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胡强 《化工管理》2023,(13):97-101
在化学工业发展过程中最重要的环节是生产安全。随着国内化工行业生产规模的不断增大,化工产品更新换代的日新月异,这既需要高水平的生产技术提升产品性能的同时更需要科学的安全管理模式保证产品的生产质量。沿用传统的安全管理模式对于发展迅速的现阶段化工企业而言是一种潜在的安全风险。为确保安全管理常态化,文章阐述了现阶段化工企业生产中所存在的安全管理问题,分析了传统安全管理模式存在的缺陷,并结合杜邦安全管理模型提出了更适用于现阶段化工企业的新型安全管理方案。  相似文献   

传统建设项目造价管理模式越来越不适应市场经济体制及现代项目管理的发展需要,建设项目造价管理的理论和方法正在经历重大改革。详细分析了传统建设项目造价管理存在的缺陷及种种问题,简要阐述了今后项目造价管理的发展趋势,供同行商榷。  相似文献   

因油田勘探本身非常特殊,在开发中需要获得大量地理信息,这些信息能够为石油勘探提供信息层面的支持,保障勘探效率与勘探水平。在勘探技术得以不断发展的今天,其涉及到的种类与需要的地理信息也在不断增多。为了满足油田勘探需要,地理信息处理能力与要求在不断的提高。传统信息处理与管理本身的缺陷与弊病决定了其已经无法在现代发挥足够的作用,此时就需要借助信息技术、地理系统提高油田开发管理能力。文章对该课题进行了研究。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,传统的、强调以企业内部价值耗费为基础的成本管理 ,已越来越不适应新的管理需要。建立一种新的符合现代企业管理需要的成本管理新体系 ,已迫在眉睫。一、传统成本管理的缺陷首先 ,传统成本管理关注的是企业内部生产经营活动的价值耗费。人们总是想到如何降低材料消耗、电力消耗 ,如何控制工资的过度增长等 ,而实际上 ,尽管降低生产成本对于企业来说在任何时候都是很必要的 ,但从长期战略管理的角度看 ,如果企业依靠新产品的开发和完善的售后服务 ,能够取得竞争优势 ,即使成本有所提高 ,这种战略仍然是可以接受的。其次 ,传统成本…  相似文献   

建立在传统成本性态划分基础上的传统成本计算法在手工制造环境中曾发挥很重要的作用。然而,随着知识经济时代的到来,技术进步给传统成本计算法带来极大的冲击,使之在新制造环境下显现出越来越大的缺陷,不再适应高新科技企业成本信息及决策的需要。20世纪80年代后,西方国家兴起的作业成本法是适应适时生产系统和全面质量管理而发展起来的科学成本计算和管理方法,它能满足现代企业对真实、详细的成本信息和行之有效成本管理的迫切需求,应该成为我国企业成本核算和管理的发展方向。  相似文献   

人力资源管理是现代企业管理的重要内容,而“招、用、育、留”则构成了传统人力资源部的主要作用。由于传统的人力资源管理理念、方法和测评技术存在一定的缺陷,David McCleUand在20世纪70年代提出了“胜任力”这一概念。此后,胜任力在企业人力资源管理中得到运用和发展,并推动了企业管理水平的提升。  相似文献   

在绿色生产的国家发展政策背景下,传统的己内酰胺生产工艺需要进行技术创新开发。文章分析了传统的己内酰胺生产工艺技术缺陷,归纳总结了我国己内酰胺绿色生产技术的开发与应用。  相似文献   

21世纪 ,是充满竞争和极具活力的新世纪。企业新的管理理念不断产生 ,传统管理受到挑战 ,尤其是在知识经济、信息与网络、科技、新经济改造与提升传统产业等诸多领域 ,新的管理思想发挥着越来越重要的作用。其中经营管理八大新理念对现代企业家极具影响力 ,需要我们创造性地加以运用 ,指导企业不断登上新台阶。  一、企业非平衡管理———推进企业制度与技术持续创新传统的企业管理理论认为 ,寻求平衡管理是企业经营者的主要任务。 2 1世纪 ,企业家则更加需要不断打破平衡 ,以非平衡管理实现持续的制度创新与技术创新。美国福特、杜邦等一…  相似文献   

明确了油田修旧利废传统传承、持续创效、管理创新的必要性,阐述了“搞好油田修旧利废集中优化质量管理,需要通过集中修旧优势项目、集成修旧专职主体、确定修旧专用设备,建立修旧利废基地;需要通过创新修旧管理机制、研制修旧专用设施、研发修旧操作技术,实行修旧利废优化管理”的观点。指出,油田修旧利废要持久开展、持续发展,需要在集中优化质量管理上不断探索、持续创新。  相似文献   

传统的特种设备管理有一定缺陷,现代化的工程建设等务必要对自身的特种设备管理做出变革。管理模式对于不同的企业是有所区别的,比如大型特种设备主要以生产为中心、以成本为龙头,这类企业的利润就是通过经营和管理的精打细算、精心组织,通过设备集中管理来实现利益的最大化,即降本增效和精细管理。企业施工要遵守法规,对核心设备进行精细化管理,在设备运行和维护等方面都需要遵循精心施工、精益求精的工作态度。  相似文献   

The gap between a firm's reservoir of technical knowledge and the formation of a project to explore the commercial potential of a breakthrough technical insight or discovery is the first major discontinuity in the radical innovation lifecycle. The first step toward bridging that gap occurs when the researcher with the technical insight recognizes that it might have commercial potential and decides to alert a research manager. In our longitudinal study of eight radical innovation projects in six large, multi‐national, R&D‐intensive firms, the initiation of a radical innovation project was neither frequent nor routine. In fact the participants in the study indicated that the initiation of a project – in their terminology, the 'fuzzy front end of innovation'– was the most challenging and uncertain part of the lifecycle. In this paper we explore the case data to illuminate the nature of the initiation gap. In addition we present an assessment framework that can help researchers decide whether or not to bring their technical idea to the attention of management. If the decision is positive, the assessment tool can help them prepare for the discussion with management and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the case to submitted for evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper uses a 'knowledge‐based' approach to compare the management of R&D in two leading chemicals companies, one British (ICI plc) and one Japanese. It describes key differences in the ways they integrate the 'near‐market' knowledge of business units and the scientific knowledge and technical expertise of R&D personnel in central R&D facilities. It shows that the same management practices that underpin superior 'integrative capabilities' in the Japanese firm, including central funding of R&D, job‐rotation and career structures and multidisciplinary project teams, also result in significant R&D weaknesses. The comparison demonstrates that different organisational mechanisms are needed to support (1) the development and (2) the leveraging of specialist knowledge within different innovation contexts . Firms must be able to strike a balance between integrative and specialist capabilities to get the most from their R&D. Moreover, the above characteristics which underpin these capabilities are often 'embedded' in the broader organisation making them difficult to emulate when they represent 'best‐practice' but also making them difficult to change in response to new threats and opportunities.  相似文献   

分析了煤炭企业"三网融合"建设过程中存在的问题及其发展的方向,并着重论述企业实现"三网融合"的一些现实问题,认为企业"三网"推进融合必须要抓住"思想融合、基础融合、目标融合、技术融合、管理融合"的5个关键融合要素,才能实现煤炭集团企业"三网"的真正融合。  相似文献   

雷达液位仪在油品储罐液位计量上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油品储罐液位是油品集输工艺的重要参数之一。采用人工检尺等接触式方法测量液位,存在种种弊端,非接触式雷达液位仪可以解决液位测量中误差大,不安全等问题。结合我厂油罐液位测量方法的发展历程,重点介绍了雷达液位仪的原理及技术特点,以及其安装,调试,使用过程中存在和需要解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

用实例说明生产厂家重视生产质量,并通过努力可使产品的制造质量达到相当高的水准,但是在使用质量方面存在着的影响产品可靠性的巨大空间却尚未引起充分的认识.在分析了当前普遍采用的定期维修体制的成18及存在弊端的基础上.提出应用状态监测与故障诊断(CMFD)技术的最新研究成果,可以实现从定期维修向状态维修的转变,并探讨了基于柴油机CMFD技术研究成果的实用策略。  相似文献   

Some literature suggests that managers' perceptions of strengths and weaknesses indicators vary by management level. Differences likely result because of individuals' cognitive schemes, which include their cognitive biases. In turn, systematic errors may occur in managerial decisions. Results from the research reported herein support the notion that managers' perceptions of the indicators of a firm's strengths and weaknesses, and of environmental uncertainty, vary by managerial level. Differences in these perceptions were discovered to be more significant within each firm. Implications of these results are examined, including the impact on the deployment of firms' strategy formulation processes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the reasons for Japanese/U.S. collaborations in the biotechnology industry, and considers the question of whether such alliances pose a threat to the North American industry. Japan's technological competitiveness in biotechnology is examined in terms of its strengths and perceived weaknesses. Ways in which Japan is attempting to overcome these weaknesses are identified. As well, the strengths and weaknesses of the North American biotechnology industry are assessed. The paper concludes with recommendations for government and R&D managers on how to preserve U.S. competitiveness. R&D managers must keep abreast of their techno-global competitive environments. While organizations can enter into alliances to improve their competitiveness they must be aware of the dangers of collaboration, and to benefit from their alliances they must enhance their organizational learning. Organizations must be aware of the pitfalls of alliance formation, and any alliance must be viewed in its national context. Last, but not least, managers must be more effective in their management of the processes of technological innovation.  相似文献   

Third-Generation New Product Processes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
New product processes—formal "stage-gate" systems for driving new product projects from idea through to launch—have been widely adopted in the last decade, and have generally had a strong and positive impact on firms' new product efforts. While these Second-Generation roadmaps represent a major improvement over the NASA-based first generation process of the 1960s, they too have weaknesses: too time consuming and too many time wasters, too bureaucratic, and no provision for focus. Here, Robert Cooper speculates about the nature of an emerging next generation of new product processes. He proposes fundamental changes to today's "stage-gate" systems that revolve around four Fs: they will be fluid and adaptable; they will incorporate fuzzy gates which are both situational and conditional; they will provide for much sharper focus of resources and management of the portfolio of projects; and they will be much more flexible than today's process. The end results should provide companies with a much more efficient road-map, bringing products to market faster and improving their use of scarce resources. But pitfalls are never far away in our evolution towards these Third-Generation Processes.  相似文献   

Development of a Technical Innovation Audit   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Measuring performance is helpful, but it's only part of the story. To learn from our past successes and failures, we need to understand how they came about. To continually improve, we must examine not only our innovation performance, but the processes with which we develop and exploit these innovations. Vittorio Chiesa, Paul Coughlan, and Chris Voss present a framework for auditing technical innovation management. Their auditing methodology goes beyond performance measurement by highlighting problems and needs, and providing information that can be used in developing action plans for improving performance. The foundation of their audit methodology is a process model of technical innovation. The model addresses the managerial processes and the organizational mechanisms through which innovation is performed. Underlying this method is the notion that success in innovation is related to good practice in the relevant management processes. The model identifies four core processes: concept generation, product development, process innovation, and technology acquisition. Supporting these core processes are three enabling processes: the deployment of human and financial resources, the effective use of appropriate systems and tools, and senior management leadership and direction. The outcome from these core and enabling processes is performance in terms of innovation and the resulting competitiveness in the marketplace. This model provides the basis for a detailed audit of current innovation practice and performance. The audit has two dimensions: the process audit assesses whether the processes necessary for innovation are in place and the degree to which best practice is used; and the performance audit focuses on the outcomes of each core and enabling process and of the overall process of technological innovation and its effect on competitiveness. The performance audit helps identify needs and problems, but it doesn't explain why gaps exist between current and required performance and it doesn't provide an action plan for closing these gaps. The process audit meets these needs. The audit methodology uses a two-level approach: a rapid assessment based on innovation scorecards and an in-depth audit. These scorecards provide an overview of the company's strengths and weaknesses with regard to technical innovation management, highlighting those areas that require in-depth examination. The in-depth audit identifies not only the processes, but the areas within each requiring attention.  相似文献   

录井作业在石油天然气勘探开发过程中具有重要作用,而其中计量管理对保证录井质量至关重要,受多种因素影响,录井企业计量管理工作还存在薄弱环节,通过对录井计量管理现状进行分析,指出存在的主要问题,并提出改善和提高计量管理水平的措施。  相似文献   

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