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目前,世界各国普遍认同FDI对东道国经济发展的推动作用,我国40年来经济的迅速发展得益于外商直接投资的大量流入。虽然我国FDI流入量呈逐年上升趋势,但增长速度却呈现出疲软态势,而印度、东南亚及非洲、拉丁美洲等一些国家和地区成为FDI区位转移的意向地。本文针对我国吸引FDI优势不断弱化的现象,认为我国需要以市场规模、技术、市场完善、吸引高层次多元化投资为着力点,再次激发我国吸引投资优势。  相似文献   

杜美霞 《中国市场》2014,(24):11-12
国内外各种因素共同刺激了中国对外直接投资(FDI)的快速增长,随着中国对外直接投资日益增加,其区位分布备受关注。作为发展中国家的中国,其FDI与发达国家相比,有其特殊性:我国进行FDI过程中,大量的中国投资进入资源丰富的发展中国家,同时部分投资进入技术先进的发达国家。本文在分析一般FDI区位选择的基础上,针对性地探讨我国在进行FDI时的区位选择。  相似文献   

随着全球金融危机不断深入,整体经济衰退、增长前景不明、投资者信心不足背景下,由于2008年全球股市和投资形势极度受挫,2009年对实体经济的影响进一步显现,全球FDI将受到很大的影响。中国作为全球最大的国际直接投资接受国,FDI在中国经济中的作用是无庸置疑的。让我们从全球的FDI现状进行分析,为中国2009年的FDI寻求更好的发展。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速增长,我国外商直接投资(FDI)的数量也日益增长。本文阐述了我国外商直接投资的现状,说明目前所存在的问题,并提出了我国FDI的一些建议。  相似文献   

FDI(外商直接投资)是现代的资本国际化的主要形式之一,按照国际贷币基金组织的定义FDI是指:在投资人以外的国家所经营的企业拥有持续利益的一种投资,其目的在于对该企业的经营管理具有发言权。跨国公司是FDI的主要形式。到1999年为止,5.5万跨国公司约有5.5万亿美元资产。且跨国公司的投资主要是在发达国家之间,且基本上分布于日本,美国,欧盟三极之中。日本早前的FDI主要投资于东南亚,80年代后,80%投资于美国,20%投资于欧洲。现在为中国的第三大外资来源国。从1997年亚洲金融危机以来,对外投资趋缓。  相似文献   

刘舒杨 《商》2014,(25):115-115
本文对改革开放过程中外商直接投资的经济作用进行理论分析。通过分析中国利用FDI的现状,结合非公有制经济的飞速发展,尝试探讨了FDI和产权结构之间的关系。结果表明FDI对于中国经济增长的溢出效应和产权结构有显著关系,国有企业减弱了FDI的作用,而非公有制内资企业促进了FDI的作用。本文最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

区域内FDI(对外直接投资)代表着区域经济一体化的程度。以东亚主要国家在区域内的FDI占其对外投资总额的比重作为衡量标准,从纵向和横向两个角度比较日本、中国与欧盟的FDI状况,以此揭示东亚一体化的现状,进而分析影响东亚区域内FDI的主要因素。  相似文献   

随着全球产业的升级,FDI集聚已经逐渐成为推动全球化的主要动力之一。欧盟作为经济联合体,近年来,其内部的经济实力不断加大,成员国的数量也持续增加,吸收FDI总量也一直攀升,已经成为外商直接投资的主要集中地。然而,欧盟成员国内部的FDI的分布并不均匀。本文根据欧盟国家吸收FDI数据,对其FDI集聚现况进行了分析。  相似文献   

中国-东盟自由贸易区的FDI效应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文研究中国-东盟自由贸易区的FDI效应,清晰界定了研究对象的概念,提出两层次投资创造与投资转移模型,分析了中国及东盟地区FDI的现状与趋势,指出投资创造与区外对区内的投资转移将是未来中国一东盟自由贸易区FDI效应的主导因素,在此基础上提出中国的应对策略。  相似文献   

FDI、金融发展与地区经济差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用中国29个省份1987~2007年的面板数据,考察了金融市场发展在推动FDI促进经济增长中的作用,以及这种作用在各个地区之间的差异。实证结果显示:在全国范围内,金融发展本身虽能促进经济的增长,但是其水平还未达到推动FDI促进经济增长的要求。在东部地区,金融市场对FDI经济增长效应产生了显著的促进作用,而在中、西部地区金融发展却没有成为推动FDI促进经济增长的良性机制。文章还同时分析了国内投资、人力资本投资、贸易开放度以及政府支出等变量对地区经济增长的影响。最后,在实证分析的基础上提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

中国吸引外资对东南亚国家吸引外资影响的实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国吸引外资的浪潮引起了人们普遍的忧虑,中国吸引外资是否会导致流入东南亚国家的外资逐渐减少。本文在假定外资的供应是有弹性的前提下,利用对外投资区位决定因素的模型和固定效应分析方法来检验中国吸引外资与东南亚经济体吸引外资间的关系。结果显示在1986年至2001年间,中国吸引外资的增长实际上提高了邻国经济吸引外资的能力,而不是排挤了邻国外资的流入。  相似文献   

Inward investment—foreign direct investment in subsidiaries and joint ventures—has played an important part in Europe's post-war development as multinational firms, particularly American multinationals, became a major feature of many European economies. Latterly, we have seen an increasing presence also from Japan and other South-East Asian countries, as well as a resurgence of intra-European investment. What has been the effect of this on the competitiveness of European industry?  相似文献   

This paper studies the trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into selected South‐East Asian and East Asian economies after the Asian crisis. Empirical evidence indicates that South‐East and East Asian economies are recovering from the Asian crisis with strong output growth driven largely by export growth. However, output growth in the post‐crisis period is also accompanied by rising unemployment rates, growing government deficits, and declining FDI inflows into the South‐East Asian region. The declining FDI inflows into South‐East Asia after the crisis is of concern, as our empirical results show that FDI is important for output growth in the region. Our results also suggest that there might have been structural changes in the regional economies that could have led to a downward shift in the output growth of Asian economies in the post‐crisis period. This raises the issue of the sustainability of their output growth in the post‐crisis period.  相似文献   

During the 1980s foreign direct investment (FDI) expanded remarkably. Simultaneously, the regional structure of foreign direct investment changed. This relationship is discernible among industrial countries, as well as between industrial and developing countries. Of particular importance is the interface of foreign trade relations between the “Triad” and the economically dynamic East Asian and Pacific area. This article highlights, in particular, foreign investment coming from Eastern Asia into Europe and Germany.  相似文献   

汤丹花 《商业研究》2006,(17):125-128
自从第二次世界大战结束后,巴西开始重视利用外国直接投资,经历了三个阶段的转变,引导外国直接投资流向重点发展部门,在短时间内建立了新兴工业。巴西政府在利用外国直接投资过程中,强调外资来源多样化,引导外国直接投资投向经济欠发达地区,但工业部门受外资控制程度过高,政府部门对国内市场高度保护。我国应借鉴巴西的经验及教训,在吸收外国直接投资过程中保持谨慎,积极引导外商向中西部地区投资,加大引进发达国家直接投资的力度。  相似文献   

This paper examines how foreign direct investments influence the performance and entrepreneurship of domestic firms, a crucial question for economies driven by incursion of exogenous factors and especially transition economies. The intent is to investigate the way foreign direct investments shape the capabilities of domestic firms; hence, for this purpose, we take Macedonia, a Southeast European economy, as a case study. We find that (i) foreign ownership has helped restructure and enhance the productivity of domestic firms, (ii) FDI has positive influence in reinforcing the creation of new firms, and (iii) in line with the established literature, a foreign investment is likely to influence the job seeker to get employed rather to start their own business. Overall, the results confirm the influence of foreign firms in assisting entrepreneurial activity. The impact of foreign investment is, in general, positive and tends to influence the restructuring process of domestic enterprises.  相似文献   

The paper studies location determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) to 16 Arab economies over the period from 1984 to 2012, by employing Arellano–Bover/Blundell–Bond linear dynamic panel data estimation. We find that market size, trade openness, preferential trade agreements and financial development have significant positive impact on FDI inflows to Arab economies. FDI in Arab economies appears to be resource seeking since the total oil supply variable is positive and significant. The paper finds that better institutions and educated labour force may play a key role in attracting FDI inflows. We suggest that Arab economies should sequence their economic policy measures with the institutional ones, beginning with a focus on privatization and trade liberalization, and subsequently shift to improvement in economic growth.  相似文献   

跨国人力资本作为外商直接投资(FDI)技术外溢重要载体的观点已被众多文献所探讨,但其对东道国经济增长的作用很少被详细的研究过。本文首先通过一般均衡模型描述了多样化的跨国人力资本和有形资产对东道国经济增长的作用。为了检验理论模型关于经济变量间关系的预测,采用中国1992-2007年29个地区的面板数据考察跨国人力资本流动对于我国经济增长的作用。将跨国人力资本变量引入传统的经济增长回归模型中,并运用SYS-GMM计量方法测算它对经济增长的效应。结果表明,基于FDI的跨国人力资本流动与经济增长显著正相关,在控制其他因素如人口和制度变量后,这一结果仍然稳健有效。  相似文献   

This paper argues that relative exchange rates between the host countries of foreign direct investment affect their competition for FDI. Specifically, if the host country currency appreciates against the source country's currency more than that of its rival, FDI inflows of the host country will decrease, while FDI inflows increase in the rival country. Using the data of Japanese FDI in nine Asian manufacturing sectors from 1981 to 2002, the paper examines the hypothesis in the context of the competition between China and ASEAN‐4 (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand). Empirical results show that the relative exchange rate is a statistically significant factor that determines the relative inflows of Japanese FDI for manufacturing as a whole, and for such sub‐sectors as textiles, food, electronics, transportation equipment, and others. Exchange rate policies of China and ASEAN‐4 played a critical role in dynamically reshaping the geographic distribution of Japanese FDI in Asia.  相似文献   

本文采用计量模型与经济学方法,运用实证分析外商直接投资(FDI)和我国经济增长的关系。研究表明,外商直接投资与中国经济增长有密切的关系,外商直接投资与中国经济增长的关系体现为外商直接投资促进中国经济增长。同时,本文对我国在引进外资方面应采取的对策与措施提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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