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Laws and regulations govern many aspects of life in order to guide and protect individuals. The Food and Drug Administration regulates the development, production and marketing of foods, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnologies to maintain safe and high quality products for consumers. However, in recent years, food manufacturers seem to have forged ahead of the FDA's regulations and entered uncharted, unregulated areas. This paper examines the impact the FDA has on new food product development, particularly the impact on new technological food products and suggests the use of a team-based approach in evaluating and establishing regulations in the food industry.  相似文献   

As developed markets become more saturated, managers increasingly recognize the value of emerging markets as venues for growth opportunities. Yet, launching products into these markets is extremely risky due to weak institutional environments (e.g., lack of physical infrastructure), making success more uncertain. To alleviate this challenge, theory points to using emerging market footholds that yield market-specific knowledge. However, it is unclear whether knowledge is realized and, if so, what facets of harvested knowledge are effective in driving performance. Accordingly, we used data collected from a survey of business professionals to examine emerging market footholds and market-specific knowledge (i.e., customer, competitor, and logistics knowledge). Our results show that the extent of market presence held by an emerging market foothold is positively associated with all types of knowledge, yet only competitor and logistics knowledge—not customer knowledge—is positively associated with product launch performance. A supplemental sample of new product launches in developed markets revealed the opposite results wherein customer knowledge was the only significant predictor. Viewed collectively, the results suggest a market maturity threshold wherein logistics and competitive knowledge becomes less influential in driving performance, and customer knowledge becomes more influential.  相似文献   


The role of team and organizational factors affecting new product quality and their interactions as moderating the effects are examined. Results from a domestic study suggest that new product quality is positively affected by information capability in the team and quality orientation in the firm; in contrast, it is negatively related to the innovativeness of the new product as seen by the firm and speed-to-market pressure in the team. However, teams' information capabilities alleviate the negative effect of innovativeness on quality. Quality orientation lessens the relationship between information capability and new product quality. Functional diversity and tenure diversity do not affect new product quality. In addition, managerial implications and directions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

盛逍遥  郭进利 《江苏商论》2014,(2):22-24,32
企业行为影响着社会的进步和经济的发展,其推出新产品的频率也在不断变化着。最近人类动力学的发展给企业行为的分析提供了新的视角,本文统计了最近几年内在中国大陆上市汽车的上市时间,并进一步探讨其群体和个体层面上时间间隔在双对数坐标下的分布结构,以研究其背后的动力学特征。研究发现,前者服从指数为1.42的幂率分布,然而后者服从带有指数截断的幂率分布。显然群体和个体具有不同的分布特征,而这种混合特征可以归因于,对于个体动力学只是很少的偏差,但在群体动力学中,这些微小的偏差经过累加就变得巨大并最终造成幂率分布的不同。针对这一指数截断的幂率分布,本文设计了一个基于市场需求的产品上市动力学模型,这个模型可以和实证数据很好的拟合。  相似文献   


This study aims to measure the effects of market demand and seasonality on new product introduction. Major factors contributing the variability of market demand and seasonality of new products have been discussed in reference to timing of introducing new products, variability of consumer preferences, retail sales, and product promotion. The study is based on 243 new products in selected self-service stores in Mexico, which belong to major food products sectors for the reference period 2002–2006. Results of the study reveal that market demand and seasonality factors are most important for the timing of new product introductions, as such conditions determine success of the new products in a given market.  相似文献   

LYNN  GARY  SIMPSON  JAMES  SOUDER  WILLIAM 《Marketing Letters》1997,8(1):33-39
Individual learning constructs were formulated in an organizational learning context and empirically tested for relationships with new product success. Two constructs, information recording-retrieving and information reviewing, were found to be positively related to new product success. The relevance of these constructs to organizational learning theory are discussed, along with the implication that managers should carefully record and review past information to improve future new product success rates.  相似文献   

This study investigates food manufacturers’ motives for featuring country-of-origin (CoO) symbols, statements, and other indicators on their product packaging and labeling. Unlike the majority of CoO studies that employ survey and experimental methods, a qualitative approach is taken. Sixteen in-depth interviews with key informants of packaged food companies in New Zealand revealed five categories of themes as reasons why manufacturers indicate and often emphasize CoO associations—cognitive function, affective function, conative function, tangible benefits, and intangible benefits. Overall, the findings reveal that managers perceive that CoO associations deliver them benefits, but they do not measure the outcomes of these investments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a gasoline station's incentive to price-discriminate by selling full-service gasoline as well as self-service gasoline. Unlike previous research, we explicitly model a firm's incentive to price discriminate by choosing to be either single-product or multi-product as a function of market and station characteristics. This allows us to make two contributions to research in the area: First, we highlight the importance of accounting for self-selectivity considerations that can arise in an empirical analysis of price discrimination that is based on market data. Second, we are able to show how the product and pricing choices of firms depend upon the market characteristics.Using cross-sectional survey data on prices, station and market characteristics for 198 gasoline stations in the Greater Saint Louis area, we estimate a switching regression model of station decisions. Specifically, we employ a binary probit framework that models a station's decision to price-discriminate through the choice of the station-type as a function of market and station characteristics. We then estimate conditional linear regressions with self-selectivity corrections for the station's choice of prices. We show that incorrect inferences about the incentive to price discriminate and about the differences in the prices charged between single-product and multi-product stations would result if the endogeneity in the choice of the station-type were ignored in the estimation. The empirical analysis shows that a larger income spread in the market implies a greater likelihood of the gasoline station being multi-product. In addition, we have support for the various within firm and across firm price differentials as predicted by the theory of price discrimination.  相似文献   

本文以绿色食品为研究对象,在问卷调查的基础上对消费者的感知风险进行初步研究,归纳出减少感知风险策略的五种类型以及人们通常采取的风险降低策略,发现对于不同感知风险类型,消费者会采取不同的规避风险措施。最后,为绿色食品生产企业提出建议。  相似文献   


This article analyzes the product information sources that consumers in transition economies, specifically in Georgia, utilize when they consider purchasing foreign products. We surveyed 313 consumers in Georgia regarding 9 sources of product information (experiential knowledge, word of mouth, in-store promotions, television, packaging information, radio, newspapers and magazines, salespeople, and billboards). The findings indicated that personal experience and word of mouth are the 2 most frequently used and highly valued sources of information while salespeople and radio are the 2 least frequently used and least influential sources of information. Education, age, and ethnocentrism exhibited significant impact on the experience source.  相似文献   

Purpose: Although alliances offer tremendous strategic potential, firms still struggle to successfully manage new product development alliances (NPD alliances). A prominent explanation for this is the institutional economics' view (see Williamson 1985 Williamson, O. E. 1985. The economic institutions of capitalism: Firms, markets, relational contracting, New York: The Free Press.  [Google Scholar]) that, in general, a key disadvantage of alliances versus vertical integration is that administrative control mechanisms are weaker. Here, a key control mechanism is formalization (the use of explicit rules to govern business activities).

However, regarding formalization's influence on both NPD and alliance performance, conceptual views and empirical findings are mixed, which suggest that unexamined variables moderate formalization's influence on NPD performance.

Therefore, it is surprising that there is no research on whether formalization's influence differs in alliances pursuing an NPD exploration strategy versus an NPD exploitation strategy because both (1) require varying levels of freedom of action and adherence to procedural rules to achieve success, and (2) are extensively employed in NPD.

Further, there is also surprisingly little intrafirm NPD and non-NPD alliance research on formalization in exploration and exploitation contexts because here as well formalization's influence on performance (1) is central, and (2) differs based on the project's innovative and learning intent.

The purpose of this research is to begin to close important literature and industry practice knowledge gaps about formalization's influence on NPD alliance performance in exploitation versus exploration strategic contexts.

Originality, value, and contribution: This research is the first examination ever of two key NPD strategies—exploration and exploitation—in an NPD alliance context. The research sheds light on conflicting views about formalization's NPD performance-enhancing and inhibiting aspects, and offers implications for industry best practices.

Methodology/approach: Empirical examination of survey data from 151 NPD alliances via hierarchical regression and tests of group moderation.

Findings: Results shed light on when and why formalization moderates the influence of key fundamental alliance success mechanisms on NPD alliance performance based on strategic context.  相似文献   


The functional beverages category is considered one of the most significant drivers of new product development (NPD) in recent years. Fifteen in-depth interviews and three focus groups were held between February and March 2003 to identify the most important attributes influencing consumers' purchase decisions for orange juice, and to explore consumers' attitudes towards existing and new functional orange juice beverages. The results suggested that functional food and beverage manufacturers should place a greater emphasis on the base product when evaluating new product concepts. This study highlighted the key role of qualitative research in facilitating the integration of consumers with the concept stage of the NPD process.  相似文献   

The present study examines mainly the comparison between child-appeal packages and TV advertising and suggests that packages with cartoon trade characters play a more effective role compared to TV advertising in preschoolers' food preferences.

Preschoolers who watched a cartoon film CD embedded with commercials (the treatment group) and who watched the same CD without commercials (the control group) selected the chocolate wafer with a cartoon trade character (73.6% vs. 26.3%) rather than the advertised one.  相似文献   


This study draws on two prominent theoretical frameworks, transaction cost analysis and social exchange, which serve as the basis for much of the empirical literature in relationship marketing to investigate the investment behavior of industrial buyers. Specifically, we examine the manner by which situational and contextual factors identified from those frameworks influence buyers' commitment of dedicated investments to support new transactions within ongoing exchange relationships. Our empirical results show that buyer dedicated investments are positively influenced by the extent of supplier dedicated investments, thus supporting the safeguarding rationale posed by transaction cost theory and the reciprocal nature of commitments derived from social exchange theory. Such investments are also positively influenced by the extent of past adaptations made within the pre-existing relationship, consistent with the generalized hostage explanation from the transaction cost literature and theories of the incremental development of relationships. These investments are also positively influenced by the size of the procurement but negatively influenced when a multisourcing purchasing strategy is being pursued, which are consistent with means to manage dependency. It was also found that buyer investments are not uniformly influenced by perceived environmental uncertainty related to supply and market sectors and technological conditions, suggesting that buyers respond to the risks associated with each of these environmental sectors in a distinctive manner.  相似文献   


This article focuses on a consumer comparison of fresh tofu and frozen tofu, and the investigation of consumer perceptions of and responses to, both products. A literature review of consumer perceptions and attitudes toward soy products was carried out. Consumer perceptions and affect were then qualitatively investigated using separate focus groups composed of “soy-users” and “health conscious” consumers. Extensive taste tests of the product, using five different recipes, comparing and contrasting frozen versus fresh forms of tofu were conducted to obtain sensory evaluations. The results indicate that many consumers are unfamiliar with the product, yet tofu is perceived to be an acceptable food for those inclined to use soy-based products, as well as those who are otherwise healthy eating conscious. In taste tests, it was found that the recipes in which tofu was disguised were preferred. In addition, frozen tofu was generally found not to be perceived as markedly different from the fresh product. Implications of the findings for marketing fresh and frozen forms of tofu are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which consumers' price consciousness affects their purchase intentions for a newly introduced product when the price of the product is unknown. Based on data from 186 consumers exposed to a new product offering, the results show that price consciousness indeed has a negative effect on purchase intentions, but only for consumers with a high level of product category knowledge. Although perceived risk and perceived value are significantly related to purchase intentions in general, price consciousness seems to affect only those consumers who make inferences about price based on their knowledge of the product category. Both theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are offered.  相似文献   

We report an experiment examining the effect of three factors on professional Hong Kong liquidators' decisions to bring legal action in negligence against auditors. Factors were (a) the strength (merit) of the supporting evidence (arguable vs. overwhelming), (b) the type of alleged audit failure (failure to report financial statement errors vs. management fraud) and (c) audit firm type (Big 6 vs. non-Big 6). We find evidence that liquidators' litigation decisions are influenced by case merit. We also find that liquidators were marginally more likely to institute legal action against a Big 6 than against a non-Big 6 auditor. However, we find no evidence that the type of alleged audit failure influences litigation decisions.  相似文献   

A phenomenology study reveals the lived meanings of product placement in Chinese commercial movies among Chinese urban, white-collar workers. In total, 50 in-depth interviews were conducted to collect data. Findings indicated the socially constructed meanings of product placement in the context of Chinese commercial movies are (1) referencing practices; (2) balancing activities; and (3) connecting product, movie, and audience.  相似文献   

当前我国中小企业出口经营困境凸显,进一步汇改是否会加剧其困境成为关注的焦点。本文基于汇改后的月度数据,采用GARCH模型分析各次汇改对汇率弹性的影响特征,构建向量误差修正模型测度和预测汇改对中小企业出口的影响。结果表明:汇改促使人民币每升值1%,其出口减少3.874%;汇率弹性增强1%,其出口减少0.034%。预测的中小企业出口总额较为平稳。进一步汇改以增强汇率弹性为核心不会对中小企业出口总量造成大的冲击。  相似文献   

In the digital economy, electronic auction systems are becoming more prevalent in facilitating the transactions between buyers and sellers. Auction websites, such as eBay and Amazon, as well as more sophisticated platforms, such as Moai and FrictionlessCommerce have increased transaction volume by offering tailored auction protocols to specific customer groups. meet2trade is a generic electronic market platform that supports various auction mechanisms. This study examines the impact of a discount in a second-price, sealed-bid mechanism on bidding behavior and market outcomes. Emphasis is thereby placed on bidders’ system-based perceptions, beliefs about usage and institutional-based trust, and intention to use such an auction. Ninety students were recruited to participate in an experiment held at a Western European university. The experiment observed user behavior in second-price auctions with and without a discount. The results demonstrate that although discounts do affect bidding behavior and economic outcomes, they do not influence bidder’s intentions to use such auction mechanisms. Instead, we found that intention to use is influenced by institutional and usage beliefs that are shaped by system-based perceptions, which in turn provide specific advice to market engineers on the technical aspects influencing system adoption.  相似文献   

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