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会计确认基础的历史演变及其未来发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计确认基础主要有收付实现制和权责发生制,但随着社会经济环境的变化,逐渐出现了完全修正的收付实现制——现金流动制。本文着重分析了这三种确认基础;通过对它们的比较,指出:未来经济的发展,使得权责发生制与现金流动制出现了融合的趋向——从权责发生制为主逐渐过渡到以现金流动制为主的会计模式。会计确认基础的历史演变主要是由于会计环境变化而产生的结果。  相似文献   

宋学庆 《新疆财经》2006,(3):72-73,80
为进一步适应公共财政管理体制改革的需要,权责发生制在我国预算会计中的应用引起了人们越来越多的关注。本文从现行预算会计所采用的核算基础着手,指出收付实现制逐渐暴露出的弊端。本文在分析和借鉴国外运用权责发生制的基础上,构造出我国预算会计采用权责发生制基础的思路。  相似文献   

权责发生制和收付实现制是会计的两种核算制度,会计理论经过多年的发展,权责发生制取得了统治地位,收付实现制依然在使用,但地位在降低,新的预算法要求行政事业单位引入权责发生制,这一做法可能会让人产生误解,认为收付实现制会完全被权责发生制取代,文章在此分析两种核算的利弊,得出的结论认为两种制度长期共存是必然趋势。  相似文献   

李菊芳   《华东经济管理》2006,20(10):129-130
"收付实现制"是以现金的流入和流出作为确认收入和支出的依据,这种记账基础下,基金财务收入或支出只包括以现金或银行存款已实现收入或支出的部分,不能反映那些定期已经产生的应收未收账,应付未付账.在收付实现制基础上形成的这部份隐性债权或隐性债务,在基金会计账务核算和会计报表中得不到反映,使基金财务状况不能得到全面真实的反映,新增设部份应以"权责发生制"为基础的会计科目,实现基金会计报表区分,可以参照金融机构的会计报表并反其道而行之,分为表内科目(收付实现制)和表外科目(权责发生制).  相似文献   

桂松 《中国集体经济》2014,(21):121-122
收付实现制向权责发生制的转变是目前的大趋势和大方向。权责发生制更有利于促进管理会计、云会计、大数据时代会计核算的发展。文章以实例比较分析收付实现制和权责发生制的特点、区别及改革的必要性,具体反映当前改革的内容、举措和意义,充分说明机关事业单位未来改革的方向和具体内容。  相似文献   

秦培灵 《魅力中国》2010,(13):199-200
随着高校会计环境的变化,现行的收付实现制会计核算基础难以满足社会对财务信息的要求,也不利于高校自身加强管理。高校会计核算逐步引入权责发生制已成为必然,文章在分析现行会计基础缺陷的基础上,提出了高校会计核算引入权责发生制的对策建议。  相似文献   

传统的政府预算编制和预算会计核算一般以收付实现制为基础。自20世纪90年代以来,一种较之收付实现制更加全面、完整、准确地反映政府综合财政经济状况的核算基础——权责发生缺点制逐步被引入政府预算编制和会计核算领域。文章在对我国政府预算会计应用权责发生制的必要性、可行性进行论证的基础上,提出应建立新的政府会计体系、逐步采用权责发生制的核算基础、建立完整的政府财务报告制度、实施权责发生制预算的基本思路。  相似文献   

收付实现制在政府会计中一直扮演着重要角色,但随着财务制度的发展,收付实现制已经难以满足政府和公众对财务信息的需求。文章首先介绍和比较了两种政府会计确认基础——收付实现制和权责发生制,结合当下我国政府会计确认基础现状发现其存在的问题,在介绍西方国家政府会计改革历史并对中国引入全责发生制的可行性分析后,针对问题文章在权责发生制改革的总体方向、具体会计要素以及配套措施方面提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

鉴于国务院2014年12月12日同意财务部《权责发生制政府综合财务报告制度改革方案》,我国政府全面推行权责发生制,行政事业单位会计确认基础的改革紧随其后。目前,一部分行政事业单位的会计预算管理与机制改革也随之运行,当前大多实行的是收付实现制会计核算基础,该核算基础在真实性、完善度和会计信息的披露等方面依然存在一定的不足和缺陷。由于收付实现制自身具备一定的局限性也无法完全适应我国会计预算管理体制改革的发展需求,因此行政事业单位会计推行权责发生制是未来我国行政事业单位会计核算的最优选择。  相似文献   

王小兵 《西部大开发》2010,(4):21-21,25
本文在分析了现行收付实现制下我国央行会计标准存在的局限性的基础上,借鉴西方国家权责发生制会计改革的经验,提出了完善央行会计标准的改革思路和方向。  相似文献   

冷继波  梁媛 《特区经济》2008,(11):140-142
目前我国的政府会计制度是收付实现制为基础的,但随着新公共管理的兴起,它的弊端逐渐暴露出来,已不适应现代社会的发展。建立以绩效为导向、以权责发生制为基础的政府会计体系不仅能为利益相关者提供更有用的信息,随着公民参照意识的提高、政府执政理念的转变,政府履责的能力和效率也得到了提升。  相似文献   

企业价值本质上是投资者封企业自由现金流量追索权的大小。企业的价值创造最终以现金流量的增加值反映出来。在衡量价值创造的各种指标中,MVA、TSR、ER是以股东财富最大化为目标的指标,不适合用来作为价值创造管理的核心指标。EVA建立在权责发生制基础上,容易被管理层操控,衡量的准确度不够。FCF作为一个收益性的指标,是衡量价值创造的最佳指标。  相似文献   

We examine the sophistication of analysts' cash flow forecasts to better understand what accrual adjustments, if any, analysts make when forecasting cash flows. As a preliminary step, we first demonstrate that prior empirical tests used to evaluate the sophistication of analysts' cash flow forecasts are not diagnostic. We then present three sets of evidence to triangulate our conclusion that analysts' cash flow forecasts incorporate meaningful accrual adjustments. First, we review a stratified random sample of 90 analyst reports and find that the majority of these analysts include explicit adjustments for working capital and other accruals in their cash flow forecasts. Second, using a large sample of analysts' cash flow forecasts from 1993–2008, we find that these forecasts outperform time‐series cash flow forecasts in correctly predicting the sign and magnitude of accruals. Finally, we find a significant market reaction to analysts' cash flow forecast revisions, suggesting that investors find these revisions informative. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that analysts' cash flow forecasts are not simply naïve extensions of their own earnings forecasts, but that they reflect meaningful and useful accrual adjustments. These findings are relevant to researchers who examine analysts' cash flow forecasts in a variety of settings, and to investors and practitioners who employ these forecasts for valuation purposes.  相似文献   

以权责发生制为基础设计的财务综合指标容易受盈余管理的影响,由此可能导致指标不能反映公司实际财务实际状况。本文以收付实现制为基础,通过主成份分析方法将多个现金流量表主要指标组合成一个综合财务指标,客观评价公司财务状况,最后选取综合绩效排名前50位中的33家制造业上市公司为样本,实证综合财务指标判断的一致性。  相似文献   

A claim is commonly made that cash flow and accrual accounting methods for valuing equities must always yield equivalent valuations. A recent paper by Lundholm and O'Keefe 2001, for example, claims that, because of this equivalence, there is nothing to be learned from empirical comparison of valuation models. So they dismiss recent research that has shown that accrual accounting residual income models and earnings capitalization models perform, over a range of conditions, better than cash flow or dividend discount models. This paper demonstrates, with examples, that the claim is misguided. Practice inevitably involves forecasting over finite, truncated horizons, and the accounting specified in a model — cash versus accrual accounting in particular — is pertinent to valuation with finite‐horizon forecasting. Indeed, the issue of choosing a valuation model is an issue of specifying pro forma accounting, and so, for finite‐horizon forecasts, one cannot be indifferent to the accounting.  相似文献   

Standard formulas for valuing the equity of going concerns require forecasting payoffs to infinity but practical analysis requires that payoffs be forecasted over finite horizons. This truncation inevitably involves often-troublesome terminal value calculations. This paper contrasts dividend discount techniques, discounted cash flow analysis, and techniques based on accrual earnings when each is applied with finite-horizon forecasts. Valuations based on average ex post payoffs over various horizons, with and without terminal value calculations, are compared with ex ante market prices to discover the error introduced by each technique in truncating the horizon. Valuation errors are lower using accrual earnings techniques rather than cash flow and dividend discounting techniques. The accounting features that make a given technique less than ideal for finite horizon analysis are also detailed. Conditions where a given technique requires particularly long forecasting horizons are identified and the performance of the alternative techniques under those conditions is examined.  相似文献   

现行会计制度主要存在如下问题:收付实现制缺陷暴露、会计科目设置不合理、会计报表体系不健全、未能及时反映政府预算改革的相关内容,这些问题制约着高校会计信息质量的提高。2009年发布的《高等学校会计制度》(征求意见稿)适当引入了权责发生制,对会计科目的设置趋于规范,并进一步完善财务报表体系,一定程度上趋同于企业会计制度的设计,同时又充分考虑了高校的实际情况,能够极大地提高高校的会计信息质量。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between earnings and operating cash flow to derive and test an indicator of financial statement fraud. Accrual measurement concepts indicate that financial statement fraud should be associated with high levels of earnings relative to operating cash flow. We demonstrate that the excess of earnings over operating cash flow is extreme in most fraud cases in years immediately prior to the fraud discovery based on a sample of 56 fraud cases from 1978 to 1991. We compare the distribution of the earnings minus operating cash flow variable for fraud firms with that for a sample of 60,453 firm-years for firms listed on COMPUSTAT. We test a logistic regression model in which the discovery/nondiscovery of fraud is the dependent variable, and earnings minus operating cash flow is the explanatory variable. Other control variables are included in the model based on prior studies. Results are consistent with expectations derived from accrual measurement theory. We then examine the predictive ability of the model using our sample of fraud firms and a sample of nonfraud firms in the same four-digit SIC code industries. Observations for the fraud firms are for the fiscal year prior to the discovery of fraud. Observations for the nonfraud firms are for the same fiscal years as the fraud firms in the same industries. The predictive ability of the model, including the excess of earnings over operating cash flow, is substantially higher than the predictive ability of the model omitting this variable. We conclude that the earnings-operating cash flow relation provides important information for those interested in identifying financial statement fraud, especially when considered in conjunction with other factors associated with fraud risk.  相似文献   

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