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Suzhou is located in the center of the Yangtze Delta, in the south of Jiangsu province. Since 42% area of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, Suzhou is praised as the "Oriental Venice". Together with its mild climate making it an available destination all year round, fertile landscape and abundance of produce, it is no wonder that Suzhou is called "paradise on earth".  相似文献   

Pakistan is a special interest destination. Its main attractions include adventure tourism in the Northern Areas, cultural and archaeological tourism as found in Taxila, Moenjodaro, Harrappa, and early Muslim and Mughal heritage at Multan, Lahore, Thatta, Peshawar, Swat. Besides this, birds watching Jeep safaris, desert safaris, trekking and mountaineering are readily available tourist specialized products.  相似文献   

Remaining as one of the most pleasant and hassle-free countries in Southeast Asia, Malaysia attracts a huge number of tourists from around the world every year due to its splendid tropical beach resorts, golden sandy beaches, magnificent rainforests pluralist culture and brilliant shopping bargains.  相似文献   

朱慧 《商界领袖》2004,(6):60-62
苏州的景德路上,一家挨一家的乐器店几乎占据了整个街道,使人在不知不觉中穿越历史,似乎又回到了”处处楼前飘管吹”的莺歌燕舞时代。经济繁荣带动歌舞戏曲的发展,歌舞戏曲又带动了乐器的生产。唐代以后的苏州,各类手工业作坊比比皆是,苏州乐器进入它的全盛时期。  相似文献   

湖北是水资源大省,其得天独厚的水利资源条件,既福祉荆楚大地,也蕴涵着博大精深的水文化。以地质地貌的本质特征、万山来朝的灵秀特色、人水和谐的人文特色作为三条线索,试论湖北旅游丰富的旅游资源精粹,以及其中蕴涵的源远流长的水文化,揭示了湖北旅游颇具亮点的水文化特征,在青山绿水之间,追寻湖北旅游与水文化的有机结合。分析了湖北水利政策为实现灵秀湖北向旅游强省跨越提供有力支撑,得出的结论是,随着湖北旅游对水文化挖掘的深入,以及湖北水利设施建设的完善,以水文化为特色之一的湖北旅游势必有更加广阔的光明前景。  相似文献   

试论江苏区域旅游文化资源的开发与整合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了江苏省地域文化的特点,并针对江苏省旅游业发展中存在的问题,提出了深入发掘其旅游文化资源特色,在开发中进行整合,使江苏旅游形象更加突出和鲜明,从而推动江苏旅游业的全面可持续发展的策略。  相似文献   

The mountains and rivers are the most beautiful scenery in the world,among which the first one is Yangshuo.  相似文献   

通往成功的方法有很多种,对于广告人来说,除了机遇和坚持,很大一部分成功的因素,则取决于你是否有尝试的勇气,高速发展的中国广告市场中,还有太多的机遇和未知。在这片被称为满天飞舞着钞票的土地上,理性的发展已经渐渐成为主流,中国广告人的冒险之旅,似乎正渐渐成为往事。[编者按]  相似文献   

江苏水文化旅游资源开发初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴芙蓉 《江苏商论》2006,(12):56-58
江苏省文化旅游资源以水为胜,要实现我省文化旅游的可持续发展,关键是把握水文化核心,深挖水文化内涵,突出区域文化特色。  相似文献   

王文 《中国品牌》2014,(11):88-91
一座座万达文化旅游城的落成,都代表着万达在没有天花板的文化产业中的一次前进。从民族文化自信的重塑中探寻与世界融合的发展模式,万达意欲创建一个具有世界影响力的中国文化品牌。  相似文献   

王阳 《新财富》2012,(5):29-30
结合了“农业”和“旅游”的休闲农业,成为逃离城市钢筋水泥渴望的释放点,成功延长农业产业链的同时,也面临着投资周期长的考验。  相似文献   

Nature lovers will certainly enjoy the golden beaches of the Baltic Sea coast in the north and the rocky peaks of the Tatra Montains in the south. Water sports fans will love the Great Masurian Lakes and hikers will feel happy on the Bieszczady trails, amidst the wilderness of that green mountain range. They may encounter a bison, the Europe‘s biggest animal, living in its natural habitat that occupies a part of the Bialowieza primeval forest, enjoy pleasures of photo-safari in the unique Biebrza River Marshes or the thrilling experience of rafting through the Dunajec Gorge. Keen hikers can venture a climb to the tops of shifting dunes in the Slowinski National Park.  相似文献   


2008 is a year full of policy changes for the real estate market. On the one hand, real estate policies were launched one after another, most frequent in recent years. On the other hand, a major policy ' shift was emerging, most evident in financial and fiscal policies.  相似文献   

As one of the largest producers of bakery goods in Poland, the Mamut Bakery and Pastry Coopertaive Plants (Mamut) has been active in the Chinese market since 2005. United China Consultants Ltd.(UCC) signed a contract with Mamut in 2006 to become its marketing adviser and help introduce its products into China. 1.The Problems and Barriers Mamut Faced in 2005  相似文献   

我国经济的发展离不开一些支柱产业,很大程度上是建立在支柱产业之上,随着旅游产业的不断发展壮大,目前旅游产业也已经形成了自身的发展基础,成为了支撑我国经济快速增长的一个支柱型产业。我国很多的省份和一些旅游资源丰富的地区相继开始了开发旅游项目的热潮,旅游产业成为了很多地区发展的重点产业,但是,在对旅游行业进行开发的过程中出现了一些问题需要快速的解决,比如说资金的问题,这些问题是制约旅游开发最大的障碍,也是旅游产业能否发展最重要的一个因素,由于旅游是我国支柱产业,需要对发生的问题采取必要的措施,比如,国家和企业的合作,以此更好的发展旅游项目产业。使后来居上者有一个很好的借鉴和在发展中出现的问题有一个更好的思路。  相似文献   

Imagine watching a traditional bullfight, or the classic opera Carmen in China? You may be confused since they are both Spanish, but yes, they are all on the schedule. Both Spain and China are working together to deepen cooperation in a variety of areas.[第一段]  相似文献   

Egypt is unique in the world with seven thousand years of recorded history. A country of continuous cultures, beginning at the dawn of history, through thousands of years of Pharaonic rule, its own Greco-Roman period, the rise of Christianity, Islam, and now becomes a modern country of rich diversity.  相似文献   

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