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增加农村公共产品的供给提高农民收入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.农村公共产品的供给不足是农民负担加重、收入增长缓慢的主要原因。(1)国家农业基础设施建设投资严重不足,农业生产受到影响。1978年国家用于农业的支出占财政支出的比重为13.4%,1990年为9.98%,2001年为7.71%。其中,农业基本建设支出占财政基建总支出的比重  相似文献   

郭希林 《现代财经》2005,25(2):8-14
按照“瓦格纳法则”的解释,在市场经济条件下,公共支出的相对规模存在不断上升趋势。为此西方的很多经济学家从多方入手,找出了一系列的推动因素来论证该法则的合理性。但是公共支出的规模毕竞要受公共需求、政府的行政规模和工作方式以及政府收入能力的影响,在个体理性和技术进步的影响下,社会公众会越来越倾向于采用市场交换的方式而不是政府提供的方式来获取所需的产品与服务;政府的行政规模会越来越小,由市场来提供原本由政府提供的产品与服务逐渐成为可能;社会公众会把越来越小的财富份额转移给政府。这就使得公共支出的相对规模不会一直增长下去,它必会存在一个合适的极值,甚至会在此极值后呈现出逐渐下降的态势。  相似文献   

一、澳大利亚的公共支出绩效考评制度介绍 (一)制度形成的背景及其基本框架 第二次世界大战后,澳大利亚联邦政府和各个州政府在社会经济生活中的作用日益显著,政府所承担的经济责任范围大大扩展,公共支出占国内生产总值的比重垂直上升,导致政府开支迅猛增长,联邦和一些州政府日益受到高额赤字和债务的严重困扰。为摆脱这种状况,提高公共财政预算的效率和财政资金使用的透明度,澳大利亚联邦政府从1997~1998财年开始酝酿推行以公共支出绩效考评为核心的公共支出预算改革,1999~2000财年正式实施公共支出绩效考评制度。  相似文献   

笔者基于政府职能转变视角,考察了公共支出转型中的规模与结构变化,并对其经济发展效应进行了实证分析。研究发现:(1)中国公共支出已经由经济建设型转向公共服务型;(2)公共支出规模与经济增长率和社会不公平指数正相关;(3)经济建设性支出占总支出比重与经济增长率负相关,与社会不公平指数正相关;(4)公共服务性支出占总支出比重与经济增长率正相关,与社会不公平指数负相关。  相似文献   

政府履行公共职能,应当由主要依靠政府投资支出转向政府消费支出,这也是合理调整投资与消费关系的一项重要内容,或者说是一个重要“抓手”。适度的政府投资和消费,是政府履行公共管理职能、维护社会经济正常运转的必要条件,也是扩大内需、调节景气周期的重要手段。世界各国尤其是发达市场经济国家,通常主要依靠政府消费支出履行政府的公共管理职能,而政府投资支出则是相当次要的。从政府消费率(政府最终消费支出占GDP的比重)看,20世纪90年代美国平均为16%,西欧和加拿大一般为20%左右,北欧福利国家通常更高,一些发展中国家的…  相似文献   

农民负担与农村公共产品供给   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
农村公共产品供给机制不合理所引起的农村公共产品供需矛盾突出是农民负担过重的主要原因,农民减负的关键在于农村公共产品供给机制创新,其基本思路是:建立城乡一体化的公共产品供给机制;建立自下而上的农村公共产品供给决策机制;合理划分中央政府和地方政府支出责任;实行农村公共产品投资主体多元化。  相似文献   

李红继  廖筠 《现代财经》2008,28(2):50-53
基于公共支出增长理论,具体研究了改革开放以来,我国公共财政支出的总量、比重及结构变化对经济增长的定量影响,揭示了各项公共支出比重的变化导致了公共支出产出弹性的变化,从而对经济增长的作用大小也发生变化.  相似文献   

行政腐败的宏观经济学分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
杨灿明  赵福军 《经济研究》2004,39(9):101-109
本文在增长模型中引入行政腐败和由行政腐败而引起的调整成本 ,考察其对经济增长的影响。通过模型分析得出 ,当政府公共支出的边际生产率比较高 ,税率比较低以及由腐败引致的调整成本比较高时 ,行政腐败对经济增长的负面影响占主导地位。通过对我国行政腐败与公共支出、经济增长率之间关系进行实证分析得出 :在我国市场化过程中 ,行政腐败降低了我国经济增长率 ;在我国公共支出领域 ,行政腐败行为的发生浪费了大量的公共支出。不论以受贿金额占GDP的比重 ,还是以腐败涉及县处以上官员的变动作为衡量行政腐败的指标 ,行政腐败与公共支出占GDP的比重都呈现正相关关系 ;在我国经济发展的过程中 ,存在着大量的预算外支出。预算外支出为腐败行为的发生提供了便利。而且 ,预算外支出由地方或政府官员控制 ,由此引起围绕公共支出的调整成本上升。这表明 ,预算外支出就整体而言阻碍了经济增长。  相似文献   

瓦格纳定律的核心思想是,随着经济的发展,政府支出占GNP的比重将会提高。从工业化国家的发展进程看,瓦格纳的预测是正确的。但是伴随着公共管理实践的进一步发展,新公共管理运动和新公共服务运动的兴起,瓦格纳定律的历史局限性也越来越凸现出来,主要表现在基于新技术应用的"有限政府"理念导致的行政决策成本的降低、人力资源成本的减少以及社会保障支出的缩减对于政府财政支出所产生的限制和减量作用。  相似文献   

中国公共支出的规模与结构及其增长效应   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
中国公共支出的规模与结构在改革以来的时序变化特征与工业化国家明显不同。本文基于协整分析方法,对中国公共支出相关变量的长期增长效应进行分析。研究发现,实际经济增长率与公共支出的GDP占比呈反向变动关系,这显示中国公共支出政策的适应性性质;政府经济建设性支出比重增加会提高GDP增长率,而文教费和维持性支出比重与GDP增长率之间有着负的双向因果关系,这体现中国经济的粗放型增长特征。研究结果还显示,地方政府支出比重提高,经济增长率会上升,这说明通过规范化的政府间转移支付可以改善欠发达地区的公共基础设施,从而有利于中国的长期经济增长。  相似文献   

Hedonic valuation of urban forest amenities tends to assume that these attributes are exogenous to sample selection, which might render the estimated results misleading. This article intends to estimate the house price differential of urban tree cover by considering the sample selection issue. The main hypothesis is that houses with high tree cover generates higher utility to consumers, and thus leads to higher house price, ceteris paribus. It may attribute to the fact that consumers self-select into purchasing houses with high- or low-density tree cover based on some unobserved systematically different characteristics. As a result, estimates from sample selection models confirm the hypothesis that purchasing a house with high-density tree cover leads to a positive price differential compared with the low-density tree cover in Napa, Los Angeles, and that buying a low-density tree cover house results in negative price differential in Napa, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

论房市调控与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自6月1日起,国家对个人购房不满2年转手交易的,销售时按其取得的售房收入全额征收营业税;个人购买普通住房超过2年(含2年)转手交易的,销售时免收营业税(鼓励改善自主性交易);对个人购买非普通住房超过2年(含2年)转手交易的,销售时要按购销差价征收营业税。我们认为,房市调控现在远未到位,房价还未根本调整,开发商和投资商的利润空间还远未压缩。如果现在就收兵,房价会进一步反弹。  相似文献   

A major problem in many developing countries is the degradation of commons. This degradation has occurred on account of the lack of fulfilment of the basic needs of the poor, free riding and ill–defined property rights. As these goods are essential for the survival of these people, they have to access these items from commons. This results in regular raids to common land for resources and also to private houses (for example, in New Delhi) which are not guarded for water. A variant of the agricultural household model is used to analyse the above problem. Several propositions are established and it is demonstrated that degradation can occur at both a low and high price of basic needs. This result has important policy implications as it demonstrates that land or common degradation cannot be solved by just using the price system. Properly defined property rights and provision of basic goods in kind may resolve the problem of degradation of commons.  相似文献   

利用来自针对北京市消费者的378份调查问卷的数据,运用Logistic回归模型,分析消费者对高端猪肉的购买行为及其影响因素。研究结果显示:三分之一的被调查者购买过高端猪肉,其中多数人的月平均购买量不超过10斤;整体来说,质量安全更有保证是人们购买高端猪肉的首要原因,价格太高是人们不购买的首要原因;家庭月平均收入、品牌、价格、性别等显著影响消费者是否购买高端猪肉;家庭月平均收入、学历、"五花肉"、高端猪肉认知水平、高端猪肉认知内容等显著影响消费者对高端猪肉的购买数量。最后提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract. We conduct an empirical study on the search and purchasing behavior of buyers on an Austrian price comparison site. On such a market a consumer typically searches for the cheapest price of a given product. Reliability and service of the supplier, however, are other important characteristics of an offer. We find robust evidence of consumer behavior that can be described as a two‐stage procedure: shoppers first select a group of candidate offers based on the price only; then, in the actual buying decision consumers tradeoff a lower price with higher reliability of the retailer.  相似文献   

A good harvest usually leads to a collapse of agricultural prices since the price elasticity of agricultural products is relatively low. To stabilize the market and protect farmers, many countries have introduced a target zone policy, together with product purchasing or price subsidy strategies. This article analyzes the effect of a target zone with different strategies operating in a coordinated manner. The results show that a target zone policy with agricultural product purchases does not necessarily stabilize agricultural product wholesale prices, but is able to stabilize manufacturing product prices, if the price effect is smaller than the sum of the wealth and asset effects for agricultural products and the price effect is larger than the interest rate effect for manufacturing products. On the contrary, a target zone policy with an agricultural product price subsidy will generate the “honeymoon effect” for agricultural product wholesale prices, but will result in unstableperformance of manufacturing product prices.  相似文献   

Inflation targeting is currently the policy of choice for central banks. This policy invariably targets consumer price inflation, which is only one of many available price level indices (such as prices of new investments and house prices). As there is no stable relationship between these price levels, and as differences in developments between the different price levels might induce destabilizing behavior, there is no reason why “low and stable” consumer price inflation should guarantee monetary and financial stability. Following John Maynard Keynes, a “low and stable” increase of average nominal wages might do a better job. As price levels are designed to estimate the purchasing power of spending power and as income, and spending power are used to not just consume or invest but also to pay down many kinds of (gross) debt, it is advisable to use a joint definition of monetary and financial stability, which combines stable purchasing power of monetary income with a stable ability of households and companies to pay off debts.  相似文献   

张振  乔娟 《技术经济》2014,(2):77-82
利用问卷调研数据,对品牌信任对城乡消费者品牌猪肉消费行为的影响进行了统计分析。基于计划行为理论和随机效用理论,对影响城乡消费者品牌猪肉购买行为的因素进行了实证分析。研究结果显示:城市居民购买品牌猪肉的比例高于农村居民;随着品牌信任水平的提高,消费者更倾向于购买品牌猪肉;城乡消费者购买品牌猪肉的行为均受到年龄、受教育水平、猪肉价格、购买品牌猪肉的便利度、购买场所、对猪肉质量安全状况的关注程度及猪肉市场负面新闻等因素的影响;消费者购买品牌猪肉的影响因素存在城乡差异,其中对猪肉质量安全状况的关注程度和猪肉市场负面新闻仅对城市居民的品牌猪肉购买行为产生影响。  相似文献   

The paper studies the determinants of the optimum prices of computer programs and their upgrades. It is based on the notion that because of the human capital invested in the use of a computer program by its user, this product has high switching costs, and on the finding that pirates are responsible for generating over 80% of new software sales. A model to maximize the present value of the program to the program house is constructed to determine the optimal prices of initial programs and for those upgrading their programs. It is shown that an upward shift of the demand function of upgrades leads to an increase in the optimum price of upgrades and to a decline in that of initial copies. However, and upward shift of the demand function of initial copies increases their optimal price without affecting that of upgrades. The price of upgrades is higher, the smaller (greater) the absolute value of the derivative of the initial copy demand with respect to the upgrade price (its own price), the smaller the number of pirates purchasing their initial legitimate copies and, normally, the later they do it. The prices of these goods often move in opposite directions despite the fact that the goods can best be characterized as complements. Copy-protection is generally not optimal with standard programs having competing unprotected products, and it is normally optimal to use a drug pusher's strategy in pricing and in other respects: get the user hooked and cash in on the upgrades.  相似文献   


This article uses co-integration analysis to test purchasing power parity for the Romanian leu against the US dollar. The fact that the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis is not rejected leads to the conclusion that the real appreciation of the leu against the dollar over the transition has not been due to an appreciation of the equilibrium real exchange rate. Rather it is simply the consequence of the leu being devalued beyond the equilibrium level at the start of reform and slowly returning to its constant equilibrium real rate. There is evidence that the adjustment to equilibrium has fallen almost entirely on the price level, so that a major consequence of the excessive undervaluation has been higher inflation.  相似文献   

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