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浅析代际公平的实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
周鲲  廖立清 《商业研究》2002,(11):38-40
可持续发展是世界发展的大战略,代际公平的补偿是为实现可持续发展。所谓代际公平,是指物质要素的产出依赖生产要素的投入,后代人继承的生产要素总量上不少于当代人拥有的。目前在代际公平的实现中,还存在许多的问题。我们应针对存在的这些问题,建主综合的资源环境和经济核算指标。  相似文献   

The present research isolates the fairness assessment of the process used by the retailer to set a price, as well as the distributive fairness of the price compared to the price that others are offered, and examines the combined effect of procedural fairness and distributive fairness on overall price fairness. Two experimental studies examine procedural and distributive fairness effects on overall price fairness. In study 1, procedural fairness and distributive fairness are manipulated and found to interact to bring about overall price fairness. In study 2, suspicion toward the seller is found to mediate the relationship between procedural fairness and overall price fairness when the price is disadvantageous.  相似文献   

Fairness in the selection of employees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of fairness issues and principles are developed and discussed from the context of personnel selection. It is noted that not too much attention has been paid to these issues and concerns in the past. A distinction is made between justice and fairness having to do with the procedural components and processes of selection, the nature of the information used to make selection decisions, and the resulting outcomes of the selection process. Ideas for future research and exploration are also extended.Richard D. Arvey is the Carlson Professor of Industrial Relations at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He received his Ph. D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and has published widely in journal and book form. His text,Fairness in Selecting Employees, is a widely cited book amongst those familiar with the fairness debate.Gary L. Renz is a Ph.D. graduate student in the Department of Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota. He also holds a law degree.  相似文献   

This paper argues that, as a matter of positive political economy, fairness plays a non‐trivial role in the politics of trade policy. Specifically, we first argue that, as a matter of fact, widely held notions of fairness, that are empirically identifiable on the micro level, have macro effects not only in the social and political spheres of life, but even in the economy. Furthermore, as we argue in the second section, these notions systematically constrain public officials in the construction and pursuit of trade policy.  相似文献   

刘尚希 《中国市场》2010,(16):60-62
分配的变化隐含在经济循环的过程中,只有改变了经济循环,才能改变分配格局。政府调节贫富差距,不应仅仅是说收入分配。贫富差距,有财产意义上的,有收入意义上的,甚至还包括消费意义上的。政府干预贫富差距应从结果转到起点上来,从消费、能力入手。在起点公平、过程公平,而参与者的基本能力又不因经济、社会因素而悬殊的情况下,经过市场竞争,即使存在收入、财产上的差距,那也是公平的。这样,政府对分配的干预就会收到事半功倍的效果,才可能避免社会两极分化。  相似文献   

Two case studies illustrate problems of fairness in consumer pricing. The May D&F case involves charges of deceptive advertising as a result of the retailer's high-low pricing; customers were allegedly deceived by artificially inflated regular prices and discounts promoted from these prices. The GDC case involves charges that 10,000 consumers were deceived into purchasing homes at prices higher than fair market value. Consumer policy and managerial issues are identified and analysis and recommendations provided. These cases are about fairness and trust within market exchange, and the responsibilities of sellers and consumers to provide and use information. Economic assumptions of nonfairness and caveat emptor are shown to be inadequate. The position that a fair price is the market price is questioned and an alternative suggested. Remedies which might be adopted by companies and pursued by policymakers are proposed. By creating more realistic consumer expectations, they would reduce problems of fairness in pricing.
Fairneß bei der Festsetzung von Konsumgüterpreisen
Zusammenfassung Gegenstand des Beitrages ist die Frage, ob Fairneß bei der Preisgestaltung eine ökonomisch angemessene Forderung ist, und die Frage, worin diese Fairneß eigentlich besteht. Als empirischer Hintergrund werden zunächst zwei US-amerikanische Fallstudien präsentiert, die die Schwierigkeiten der genaueren Bestimmung von Fairneß bei der Preisbildung in konkreten Fällen illustrieren. Im ersten Fall wurde einem Einzelhandelsunternehmen vorgeworfen, irreführende Werbung insofern betrieben zu haben, als mit Preisabschlägen von künstlich aufgeblähten regulären Preisen geworben wurde. Eine Gerichtsentscheidung fand dieses Verhalten nicht nur täuschend, sondern verlangte von dem Unternehmen auch die Offenlegung seiner Preisfestsetzungs-Methoden. Der Beitrag zeigt, daß diese Forderung nach Offenlegung unter verbraucherpolitischem Blickwinkel eine suboptimale Lösung ist.Im zweiten Fall wurde einer Immobiliengesellschaft vorgeworfen, in Florida 10,000 Konsumenten zu Kaufverträgen für Wohneigentum gebracht zu haben zu Preisen, denen vorgebliche Schätzwerte zugrundelagen, die 20% über dem eigentlichen Marktwert lagen. Die Käufer kamen überwiegend aus anderen amerikanischen Staaten und waren mit dem lokalen Immobilienmarkt nicht vertraut. Der Fall (und seine rechtliche Behandlung) weist deutlich auf ethische und rechtliche Probleme hin, denen Verantwortliche ausgesetzt sind, wenn sie Preise festsetzen.Die weiteren Folgerungen gehen über den Bereich des Einzelhandels und der Immobilienbranche hinaus. Bei beiden Fällen geht es um Fairneß allgemein und um Vertrauensschutz bei Kaufverträgen, sowie um die Verantwortlichkeiten des Verkäufers bei der Versorgung des Käufers mit Information und die des Käufers zur Aufnahme und Nutzung dieser Informationen. In Übereinstimmung mit sozioökonomischen Positionen wird dargelegt, daß Fairneß bei der Preisfestsetzung von beiden Marktparteien ein offenes und ehrliches Verhalten bei der Verständigung über den Preis verlangt, zu dem der Tausch stattfinden soll. Die Analyse stellt die traditionelle ökonomische Annahme in Frage, nach der der Marktpreis, den die Nachfrager freiwillig zahlen, ein fairer Preis sei. Diese Position ist insbesondere bei Vorliegen von Täuschung unbefriedigend. Das Prinzip caveat emptor stellt sich nicht nur in den Fallstudien als unzweckmäßig heraus, sondern allgemein dort, wo es begrenzte Suchaktivitäten und begrenzte Preisvergleiche durch Konsumenten gibt. Als empirisch gestützte Erklärungen für solche Begrenzungen werden genannt: Das Entscheidungsverhalten von Konsumenten ist häufig durch Anspruchsanpassung, Vereinfachung und Bequemlichkeit gekennzeichnet, zweitens sind Preisvergleiche schwierig, wenn die Informationen unzweckmäßig, unvollständig oder irreführend sind, und drittens vertrauen Konsumenten häufig den Aussagen der Verkäufer.Überhöhte Preise sollten nicht kriminalisiert werden — das wäre ökonomisch disfunktional. Konsumenten sind die besten Kenner ihrer Präferenzen und ihrer Nutzenvorstellungen. Jedoch sollten Anbieter bereit sein, freiwillig Principien der fairen Preisgestaltung zu befolgen, und die Verbraucherpolitik sollte sie in dieser Bereitschaft bestärken. Wenn es gelänge, die Verbrauchererwartungen an Produkte realistischer zu gestalten, würde sich das Problem mangelnder Fairneß bei der Preisgestaltung ohnehin reduzieren.

Patrick J. Kaufmann is an Associate Professor at the College of Business Administration at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA. Gwen Ortmeyer is an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. N. Craig Smith, to whom correspondence should be addressed, is a Visiting Associate Professor at the School of Business Administration at Georgetown University, Washington DC 20057, USA.  相似文献   

In this special issue we display a variety of approaches to the study of justice. Articles from scholars working on questions involving justice and fairness in decision making exchanges calls attention to variety of research approaches, issue domains, cases and hypotheses used to explore these questions. All of the contributions emphasize analysis, using quantitative and qualitative methods including simulation-experiments, comparative case studies, statistical analyses and game theory. The articles in this collection reveal that justice and fairness concerns extend from the negotiation process to the outcome and into the implementation stage. They share the underlying expectation that individuals and groups gravitate toward fairness and justice in their exchanges with others. Therefore, a full understanding of group decision processes will be incomplete if justice and fairness issues are not considered alongside issues such as power distributions and alternatives to an agreement. The authors also suggest that outcomes built on justice and fairness principles will enhance the efficiency, stability and implementation of the negotiated agreements.  相似文献   

教育公平是现代教育的核心,是各国政府教育改革的基本出发点和共同目标,始终左右着教育改革的方向并最终决定着教育改革的成败.  相似文献   

Impression Management, Fairness, and the Employment Interview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper contends that impression management is not inherently a threat to fairness in employment interviews. Rather, regarding impression management as unfair is based on an outdated, narrow view of impression management as conscious, manipulative, and deceptive. A broader, expansive model of impression management is described which sees these behaviors as falling on a continuum from deceptive and manipulative on the one hand, to accurate, positive and beneficial on the other. While organizations may want to eliminate or discount the negative aspect of the impression management continuum, the ability to positively 'sell' oneself is often a desirable attribute both in the employment interview and in later on-the-job settings. This expansive view of impression management contends that organizations can make employment interviews more fair by: viewing impression management as a skill and not a deficit, training interviewers to be wary of manipulative and deceptive impression management, reducing the ambiguity and uncertainty of interview settings and increasing the verifiability of candidate responses by focusing the interview on a candidate's long-term identities and accomplishments rather than their short-term, spur-of-the-moment attempts to please the interviewer.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the influence of violations of community standards of fairness (Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler, 1986a) on subsequent ethical decision-making and emotions. Across two studies, we manipulated explanations for a common action, and we find that explanations that violate community standards of fairness (e.g., by taking advantage of an in crease in market power) lead to greater intentions to behave unethically than explanations that are consistent with community standards of fairness (e.g., by passing along a price increase). We find that perceptions of justifiability mediate this relationship. We also find that individuals derive significant psychological benefits (greater satisfaction, greater happiness, and reduced anger) from engaging in unethical behavior following perceived violations of fairness. Maurice Schweitzer is an Associate Professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on the negotiation process, and he is interested in deception, trust, and emotions. His work has appeared in several journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Donald E. Gibson is an Associate Professor at the Dolan School of Business, Fairfield University. His research focuses on emotions in the workplace, specifically anger. He also does research on organizational role models and social comparison processes. His work has appeared in journals including Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, and Journal of Vocational Behavior.  相似文献   

公益性和公平性是现代教育发展的基本价值取向,是人类共同追求的美好理想.本文对教育体制改革的公平效果进行了评述,并就如何深化教育体制改革,完善教育公平的制度建设,提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

Community standards, ethical norms, and perceptions of fairness often serve as constraints on pure profit maximizing behavior. Consider the following examples: Most hardware stores refrain from raising prices on snow shovels after a major snow storm, even where short term profits might be increased. Most employers do not lower wages for existing employees, even as unemployment in the area increases. Automobile dealerships rarely raise sticker prices to cope with the long waiting periods for a popular model. Each of these anomalies is consistent with the proposition that firms increase profits subject to fairness constraints.This paper examines perceptions of fairness in the residential real estate industry and explores how community standards affect economic decision-making. The residential real estate industry is unique. One party to the transaction (the landlord) frames decisions as pure business decisions. The other party to the transaction (the tenant) frames decisions more broadly. While a tenant's choice of apartments is in part viewed as a business decision, tenants consider a broad spectrum of non-business issues, as well.This disjunction between landlord and tenant perceptions can lead to unique ethical quandaries and can explain otherwise anomalous economic behavior in the industry. The hypothetical case examined in this paper is based on a frequently encountered situation in the industry. The paper concludes with practical suggestions for managers.  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Fairness und Eigeninteresse prägen die internationalen Verhandlungen und Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz, ohne dabei immer klar trennbar zu sein. Anhand der im...  相似文献   

We develop a model of international trade between two symmetric countries that features inter-group inequality between managers and workers, and also intra-group inequality within each of those two groups. Individuals are heterogeneous with respect to their managerial ability, and firms run by more able managers have a higher productivity level and make higher profits. There is rent sharing at the firm level due to fair wage preferences of workers, and hence firms with higher profits pay higher wages in equilibrium in order to elicit their workers' full effort. We show that in this framework international trade leads to a self-selection of the best firms into export status, with exporting firms having to pay a wage premium. Aggregate welfare increases, but there is also larger inequality along multiple dimensions: Involuntary unemployment and income inequality between managers and workers increase, and so does inequality within these two subgroups of individuals, as measured by the respective Gini coefficients.  相似文献   

在真实社会中,到处充满了不同个人或不同利益集团站在自我本体立场上,为充分实现自我主观判断的利益最大化而展开寻求纳什均衡的博弈。在这样的博弈格局中,不可能存在"具有社会中性的公平"与"具有社会中性的效率"。由此即决定了必须以"存在社会中性公平与存在社会中性效率"为前提的"公平与效率之争"毫无意义。  相似文献   

Although managing fairness is a critical concern for organizations, not all managers are predisposed to enact high levels of fairness. Emerging empirical evidence suggests that personality characteristics can be an important antecedent of managers’ fair behavior. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to understand how to promote fairness among managers who are naturally predisposed to engage in lower levels of fairness. Building upon self-awareness theory, we argue that increasing managers’ self-awareness can motivate managers with low trait empathy to engage in greater levels of justice. We test the interactive effects of trait empathy and state self-awareness using an experimental study (N = 76) in which individuals were asked to communicate negative news. In support of our hypothesis, our results indicate that increasing self-awareness through self-focusing situations can help promote interactional justice when communicating negative news for individuals with low trait empathy. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

中外相关文献对会计信息质量特征"公允性"的解释和论证,基本上多采用"社会学方法或伦理学方法",导致其难以转化为可操作性的会计原则。因此,只有重新解释"公允性"质量特征,及其主要质量特征之间的统辖与被统辖的具体逻辑关系,才能为对外会计信息质量特征体系的改进提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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