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文章提出了一种新的产业科技支持能力的综合评价方法,即从一个全新的视角——外源性科技支持出发,构建了产业外源性科技支持能力评价指标体系,利用因子分析法对该指标体系进行综合评价。选取了19个有代表性的城市利用此方法进行综合评价,从而验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

企业物流外包风险研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着物流外包业务的迅猛发展,企业物流外包风险问题引起了国内外理论界与实业界的广泛关注,越来越多的人开始进行这方面的研究探讨与实践工作。文章指出,目前国内外对企业物流外包风险问题的研究主要集中在企业物流外包风险的成因和来源、风险的分类、风险的识别与评价以及风险的防范控制等方面。在企业物流外包风险的认识上还存在分歧,企业物流外包风险的研究内容还存在局限性,企业物流外包风险的防范控制尚缺乏整体方案,企业物流外包风险管理研究还十分缺乏。今后应加强对企业物流外包风险因素的系统研究,对企业物流外包风险管理的全面研究,对企业物流外包风险预警机制的深入研究,为企业物流外包风险管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Robert Putnam in his book Bowling Alone and subsequent works has analysed the phenomenon that American society increasingly avoids various community driven activities, such as civic associations, activities with friends and family (Putnam, Bowling Alone. Simon and Schuster, New York; 2006). In this paper we introduce the idea that a counterpart to this social trend is a global addiction to fame and celebrity. We believe that the global internet is one of the major drivers of this search for fame for the sake of being famous. However, most people aspiring to be famous celebrities will not succeed in this quest, and become disappointed. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the ethical implications of such social contagion, bandwagon effects in today’s global business environment towards fame and celebrity. The contribution of this paper is to provide a future direction for research on business ethics in terms of this growing global phenomenon of fame and celebrity addiction.  相似文献   

林光祺 《财贸研究》2006,17(2):58-64
中国社会存在着一个关于不同社会群体的权利和义务的基本社会契约,以这种契约的变迁为划分方式,社会保障在中国农村有其非常独特的制度变迁路径。以此为逻辑起点,本项研究通过对农村集体、家庭、土地、政府、市场与社会等诸多保障制度的考察,将建国50多年来的中国农村社会保障制度变迁过程依次划分为集体契约型的隐性“普惠”保障、分权型的显性“利益分割或损益不均”保障和社会契约型的制度化“利益调整重构”保障三个阶段,并对每个阶段农村社会保障制度的体系结构进行相应的制度评估,继而检视中国农村社会保障制度变迁的路径。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种新的封装技术-微波多芯片组件(MCM)技术。详细阐述了其设计环节并分析了设计要点,提出了通用的设计方法。此外还介绍了微波MCM电路的制作流程。  相似文献   

在酒泉和嘉峪关区域经济一体化背景下,通过因子分析法构建出区域产业发展水平模型,利用两市28个典型行业作为数据样本,对该区域的产业发展现状进行实证分析,实证结果较为清晰的反映了这28个行业的发展水平。  相似文献   

物流企业集群服务创新行为演化模型及案例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章根据复杂系统理论观点,分析了物流企业集群服务创新系统的构成要素,及其行为演化的框架体系;基于复杂系统涌现机理,构建了物流企业集群服务创新行为演化的状态层级模型;最后以天津保税物流园区为例进行案例分析,剖析其创新演化过程,期望为天津以至我国物流企业集群的发展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

利用波特[1]的五力模型和零散型产业的概念,对我国的水处理化学品行业的竞争格局进行结构化分析,勾画出水处理化学品行业内企业的竞争战略群组.指出我国的水处理化学品行业属于典型的零散型行业,而克服零散对该行业和某些业内企业来说可能孕育着重要的市场机会,并对行业内的关系营销等特点进行了简单概括.跟踪世界水处理化学品行业的发展趋势,找出我国水处理化学品行业存在的不足和面临的困境,结合行业结构分析提出该行业未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

随着当前以知识经济为基础的全球竞争变得更加激烈,许多跨国公司的供应商们越来越早地参与到创新产品的合作开发过程中。本文以一个欧洲的消费电器制造公司(ECS)为案例,调查和研究了在该公司新产品的开发过程中,供应链成员与其共享知识和相关技术的机制,并重点讨论了在此供应链中共享知识时所涉及到的主要问题以及未来的改进方向。  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations have grown tremendously in the last three decades. With this growth has come a greater interest from the nonprofit sector in the importance of marketing. Nonprofits did not apply marketing techniques until 1960–1970, but it is now a well accepted practice. Traditional marketing strategies do not work for nonprofit organizations, and this study proposes the development of a new marketing strategy specifically for this sector. Through the use of interviews and surveys, the authors examine issues of marketing strategy that are distinct for nonprofits. Unlike previous studies, this study examines these issues from the viewpoint of the nonprofit organization. The perception of marketing is different in nonprofit organizations, and the strategic implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

今年3月的日本大地震震断了全球产业链,暴露了供应链的脆弱性。特别是由于我国是日本汽车零部件的进口大国,此次地震必将对我国的汽车制造业造成影响。本文将以此为背景,以某汽车制造公司为例,通过观察其地震发生后一系列连锁反应,以供应风险为研究对象,建立供应风险的评价指标体系,并模糊综合评价法评价供应风险的大小。国内专门针对供应风险的研究尚属空白,因此本文的研究将在一定程度上弥补这方面的不足。  相似文献   

Based on upper echelon theory, this study has explored how CEO tenure affects ownership mode choice of Chinese firms investing abroad, and how some organizational factors, such as firm size, firm age and CEO duality, moderate this relationship. Using secondary data, this study finds CEO tenure has a positive relationship with the choice of full control mode, CEO duality can reinforce this relationship, but firm size and firm age have no significant moderating effect.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):203-223
By studying three cases of obvious failure (Nokia, Baan and LG Philips Displays), this article identifies three causes of failure in business (fallibility, error and flaw) and defines three types of failing firms from these causes (Icari, Fools and Rogues). In this way, this article provides a simple typology of failure, enhancing our understanding of this phenomenon. All too often failure is approached as something to avoid and as something distinctly negative. Being in business is a Sisyphean mission; it is a continuing struggle, and this struggle is the essence of business, not becoming successful and not avoiding failure.  相似文献   

数字化技术加剧了组织环境的复杂性和不确定性,使组织人力资本表现出非稳态和高流动的特征,同时数字化技术催生的新型社交媒体使个体间的社会互动处于高度连通性。在此背景下,员工离职后与原组织之间仍然保持联系这一现象不断凸显。针对这一现象,本文将其概括为“前员工-组织社会关联”,并对其进行分析。第一,本文对前员工-组织社会关联的涵义、关联形式及性质进行了阐述;第二,从组织系统观分析了前员工-组织社会关联的必要性;第三,根据能力-动机-机会理论,从前员工意愿视角分析了前员工-组织社会关联发生的潜在因素;第四,根据能力-动机-机会理论,从能力和机会视角分析了前员工-组织社会关联发生的边界条件;第五,从前员工和组织的视角,阐述了前员工-组织社会关联产生的积极效应。本文关注前员工-组织社会关联现象,扩展了员工-组织关系的理论研究,延伸了人力资源管理的边界。  相似文献   

本文的主要目的是评价会计理论的研究方法中实证接近方法的妥当性,找出研究方法上的错误,并提出解决这种错误的方法。文章首先分析了研究模型中假设的非现实性问题、验证可能性问题以及与规范理论的差别性问题,并以韩国和美国的经营者补偿合同为例找出了具体的错误和提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

基于卫星中继的无人机图像传输系统在遥感图像的传输中有着十分重要的作用。首先讨论了这种系统的应用意义 ,然后提出了一种具体的实现方案 ,对系统中的几个关键部分的设计进行了详细分析。目前的实验成果表明 ,这种基于卫星中继的无人机图像传输系统方案是可行的。  相似文献   

通过对泛珠江三角地区9+2个城市1992~2008年面板数据进行实证研究,结果发现,泛珠三角地区的人均产出存在条件趋同,而产业结构调整则存在绝对趋同。由于各地区的先天性差异以及制度性缺陷,导致地区间协同效应受限,使得泛珠三角地区的合作并未完全有效的发挥,地区间产业存在着同构化问题,经济发展速度仍然存在差距。  相似文献   

A longstanding basis of empirical economics is that average labour productivity declines during recessions and increases during booms, and thus behaves procyclically. In the short run, in many countries output growth and productivity tend to move together and across a wide range of industries. In recent years, this observation has gained increased prominence as each proposed explanation for the observed procyclicality has important implications for modelling the business cycle and measuring the technical change. By filtering out the influence of business cycles, it is possible to isolate changes in the long run, or structural rate, of productivity growth and so assess the importance of any source for economic growth. Nevertheless, the focus of these empirical works has been the aggregate economy or manufacturing industries, and not the services sector. The novelty of this paper is the focus on the patterns within the services sector. The aim of this paper is to better understand short-run changes in productivity growth within the service sector industries, which are necessarily different from those existing within the manufacturing sector. Another goal of this research is to assess whether this observed procyclicality remains if the service sector is the scope of analysis, and whether this is homogeneous among the different activities within this miscellaneous sector or not. Empirical evidence for the Spanish economy since 1980 is presented.  相似文献   

This study focuses on generic service quality dimensions, which have empirical and conceptual support in the literature. The purpose of this research is to try to validate these dimensions using two measuring procedure that are different from the common ones used in this area. The Guttman scaling procedure and Q-sort test are the two new measuring procedure used in this validation process. The outcome of this study is that of the six dimensions tested, only four are found to be valid. Also, a three-dimensional scale is recommended to measure service quality.  相似文献   

本文介绍了双边贸易和贸易效应引力模型的研究进展,指出本文的创新之处。然后,通过建立两个引力模型进行实证研究得出结论。中国—东盟自由贸易区下中国的静态贸易效应中贸易转移效应远远大于贸易创造效应,而且贸易创造效应和贸易转移效应之间的差额逐年增长。最后,本文对此做出了解释,并建议未来的研究内容可以集中分析某一特定产业的贸易效应。  相似文献   

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