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沈怡 《上海房地》2013,(10):59-59
说起“西班牙风格”,人们立刻就会想到白墙红顶、拱门回廊、彩釉瓷砖和各式植物图案装饰。其实“西班牙风格”的大多数元素都来自西班牙中世纪以来形成的穆德哈尔式风格。 “穆德哈尔”(Mud é jar)是个源自阿拉伯语的词,原指“被允许留下的人”。公元711年,穆斯林军队几乎占领了西班牙全境,统治近八百年。西班牙的基督教徒在北部山区建立起基督教王国,自北向南逐步收复失地,1492年完成了统一西班牙的大业,史称“天主教君王”。  相似文献   

能说十种语言的鸟。美国鸟类学家杰纳驯养的一只鹦鹉,能用中国话说“热烈欢迎”,用英、法、德、俄、西班牙和意大利语说:“您好”、“晚安”,用日语说“该死”,用阿拉伯语说“真主保佑”和用印第安人的话说咒语。会笑的鸟。在澳大利巫山林中,有  相似文献   

沈怡 《上海房地》2013,(11):56-56
穆德哈尔式建筑是西班牙特有的建筑形式,由于满足了西班牙人追求个性、标新立异的愿望,在西班牙自北向南先后盛行,被广泛运用在王公贵族的宅邸甚至普通民居中。早期的穆德哈尔式建筑是伊斯兰阿拉伯风格与罗马、哥特式风格的融合,位于西班牙北部萨拉戈萨的阿尔哈菲利亚宫就是这一时期的杰出代表。  相似文献   

本文以提升阿拉伯语教学质量与教学效率以及阿拉伯语言人才培养质量为出发点,在对阿拉伯语教学中进行文化导入的必要性作出论述的基础上,对阿拉伯语言教学中的文化导入需要遵循的原则作出了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

国家概况阿尔及利亚,全称阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国。它位于非洲西北部,北临地中海,东临突尼斯、利比亚,南与尼日尔、马里和毛里塔尼亚接壤,西与摩洛哥、西撒哈拉交界,海岸线长约1200公里。就国土面积而言,阿尔及利亚是非洲第二大国,238万平方公里的国土约85%被撒哈拉沙漠覆盖。人口3440万(2008年),大多数是阿拉伯人,其次是柏柏尔人。官方语言为阿拉伯语,通用法语(约60%的人说法语),伊斯兰教为国教。首都阿尔及尔,人口256万。  相似文献   

眼下的这段时间对北京和全中国都很重要.塞万提斯学院一直跟北京奥组委有合作,我们编辑了<西班牙语100句>,方便大家掌握一些基本西班牙语.此外,李宁公司提供西班牙运动员的服装,也赞助我们出了一本西班牙语的<北京指南>.  相似文献   

海地民选总统阿里斯蒂德阿里斯蒂德生于1953年7月15日。他少年时代受到神学教义的影响,5岁开始进校读书。1974年,他开始修道士的见习期,1979年取得海地国家大学心理学硕士,后去耶路撒冷和伦敦主修考古,兼修犹太语和阿拉伯语,从而掌握了七种语言。1...  相似文献   

何帆 《中国企业家》2007,(8):110-111
古巴对中国人来说,不像异乡,犹如故乡我去古巴开会。会上说的都是西班牙语,讲的都是革命道理。我听了一会儿就没有兴趣了,出来找到一个旅行社,交钱参加旅游项目,以实际行动支持古巴经济建设。在古巴给人触动最深的不是风景,而是古巴人  相似文献   

顾育豹 《人力资源》2006,(13):10-11
在不久的将来,母语为西班牙语的人口将突破4 亿,赶上并超过英语为母语的人数,它将成为世界上第二大语种。现如今,全球正在使用西班牙语的人数已经达到了4亿这个数字。在拉美很多国家,它也被作为官方语言。同时,它还是联合国的工作语言之一。但是,西班牙语在我国一直被称为“小语种”。据了解,目前仅在上海,西班牙语人才缺口已近千人!  相似文献   

在我国的各类语言学习中,尤其是传统的汉语语文教学中,背诵式输入曾是被普遍采用的一种教学方法。但在如今的外语教学中,却越来越不提倡背诵式输入教学法,本文通过分析目前高职高专西班牙语教学中所存在的问题,强调背诵式语言输入在当前高职高专西班牙语教学中的作用,认为在高职高专西班牙语教学中应大力提倡学生加强朗读和背诵的训练。  相似文献   

Learning about the impact of immigration on the labor market outcomes of natives is a topic of major concern for immigrant-receiving countries. Using data from Spain, where the immigrant population has risen from 4% to 13% within a decade, we find that immigration appears to have affected the task specialization of natives without affecting their employment levels. However, the impact of immigration on the relative task supply of natives is twice as great in Spain as in the United States. The magnitude of the immigration impact in a country with a large share of immigrants originating from Spanish-speaking countries suggests that host country language proficiency is not the sole factor driving the observed impact. Additionally, the analysis reveals significant gender differences in the impact of immigration on the relative task supply of natives, possibly resting on the occupational concentration of immigrants and native occupational segregation patterns by gender, among other factors.  相似文献   

The study of HRM in Spain is flourishing. We have seen the major international journals begin to reflect the work of Spanish academics in this area. The standard is high and the international network of Spanish scholars is increasingly developed. This paper attempts to review the work that is published in English and to see how Spanish HRM systems are represented externally. It tries to locate the discussion of the HRM research in Spain within its academic and social context. The authors argue that there are some characteristics marking this debate and development, which suggest that the study of HRM in Spain is hugely Americanized in terms of methods and content. The lack of synergies with sociology and political economy are evident. Moreover, the shortage of rigorous qualitative research, apart from that on employment relations and the sociology of work, raise some serious issues. The manner in which a discourse of HRM in Spain has evolved leaves many questions and issues unaddressed. While evaluating what we believe to be a relevant selection from HRM publications on Spain in English by Spanish authors in the last 15 years we do not attempt to present them all here. Instead, we try to isolate some representative articles. In sum, the paper aims to fill a gap in the Spanish HRM literature by studying the main debates, the research issues that are given priority and the methodological options. As a conclusion, we can say that it is necessary to encourage academic discussions regarding the features of the management of HR in Spain. In this sense it should be noted that the mainstream HRM approaches formulated in American Business Schools do not necessarily fit within the Spanish context.  相似文献   

谈俄语课堂交际中文明礼貌用语的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王成杰 《价值工程》2011,30(12):201-201
学习语言的目的在于交际,学习外语是为了同外国人进行交际。如何有礼貌地同人交往,这无疑就成为外语教学中一个不可忽视的重要环节。在课堂的言语训练中,要时刻注意培养学生文明礼貌的言语和行为。这对于学习外语的学生来说,今后无论说汉语还是说外语都应体现出应有的素质。  相似文献   

董淼 《价值工程》2012,31(36):301-304
近年来,由于我国执行改革开放政策,在政治、经济、文化、教育等方面与世界各国的交往和联系大为增加,每年来华人数以百万计,而去国外工作、学习、出席国际会议、谈判贸易、访问的人数也与日俱增。我们与不同文化背景的人们的接触不仅涉及语言,同时也与文化密切相关。越来越多的人们认识到学习一门外语只学习它的语音、语法、词汇、用法是远远不够的,实际上,语言本身就是文化的一部分,没有任何一种自然语言不反映某种文化。本文主要阐述了在这种深刻背景下所涉及到的跨文化交际的重要意义,文化与交际的定义和特征,影响跨文化交际的各种因素,以及如何提高人们的跨文化意识。作者希望谨以此文使外语教学工作者注意到在外语教学中文化因素的重要性,以及进一步提高高层次的自学者运用英语的自觉性。  相似文献   

王皓 《价值工程》2011,30(13):206-207
文章探讨的"汉语教学"是指以汉语为目的语的第二语言教学。这类教学活动中的学习者,不仅要遇到语言本身的困难,还需要克服因不同文化背景所导致的跨文化交际的障碍。语言与文化不可分割的关系,决定着汉语教学必然涉及文化因素。而关注文化差异,则有助于语言教学的成功。  相似文献   

Major social and political transformations such as the shift towards neoliberal urban policies have widely altered the contemporary structuring of metropolitan areas in Spain and Latin America. One key consequence is the recapture of city centres by wealthy tenants and the eviction of poorer households, a phenomenon usually designated by the term gentrification. In comparison to the comprehensive documentation of gentrification in the Anglophone environment, few scholars have paid attention to this phenomenon in this area of the world so far. This article responds to this gap, providing an exhaustive revision of the debates about gentrification occurring in Spain and Latin America during the last decade and tracking two theoretical motivations. First, it stresses the necessity of characterizing gentrification discourses in Spain and Latin America, preparing a conceptual appropriation and contextualization of the term itself. Second, it confirms that gentrification in Spain and Latin America varies substantially from processes observed in the Anglophone world. As a result, the review develops insights into emancipating and challenging debates that remain useful for the mainstream gentrification discourse too. Addressing this, it proposes a reconsideration and repoliticization of gentrification through the territorial and linguistic lens of Spanish and Latin American researchers.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide an alternative approach to analyze the demand for international tourism in the Balearic Islands, Spain, by using a neural network model that incorporates time-varying conditional volatility. We consider daily air passenger arrivals to Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza and Mahon, which are located in the islands of Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca, respectively, as a proxy for international tourism demand for the Balearic Islands. Spain is a world leader in terms of total international tourist arrivals and receipts, and Mallorca is one of the most popular destinations in Spain. For tourism management and marketing, it is essential to forecast high frequency international tourist demand accurately. As it is important to provide sensible international tourism demand forecast intervals, it is also necessary to model their variances accurately. Moreover, time-varying variances provide useful information regarding the risks associated with variations in international tourist arrivals.  相似文献   

While studies on the emergence of cooperation on structured populations abound, only few of them have considered real social networks as the substrate on which individuals interact. As has been shown recently [Lozano et al., PLoS ONE 3(4):e1892, 2008], understanding cooperative behavior on social networks requires knowledge not only of their global (macroscopic) characteristic, but also a deep insight on their community (mesoscopic) structure. In this paper, we look at this problem from the viewpoint of the resilience of cooperation, in particular when there are directed exogenous attacks (insertion of pure defectors) at key locations in the network. We present results of agent-based simulations showing strong evidence that the resilience of social networks is crucially dependent on their community structure, ranging from no resilience to robust cooperative behavior. Our results have important implications for the understanding of how organizations work and can be used as a guide for organization design. This work was supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain) under grants FIS2006-13321-2 and MOSAICO and by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) under grant. SIMUMAT-CM. S. Lozano was supported by URV through a FPU grant and by the EU Integrated Project IRRIIS (027568).  相似文献   

眭春迎 《价值工程》2010,29(33):213-213
性别差异研究是一个非常普遍的研究课题,许多领域都予以重视。了解一些有关性别差异研究的知识对于促进男性和女性的和谐相处具有重大意义。本文就此从词汇、句法、言语交际、会话含义等方面谈论了语言中体现的性别差异,并从词形和词义来两方面来阐述了由此而导致的性别歧视。由此看出,男女在语言使用上反映出的性别差异体现了男女在社会地位上的不平等。  相似文献   

张莉 《价值工程》2012,31(31):262-263
文化知识在二语教学中的导入至关重要。在西北地区英语教学中,由于多媒体技术的使用,可以使学习者在文化语境与多媒体技术的整合下更好的习得第二语言。  相似文献   

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