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由于多哈回合停滞不前和全球贸易结构尤其是服务贸易结构趋向高级化,加上美国的强力推动,全球贸易规则不断演进,TPP谈判的影响力越来越大。TPP谈判涵盖的内容非常广泛,不仅要求开放服务业,还关注贸易背后的诸如劳工和环境标准的问题,其谈判的分歧取决于谈判各方在多大程度上接受美国的贸易规则。一旦TPP施行,美国服务贸易的优势将得到增强,并且美国贸易商将获得规则上的优势。而对于中国而言,TPP的施行将给中国出口带来负面影响,但中国可以选择深度开放、加强双边或区域经济合作以及利用上海自贸区对TPP规则进行融合等方式来应对TPP的影响。  相似文献   

China's recent surge in trade has been associated with its deepening but contrasting trade relations with its two groups of key trading partners. On the one hand, China' s trade surpluses with the USA and the EU have risen rapidly, reaching US$144bn and US$91bn in 2006, respectively. On the other hand, China is importing heavily from its Asian neighbors. This diverging pattern of trade relations between China and its main trading partners reflects the continuous expansion and intensification of a complex cross-border production network in Asia, particularly for consumer electronics. In the process of deepening manufacturing sharing, China serves as an essential export platform for firms headquartered in the more advanced economies. These firms export intermediate goods from the relatively more advanced Asian economies to their affiliates in China where these inputs are assembled and then shipped to key export markets, including primarily the USA and the EU. One apparent outcome of the growing processing and assembly trade is the increased interdependency among Asian economies, which are now more dependent on each other than ever. It has also led to substantial structural changes and technological upgrading in China' s traded goods.  相似文献   

刘洪愧 《改革》2020,(3):40-52
作为数字化时代的新型贸易模式,数字贸易将对未来的贸易方式、贸易产品、贸易参与者、贸易规则产生深远影响,具有重要的经济学理论价值和现实价值。从微观市场主体、市场效率以及全球贸易发展新动力等角度来看,数字贸易都能衍生出积极的经济效应,有望进一步提高贸易参与者的福利。但也正因为其全新的生产和交换属性,数字贸易的发展面临诸多制约因素,特别是数字贸易国际规则体系还未有效构建,各国数字贸易监管规则和重点也不同。鉴于此,我国需要从国家层面提高数字贸易战略地位,探索形成数字贸易发展新理念,并着力推动在WTO框架下完善数字贸易规则体系,在双边和区域贸易协定中加强数字贸易规则谈判,同时加快完善数字基础设施建设,探索数字贸易背景下新的产品分类体系。  相似文献   

Formal economic modeling of intra-industry trade ignores transportation or, more broadly, trade costs. Yet, as Anderson and van Wincoop (2004) suggest, trade costs are quite large. This paper extends work by Bergstrand (1990) that addressed intra-industry trade in the explicit presence of trade costs. In the context of a Helpman–Krugman-cum-trade-costs model, we derive four empirically testable hypotheses regarding intra-industry trade and trade costs. These hypotheses are investigated empirically using a cross-section of bilateral OECD Grubel–Lloyd indexes. The results are strongly in accordance with the hypotheses, indicating the importance of a more rigorous and systematic treatment of trade costs in the intra-industry trade literature. JEL no. F14, F15  相似文献   

文章总结改革开放以来我国贸易顺差的三个阶段,分析近几年贸易顺差的结构性特征。据此认为,我国贸易顺差实际是一种转移顺差,是国际间产业转移以及资本项目顺差隐形转移的必然产物,是我国劳动力价格、国内产能过剩及内需不足、配额限制取消等因素综合作用的结果。提出从顺差总量、贸易不平衡度以及顺差与GDP之比的国际比较上看,中国贸易顺差并不像一些研究人员所认为的那样严重。  相似文献   

We provide a systematic decomposition of world trade using harmonized bilateral flows at the most available detail (some 5,000 product categories), into three trade types: inter-industry, intra-industry in horizontally and in vertically differentiated products. The analysis is diachronic and considers country pairs such as France-Germany, United States-China, Malaysia-Singapore, or India-Nigeria. We show that the increase in IIT at the world level is due to two-way trade of vertically differentiated products. We find France and Germany having the highest share of IIT in their bilateral trade among all country pairs in the world. In value terms, the most important bilateral IIT is between the United States and Canada. Recently, specialization according to the classical theories of international trade (inter-industry trade), has recovered, due to the increasing participation of emerging economies in world trade. JEL no. F14, F15  相似文献   

杨健  蒋毅一 《特区经济》2012,(2):106-108
近年来中美贸易迅速增长,中美之间的摩擦也不断加剧,本文介绍了中美贸易摩擦的现状,分析了中美贸易摩擦的原因,并提出了减少中美贸易摩擦相应的对策。  相似文献   

蒋颖 《科技和产业》2013,13(3):48-51
内容以贸易引力模型为基础,结合实际情况加入解释变量建立模型,定量分析闽台农产品贸易状况。通过对模型的实证检验,得出影响闽台农产品贸易流量的主要因素有GDP总量、人均GDP、FDI,在此基础上预测了两地农产品贸易潜力,得出闽台目前存在"贸易不足",双方存在较大贸易潜力的结论,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

建立和完善数字贸易发展的制度框架是国际贸易领域重要的新兴议题,也是各国对WTO改革最关切的议题之一。跨境数据流动、数字税收、数据(设施)本地化、数字贸易市场准入、数字知识产权保护以及跨境电商便利化是建立全球数字贸易框架的关键议题。目前,跨境数据流动共识规则缺失,数字产品或服务征税争议较大,数据(设施)本地化立场不同,云计算服务分类和准入存在分歧,保护数字知识产权诉求较多,贸易便利化规则尚不明确。中国支持全球各国在WTO框架下开展数字贸易新议题、新规则的谈判,具体建议包括:确立WTO在解决跨境数据流动问题上的核心地位;建立鼓励创新、兼顾公平的数字税收规则;建立以保障网络安全为基础的数据本地化规则;尊重各国在数字领域市场准入方面的关切;合理保护数字知识产权;积极促进数字贸易便利化。  相似文献   

苏汾 《改革与战略》2011,27(4):172-175
20世纪90年代以来,中国的商品出口规模不断扩大,但在对外贸易迅速发展的同时出现了贸易条件恶化、贸易摩擦增多,以及比较优势升级缓慢等问题,这些问题直接影响到中国贸易利益的获取。针对这些现象,文章分析了中国当前贸易模式的几个特征以及这些特征对中国当前和未来获取贸易利益造成的不利影响,并根据分析结果提出适度控制对外贸易规模、逐渐向内需主导型经济过渡和推动比较优势升级的中国外贸战略调整政策建议。  相似文献   

The present note builds a two-country model of Cournot oligopoly with country-specific labor unions. The impact of trade liberalization on wages and its consequent impact on union behavior and trade patterns are examined. We show that the union with relatively fewer number of firms will face the stronger pressure for wage moderation when trade is liberalized. We use this result to construct a simple example in which a country with higher autarky price becomes a net exporter of that good. We also discuss that our results are critically dependent on the mode of competition between firms.  相似文献   

孙云辉  张旭勤 《特区经济》2006,213(10):316-317
就目前贸易摩擦方式所呈现出的新特点,出口企业应主动积极的应对贸易摩擦;政府也应该建立和完善贸易摩擦预警和贸易争端的解决机制,出台并完善贸易救济法律体系,并积极培养国际化的专业人才,建立与国际接轨的技术标准体系等。  相似文献   

Aggregate trade data with breakdown into related and non‐related party components show that US multinational enterprises use different trading strategies in the China region relative to other countries. US trade with the China region in 2002–2007 is characterized by arm's‐length transactions. State‐level trade data show great variability in state engagement with the region through trade: exports to the region range from 1 to 28 percent of state exports. In addition, compared to exports to other countries, exports to the region are highly concentrated. At the extreme, for some states, 96–98 percent of exports to the region are computer and electronic products. Finally, gravity regressions show that state exports to Hong Kong are positively associated with the relative size of the Hong Kong‐born population in the states. There is no evidence that stricter labor regimes lead to lower state exports.  相似文献   

中、美贸易摩擦手段新趋势及其原因探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,中美贸易摩擦问题倍受关注。本文结合美国对华贸易摩擦实际,首先阐述了我国加入世贸后中美贸易摩擦手段呈现的新趋势,具体探讨了传统的、新出现的以及潜在的贸易摩擦手段的特点,然后从不同角度分析了新趋势产生的原因,最后提出我国应对贸易摩擦的相关策略。  相似文献   

夏海霞 《特区经济》2010,(7):263-265
从1994年开始,我国贸易一直处于顺差状态。针对这一情况,政府一再将促进贸易平衡摆在外贸发展的突出位置,我国的贸易顺差问题一直是大家关注的热点。经过席卷全球的2008年金融危机的洗礼,我国2009年的贸易顺差有所缩小。本文主要研究货物贸易顺差问题,首先,通过数据分析了我国近年来货物贸易顺差的情况;其次,从贸易理论的角度分析居高不下贸易顺差的原因以及其产生的负面影响;最后,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

中印双边贸易的互补性及比较优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用显性比较优势指数、贸易强度指数、贸易互补性指数,对中国和印度两国的商品贸易结构进行比较。实证分析表明,中印之间存在着贸易互补性,但不同行业有很大差异;中印之间不存在非常显著的贸易联系,两国贸易存在较大的空间。  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of free trade agreements (FTAs) on tariffs and welfare in vertical trade. We consider a three-country model, where an FTA is formed between a country exporting a final good and a country exporting an intermediate good. The FTA unambiguously leads to a reduction in the member country’s tariff, but may cause the non-member country’s tariff level to increase. In the case, where FTA raises the non-member country’s tariff level, the FTA increases that country’s welfare. In contrast, the FTA may render its member countries better off. This result implies that the formation of an FTA may not always be Pareto-improving.  相似文献   

数字贸易的兴起和发展不仅改变了全球贸易方式,而且对全球贸易规则体系产生重大冲击。目前,数字贸易规则已经严重滞后于数字经济的发展,甚至其内涵和分类都未正式做出规定。主要经济体对于数字贸易国际规则的立场各不相同,美国和欧洲在跨境数字自由流动和个人隐私保护方面存在重大分歧。当然, WTO框架内、CPTTP、TTIP、TISA等谈判使电子商务基本规则方面取得了一些进展,但是核心议题的谈判陷入僵局。我国应当重视数字经济的发展,从理论研究、顶层设计、国内立法和国际谈判等多个方面进行改革以把握制定符合中国利益诉求的规则的主动权。  相似文献   

日本作为数字贸易发展大国和发展强国,在数字贸易规则制定权和相关领域话语权方面与中国存在一定的竞争。分析中日跨境数字贸易规模,有利于理解日本数字贸易发展情况,明确日本在数字贸易格局中所处的地位。从具体构成来看,中日跨境数字订购贸易和跨境数字交付贸易规模均不断扩大,2015年开始前者占据中日跨境数字贸易主体地位,后者比重呈下降趋势。两种贸易模式下日本均处于顺差地位且顺差呈扩大趋势,说明与中国相比日本在数字贸易领域拥有较强的国际竞争力。整体看来,中日跨境数字贸易呈持续增长态势,在中日进出口贸易中的占比不断提升,契合数字经济时代国际贸易发展规律。  相似文献   

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