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赵蓓  钱钢  乔爱萍 《价值工程》2012,31(4):127-128
本文基于社会网络理论,对沪宁线信息产业的结构及发展状况进行系统分析的基础上,提出沪宁线信息产业集群的升级策略。通过引力模型对沪宁线城市间信息产业的经济联系进行分析,得到近年来各城市之间的联系程度。然后根据计算的沪宁线城市间经济联系值,以这些数据作为基础数据对沪宁线信息产业进行网络密度、中心性分析、结构相似性等的社会网络分析,进一步了解沪宁线信息产业带的发展状况及产业集群的结构。针对这些社会网络的指标对沪宁线信息产业带今后的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

Global careers, typically defined as involving multiple international relocations including various positions and assignments in several countries, have recently received increasing research attention. This interest is driven by a growing corporate need for managers who are able to deal with global integration and co-ordination in large multinational corporations. An important aspect of the competency of a global manager is his or her social capital, i.e. the network relationships he or she possesses. However, while the concept of social capital has been widely used in a number of research fields recently, it has received relatively little attention thus far in the IHRM context. This paper contributes to this research gap, and seeks to answer the empirical research question of how multiple international relocations affect the social capital of a manager. Our qualitative interviews of 20 Finnish MNC managers with global careers identified that such careers represent a ‘social capital paradox’. Global careers are characterized by a broad and diverse network of both internal and external ties. This breadth and diversity relate to (1) the managers' internal contact networks of weak ties (2) their internal support networks of strong ties and (3) their external networks of both strong and weak ties. These typical characteristics represent three major social capital paradoxes in the sense that they carry both significant social–capital-related benefits as well as potential risks.  相似文献   

《Journal of urban economics》2013,73(2-3):225-239
We study the effect of cultural ties on economic exchange using a novel measure for cultural identity: dialects. We evaluate linguistic micro-data from a unique language survey conducted between 1879 and 1888 in about 45,000 German schools. The recorded geography of dialects comprehensively portrays local cultural similarities that have been evolving for centuries, and provides an ideal opportunity to measure cultural barriers to economic exchange at a fine geographical scale. In a gravity analysis we show that cross-regional migration flows in the period 2000–2006 are positively affected by historical dialect similarity. Using different empirical strategies, we show that this finding indicates highly time-persistent cultural ties that foster economic exchange across regions.  相似文献   

城市文化遗产保护与城市文化建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从城市文化遗产与城市文化之间的紧密关系入手,认为文化遗产是城市发展的历史见证、特色体现及重要的发展资源;同时考察了当前快速城市化以及全球化的社会和时代背景对城市文化遗产保护所造成的严重冲击,以及城市对文化建设和特色塑造的必然追求,并就其传承与发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Creative cities and culture-led development discourses have come under increasing scrutiny as elite-centric economic development agendas tend to trump ‘civic creativity’ ideals as imagined by Charles Landry. In South Africa, culture-led development and cultural policy tends to primarily mimic that of the global North, largely focusing on culture as a catalyst for economic and property development. Public art commissioning processes tend to focus on decorative projects as part of urban upgrading, which are often associated with ensuing gentrification and displacement of the urban poor. In contrast to focusing on these kinds of regeneration strategies, this article investigates Dlala Indima, a hip-hop-led graffiti project in a rural township in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. This article situates graffiti as a critical social and spatial practice to argue that this case challenges normative cultural planning paradigms. Dlala Indima's work is an alternative approach to cultural development by and for young people who are usually marginalized by the mainstream practice of culture-led economic development. The project challenges dominant creative cities and culture-led development discourses in three ways: first, it challenges the normative processes of regeneration; secondly, it grounds participatory practice; and finally, it shifts participation from ‘tyranny to transformation’ through the ubuntu of hip-hop, the notion of ubuntu being based on the communitarian notion of ‘ubuntu, ngubuntu ngabantu’—‘I am because you are’.  相似文献   

钟韵  刘东东 《城市问题》2012,(9):95-100
我国大城市的文化创意产业是借城市更新置换出来的土地而集聚发展起来的。本文以广州市为例,在阐释近年来借城市更新而发展起来的文化创意产业集聚区用地特征的基础上,试图分别从经济效益和社会效益两个角度,评估集聚区已产生的效益和预期的效益。研究显示,广州的文化创意产业集聚区可以从多方面对城市产生积极的影响,但由于存在一些尚未解决的问题,其效益仍未能全面体现。总体而言,集聚区的社会效益比较容易实现,也较为明显,经济效益则有待进一步提升。  相似文献   

我国城市物流发展水平的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺红梅  程海芳 《物流技术》2011,(11):32-33,53
在考虑城市整体利益的情况下,从城市物流运作水平、经济相关性和社会影响三方面提出了评价城市物流发展水平的指标体系,并运用主成分分析法对我国主要城市物流发展水平进行评价,找出存在的问题并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

地方高校传统文化教育在文化产业发展中作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛是全国着名的滨海港口旅游城市,居于渤海经济圈的中心地带,素有"京津后花园"之美誉,具有深厚的文化底蕴,蕴含着无限的文化生长空间和市场拓展空间。就如何弘扬地方高校秦皇岛传统文化,以促进文化产业的繁荣,推动秦皇岛经济社会又好又快发展,作初步分析和研究。  相似文献   

This article draws on critiques of ‘global cities’ to conceptualize Birmingham, the UK's second largest metropole, as a ‘global’ city by highlighting forms of economic globalization that draw on the city's residents, their histories and their social and cultural networks. The article illustrates some of the diversity and significance of minority ethnic economic activity within Birmingham and the potential this holds for its future economic development, focusing on examples from three transnational networks (Chinese business networks, ethnic food manufacturing and the Bhangra music industry). The article signals a rather different understanding of ‘global’ as it relates to economic advantage, transnationalism and ethnic diversity within cities in general, and Birmingham in particular. We suggest that this different understanding of the global has important policy implications, not simply in terms of economic representations of the city, but also in terms of developing the possibilities of such transnational networks and engaging with the constraints facing them. We argue that encouraging a more relational way of thinking about cities like Birmingham has the potential for advancing social wellbeing by influencing socio‐economic policy and practice. We use the example of Birmingham, therefore, to engage broader debates about alternative paths of ‘global’ economic, social and cultural investment for UK (and other) cities. A partir de critiques des ‘villes planétaires’, cet article conceptualise Birmingham (deuxième métropole britannique) en tant que ville ‘planétaire’ en soulignant les formes de mondialisation économique qui s’appuient sur les citadins, leurs histoires et leurs réseaux sociaux et culturels. Pour illustrer en partie la diversité et la place de l’activitééconomique ethnique des minorités à Birmingham, ainsi que le potentiel afférent pour son essor économique futur, ce travail s’intéresse à des exemples issus de trois réseaux transnationaux (réseaux d’affaires chinois, fabrication d’alimentation ethnique et secteur de la musique indienne Bhangra). Il repère une compréhension assez différente de ‘planétaire’, selon que le terme est liéà un avantage économique, au transnationalisme et à la diversité ethnique au sein des grandes villes, et de Birmingham en particulier. Cette perception multiple a d’importantes implications politiques, à la fois au plan des représentations économiques de la ville et en termes de création de possibilités pour ces réseaux transnationaux et de prise en compte des contraintes à affronter. Encourager un mode de réflexion plus relationnelà l’égard de villes comme Birmingham permettrait de promouvoir le bien‐être social en influant sur la pratique et la politique socio‐économique. Le cas de Birmingham sert donc à lancer des débats plus larges sur les options d’acheminement de l’investissement économique, social et culturel ‘planétaire’ pour les grandes villes britanniques (et étrangères).  相似文献   

孟姗姗 《价值工程》2014,(24):266-267
21世纪的世界,经济飞速发展,全球经济一体化已经成为不可阻挡的趋势,国际贸易的急剧增加需要大量精通商务知识和英语知识的综合性人才。多元化的社会必然需要多元化的人才,在社会和经济大发展的社会背景下,英语已经成为必不可少的交流工具和工作手段。全方位、高质量的人才市场对传统的英语教学提出了更高的要求。必须要进行商务英语人才教育模式的改革,才能满足社会发展的需要。本文将对基于项目的商务英语人才培养模式进行深入研究。  相似文献   

首先对同一禀赋的50多个沿海城市进行了研究,发现其经济差距非常大;部分沿海城市虽然具有良好的港口、交通、环境等优势条件,但其发展却远不如相邻的周边内陆城市,出现了典型的"阴影"现象.其次,以日照市为例,在挖掘其优势条件与滞后效应矛盾的基础上,深入剖析了制约其发展的各种内外部因素.最后,根据这些制约因素提出了相应的发展策略,以期促使日照市尽快摆脱"阴影"现象.  相似文献   

Conventional urban economic analysis suggests that a local economy's size is closely related to a number of features, including levels of human capital and the availability of specialized inputs, which are likely to influence positively the rate at which it accumulates further economic activity. At the same time, urban theory also suggests that once cities reach a certain level of size, these agglomeration benefits begin to peter out, while diseconomies rise rapidly. Consequently, we should see an ‘inverted U‐shaped’ pattern of growth with respect to economic size—rates of growth first rise, then fall as size increases. This paper shows that, while such a pattern is largely absent from recent data on growth in metropolitan area population and employment, it emerges strikingly in county‐level data. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

郭玉杰 《物流技术》2012,(17):95-97
在商务部"万村千乡市场工程"的推动下,我国农村连锁超市有了巨大的发展。农村地区由于受特殊的经济和社会条件限制,对连锁超市的客户配送有着与城市不同的要求。只有建设完善的客户配送体系,农村连锁超市才能不断向纵深发展,创造更多的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

张晓棠  荆心 《价值工程》2012,31(5):118-119
现有文献主要从资源基础观及知识基础观视角分析联结的强弱在企业知识获取中的利弊,却忽视了社会资本在此过程中的介质作用。本文从社会资本的新视角,研究强联结情境下,信任、互惠、社会化互动、网络联系等社会资本对企业知识获取绩效的影响路径。文章提出企业应该构建强关联网络,积累良好的社会资本,以提高知识获取绩效。  相似文献   


This article discusses bricolage in the context of a social enterprise for urban development. It focuses on the case of BDK Limited, and discusses how this organisation contributes to the economic and social development of the British city of Bradford by promoting city-wide film-based cultural consumption and cultural pride. This research used semi-structured interviews, participant observation and documentary analysis to examine this organisation’s different modes of material and ideational bricolage. The entrepreneurs serve as material bricoleurs as they transform the residuals of the city’s industrial past from materials of no use and reminders of backwardness to sites for cultural consumption. This paper also identifies patterns of ideational bricolage. In Bradford, ethnic diversity has long been discursively associated with conflicts and backwardness by local businesses, potential investors, the media and even urban social entrepreneurs themselves. However, in this case study, diversity is re-perceived as a cultural asset for urban tourism and related industries.  相似文献   

构建社会融合综合指标以及经济、心理、行为、身份各个融合分指标,建立联立方程研究外来人口社会融合对城市创新的影响。结果表明:社会融合和城镇化水平的提升并没有提高城市创新能力,只有建立在社会融合基础上的城镇化才能促进城市创新水平的提升;经济融合、社会融合、文化和行为融合并没有带来城市创新能力的提升,脱离社会融合的城镇化水平对城市创新的影响为负,但城镇化和社会融合四个维度的交互项对城市创新水平的影响为正;人力资本水平和城市规模以及两个变量与社会融合的交互项都有助于提升城市创新水平,说明在相同的社会融合水平下,人力资本水平越高的群体对城市创新能力的影响越大;与中小城市相比,在特大和超大城市中社会融合水平的提升对城市创新能力的影响更大。  相似文献   

本文从外部性以及经济收益与成本角度分析后认为,会计舞弊均缘于舞弊者“经济人“的理性行为。治理会计舞弊一方面应施行“严刑峻法“,让舞弊者承担其舞弊行为的全部成本,使其得不偿失而改变行为预期;另一方面通过健全、完善产权等相关制度,建立适当的激励机制使个人收益等于社会收益,用完善的制度正面引导个人“从善“,自觉杜绝舞弊行为。  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the role of social capital in households' residential mobility behavior by considering its spatial dimension. This study focuses on a household's social ties with people living nearby, which we refer to as its “local social capital.” Local social capital may deter residential mobility, because the resources stemming from them are location-specific and will be less valuable if a household moves. We conjecture that a household's possession of local social capital has a negative effect on its residential mobility, and this negative effect of local social capital may be stronger on long-distance mobility than on short-distance mobility. Our empirical investigation is based on data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We obtain evidence which is supportive of these conjectures.  相似文献   

南京城市文化战略及其空间效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于城市文化战略的转化趋势,对南京市城市文化战略及其空间效应进行了深入分析.指出,南京的城市文化战略和全球趋势一致,由注重社会文化发展和历史文化保护,转向促进城市经济发展与提升城市竞争力.具体表现为以文化设施建设,文教机构扩展,文化产业发展,特色文化空间营造与大型文化事件为主要内容的城市文化经济策略和城市行销策略.文化战略的实施加剧了城市空间重构,不仅加快城市空间外向拓展,而且通过功能空间置换、特色空间营造和文化产业空间集聚促使城市内部空间结构转化.  相似文献   

科学发展观与资源型城市可持续发展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
认为资源型城市是我国城市职能体系中的一种重要的城市类型,在我国社会经济建设过程中曾做出了重大的贡献.然而,由于其自身发展的特征以及知识经济、信息经济和经济全球化等新的经济形态和经济现象的出现,资源型城市面临着较为严重的经济、社会、生态可持续发展问题.在分析资源型城市的发展特征、新经济时代资源型城市所面临的可持续发展问题的基础上,提出了以科学发展观为指导的资源型城市可持续发展的对策措施.  相似文献   

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