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试论我国经济发展中的“知识失业”问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
“知识失业”是指受过高等教育的劳动力处于不得其用的一种状态。在我国经济发展的现阶段 ,“知识失业”也开始浮现。本文在对我国知识失业的现状及其发展趋势进行计量预测的基础上 ,对知识失业的社会影响及其成因进行了探讨 ,并结合中国就业环境的约束条件 ,提出减弱知识失业的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国传媒集团化改革中对媒介产业作为知识密集型产业的性质重视不够,在组建媒介集团和集团治理上没有采取相应措施,造成知识问题成为我国传媒集团化的内生性障碍。本文提出在传媒集团改革中让知识和所有者权利相匹配,促进我国传媒业的发展。  相似文献   

随着国家的发展,我国经济实力越来越雄厚,金融业也发展为我国市场经济的重要部分。高中生也可进行金融知识的学习,在进行知识的学习时,要注重学习的生活化。知识的学习意义是知识的运用,学习的生活化可以提高学生的知识运用能力,将学习回归生活是新的学习理念。文章对高中生金融知识学习生活化的方法进行研究,通过对金融知识的内容及学习方法的介绍,指出金融知识学习生活化的意义,旨在提高高中生学习金融知识生活化的意识和运用能力。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入,我国的经济发展突飞猛进,现在已经进入知识经济时代。在我们的日常生活正,越来越多的充斥着知识产品,而知识产品有着与其他产品所不同的特性,这就对知识产品广告提出了挑战。本文通过回顾广告在我国的发展史,发现现有广告中存在的问题,结合知识产品的特点,提出在知识产品营销时代广告需做的变革。  相似文献   

会计师事务所是以知识和智慧为依托的企业,是知识型企业,知识是会计师事务所的立足之本、服务之源,所以,以知识为核心的特点决定了对会计师事务所知识管理的研究与实践显得尤为重要。随着我国会计市场的逐渐开放,国外诸多着名会计师事务所进入我国,我国会计师事务所要想在竞争中赢得优势,知识管理实施效果的好坏起着十分重要的作用。本文运用模糊综合评价理论与层次分析理论,通过建立会计师事务所的多级模糊综合评价模型以实现对会计师事务所知识管理绩效的评价。  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的提升,金融环境也在随时发生变化。我国的股票行业较为发达,这与个人投资者的理财知识密不可分。为了了解个人投资者的财务知识与股票收益之间的确切关系,笔者针对投资者所拥有的财务知识会对股票收益产生怎样的影响进行了细致的分析。文章从投资者个人财务知识的掌握情况角度出发,并了解了国内外对该种情况的研究现状。文章中深入分析了个人财务知识可以对股票收益造成影响的相关原因,并阐述了个人财务知识对股票收益所产生的具体影响。  相似文献   

不同于国内外既有基于贸易角度的国际研发知识外溢研究,文章在价值链国际分工背景下,重点关注了制造业细分行业研发知识存量异质性对国际知识外溢的影响。主要结论表明:只有在与国际研发知识存量资源相结合的情况下,价值链国际分工网络渠道的进一步扩张及由此形成的研发知识溢出,才能够真正体现出价值链国际分工对我国制造业部门劳动生产率水平提升的促进作用,且是价值链国际分工影响我国制造业部门效率水平提升非常稳定的作用机制。  相似文献   

本文首先通过对知识共享内涵的梳理,界定知识共享的含义,并由此提出知识型员工实现知识共享对提高企业服务创新绩效的重要作用。其次,在对知识共享意义探讨的基础上,提出鼓励知识型员工积极共享知识,以全面提高企业服务创新绩效的相关建议。希望本文提出的可操作性建议能够为我国企业鼓励知识型员工共享知识提供有效的借鉴。  相似文献   

在全球化宏观经济背景下,随着科学技术的日新月异,知识对经济增长的贡献度不断提升,知识密集型服务业在国民经济增长中的作用越来越显著。本文论述了全球生产网络与知识密集型服务业的涵义,针对知识密集型服务产业存在的问题,提出了促进我国知识密集型服务业转型升级的建议。  相似文献   

知识转移是知识管理的一种有效形式,而知识产权在本质上是知识资本。知识转移与知识产权战略具有内在一致性。在知识转移过程中要加强知识产权战略,而在知识产权战略实施过程中需要充分发挥知识转移的功能。知识转移与知识产权战略的相关性分析揭示了二者的内在一致性,解析了知识转移对知识产权战略的促进功能,从而为我国企业知识产权战略的实施提供了策略性的指导。  相似文献   

技术性贸易壁垒的效应及我国企业的对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈伟  姜钰 《商业研究》2005,(8):111-114
发达国家凭借经济和技术优势,设立起来的技术性贸易壁垒已经威胁到发展中国家的传统优势产业的贸易。通过对技术性贸易壁垒的效应分析,了解技术性贸易壁垒在抑制进口方面的作用及它在发达国家和发展中国家的非平等性,进而提出我国作为发展中国家应如何应对技术性贸易壁垒的一些建议  相似文献   

舒先林 《商业研究》2004,(4):158-161
在当今国际贸易中,许多国家特别是发达国家频繁地将基于WTO规则的环境贸易壁垒作为新的贸易保护手段和政策加以运用。环境贸易壁垒表现形式多种多样,其实质是发达国家对发展中国家设置的贸易屏障,使之在国际贸易中遭受进出口双重贸易障碍。中国作为WTO最大的发展中国家成员,必须制定跨越环境贸易壁垒的应对战略。  相似文献   

In this paper I quantitatively address the role of trade barriers in explaining why prices of services relative to tradables are positively correlated with levels of development across countries. I argue that trade barriers play a crucial role in shaping the cross-country pattern of specialization across many tradable goods. I construct a multi-country, general equilibrium model of trade and derive tractable predictions that show how specialization affects relative prices. I calibrate the model to match the patterns of prices, levels of development, and bilateral trade across 103 countries. Through counterfactuals I find that removing trade barriers eliminates more than half of the gap in the relative price of services between rich and poor countries with only a minimal systematic effect on the absolute price of tradables.  相似文献   

The last five decades have witnessed a profound evolution of economic policy in developing countries, particularly in the case of trade strategies. Both internal, as well as external, factors have prompted the need for more outward‐oriented (or liberalised) trade policy regimes. The creation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947 and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995 have been important driving forces for free trade. Since then, the major quantitative barriers to trade, i.e. tariffs and non‐tariff barriers (quotas, licences and technical specifications, among other restrictions), have substantially been reduced or dismantled. Also, the progress towards more liberalised trade regimes, mainly in developing countries, has been manifested in the trade and development literature. Major studies suggest that the performance of more outward‐oriented economies is superior to that of those countries pursuing more inward‐looking trade practices (Greenaway and Nam, 1988; Dollar, 1992; Sachs and Warner, 1995; and Rodríguez and Rodrik, 2000). Recent developments in the international trade literature focus on the potential dynamic effects of trade liberalisation, i.e. simplification of tariff structures and elimination of non‐tariff barriers, in reducing the incentives to rent seeking and in accelerating the flow of technical knowledge from the world market. Moreover, there have been important advances regarding the study of trade liberalisation and its impact on exports, imports and the balance of payments, largely neglected in the literature, often driven by supply‐side considerations.  相似文献   

国际健康服务贸易的兴起给发展中国家带来了贸易获利的机会,但也会对其国民健康体系造成冲击并加剧本已存在的健康服务不平等问题。按照GATS对国际服务贸易的定义,国际健康服务贸易相应也有四种模式,不同的模式发生的动因有所不同,其对发展中国家带来的经济影响也有差异。发展中国家如何促进其健康服务贸易发展并缓解健康服务不平等问题,要考虑健康服务贸易的政策壁垒,从公共政策和贸易政策方面进行调整。  相似文献   

本文建立了技术性贸易壁垒对进口国经济影响的综合分析模型,同时以中国与欧盟鞋类制品贸易为例建立了大国模型,该模型与PhilipL.Paarlberge和JohnG.Lee(1998)的口蹄疫经济分析模型在分析视角上有很大的不同。分析结果表明,从全局来看,进口国设置过当的或歧视性的技术性贸易壁垒是得不偿失的。本文还建立了技术性贸易壁垒对出口国经济效应的分析模型,得到了两个弹性系数条件,条件分析说明:在一般情况下,进口国提高技术性贸易壁垒的门槛(符合成本)将使本国厂商利润不断增加,外国出口厂商的利润不断下降。在特别情况下,进口国也可通过控制本国厂商的符合成本,达到上述目的。  相似文献   

It is of paramount importance to expand the trade of less developed countries (LDCs). The Federal Government of Germany, being fully aware of this vital need, has created a number of effective instruments designed specifically to promote imports from these countries. The policy underlying all these measures is one of progressively liberallsing foreign trade by the removal of barriers obstructing that trade.  相似文献   

许海清 《商业研究》2007,(5):154-156
尽管2005年1月1日全球纺织品配额的取消给我国纺织品出口带来了福音,出口市场扩大了,出口量增加了。但是,随之而来的中欧、中美纺织品贸易摩擦又将中国拉回了配额时代。因为中国纺织品强大的国际竞争力,无可比拟的出口能力,发达国家和发展中国家仍会设置种种贸易壁垒,保护本国国内市场。我国企业应冷静面对出口新壁垒,采取有效措施积极应对。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the potential impacts of services trade liberalisation on developing countries and reviews existing quantitative studies. Its purpose is to distill themes from current literature rather than to advocate specific policy changes. The picture emerging is one of valiant attempts to quantify in the presence of formidable analytical and data problems yielding only a clouded image of likely impacts on trade, consumption, production and welfare emerging to the point that the policy implications of results are not always clear. A central intuition would seem to be that with genuine two‐sided (OECD/non‐OECD) liberalisation in services that are seemingly considerably labour‐intensive in delivery, the potential should be there for significant developing country gains from global liberalisation allowing full cross‐border delivery. However, this picture is neither fully endorsed by available studies, neither is it explicitly contradicted. This seems to be the case for a number of reasons. One difficulty with the studies is that the conceptual underpinnings of what determines trade in services and how this trade differs analytically from that of trade in goods (if at all) is an issue prior to assessments of impacts of liberalisation of trade in services on developing countries being discussed. Key issues here are the treatment of mobility for service providers (both firms and workers), and the differing analytical structures needed to analyse individual service items (banking, insurance, telecoms, etc.). Some recent analytical work suggests that liber‐alisation in some service items, such as banking, need not always yield gains, and this contrasts with quantitative studies where analytical structures mirror conventional trade in goods treatments. The discussion and measurement of barriers to service trade in both developed and developing countries is also problematic. One is talking of domestic regulation, entry barriers, portability of providers, competition policy regimes more so than only barriers at national borders, as with tariffs. Both representing and quantifying such barriers raise major difficulties, and these are also spelled out in the paper. Which barriers actually restrict trade, and which do not because they are redundant is one issue, for instance. It is also often misleading to represent barriers in simple ad valorem equivalent form. As a result, numerical modelling work on the effects of service trade barriers which is based on ad valorem equivalent modelling is often not fully convincing. In addition, individual country results vary considerably across studies in ways that it is frequently hard for outsiders to understand. Studies do, however, point towards a tentative conclusion that effects are small and positive for developed and most developing countries if FDI flow changes accompanying service trade liberalisation are excluded from the analysis, but much larger and more variable across countries if they are present. This could be taken to suggest that mode 3 GATS liberalisation (roughly captured in some studies) might be important for developing countries; but mode 4 GATS liberalisation could be even more important given large barriers to labour flows across countries. Thus, if service trade liberalisation is thought of primarily as a surrogate for improved functioning of global factor markets in which more capital flows to developing countries and more labour flows from them to developed countries, then developing countries could benefit in a major way from genuine two‐sided (OECD/non‐OECD) liberalisation. Developing countries fear, however, that in global negotiations on services liberalisation where there is an asymmetry of power that largely one‐sided liberalisation may be the outcome, and their gains will be correspondingly limited. The paper concludes by evaluating econometric studies on linkage between services liberalisation and country growth rules, and briefly discusses some key sectoral issues in health services and transportation.  相似文献   

汽车制造业应对国外技术性贸易壁垒的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO后过渡期到来,中国汽车制造业面临的国外技术性贸易壁垒成为非关税壁垒的主要内容之一.文章简述了主要发达国家为保护汽车业而设计的技术性贸易壁垒,并提出几点中国汽车制造业应对国外技术性贸易壁垒的策略建议,提出应借鉴国外的保护性措施,构建一种有效的管理体制,提升该行业的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

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