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This study investigated the views of travelers’ choices of informal accommodations, Airbnb in Hong Kong from the perspectives of three stakeholders. A qualitative approach was applied, both interviews and focus group discussions were conducted. A total of 69 participants shared their views on why users choose Airbnb over traditional hotels. The findings highlighted that hoteliers and Airbnb users presented different rankings on the determinants of accommodation choice. The implications of the destination image and the population density were discussed. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for any city/country where has a similar cultural background and population density.  相似文献   

靓「甫士」是讀者园地栏目,欢迎大家一齐玩考考您的眼光。請您猜猜哪张照片是本月的「最醒神甫士」,下期便可知道您是否独具慧眼。  相似文献   

在探险活动中,往往会出现一些麻烦——比如1999年10月底到11月初韩国登山队在珠峰遇到的那次。也许那次不能算是“很大的麻烦”,但是他们确实需要援救。援救工作本身不能算是探险活动。它只是一种“义举”——区别于“义务”。援救队员却必须是探险队伍中的精英,他们面临的考验和所承受的压力比探险队员大得多,援救——并非“天降奇兵”的神话。  相似文献   

1999年9月10日,韩国登山队到达珠峰东坡下面的卡达乡。 1999年9月12日,韩国登山队到达6400米的一号营地。 1999年9月15日,从该日起,珠峰东坡地区开始下雪。545O米前进营地雪深18O厘米,6400米的一号营地雪深300厘米,535O米的大本营雪深12O厘米,因此所有成员返回大本营等待救援。 10月20日,韩国驻华大使接到一个韩国登山队从珠穆朗玛峰大本营地打来的求援电话。与此同时,  相似文献   

1997年像一位新人,远远地正蜗娥地向我们走来。随着她的即将来到,全球的旅游者们都正在认真考虑着自己明年的新去向,旅游业界的同行们也正在精心谋划着自己企业明年的业务业务开展。为了有利于我们的读者朋友,尽管截至本文发稿日止,明年中国旅游年的新闻发布会还未召开但本刊编者还是特意从中国国家旅游局采访到了有关明年“′97中国旅游年”的重要消息。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to consider adaptive processes in relation to the constraints that limit leisure in late life. Interview data gathered from a purposive sample of 20 male and female retirees involved in a ‘Learning in Retirement’ programme were used to identify constraints, responses to constraints and the personal meanings of both. Results indicated a variety of emotional and behavioural responses to constraints suggesting five prominent behavioural themes and three emotional themes. Behavioural responses were grouped into: (1) reducing and eliminating; (2) persistence with commitment; (3) constraint as ‘project’; (4) substitution; and (5) exploration and self‐discovery. Emotional reactions ranged from the initial frustration to acceptance and even gratitude for the possibilities that remain. Findings are discussed in terms of the models of constraint negotiation and selective optimisation reported in the literature; but they also indicate that constraints may lead to responses that are not only personally beneficial but are also novel and transformative to some extent.  相似文献   

This paper examines the introduction, adaptation and popularisation of karaoke singing in the UK. Based on ethnographic field research and interviews conducted in both Japan and the UK, the paper traces the various pathways through which karaoke hardware and software were first introduced and marketed in the UK and the social contexts and entertainment venues within which karaoke has been popularised. The ‘domestication’ of karaoke in the UK is treated as a complex and multifaceted process involving both ‘cultural’ factors related to existing traditions of singing and amateur performance, notions of individual public ‘display’ and musical preferences, for example, and the ‘local’ economic and regulatory environment into which karaoke had been adapted. As a contribution to the discourse on the relationship between ‘global’ and ‘local’ forces in cultural flows, it is argued that although Japanese karaoke producers may have been successful in globalising the karaoke concept, its popularisation as a leisure activity in the UK has involved the localisation of the production, distribution and uses of karaoke hardware and software.  相似文献   

利用各种节日庆典与纪念活动举办大型专项旅游活动,广泛开展旅游促销,已成为国际上的一种普遍做法。近年来,不少国家都把举办“观光年”作为自己扩大客源的招徕手段,我国各地举办的节会和大型旅游活动也十分频繁。近来,学术界和旅游工作者都十分注意此一问题,尤其是有的活动如海市蜃楼转瞬即逝,或耗资巨大而收效甚微,更引起了人们对此的深思。这样的活动究竟如何办才对旅游业的发展更有价值呢?笔者曾有幸以记者身份参加过’92北京旅游黄金年的  相似文献   


This research note puts forward a conceptual framework for leisure research seeking to bring sport, fathering, and race and ethnicity together. It draws on theoretical ideas of practices and racial projects to develop the notion of racial fathering practices. The potential of racial fathering practices as an analytic approach is indicated through three vignettes of fathers’ involvement in their children’s sporting activities drawn from in-depth interview studies of fathers’ understandings of bringing up their mixed-race children in Britain and Aotearoa New Zealand.  相似文献   

Green marketing should appeal to the needs and desires of environmentally concerned customers. The aim of this study was to investigate hotel customers’ perceptions of hotels’ green marketing strategies. A questionnaire containing 30 statements was used to gauge respondents’ perceptions of different hotel green marketing strategies. Using exploratory factor analysis to identify interpretable orthogonal factors, five factors were identified and interpreted: (1) Green Partnership; (2) Development of Green Products and Services; (3) Genuine Green Products and Services; (4) Higher Price for Green Products and Services; and (5) Credibility of Green Promotion. Independent t-tests and one-way analysis of variance were conducted to examine significant differences between hotel customers’ ratings of the importance of the identified factors according to demographic variables. This is one of the first research studies to examine green marketing in the hotel industry. The discussion of the findings includes some practical implications to help hotel marketers implement more effective green marketing strategies.  相似文献   


In this paper, we draw on research conducted in Wales to consider reasons for participation and non-participation in sport and physical activity among Black and minoritised ethnic (BME) groups. This study exposes the challenge at the heart of sports policy in relation to ‘race’ and ethnicity in Wales that, if not addressed, may lead to the marginalisation of attempts to increase BME participation in sport and physical activity despite good intent. It points to a disjuncture between supply and demand and leads us to question the extent to which such policies resonate with the interests, needs and lived experiences of people from different BME communities in Wales. We draw on testimonies of policy-makers and implementers, as well as individuals from various BME communities in five regions of Wales, to consider the extent to which national sports policy encourages strategies to increase participation among different ethnic groups. We suggest that increasing participation among BME communities and other ‘hard-to-reach’ groups must go beyond accounting for the supply aspects of sport and physical activity to consider more critically the plethora of barriers and exclusions facing many BME communities. We conclude by arguing that for racial inequalities to be reduced, and promises such as ‘sport for all’ to be realised, the analysis of policy needs to be related to broader relations of power in the culture of both sport and society.  相似文献   

Using findings obtained from an evaluation of the ‘Girls on the Move’ Leadership Programme in Scotland, this paper assesses the impact physical activity leadership courses and leading physical activities had on young women’s global self-esteem. While research has shown that engagement in youth development activities can contribute to an individual’s self-esteem, less is known about the impact of youth leadership on young people’s self-esteem. Based on pre-course and six-month follow-up surveys and using the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, it was found that increases in global self-esteem scores were highest in those that maintained an involvement in leading activities. The self-esteem of those attending training but not taking on leadership responsibilities remained largely unchanged. The findings indicate that youth leadership development has the power to make important contributions to the development of young people and youth development professionals should seek to provide meaningful leadership experiences for young people.  相似文献   

1992年是中国旅游业发生卓著变化的一年。在各级党委和政府的领导和有关方面的支持下,通过旅游战线广大员工的奋发努力,成功地举办了观光年活动,推动旅游事业更加繁荣兴旺。1992年来华旅游入境总人数达3811.61万人,比上年增长14.3%,其中外国人达400.65万人,增长47.8%;全国有组织接待的海外旅游者达632.64万人,比上年增长28%;全国旅游外汇收入达  相似文献   

The expansion of booking hotel rooms online has changed the booking process in the hotel market environment. This investigation evaluates Egyptians’ attitude as an overall inclination towards booking hotel rooms online. It consists of two phases: a focus group phase and a survey phase. Initially, focus groups were formed for the purpose of identifying general perceptions of Egyptians with respect to the use of hotel booking websites. Information generated from the focus group study contributed toward questionnaire (survey) development. Results suggest that Egyptians generally show positive attitudes towards booking hotel rooms online. The implication for hotel brands is that they should focus on making the experience of online booking safer in order to convert non-bookers to bookers. This is important because the safety features of online booking (secure transactions, privacy of information, and online fraud) appear to be more important than the usability features (convenience, usefulness, ease of use, and efficiency) for nonbookers.  相似文献   

对’96北方旅游交易会的设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对’96北方旅游交易会的设想何焕臻(天津市旅游局)天津对北方各省旅游协作一直是十分积极的,这次出发来山西开会前,我们便依预备会的精神初步草拟了一个明年在天津举办"'%中国北方旅游交易会"的方案。这次交易会拟争取北万十省市区旅游局和旅游协会共同发起,拟...  相似文献   

A Confucian Analysis of Chinese Tourists’ Motivations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies to date of Chinese tourists as new consumers in the travel marketplace have been largely framed in the context of Western theories. This study initiates a qualitative inquiry to develop a conceptual framework for understanding Chinese tourists’ motivations. The study is informed by Confucian doctrines and extant motivation theories, and substantiated by empirical findings from 79 in-depth interviews. Seen from the perspective of Confucianism, the framework illustrates that the motivations of Chinese tourists arise as a result of the gaps between the Way (the ideal end-state) and ways (the actual state). Tourism is a functional means to bridging multiple gaps perceived in inner as well as outer cultivation. Four conceptual themes are examined as propositions from the framework.  相似文献   

東陽,位於浙江省的中部,是浙江省著名的「百工之鄕」,有土布印染,有編織,有木雕……,其中尤以木雕工藝知名。在中國的旅遊名勝地的園林、寺觀、賓館、酒店和好多古代建築中,幾乎都可以見到東陽木雕的「作品」。 木雕「博物館」設在公園內 東陽原來是一個古老的縣,這幾年剛剛改為「市」,但市區仍以吳寧鎮為中心。市區有一座叫「藝海」的公園,不算  相似文献   

随着我国政治经济形势的稳定好转,1990年我国旅游业得到了很快的恢复和发展。1至11月,来华入境旅游者2505.83万人。比1989年同期增长12.8%,超出1989年全年2.3%;全国有组织接待海外旅游者达394.48万人,比1989年同期增长32.0%,超出1989年全年22.2%;其中外国人  相似文献   

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