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Wind farm complexes have grown in popularity as a form of energy tourism, but to date there is a paucity of research that addresses tourist perceptions of wind farms as a form of special interest tourism (i.e. energy tourism). The scope of this study concentrated on determining and statistically profiling domestic tourists’ perceptions of wind farm complexes for energy tourism purposes. As such, this study applies grounded theory as a means of interpreting domestic tourist perceptions of their lived wind farm experiences. By means of a qualitative research design, the researchers discovered that domestic Chinese tourists found their wind farm experiences were typified by interests in sustainability energy, exposure to differing local cultures, the science surrounding wind turbine technology and personal enrichment associated with the sharing of wind farm experiences with family and friends. The primary implication of this study calls for the deployment of collaborative interagency policies which promote wind farming as part of the government's overall sustainable energy platform while also supporting energy tourism as a means of personal enrichment and a form of economic development.  相似文献   

旅游者对恢复性环境的感知是旅游者对旅游目的地的一种综合性体验,是旅游者与旅游地环境相互作用的结果。文章以九寨沟国内旅游者为研究对象,基于一致性、新奇、迷人、逃逸和兼容性5个维度,探讨了旅游者恢复性环境感知特征及其差异,检验了恢复性环境感知维度间的影响关系。研究结果表明:(1)由一致性、新奇、迷人、逃逸和兼容性5个维度组成的恢复性环境感知量表具有较好的信度和效度。(2)九寨沟旅游者的恢复性环境感知在一致性、新奇和兼容性等3个维度上存在一定差异。(3)恢复性环境感知的5个维度间并不是独立的,而是一种具有影响关系的结构。一致性维度对新奇、迷人、逃逸和兼容性维度具有显著的正向影响,新奇维度对迷人、逃逸和兼容性维度具有显著的正向影响,表明旅游者恢复性环境感知是一个渐进式的心理感知过程。  相似文献   

Much of the literature on authenticity is Western-centric, while little work addresses the concept in the Asian environment. The literature relating to authenticity from Asian tourists’ point of view is even underdeveloped. This study therefore aims to fill the knowledge gap by investigating Chinese tourists’ perspective of authenticity. It also examines tourists’ perceived authenticity as a multi-dimensional construct in a consumer-based model, the relationship with heritage motivation and tourist satisfaction. Findings indicate that Chinese tourists’ perceptions of authenticity are closely related to objective and constructive authenticity. The study demonstrates that heritage motivation has a significant positive influence on perceived authenticity and that perceived authenticity has a strong ability to predict tourist satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate tourists’ perceptions of crowding and factors influencing those perceptions. The effects of visitor socio-demographic characteristics, economic factors, and destination situational characteristics are investigated. Questionnaire data were collected from a sample of 362 tourists at Pantai Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island. The results confirmed the significant effect of visitor socio-demographic characteristics on perceived crowding. Among the economic factors, although the findings did not confirm an effect for level of income, the results showed a positive effect for spending money per day on perceived crowding. Furthermore, the hypothesized effect of situational characteristics on perceived crowding could not be verified. In light of the absence of studies investigating the factors influencing perceived crowding using partial least squares–structural equation modeling, this study contributes theoretically and methodologically to the perceived crowding literature. Moreover, the results can assist the local authorities to understand the perceptions of tourists for future development.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of tourism ecolabels for more than 10 years, tourists’ decision making is still only marginally influenced by such labels and it appears that sustainability does not feature much in tourists’ general consumption behaviour. However, two recent studies found that tourists’ attitudes towards the Green Globe 21 (GG21) ecolabel in New Zealand were positive and the surveyed tourists appeared to have a high awareness of sustainability issues. Based on these findings, a quasiexperiment was conducted in the Christchurch Visitor Information Centre (CVIC) (main tourist hub of South Island) to investigate whether tourists’ positive attitudes towards ecolabels would result in increased observable interest of GG21 ecolabelled products. The purpose of this paper is to describe the complex quasi-experimental methodology that has been developed in an attempt to get further insight into tourist behaviour related to ecolabelled tourist products. During May and June 2003 the impact of a promotional campaign on tourists’ information search behaviour in the CVIC was tested. Observations of tourists and measurement of brochure up-take showed no increased interest in the ecolabel promotion campaign or the GG21 labelled products in the CVIC. The experimental methodology demonstrated that positive attitudes towards ecolabels are an unreliable predictor of responsible environmental tourist behaviour.  相似文献   

From a management and research perspective, it is important to get a better understanding of what influences tourists in their decision to choose environmentally friendly travel options, and how these are related to social cognitive processes. This paper reports findings from two separate studies investigating the role of biases in social comparison, with particular reference to tourists' perception of their personal roles as environmentally friendly tourists, and especially tourists’ views of the environmental attitudes of other tourists. Samples of N = 1607 and N = 2076 tourists, respectively, were obtained for two studies in Western Norway. Results indicate that tourists perceive themselves to hold more pro-environmental attitudes than other tourists (i.e. “typical tourist”, “average tourist”, “tourists”). This suggests that there are differences in the perception of the self and others when it comes to social comparisons concerning issues of environmental sustainability. The findings also suggest that tourists hold overly positive views of themselves generally concerning issues of environmental sustainability and that their environmental attitudes reflect perceived desirable standards. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed from a social psychological perspective, and implications for tourism managers and researchers noted.  相似文献   

Koh Phi Phi, Thailand, and Gili Trawangan, Indonesia, are two islands in Southeast Asia that face several developmental challenges associated with the rapid growth of tourism. Both islands are part of a marine park, are small in size and have several natural resources that need protection. They both face burgeoning tourist numbers that have increased tourism infrastructure development and are leading to environmental degradation. These islands have discussed ways to incorporate sustainability into their management and marketing practices, and they have looked to tourists as a support for change. This study examines the motivations, profiles and perceptions of tourists in island destinations, their level of awareness of environmental issues there, the extent to which they feel responsible about preserving or protecting their natural resources and the role they may be willing to take in their management, including their willingness to pay for environmental protection. The findings showed that the majority of the tourists to both islands were young, had relatively high levels of income and were from English-speaking nations. Tourists in both islands stated that they were willing to pay for sustainability practices, but there were differences around who they felt should be primarily responsible for implementing sustainability measures.  相似文献   

Rural tourism (RT) constitutes a valuable tool for the sustainable development of rural areas. This paper explores issues of tourist motivation in RT and develops a specially tailored perceived value (PV) scale for the RT sector. Special attention is given to links between tourists’ motivations, perceived values, and the service and actions by RT providers leading to the sustainability of rural life, culture, economies and environment. Following a literature review, qualitative and quantitative surveys developed a 27-item scale, exploring both the functional and the affective components of the scale. Seven research hypotheses were then tested by quantitative survey work. It was proven that the activities undertaken by the rural enterprise leading to greater rural sustainability are reflected in the PV scale through higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty of the rural tourists. The results of the study reveal that the RT sector has specific characteristics that tourists greatly value and that other specialist tourist markets cannot offer, as highlighted in the contribution made by RT enterprises to rural sustainability. This knowledge can help tailor product development and destination design to suit specific demands and influence communication and promotional activities.  相似文献   

Within the study of residents' attitudes, the cognitive and affective dimensions of prejudicial attitudes towards tourists have been virtually ignored. If a deeper understanding of negative local attitudes towards tourists is to be achieved, the incorporation of new theoretical frameworks is required. Based on integrated threat theory, this study examines residents' perceptions of, and negative attitudes towards, a quite specific type of tourist – spring breakers – in Cancun, Mexico. Out of the four components postulated by this theory, realistic threats and intergroup anxiety are dominant constructors of residents' prejudicial attitudes towards tourists. The study's findings also reveal that, perhaps unlike local beliefs about many other types of tourists, residents' perceived threats are closely associated with spring breakers' overt behaviour in the destination.  相似文献   

While many tourists recognize the necessity of responsible tourism, not all respond to it equally. Thus, this study explores behavioral discrepancies in responsible tourism practices with respect to three types of ethical travel issues (economic, socio-cultural, and environmental). An ethical decision-making process that begins with perceived importance of ethical issues (PIE) was examined using a scenario approach based on responses from tourists in South Korea. Results found that (1) tourists responded to specific responsible issues in different ways, (2) PIE was positively related to ethical decision making, and (3) except for economic issues, tourists with more travel experiences were more likely to make ethically favorable decisions. Such findings provide useful information that can help improve upon the limited understanding of the ethical decisions of tourists. Effective communication and management strategies to raise awareness and facilitate responsible tourist behavior are further discussed.  相似文献   

旅游感知风险是影响消费者旅游决策的关键因素, 对感知风险的维度识别与影响因素的研究尤为重要。该研究通过文献分析、预调研、大样本调查和探索性因子分析得出旅游消费者基于损失分类的感知风险维度, 研究发现, 除身体风险、功能风险、财务风险、沟通风险、心理风险、社会风险6个基本感知风险维度外, 还存在服务风险、设施风险和沟通风险3个旅游消费情境下特定的感知风险维度。通过方差分析, 发现在不同的消费者人口统计特征和旅游行为特征下, 各维度的感知风险水平存在显著差异。  相似文献   

湿地公园游客感知价值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游客感知价值作为旅游目的地竞争优势的新来源,已经得到旅游学者的广泛重视。随着湿地公园作为旅游目的地吸引力的不断增强,湿地公园之间的竞争也将日趋激烈,湿地公园游客感知价值成为湿地公园竞争力管理的标准。文章以西溪和溱湖两大湿地公园为案例地,检验湿地公园游客感知价值量表,探讨湿地公园游客感知价值的结构特征。通过探索性和验证性因子分析,研究得到包括23个题项6个维度的游客感知价值量表,6个维度分别是:环境价值、特色价值、服务价值、管理价值、知识教育价值和成本价值。其中,特色价值、管理价值、知识教育价值是湿地公园感知价值的独特维度。溱湖游客对特色价值和知识教育价值的感知显著高于西溪游客。文章最后讨论了研究的理论贡献和管理意义。  相似文献   

Sensory aspects of destinations have recently been in focus as an important dimension in the process of facilitating positive tourist experiences. The countryside embraces local resources rich in multi-sensory stimuli that could be utilized in the planning and marketing of appealing tourist experiences addressed to segments of tourists, while fitting sustainable local development. This study follows a holistic approach to the five external human senses, aiming to capture meaningful sensory-informed themes adequate for segmenting rural tourists. A self-administered survey in four languages was collected from 181 tourists in Southwest Portugal. A multiple correspondence analysis suggests four sensory-informed themes, tentatively named generic beach-related experience, nature-based experience, balanced experience, and rural experience. The proposed themes correspond to a four-solution cluster of tourists presenting different profiles. The largest segment (73 tourists) corresponds to the rural experience, regarding which tourists mainly refer to the taste of local food and the smell of fresh air.  相似文献   


Current research on dark tourism lacks an in-depth investigation of the relationships between the various psychological factors that influence tourist satisfaction. Using the cognitive-affective-behavior system, this paper evaluates a theoretical model that postulates relationships between four constructs, namely: motivation, perceptions of tourism impacts, place attachment, and satisfaction. The study extends the tourism literature on cultural sustainability by showing the psychological connections of domestic tourists to a dark heritage site, and the implications for perceptions of tourism impacts on this heritage. Based on a sample of 414 domestic tourists at a dark heritage site in Elmina, Ghana, PLS-SEM confirmed several inter-relationships among the four constructs. Motivation had a positive relationship with perceptions of positive and negative tourism impacts, suggesting that the tourists who were more motivated to visit the site for cultural/learning experiences were also more inclined to perceive both positive and negative tourism impacts. Implications for dark tourism and how heritage site management can influence tourists’ perceptions of impacts are offered.  相似文献   

海岛人口外流现象严峻,导致海岛发展陷入低迷。对于旅游型海岛而言,随着海岛旅游蓬勃发展,旅游者涉入将为海岛增添活力。本文将旅游者滞留时间融入到目的地社会时间系统中,提出旅游人口数与目的地社会年龄的概念与公式。以长海县为例,采用2006—2018年统计数据与2019年调查问卷数据,定量分析旅游者对海岛人口活力的影响。结果表明:(1)旅游人口作为短期流动人口,对旅游目的地人口活力具有明显影响。不仅有助于扩大目的地人口规模,还会暂时改变目的地年龄结构。此外,旅游者登岛后海岛人口活力空间范围更大。(2)将旅游人口考虑在内的目的地社会年龄是旅游目的地人口活力的衡量指标,据此可定量研究旅游者对目的地人口活力的影响,为人口活力研究提出可度量的逻辑途径。(3)一方面,旅游者是海岛人口的实际构成部分,旅游者与海岛居民共同构成海岛人口活力。同时,岛外旅游者个体行为、价值观、生活方式等与当地岛民文化的碰撞过程中,增强海岛人口的精神活力;另一方面,旅游者通过消费活动产生的旅游收入为海岛建设做出贡献,吸引新的旅游者、年轻海岛居民、外来务工人员登岛,间接提升海岛人口活力。  相似文献   

把握影响游客感知价值的关键因素,有助于促进旅游目的地竞争力的提升。以广西北海银滩国家级旅游度假区为研究区域,采用携程旅行网北海银滩游客网络评论资料作为研究样本,运用扎根理论方法构建包括5个主范畴和18个对应范畴的滨海游客感知价值影响因素模型,并运用复杂系统的决策实验和评估实验法(Decision making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory,DEMATEL)模型构建滨海游客感知价值影响因素的关系矩阵,识别影响滨海游客感知价值的关键因素。研究发现:资源和环境、管理和保护、设施和服务、情感和成本价值构成了滨海旅游目的地游客感知价值的重要维度,天气条件、海滩规模、海滩管理和保护、游客愉悦感、游客娱乐体验项目、旅游基础设施及服务是影响滨海旅游目的地游客感知价值的关键因素。据此提出促进我国滨海旅游目的地游客感知价值提升的相关建议。  相似文献   

游客恢复性环境感知作为联结旅游体验和健康的重要环节,是游客与旅游地环境交融形成的综合性体验,是游客管理研究的新视角,但游客恢复性环境感知对游后行为意向的积极效用还未得到深入理解。文章从注意恢复理论出发,应用Mehrabian-Rusell模型,探讨游客恢复性感知、满意度对游后行为意向的影响及游客涉入的调节作用。通过问卷调查收集数据,得到547个有效样本,使用结构方程建模。研究发现:游客功能类恢复性感知(一致性、新奇)正向影响情感类恢复性感知(迷人、兼容性、逃逸);兼容性比迷人对满意度的正向影响更大;新奇比逃逸对游后行为意向的正向影响更大;兼容性与满意度在"一致性、新奇-游后行为意向"的结构中有多重链式中介作用;迷人、兼容性对满意度的影响受游客涉入的正调节。游客恢复性感知对游后行为意向的影响过程表现为"环境刺激认知-情感-意向"三阶段传递机制。最后讨论了上述发现对目的地营销与管理的启示。  相似文献   

Using the theoretical lens of social capital, this paper examines the role of small tourist food businesses and their impact on the sustainability of the destination and local food supply chains. The paper analyses the experiences of small business owner-managers highlighting the complex and subtle nature of the socially responsible strategies used to progress sustainability in a tourist destination. The findings show that authentic lifestyles, motivated by intrinsic not just extrinsic rewards, are driving disruptive social change upstream and downstream in the tourist food supply chain. Small food business owner-managers are catalysts for “common” good, and as supporters for ethical and sustainable food chains have considerable local tourism influence and impact. Social capital strengthens their sense of destination ownership and fuels an obligation to protect their fragile tourist resources. The intersection between social capital, authenticity and responsibility among small food businesses in the tourist industry is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This study examines the perceptions of the potential tourist market to a nature-based resort destination from the gendered perspective. The research reveals that significant gender differences exist about the perceived importance of destination attributes and travel values when potential nature tourists consider destination choices. After controlling for demographic and travel behaviour variables, such as age, marital status, education, household income, preference of price quote and length of stay, most gender differences remain significant. In addition, more significant distinctions between men and women are demonstrated after controlling for age and income level. The study provides insights into gendered perceptions of nature-based tourism settings. Specific marketing implications are discussed in an attempt to successfully attract nature tourists and provide a high-quality nature destination experience.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the association between food souvenirs and a destination. Most related studies focused on locally consumed food while this study aims at food that can act as a souvenir. Food image plays an important role in shaping destination brand and perceived tourist value, which consequently contributes to purchase intention for food souvenirs. In short, the study examines how local food consumption improves perceived tourist value, which eventually contributes to tourists' intention to purchase food-related souvenirs. 355 tourists who purchased brown sugar steamed cake while visiting Penghu Island in Taiwan were surveyed. The study performed structural equation modeling to test the mediating effects of destination brand and perceived tourist value on souvenir food image prompting purchase intention for food souvenirs. The findings indicate that food souvenirs image contributes more strongly through perceived tourist value than through destination brand.  相似文献   

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