方差将其波动率分解为好波动和坏波动以区分由资产价格上涨和下跌带来的波动,进而采用基于条件分位数的溢出指数方法,研究了国际大宗商品价格波动对中国金融市场的风险溢出效应及其非对称性特征。结果表明:第一,国际大宗商品价格波动对中国金融市场具有显著的风险溢出效应,且在不同冲击方向和冲击规模下表现出明显的非对称性,正常状态下的风险溢出主要由坏波动驱动,而极端状态下主要由好波动驱动;第二,极端状态与正常状态下的风险溢出走势存在较大的差异,极端状态下风险溢出水平远高于正常状态;第三,方向性溢出在总波动、好坏波动上具有明显的非对称性,且与国际金融危机、突发公共卫生事件等极端经济金融事件密切相关。新冠肺炎疫情发生之后,工业金属市场的好坏波动对我国金融市场的风险溢出显著增强,外汇市场接收的溢出最为显著。研究结论对我国防范国际大宗商品市场风险溢出,维护金融市场平稳运行具有一定政策启示。  相似文献   

孙翎  张意琳  李捷瑜 《南方经济》2019,38(12):33-48
房地产业与金融业具有强烈的共生性,当房地产业陷入困境时,是否会迅速扩散到与其关联的各类金融机构,蔓延并危及整个金融系统,出现房地产业对金融机构的"系统性风险溢出"?文章综合运用房地产行业指数与房地产企业数据,基于CoVaR模型和分位数回归方法,测算了我国房地产业对各类金融机构的系统性风险溢出强度,分析了其时变趋势和影响因素。实证结果表明,我国房地产业对金融机构存在较为显著的系统性风险溢出效应,在时间维度上存在周期性;房地产业对股份制与城商行的风险溢出强度最大,其次是保险机构和信托,最小的是国有银行;房地产企业的自身风险、规模和负债水平对风险溢出强度具有显著影响。据此,文章对金融监管部门、金融机构与房地产行业提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The effect of cross-border diversification on bank performance is part of the broader debate on how multinational banking and financial integration affect the global financial economy. Previous studies that examined this relationship present mixed results - namely that cross-border diversification improves bank performance but also increases bank risks that could lead to systemic failure. Even so, this line of debate has not been examined in the case of Japanese banks conducting international operations. The present study questions whether cross-border diversification improves the performance of Japanese banks and to what extent each cross-border expansion activity affects bank performance. The latter was largely ignored in previous studies. Our results show that cross-border diversification improves cost efficiency but decreases/harms the profit efficiency of the banks analyzed. In addition, we find that the expansion of foreign assets and foreign branch operations present funding risks and operational inefficiency. We offer two important recommendations. First, as a major player in international lending, the current expansion activities of Japanese banks require close monitoring and supervision to prevent systemic risk resulting from aggressive and risky overseas expansion activities. Second, the current expansion strategies of Japanese banks, especially the expansion of overseas assets and branch operations (retail banking), should be re-examined.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the monetary policy’s risk-taking channel in China’s banking sector and reveals how capital buffer affects this channel in both theoretical and empirical analyses. We find that well-capitalized banks undertake less risk than those under-capitalized, which is opposite to the empirical evidence from the US. After comparing previous related theories, we point out the pattern of risk-shifting effect in China is different from that in the US. Meanwhile, we provide more substantial comparison between different types of banks. First, in the face of falling interest rates, state-owned commercial banks will undertake more risk than others. Second, the deterring effect of capital on risk varies little between banks. Third, banks short of capital can significantly reduce their risk-taking by replenishing capital through several channels.  相似文献   

郭娜  马莹莹  张宁 《南方经济》2018,37(8):29-46
近年来我国房价的持续上涨促使大量资金借道影子银行体系流向房地产市场,推动了金融体系内系统性风险的集聚。有鉴于此,文章构建了内生化房地产商的DSGE模型,以此探讨影子银行对银行业系统性风险的影响。实证结果表明,影子银行融资利差增大、房地产需求的扩张以及紧缩的货币政策冲击均会使商业银行资金向影子银行转移,促使融资杠杆率提升,加大银行业系统性风险;因此,目前我国稳健中性的货币政策,能够合理引导预期稳定房价,有利于防控系统性金融风险。然而,在紧缩性货币政策冲击下,商业银行贷款利率随着影子银行融资利率的下降而出现下降,说明影子银行的存在一定程度上造成了货币政策传导机制的失效。文章研究结论对引导我国影子银行健康发展、防范系统性金融风险具有重要政策启示。  相似文献   

文章从流动性储备、负债稳定性、期限结构错配程度、资本充足性、市场利率风险和盈利性六个维度选择12个流动性风险评价指标,基于因子分析法对中国上市银行2012年底的流动性风险进行综合评价。实证结论显示:同业负债成为新的银行流动性风险诱因;中长期贷款占比的下降有助于改善资产负债期限错配,降低流动性风险。现行的流动性风险监管指标难以全面反映银行流动性风险的实情,建议增加"同业负债比例"和"流动负债依存度"两个指标。  相似文献   

The study investigates the dynamic equity volatility connectedness across the major real estate firms, banks, and other financial institutions in China. Based on the relative level of equity volatility connectedness, the study also examines the systemic importance of real estate firms and banks. The study shows that despite widespread worries about potential real estate bubbles in China, total directional connectedness from real estate firms to banks has decreased over the sample period. In contrast, total directional connectedness from banks to the real estate firms and to the financial institutions has become stronger over the sample period, which implies stronger risk originating from the banking sector. The study also shows that size plays an important role in determining the systemic importance of a real estate firm to the banking sector. The largest real estate firm displays the highest average systemic importance ranking. However, size does not appear to be the determinant factor of the systemic importance of a bank to the financial system. The largest bank shows the lowest average systemic importance ranking and 70% probability of being the least or second least systemically important bank in the long run.  相似文献   

We present evidence of nonlinearity and heterogeneity relation between capital buffer and risk-taking for the Chinese banking system. We use quantile regression methods on a data set of 135 Chinese banks during 2004–2017. Our results suggest that bank capital buffer has a robust U-shaped association with bank risk-taking. This effect is more significant for banks that at the upper tail of risk-taking distribution. Moreover, we demonstrate for the first time that the turning point of capital buffer decreases throughout the risk-taking distribution. These findings offer important policy implications that continuously increasing bank capital requirement does not continuously lead to lower risk-taking, instead, requiring banks to build up too much capital buffer is more likely to result in greater risk-taking for high-risk banks.  相似文献   

Despite the downward trend of land prices and the ex post low return on real estate loans, Japanese banks increased their lending to the real estate sector during the 1990s. We argue that this phenomenon can be explained by the risk-shifting incentives of banks and discover that banks with low capital-to-asset ratios and low franchise value chose high-risk assets such as real estate loans. Unlike previous studies, we show that the capital–risk relationship is non-linear and changes from positive to negative as franchise value falls. We also find that a capital adequacy requirement did not prevent risk-taking behavior of under-capitalized banks since they then just issued more subordinated debts to meet this requirement. In contrast, government capital injections led banks to reduce risky loans at the margin. Recapitalization by issuing subordinated debts helped banks recover their capital losses and mitigated the credit crunch, but consequently allowed them to increase their exposure to the real estate sector and worsened the bad loan problems.  相似文献   

The cross-border transmission of a financial shock has been a subject of rich literature. While a large number of studies have focused on the phenomenon of strong co-movements of asset prices and capital flows in the event of financial stress, very few discussed the contagion or spillover effects in terms of capital flow volatility. This paper is one of the first attempts to assess, empirically, whether or not there is a global and regional spillover effect in the volatility of capital flows to emerging and developing countries. Based on the sample of 49 emerging and developing countries for the period 1980–2009, the empirical results suggest strong and significant contagion effects in the volatility of capital flows to individual economies. The magnitudes of contagion vary depending on the type of capital flows, whether it is foreign direct investment (FDI) or portfolio and other investment (mostly bank lending). The findings also suggest the volatility dynamics of gross flows is different from that of net flows. The volatility of net inflows is more exposed to intra-regional contagion compared to that of gross inflows.  相似文献   

Reductions in barriers to global trade have not been accompanied by a widespread loosening of restrictions on international flows of capital, especially in China. This study shows that China has some of the most restrictive controls and uses them effectively to bias flows of cross-border capital heavily in favor of foreign direct investment (FDI) and limit flows of portfolio and bank assets and liabilities, as well as reducing capital flow volatility. China is now facing pressure to speed up its opening to all forms of cross border capital. But since China is still struggling to strengthen its domestic financial structure, capital account liberalization would expose it to considerable risks and potentially high costs.  相似文献   

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